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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Stop Netflix eating all your data: New setting helps you control mobile usage on the app

Netflix has added a tool to help users stop their mobile data being eaten up by video streaming.

The default setting lets users stream around three hours of TV shows and movies per gigabyte of data - in terms of bitrates, that currently amounts to about 600 Kilobits per second.

However, people can also personalise this by opening the menu in the app and selecting App Settings.

Eddy Wu, director of product innovation at Netflix, said in a blog post, 'Our testing found that, on cellular networks, this (default) setting balances good video quality with lower data usage to help avoid exceeding data caps and incurring overage fees.'

People who don't want to use the default setting can disable the 'Set Automatically' optoin in the Settings menu and select the most appropriate plan.

For example, members with larger data plans can adjust the settings to higher, or unlimited to receive better, faster quality.

But other members with less data allowance can choose between Medium for two hours per GB, Low for four hours per GB or Off, where the app can only be used with Wi-Fi.

'Our goal is to give you more control and greater choice in managing your data usage whether you’re on an unlimited mobile plan or one that’s more restrictive,' continued Wu.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Netflix came under fire in March when it mentioned potential plans to lower the picture quality to all users who were on the American networks AT+T and Verizon Communications in an attempt to lower data costs to those customers.

But they have since evolved an even better tool to give all users control over the data usage.
Users must update their app to the most recent version in order to use the tool and data is not affected when using Wi-Fi.

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