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Friday, July 22, 2011

Scorpene deal exposé?

French lawyer in Penang to expose Scorpene deal

French lawyer William Bourdon, who is slated to speak at Suaram's fundraising dinner tonight, has arrived safely in Penang today.

Bourdon's flight from KLIA touched down at 10.25am and he gained entry into the state without any hassle.

Suaram director Cynthia Gabriel, who accompanied Bourdon on his trip here, said the latter did not face any problems at the Immigration in KLIA when he arrived late last night.

“It was a breeze. He is just a little tired from jetlag and needs to rest,” she told Malaysiakini.

french lawyer William BourdonBourdon (right) will speak at the dinner event in Bayan Baru tonight dubbed 'Ops Scorpene' together with other speakers including Cynthia, DAP national adviser Lim Kit Siang, PKR vice-president Tian Chua and PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu.

The legal eagle based in Paris works with a non-profit organisation - Sherpa - and specialises in the defence of human rights and victims of crimes against humanity.

Bourdon is expected to reveal controversial details on the submarine deal with French defence giant DCNS.

The company has allegedly paid commissions to “extremely high level” government officials in Malaysia involved in the contract inked in 2002.

Payment of commissions to government officials is illegal under French law.

azlanSuaram hopes to raise about RM100,000 from two other similar events in Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur, after its stint in Penang, to cover the legal costs of a case filed in Paris, which may go to open court in September.

The case was filed last year by Suaram, through Bourdon and his team, over claims that DCNS paid RM540 million in commission to Perimekar.

Perimekar is a subsidiary of KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, of which the major shareholder is the wife of Abdul Razak Baginda.

Abdul Razak is Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's close confidante who was charged with but acquitted of abetment in the murder of translator Altantuya Shariibuu.

Altantuya blown to smithereens

The Mongolian national was blown to smithereens by plastic explosives in a jungle clearing in Shah Alam in 2006.

altantuya razak baginda mongolian murder 020707 short hairTwo of Najib's former bodyguards were convicted for the murder and are currently awaiting the death penalty.

Najib, who was then deputy prime minister and defence minister, was in charge of the mega-deal, but has denied any involvement in the murder of Altantuya (left).

Meanwhile, the French probe has also revealed that another €30 million (RM150 million) was paid to DCNS' commercial network Thales and another €2.5 million (RM7.5 million) to an unknown recipient.

Suaram recently revealed that a third commission, an amount bigger than the last payment, had been paid to highly placed government officials.

By Susan Loone


  1. eha.... aramai tiii.... ni kali la.... mari kita tengok siapa yg kena....

  2. Tunggulah maklumat lanjut mengenai kes ini.

  3. Siapa makan lada sedia air banyak2 sebab padas tu.

  4. Hope that justice will be made for the late Altantuya.

  5. tunggu sajalah perkembangannya untuk mengetahui pekara sebenar.

  6. TIdak akan ada kebenaran. Jika ingin kebenaran silalah berjumpa pada mana2 bobohizan.

  7. Jika pun ada orang2 kenamaan yang terlibat, mereka pasti akan terlepas juga akhirnya. Perkara ini sudah biasa berlaku.

  8. harap kita akan tau hal yang sebenar bagi kes ini.

  9. pihak yang bersalah pasti berusaha untuk menutup setiap bukti dan kebenaran yang ada dengan apa cara sekalipun.

  10. William Bourdon kena berhati2. harap kes ini akan selesai dengan segera.

  11. Selagi ada kuasa dan duit, undang2 pun boleh dibeli.

  12. Individu2 yang terlibat mungkin akan terlepas daripada disabitkan bersalah tetapi itu hanya pengadilan di bumi. Pengadilan di alam lain, mereka tentu akan menerima hukumannya.

  13. sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akan jatuh jua ke tanah...jadi, yang terlibat itu tentu akan mendapat jua balasannya nanti.

  14. semoga kes ini berjalan lancar dan ada penutupannya.

  15. Isu ini belum ada keputusan lagi. Kita tidak pasti lagi benar atau tidak Najib terlibat. Jadi kepada mereka disana tidak perlulah memberikan khabar angin buat masa sekarang. Selagi belum menemui bukti yang kukuh.

  16. Najib memang terlibat dan dia bersalah biarpun mahkamah masi belum bersidang. Najib adalah menteri pertahanan sewaktu rancangan/rundingan pembelian "kapal selam yg tidak boleh menyelam". dia masih menteri pertahanan sewaktu kes kematian warga mongol altantuya dan razak baginda ialah penasihat najib. 2 polis yg dijadikan kambing hitam juga merupakan pegawai peribadi najib. macam mana c4 boleh terlepas dari simpanan tentera. hanya orang yg berkuasa dan berpengaruh mempunyai kebolehan utk mendapatkanya. dan sudah tentunya mereka mempunyai org dalam. ramai yg terlibat sehingga bomoh pun sakit kepala nak kira.

  17. The lawyer had force to leave the country in the same day.

  18. The submarine finally need to emerge to breath.

  19. The story still going on and can be longer and more interested than Dallas.

  20. There are still thousand of question mark about this case.

  21. The two suspects in this ase have been convicted their crime before the court but still not answer what is their motif to murder the mongolian lady.

  22. Judgement may not serve in this world but for sure will be serve before God.

  23. selagi isu ini boleh dimainkan selagi itu ia boleh digunakan.. teruskan usaha, mana la tau kali ni berjaya..
