The NGO Turun, set up specifically to oppose the slew of price hikes, has declared its rally last night in Dataran Merdeka a success, estimating that the attendance numbered at 50,000.
It also said that participants singing the national anthem right before dispersing was a sign that those who joined the protest loved the country and did not intend to topple the government as alleged by the authorities.
"Thank you Malaysians, from well known individuals to the common man who assembled peacefully and dispersed right after the new year celebration," said Turun chief Azan Safar in a statement today.
Azan denied any involvement in alleged "provocative" acts that disrupted the New Year's Eve celebrations at Dataran last night, where a concert was taking place.
"In fact, we, too, condemn such actions," he said.
Thanking the police and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) officers for their cooperation, Azan said that the rally was just the beginning of greater challengers for the year 2014.
"Congratulations to all Malaysians," he said.
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On New Year’s Eve, thousands march to protest price hikes but Putrajaya still in BN’s hands
Thousands defied Putrajaya and rallied at Dataran Merdeka tonight against the rising cost of goods and services, as police looked on after warning for days earlier it was a gathering to topple the ruling coalition.
The boisterous crowd which had streamed to the fringe of the square from Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Masjid India and Central Market was largely peaceful, but several lines of police officers stood between them and revellers who had gathered in the square for the national new year's eve countdown celebration.
"Inside is for those who want to celebrate New Year's Eve. If you want to protest, you may do so on the other side," said Dang Wangi OCPD Zainulddin Ahmad.
However, police, just after 11pm, relented as the streaming crowd breached the police and City Hall barricades to join the revellers in the square.
Just before midnight the concert at the Dataran Merdeka was halted in view of the surge of protestors. City Hall personnel formed a line in front of the stage, and the lights were turned off.
Despite a pledge to stay apolitical, the crowd repeatly chanted slogans against the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Umno and his Barisan Nasional coalition partners.
Several opposition politicians present lending their support included P. Kasthuri, Nik Nazmi, Steven Sim and Teoh Kok Seong.
PAS supporters sat in a circle at the Jalan Parlimen-Jalan Raja intersection and listened to speeches from several party leaders instead of joining the throng that made it to Dataran Merdeka.
PAS central committee member Dzulkefly Ahmad explained how the public will be burdened by recent government policies, while vice-president Salahudin Ayub said that the people have shown courage by attending the rally despite threats from the government.
"There is no way for the government to ignore voices from all walks of life," he said.
A grandmother who wished to be known only as Julie said she was compelled to join the protest to urge the government to respect the people's wishes.
"The rakyat is suffering. The government cannot play deaf now," she said, holding a sign stating "Respect the voice of the people" in front of the police barricade.
The protesters had gathered earlier at the Sogo shopping centre in Kuala Lumpur with most clad in black, with some wearing the masks of English revolutionary Guy Fawkes, who has now become a global symbol of public revolt against the establishment.
However, the mood remained carnival and traders who had set up stalls in the vicinity of the Dataran Merdeka are doing a brisk business.
The crowd chanted "Bangkit, bangkit. Bangkit rakyat."
At Dataran Merdeka, a 1,000 strong crowd has begun to gather, also voicing their displeasure at the rising cost of living. A group of people were seen attempting to break through police barricades at Jalan Raja to get to Dataran Merdeka.
The protest is being organised by a group calling itself Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup or Turun.
Suaram, who has promised legal aid to any protestor detained by the police, had 10 personnel deployed in Dataran Merdeka.
"We are here to check if there is any crackdown by the police and will provide legal assistance to those protesters who are arrested," said its coordinator Syukri Razab, adding that several lawyers were on stand-by to help.
The mass protest was prompted by the various recent increase in the prices of goods and services, such as the cutting of fuel and sugar subsidies, while other hikes are looming for next year, including electricity tariffs, assessment rates for KL properties, public transport charges and toll rates for major highways.
Police have been on high alert after claims circulated online purportedly claiming the intention of the protest is to topple the government.
Police said four non-governmental organisations (NGO) - Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun), Solidarity Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), PKR-backed group Jingga 13 and youth group Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) - as being the organisational and motivational force behind tonight's protest.
SMM chairman Mohamed Bukhairy Sofian, however, maintained that the gathering is to protest against the rising cost of living, and not to overthrow the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.
Anti-price hike movement Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun) chairman Azan Safar had clarified also last week that the price hike protest is not linked to another gathering allegedly aimed at ousting the government.
also BM version as follows:
Himpunan Turun berjaya, dakwa 50,000 sertai, kata pengerusinya Azan Safar
Pengerusi Gerakan Turun Kos Sara Hidup (Turun) Mohamad Azan Safar menyifatkan perhimpunan yang berlangsung dengan aman malam semalam berjaya dan mendakwa disertai 50,000 peserta menolak tuduhan bahawa Turun merupakan himpunan untuk mengulingkan kerajaan.
"Himpunan ini juga diakhiri dengan lagu Negaraku sebaik saja menjelang tahun 2014 sebagai simbolik bahawa rakyat Malaysia benar-benar cintakan negara, sekali gus menafikan himpunan ini adalah usaha untuk menggulingkan kerajaan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan media hari ini.
Malah, Azan yang sebelum ini pernah ditahan polis gara-gara penglibatanya dengan Turun turut memuji kerjasama baik yang diberikan pihak berkuasa dalam memastikan perhimpunan dijalankan dengan aman.
Tambahnya, kejayaan himpunan Turun merupakan kemenangan tersendiri sebagai pemulaan kepada perjuangan tahun 2014 yang lebih mencabar.
Beliau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak polis dan DBKL yang telah memberikan kerjasama terbaik dalam memastikan himpunan malam tadi berlangsung dengan aman.
"Dan tahniah kepada rakyat yang berjaya menganjurkan himpunan buat rakyat pada malam tadi," katanya.
Semalam, perhimpunan Turun yang membantah siri kenaikan barangan dan perkhidmatan oleh kerajaan pada malam sambutan tahun baru telah berjaya menawan Dataran Merdeka dengan kehadiran kira-kira 10,000 peserta.
Bagaimanapun jumlah kehadiran peserta demostrasi berbeza dengan apa yang dinyatakan Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi Zainuddin Ahmad dalam sidang medianya semalam apabila menyebut hanya 5,000 orang yang terlibat dalam perhimpunan tersebut.
Mengulas mengenai jumlah penglibatan peserta Turun yang begitu ramai, Azan berkata ia membuktikan betapa rakyat Malaysia sebenarnya terbeban dengan peningkatan kos sara hidup.
Terdahulu Kaji selidik Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan Pilihan Raya (UMCEDEL) ketika mendedahkan hasil kajian mereka sebelum ini memberi amaran kepada kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) agar menangani kenaikan kos sara hidup sekiranya mereka masih ingin memerintah selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14.
Malah, beberapa pemimpin BN turut menyuarakan hasrat agar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak memandang berat hasil kajian berkenaan meskipun Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan memberi jaminan kerajaan sedang berusaha untuk tidak membebankan rakyat dengan kenaikan berkenaan.
Malam semalam peserta demonstrasi yang berarak dari lokasi berbeza di ibu negara, iaitu di hadapan kompleks membeli belah Sogo, Masjid Jamek sebelum bertemu di Dataran Merdeka telah berjaya melepasi tiga halangan polis untuk memasuki kawasan padang.
Kemuncak himpunan Turun menyaksikan tiada percikan bunga api dan konsert ambang Tahun baru pula terpaksa ditamatkan sebelum detik jam 12 malam.
Tidak seperti demonstrasi sebelum ini, tiada sebarang kekerasan atau tangkapan yang dilakukan pihak berkuasa.
Bagaimanapun Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi mengesahkan dua orang anggotanya telah cedera ditangan akibat jatuh semasa peserta demonstrasi melepasi halangan pihak berkuasa.
Malah pihaknya turut melaporkan menjumpai senjata yang ditinggalkan di tepi jalan sebelum perhimpunan bermula.
Katanya, senjata iaitu empat parang dan 13 pisau dijumpai di tepi longkang Kompleks Daya Bumi .
Zainuddin berkata akan menubuhkan satu pasukan khas bagi menyiasat kejadian tersebut termasuk mengenal pasti dalang terlibat agar dakwaan dapat dilakukan.
Beliau juga berkata, beberapa pemimpin pembangkang juga turut dikenalpasti terbabit dengan insiden semalam namun tidak mendedahkan nama pemimpin tersebut.
Pengarah Strategik PKR Rafizi Ramli, ahli Parlimen Bukit Katil Shamsul Iskandar Mat Akin, Naib Presiden PAS Salahuddin Ayub dan beberapa pemimpin pembangkang turut kelihatan dalam perhimpunan Turun semalam. – 1 Januari 2014.
Msia Insider
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