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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Altantuya Murder: Sirul and Azilah should tell their story

Sirul Azhar Umar admitted to the gruesome murder of Altantuya Shaarriibuu with his accomplice Azilah Hadri and was paid by someone to commit the crime. It is only fair that both of them be sentenced to death.

But executing the duo now would serve no useful purpose when the whole murder mystery is still not solved because they hold the key to the mystery of the Altantuya murder. As long as they are alive, they can still tell the truth.

But could both of them be persuaded to do that? Or will they eventually spill it out voluntarily? It would be of help to those who have suffered so much from this tragedy.

Of course there is a possibility that some good will come out in the end. That is the least they could do as their last service to all of us who feel the ordeal that Altantuya’s family is facing every day until all those behind this gruesome murder are punished accordingly.

Meanwhile, those people behind the murder and the mastermind must surely be on their heels 24/7 to ensure that the secret will never be known. They prefer that the secret be dead with the duo. More so since Australia has refused to repatriate Sirul to Malaysia. Sirul could be preparing something there to save himself.

The perpetrators are always on full alert to react and prevent any of them from talking; they have the means. They must have been tracking the duo’s movements.

There are several ways the perpetrators could do it; the gentle or harsh ways.

Gently, they could have paid the duo a very huge amount that is more than enough for the rest of their lives. They could live elsewhere with new identities and features.

Their families could also be given a lot of benefits to compensate for not being able to see and get in touch with the duo ever again.

If the duo eventually went missing, they could also be switched with different inmates to be executed because we have not seen their faces even until now.

Harshly, the perpetrators could have pointed the gun to the duo’s heads and warned them that they will empty the bullets in their skulls; so don’t even think of telling anyone.

The deal could be off when any of them opens his mouth, they will be on their own and their family members would not get any benefit at all.

The perpetrators could also harm their love ones if any of them opens his mouth; their family members will be tormented for the rest of their lives.

Hopefully both Sirul and Azilah must have their own plans. May be they have prepared some sort of records kept at some secured place or in the hands of someone they trust to expose the records to the proper and trusted authorities or people incase anything happens to any of them or their family members or when both of them die.

Eventually the people and Altantuya’s relatives could get some sort of closure to this worst episode in their lives.

If nothing can persuade them to talk, they must have some sort of security to ensure that the perpetrators would think twice before harming them. Sirul and Azilah should not trust the perpetrators anymore. In the first place, they were not able to ensure both of you from getting caught. You are suffering and they are free and it is unfair to both of you.

Come on Sirul and Azilah, you have nothing to lose when there are death warrants ready for you. Please do something so that at least you can redeem some of your mistakes. Tell us who were involved.

By Nawawi Mohamad (The Malaysian Insider)

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