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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jeffrey’s lying, no talks with PBS

Jeffrey is fanning angry reactions within PBS with his United Borneo Front agenda.

KOTA KINABALU: A furious PBS has lashed out at Jeffrey Kitting for claiming that the Barisan Nasional component party has held informal discussions with his United Borneo Front (UBF), with the aim of finding a “common” understanding.

“Let it be known that PBS has not been in discussion with Jeffrey about him rejoining our party, or him giving any indication of wanting to do so,” said its information chief Johnny Mositun.

Mositon was commenting on Jeffrey’s statement on Sunday that UBF has held discussion with some PBS officials on seeking common ground on the “Borneo agenda”.

Jeffrey said many PBS leaders had told him they subscribed to the UBF cause and sought unity where their agendas converged.

“I have taken note of PBS’ stand and we are having discussions,” Jeffrey told reporters.

Mositun said Jeffrey was probably responding to an earlier comment by PBS secretary-general Henrynus Amin that Jeffrey should rejoin PBS if the latter truly sought greater Kadazandusun Murut (KDM) unity.

“The comment by our secretary-general was made in a general context. It is far from being an invitation as Jeffrey would have people think. As for his claim that UBF and PBS are in discussion on the issue, that is a total fabrication,” Mositun said.

He added that as Joseph Pairin’s brother and a former PBS leader, Jeffrey had personal ties with many PBS leaders and ordinary members.

“Whenever the brothers meet, it is not unusual for someone to suggest that Jeffrey return to PBS in the cause of KDM unity.

“But for Jeffrey to claim that UBF and PBS are discussing his return to PBS is far-fetched,” Mositun said.

Inconsistent Jeffrey

Mositun also mocked the UBF leader for what he said was “repeated inconsistencies and self-contradictions from day to day”.

“When Henrynus suggested Jeffrey rejoin PBS, Jeffrey immediately said he would do no such thing.

“Now just two days later, he comes out with this contradictory statement.

“How can anyone believe what he says anymore?” he asked.

He also pointed out that PBS was a political party and UBF a non-political organisation.

“So how is it possible that PBS would engage UBF in the kind of ‘discussion’, imagined or implied, by Jeffrey?” he asked.

Mositun, who is also deputy State Legislative Assembly Speaker, questioned Jeffrey’s sincerity in forming UBF.

“PBS has been consistent in its stand on issues affecting Sabah from the time of its formation. We have never lost direction.

“But look at Jeffrey: he has been jumping from one party to another. He has even jumped in and out of PBS on more than one occasions. He tried to join Umno, then ran to PKR, dumped that party and now heads UBF.

“And now he is talking about ‘discussions’ with PBS.

“Can such a person possibly have any direction or a sincere agenda in politics? In what direction is he taking UBF, which he claims is non-political?” asked Mositun.

Old issues

UBF co-founder Daniel John Jambun has also advised Jeffrey against rejoining PBS because the party’s agenda differs from that of UBF and was not fighting for Sabah’s rights.

Mositun was quick to acknowledge the fact, saying: “Of course there are many issues of common concern shared by Sabahans from all walks of life and communities that transcend the political divide, but each party or group adopts its own approach to address these issues.

“Concern over common issues does not necessarily mean a common agenda. That is something the critics of PBS like Jambun should understand.

“Take the cabotage policy and Borneonisation issues. Everybody is concerned, including BN parties. There is no ambiguity about the PBS stand on these issues, but we have our own view of how to resolve the problems.”

He condemned Jambun for raising old issues unlike PBS which chose to cooperate with the federal authorities to resolve them.

“UBF and the opposition political parties may feel that they can resolve these problems through their confrontational approach, but that is not the PBS way.

“PBS is mindful of maintaining good state-federal relations in the interest of national solidarity and stability, and will cooperate with the federal government to deal with outstanding issues in a rational and non-confrontational manner,” he said. Queville To

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