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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

STAR: Stop Imposing and Fooling the People of Sabah/Sarawak

“Malaya (in the name of the Federal Government) should stop imposing its will on the people of Sabah and Sarawak and fooling them to celebrate Malayan independence 55 years ago and calling it Malaysian independence” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah in his launching speech at the launching of Star Kundasang Zon Tengah in Pinampadan, Kundasang on Saturday.

“How could these leaders continue to twist history to suit their political interests without consideration of our feelings and the truth?”

“How could they insist us to celebrate Malayan independence which has no relevance to Sabah and Sarawak?” asked Dr. Jeffrey.

The Independence of Sabah and Sarawak

What is important and relevant to Sabah and Sarawak are their own independence, 22nd July 1963 for Sarawak and 31st August 1963 for Sabah, and that of Malaysia Day or the formation of Malaysia on 16th September 1963?

This 16th September 1963 is the true “National Day” that gives all three (3) territories, Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak, a common identity as “Malaysians”.

Wrong Messages Sent on Imposition of Twisted History?

By continuing to impose Malaya’s version of history on Sabahans and Sarawakians, what the government is doing is in fact, alienating the two territories.

By insisting that Malaysia is 55 years old now and not 49, the Federal Government is sending the wrong messages to the people.

Firstly, what the government is doing is teaching the people how to lie and manipulate the facts of history.

Secondly, the Malayan controlled Federal Government is now telling Sabahans and Sarawakians (intentionally or not) that Malaysia was nothing more than a “takeover” project for Malaya and that Sabah and Sarawak are now Malayan states/territories so they (Sabah and Sarawak) must now adopt Malayan historical independence.

“JanjidiTepati” Empty Slogan

If this was indeed Malaya’s real intention, then those promises, assurances, undertakings and persuasions by Tunku Abdul Rahman and other Malayan leaders were all lies or “JanjiTerangBulan”.

And if they were mere “JanjiTerangBulan” then the slogan “JanjidiTepati” is an empty and hollow slogan as far as Sabah and Sarawak are concerned.

Time to Put Things Right

“If we Sabah and Sarawak have been cheated, we have to stop all these nonsense! and start putting things right” concluded Dr. Jeffrey.

The issue is now at the feet of the federal and state governments to put things right.

Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan is Chairman of STAR Sabah


  1. Patriotism is a value that all citizens must have as Malaysia marches forward to be a developed country.


    1. This must be understood and appreciated by people of all races, religions and political affiliations if they were to call themselves Malaysians, stressing that the country’s independence should not be taken for granted.


    2. We did not fight to gain independence but we got it on the negotiation table. We never suffered to gain independence and to sustain independence. There was a little suffering in Penisular Malaysia from 1942 to 1960 but Sarawak never suffered. The Emergency of 1962 to 1974 was only experienced by the police and military, not so much by the people.

    3. Students in schools and universities have never been told what it means too. So these people now are parents today and the vicious cycle continues on the ignorance of the meaning and essence of patriotism and love for the country.

    4. Semoga Sabah akan mendapat apa yang sepatutnya. Teruskan bersuara untuk kebaikan semua.

    5. STAR is nothing for Sabahan. Just know to voicing but nothing for us. Just for self interest.

    6. Sabah pasti akan dpt yg sepatutnya.

    7. Star bulih cakap apa saja...tetapi kenyataannya Star tidak berpeluang untuk menjadi kerajaan negeri...

    8. lagipun SPR ada cakap bahawa Star tidak layak untuk bertanding di kerusi DUN..hanya layak tanding kerusi parlimen saja..

    9. Tidak tahulah siapa yang sengaja memutar belit kebenaran sekarang?

    10. Rasanya ramai rakyat yang rasa keliru sekarang.

    11. STAR masih baru, bukan mudah untuk rakyat menaruh harapan dan kepercayaan terhadapnya.

    12. I think DAP fooling the people by suggesting that the national flag should be changed.

    13. Star tidak dapat membantu rakyat Sabah.


  2. But now generally didn’t really understand the meaning of patriotism. Our parents who had never been in the army or Police Field Force had never been told about how it was to face the bullet fired in anger.

    1. As a result, many were confused between anger against certain political leaders and anger against the country.

    2. Even some national leaders and elected representatives made allegations and statements against the nation. This is what our enemies from overseas would take advantage of.


    3. Therefore politicians not to make their differences the cause of social, economic and political instability in the country. At the same time, he advised the people not to do things that could be seditious and hurt the royal institution.


    4. On the flying of the national flag and celebrating the National Day, it should not just be done by the government and the ruling political parties but also by the opposition parties and all citizens.

    5. pandai2 lah kita menilai...

    6. We will celebrate Malaysia's independence on 31th August while we also celebrate Sabah's independence on Malaysia Day 16th September.

    7. Mahathir is afraid of Anwar. I guess this is true.

    8. Jangan lagi mengungkit kisah lalu yang hanya menggamit perasaan.

    9. Perkara yang telah berlalu, kita ambil sebagai pengajaran.. tidak perlu di ungkit-ungkit. Maju ke hadapan pembangkang.

  3. yes piease tell the truth. don,t hide the truth. you know knowledge is power. for decades the truth is saftely hidden. no history text book ever revealed anything about the agust 31 1963 event. Never told before that sabah had gained independence before sep, 16. now everything is laid bare. knowledge is question that keep bothering me is that why a new nation called SABAH Suddenly turned to merely a state.

    1. pasal tu lah pakar2 sejarah harus tampil ke depan...

    2. The true history of Malaysia and Sabah's independence needs to be put in the history text books. Hope that the Ministry of Education will do so.

    3. Like what happened to Peninsula, Mat Sabu claimed he was one of the contributors during that time. Doubt it.

  4. The people in sabah must have the effort to not being fooled by other again and again.

  5. We are more educated nowadays, it is a shame if we still hoping for the other to told us what to do.

  6. Well, there's no time for the Sabahans to dream right now.

  7. kini semuanya terpulang kepada rakyat sabah...kita tunggu dan lihat siapa yang akan menjadi juara rakyat pada pru13 nanti..

    1. PRU13 mungkin tidak lama lagi, mungkin beberapa bulan lagi boleh tahu parti mana yang akan diberi mandat oleh rakyat.

    2. Pastikan Sabahan mengundi dengan bijak. Jangan sia-siakan peluang yang ada.

    3. Apapun, tunggu saja PRU nanti.

    4. pru semakin hampir, pasti semua parti giat buat persiapan.

  8. Malaysia is independent for 55 years while Sabah is independent for 49 years.

    1. Yang paling penting, kita sudah merdeka, pembangkang jangan cuba memecah belahkan rakyat.

    2. setuju dengan guess, paling penting kemerdekaan disambut dengan semangat patriotik.

  9. Jangan mudah terpedaya dengan cakap2 manis pembangkang.

  10. Kita dalam Malaysia jadi kena raikan bersama kemerdekaan itu.Adik sama abang tidak sama umur tapi kalau abang punya harijadi adik pun kena raikan juga bersama.Ini namanya satu keluarga.

    1. Hari ini harus disambut dengan hati yang terbuka.

  11. Kebenaran itu penting supaya tidak ada pihak yang sengaja memanipulasi keadaan.

  12. Justeru hal ini patut dijelaskan supaya minda rakyat tak terkeliru.

  13. Logiknya apa yang pembangkang cakap ini betul juga. Tapi tidak ada cara lain lagikah yang lebih baik untuk mengutarakan isu ini.

  14. Buatlah tindakan yang matang dan bukannya asyik mahu menjatuhkan pihak lain kerana ia hanya akan merosakkan keharmonian negara.

    1. ya, biarlah sesuatu pekara itu diuruskan dengan cara yang matang.

  15. Let make things clear now to clear the air and confusion.

  16. Sejarah haerus berdasarkan fakta dan kebenaran.

  17. Ada juga pihak manipulasi dan sengaja membuat isu terhadap hari kemerdekaaan dan pembentukan Malaysia.

  18. “Malaya (in the name of the Federal Government) should stop imposing its will on the people of Sabah and Sarawak and fooling them to celebrate Malayan independence 55 years ago and calling it Malaysian independence”

    jadi tarikh mana yang sesuai untuk menggambarkan kemerdekaan Malaysia?? 31 august 1963?? itu sabah bukan Malaysia.. biasanya, jika wujud perbezaan tarikh, mestilah tarikh yang lebih awal akan diguna pakai..

  19. selain hari merdeka, kita juga menyambut hari malaysia.. so apa lagi yang kurang? kalau betul pun star tidak sabar mahu kemerdekaan Sabah, tunggulah sabah keluar dari Malaysia baru laungkan kemerdekaan 1963..

  20. Pasal isu kemerdekaan pun mau kasih isu juga ka?? sepatutnya tidak perlu di politikkan..

  21. pekara ini tidak perlu dijadikan bahan politik.

  22. sama-samalah kita menyambut Hari Malaysia pada 16 sept.
