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Saturday, November 17, 2012

STAR: CM Must Take Responsibility for Sabah’s Poverty

It was very disturbing to read in the local papers on Thurs 15 Nov, 2012 that Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman continues to remain in a state of denial on the grinding poverty situation in Sabah.

This is really unbecoming on the part of the Chief Minister. His high-handed attitude should be deplored and roundly condemned by all Sabahans especially the vast majority who has been suffering for so long under the BN Government since 1994.

We are by no means entirely blaming Musa for the plight of Sabah but he must share a large part of the blame. He has been the Chief Executive for a good many years and shows no signs, if any, of going away anytime soon and giving others an opportunity to do a better job.

Already, Upko is calling for the return of the BN policy of rotating the Chief Minister’s post. Soon this call will become a clamour among all BN component parties.

Even his own party members are restive at Musa continuing to hog the Chief Minister’s post even when he cannot do a decent job. This dog in the manger approach must go but not to be replaced by another member of the Aman family.

There’s even speculation that Musa will eventually quit only if his brother, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, replaces him. This is tantamount to holding the people of Sabah to ransom.

The Aman family should not belabour under the delusion that Sabah is their ancestral property.

Clearly, Musa has lost a golden opportunity to help alleviate our poverty situation and now, at the 11th hour, instead of owning up to the fact and pledging to take the bull by the horns, he’s shamelessly denying that Sabah is the poorest in Malaysia.

We have no intention to trot out figures on Sabah’s poverty.

Others have made the case more than eloquently and those interested can look up the Hansard or Google the relevant information.

Suffice it to say that Minister in the Prime Minister Mohd Nor Yakop last revealed the poverty numbers on Sabah during the recent session of Parliament. The salient point that comes to mind from Mohd Nor’s statement is that Nabawan, with a 70 per cent poverty rate, is the poorest place in Malaysia.

Other places in Sabah are not far off and this includes Pitas which, at one time, had the dubious distinction of being the poorest place in Malaysia.

Mohd Nor’s statement in Parliament tallies with the contents of the World Bank Report released in Dec 2010 at the Shangri La Tanjung Aru Resort in Kota  Kinabalu to the Sabah State Government.

The report, based on figures from the Economic Planning Unit and the respective State Planning Units in Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, confirmed that Sabah and Sarawak were the poorest and 2nd poorest states respectively in Malaysia.

In Sabah’s case, matters are compounded by the fact that the impoverished hordes from the Philippines in particular and Indonesia are entering our official figures on poverty by way of continuing to obtain MyKads via the backdoor.

The dubious MyKad situation has even led the World Bank to warn in an earlier Report that “Sabah was chasing its tail in poverty eradication”.

We are already poor, primarily due to the internal colonisation policies of Putrajaya, and the Philippines and Indonesia continues to dump its poor on us.

This is like adding insult to injury.

If Musa wants to continue in the Chief Minister’s chair, he should summon up the courage to stand up to the bullying tactics of Putrajaya.

We need to get back control over our fast depleting oil and gas resources. We need the money more than the Federal Government and the Malayans.

It will be a phyric victory if we only get back control of these fields after they are depleted.   Petronas is not going to keep these fields when they run dry.

Musa should also enter into negotiations with the Federal Government to come up with a fairer and more equitable revenue-sharing formula based on the fact that Sabah has autonomy as a Nation in Malaysia.

The Federal Government should only handle defence, foreign affairs and national economic planning when it comes to Sabah and Sarawak, and we can take care of the rest. The National Cabotage Policy should be abolished.

All these steps coupled with the resolution of MyKads issued dubiously to illegal immigrants are the keys to alleviating the poverty situation in Sabah.

Dr Jeffrey Kitingan is Chairman of STAR Sabah


  1. Selepas Sabah mencapai kemerdekaan menerusi pembentukan Malaysia pada 16 Sept 1963, banyak perubahan ketara yang boleh di lihat daripada segi pembangunan dan taraf hidup rakyat.

    Kalau dulu ramai rakyat negeri ini berada di bawah paras kemiskinan, kini keadaan sudah jauh berubah dan jumlah mereka yang dikategorikan sebagai miskin atau miskin tegar berkurangan dengan banyaknya.

    1. antara program yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan BN ialah Projek Mini Estet Sejahtera (Mesej), Ladang Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT), Agropolitan, 1 Azam, Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR), Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar (PPKB) dan Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) dilaksanakan bagi meliputi ketua isi rumah miskin (KIRM) dan ketua isi rumah miskin tegar (KIRMT) yang tersenarai di bawah Sistem e-Kasih.

    2. There are lots of rumours about this and yet no one will bother to say good things.

    3. Kerajaan telah memperuntukkan sejumlah wang untuk hasil2 di negeri ini.



      "The Federal Government should only handle defence, foreign affairs and national economic planning when it comes to Sabah and Sarawak, and we can take care of the rest. The National Cabotage Policy should be abolished."-J Kitingan

      Better still- why not demand that Malaya de-colonise Sabah and Sarawak and free us for independence?

      IT IS NOTICEABLE lately, UMNO employed professional cybers hackers are blitzing web sites liek Wikisabah news with their comments.

      A comment on this link confirms that this is happening and if readers read the pro-UMNO comments carefully they can see that they are polishing UMNO balls-

      Hornbill Unleashed
      November 18, 2012
      Malaysia’s Internet Conundrum
      excerpts from article
      K. Kaliban's comments:

      “Unlike Malaysiakini, we have so far not had any direct pressure from the government,” said K. Kabilan, the managing editor of Free Malaysia Today. “We have not had any phone calls asking us to stop any critical writings. However we have had the indirect approach. We have had phone calls from people close to the PM, asking us to tone down our writings.

      “We have had UMNO MPs sulking and refusing to talk to us, simply because we have been critical. We have had MIC leaders threatening us with legal suits for articles showing corrupt practices. And we have had big players suing us over articles linking them with corruption. There have been police reports lodged against us over our articles too. Pro-Umno bloggers too at times take swipes at us, trying to discredit us.”

      A whole corps of pro-government responders has grown up, eager to post pro-government responses to critical stories. Siddiq says he has friends who are making great money posting such responses to stories that run in Malaysian Insider.

      “So many of them now, a few of my friends are making good money writing this stuff – even lawyers. They write really good letters. They’ve been around for about a year.”

      He has been called in to give statements to the police, he says, “but there have been no raids on us like on Malaysiakini. I have been hassled by the cops, the securities commission, the laws are stiff on that, they put pressure on our advertisers, who tell us if we write things in a certain way, we won’t get advertising.”


      Readers can check all Wikisabah articles and see how UMNO haas changhed tactics and employed "reasoning" to cover up facts about its mismanagement and misrule of Sabah and Sarawak.

      Beautifying UMNO image cannot change the reality out there!

      Do not fall for their tricks!


      Readers all the above pro-UMNO comments should be take a a double doze of scepticism.

      They sound very reasonable but they all are half truths ARGUMENTS which on closer examination will reveal they are not accurate!

      If UMNO has done so much good in Sabah- how do you explain that one of the richest state is the poorest?

      Sabah after 49 years of fake "independence in Malaysia" should have become the most advanced state!

      So how come suddenly, UMNO according to the comments is looking very "good" with its great development of Sabah?

    6. rakyat pasti dapat melihat sendiri perubahan dan pembangunan yang dikecapi sekarang ni.

    7. Sabah terletak di kawasan strategik dalam kawasan pertumbuhan Asean Timur Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Filipina (BIMP-EAGA). Ini boleh memberikan sesuatu yang terbaik untuk Sabah.

    8. Ibu negeri Sabah juga merupakan destinasi untuk pelancong yang akan menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan sektor hotel dan pelancongan pada masa depan. Memang patut Kerajaan menumpukan Sabah sebagai tempat perlancongan. Ini akan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi Negeri sabah.

    9. Memang tidak dinafikan lagi yang mana Kerajaan Negeri Sabah ini mempunyai Ketua Menteri yang terbaik selama ini.

    10. Tahniah dan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kepada kerajaan Negeri yang telah memberikan yang terbaik kepada Negeri Sabah ini. Teruskan lagi usaha yang terbaik untuk penduduk sabah.

    11. Miskin di Sabah? Bukan sudah dijelaskan yang mana kadar kemiskinan semakin menurun. Semua itu sudah dikatakan dengan perinci.

    12. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman yakin kadar kemiskinan di Sabah akan terus menurun berdasarkan kajian bagi tempoh lima tahun yang menunjukkan penurunan 4.5 peratus daripada 24.2 peratus pada 2004 kepada 19.7 peratus pada 2009.

    13. Musa berkata penurunan tertinggi dicatat di kawasan pedalaman sebanyak 13.2 peratus iaitu 29 peratus pada 2004 kepada 15.8 peratus pada 2009.

    14. Kerajaan negeri dan pusat sentiasa berusaha mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah dengan melaksanakan pelbagai program dan semua agensi terbabit telah diarahkan menjalinkan kerjasama mantap agar segala projek yang dirancangkan dapat disiapkan mengikut jadual.

    15. Antara program terbabit ialah Projek Mini Estet Sejahtera (Mesej), Ladang Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT), Agropolitan, 1 Azam, Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR), Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar (PPKB) dan Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) dilaksanakan bagi meliputi ketua isi rumah miskin (KIRM) dan ketua isi rumah miskin tegar (KIRMT) yang tersenarai di bawah Sistem e-Kasih.

    16. Betul.. sebaiknya teruskan mempergiatkan usaha yang baik dan memperjelaskan kejayaan yang telah dikecapi oleh Kerajaan BN.

    17. Jadi memang terbukti yang mana pengurusan Kerajaan BN di sabah ini mendapat kepujian yang terbaik selama ini. Memang bagus juga kita ada ketua Menteri seperti Datuk Musa ini.

    18. Semua tuduhan itu cuma untuk kepentingan pembangkang sendiri sebenarnya. menuduhg yang bukan-bukan yang sering dilakukan oleh pembangkang sehingga rakyat yang menderita.

    19. BN bukan gabungan parti yang suka berbohong dan menabur janji kosong seperti apa yang diperkatakan oleh pembangkang.

    20. Pembangkang adalah parti yang hanya cuba untuk menabur janji palsu dan cuba memeningkan fikirkan rakyat.

    21. Penghapusan yuran sekolah ini satu usaha yang besar, pemberian RM100 kepada pelajar sekolah dan pemberian RM500 kepada keluarga berpendapatan di bawah RM3,000 sebulan. Ini antara usaha yang dibuat oleh kerajaan untuk membantu keluarga miskin di Negeri Sabah ini.

    22. Kita lihat sejak Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menjadi perdana menteri, banyak usaha dan pembangunan dilaksanakan untuk rakyat.

    23. Apa yang penting sekali sekarang ini adalah semua jentera pilihan raya Barisan Nasional (BN) perlu memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat mengenai kejayaan BN selama ini dalam mentadbir negara.

    24. Malahan juga memperakukan bahawa pengurusan kewangan Negeri Sabah sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini adalah antara yang terbaik di seluruh Malaysia.

    25. Melalui perakuan Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang sendiri, bukan sahaja Kerajaan Negeri telah berjaya mengekalkan Sijil Tanpa Teguran selama 12 tahun berturut-turut.

    26. Memang patut Kerajaan BN ini menyangkal segala dakwaan dari pihak pembangkang yang mendakwa tanpa merujuk fakta bahawa kononnya pengurusan kewangan Kerajaan Negeri di bawah pimpinan Barisan Nasional tidak teratur dan sebagainya.

    27. Musa contribute a positive development to Sabah. The effort shall continue.

    28. Kuasa membeli rakyat Sabah masih ada.

    29. Sabah dulu dan sekarang memang ada perubahan. setiap kawasan memang ada perubahan cuma lambat atau cepatnya, itu saja yang beza.

    30. perjuangkanlah hak2 rakyat..

  2. Berdasarkan Kajian Separuh Penggal Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9), kadar kemiskinan di Sabah menurun kepada 16 peratus, berbanding 23.0 peratus dalam tahun 2004. Kadar Kemiskinan Tegar pula mencatatkan penurunan kepada 3.7 peratus bagi tahun 2007 berbanding 6.5 peratus, tahun 2004.

    Kejayaan menurunkan kadar kemiskinan itu menunjukkan kesungguhan kerajaan negeri menangani permasalahan rakyat terutama golongan berpendapatan rendah di kawasan luar bandar atau pedalaman.

    1. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman yakin kadar kemiskinan di Sabah akan terus menurun berdasarkan kajian bagi tempoh lima tahun yang menunjukkan penurunan 4.5 peratus daripada 24.2 peratus pada 2004 kepada 19.7 peratus pada 2009.

      Musa berkata penurunan tertinggi dicatat di kawasan pedalaman sebanyak 13.2 peratus iaitu 29 peratus pada 2004 kepada 15.8 peratus pada 2009.

    2. Kita patut berbangga kerana mempunyai pemimpin seperti Ketua Menteri datuk Musa aman ini.

    3. Tidak patut kita mudah terpedaya dengan permainan pembangkang yang cuba untuk memberikan pelbagai info yang kurang pasti. Mengenai kadar kemiskinan di Sabah semakin berkurangan berbanding sebelumnya.

    4. Sekarang ini pun kita dapat lihat Pembangkang cuba menyerang secara peribadi kepada Datuk Musa dengan mengaitkan pelbagia isu. Ini sebenarnya strategi mereka untuk menjatuhkan sokongan Datuk Musa.

    5. biarkan saja pembangkang cuba memainkan isu yang mereka suka. Semua itu tidak akan mengugat kebolehan Kerajaan BN.

    6. Teruskan usaha menyokong kerajaan BN. Kerana kita perlu melihat akan fakta yang terbukti dengan usaha mereka membantu rakyat dan memajukan Negara dengan pentadbiran yang dibuat.

    7. BN tetap parti yang berpengalaman, pasti boleh membawa Sabah ke arah yagn lebih maju dan berkembang. Banyak golongan awam berpuas hati dengan pimpinan Musa.

    8. Penurunan kadar kemisikinan di Sabah adalah petanda positif.

  3. Kalau kita lihat keadaan di negeri Sabah sebelum merdeka memang jelas kadar kemiskinan amat tinggi sekali khususnya di luar bandar. Ini disebabkan beberapa faktor.

    Pertama ketiadaaan infrastruktur yang boleh menghubungkan satu kawasan ke kawasan lain di luar bandar. Yang kedua orang di luar bandar dulu menggunakan cara tradisional untuk mengusahakan tanah mereka. - Dr. Ewon Ebin

    1. Kemiskinan sentiasa berlaku namun itu tidak bermakna yang kerajaan negeri tidak mengambil langkah inisiatif untuk mengatasinya.

  4. keadaan sekarang jauh berbeza. Sekarang ini, banyak kawasan luar bandar yang mendapat kemudaahan asas yang begitu baik. Jalan raya atau jalan kampung ada di sana sini bukan sahaja menghubungkan kampung-kampung tetapi juga menyediakan kemudahan jalan sehingga ke kawasan tanah pertanian, sekaligus membantu meningkatkan ekonomi mereka.

    Misalnya di kawasan saya di Kudasang pada tahun 1985, ada penduduk kampung yang terpaksa berjalan kaki sehingga enam jam dari satu kampung yang ada jalan ke kampung terpencil yang tidak ada jalan raya tetapi sekarang kawasan ini sudah ada jalan raya. Selain itu, kerajaan juga memberi pelbagai bantuan kepada orang kampung termasuk khidmat nasihat mengenai cara mengusahakan tanah. - Dr. Ewon Ebin

  5. Begitu juga dalam soal pendidikan, dulu terlalu sedikit kanak-kanak di luar bandar yang mendapat pendidikan tinggi atau mempunyai pengetahuan yang sesuai dan diperlukan untuk membolehkan mereka bersaing di pasaran kerja. Kini keadaaan sudah berubah. Hampir semua kawasan luar bandar mempunyai bangunan sekolah sama ada sekolah rendah atau sekolah menengah. Banyak orang kita yang dapat belajar dan mendapat ilmu pengetahuan. Jelas sekali, terdapat kesedaran penduduk luar bandar tentang pentingnya pendidikan. Selain itu, penyediaan kemudahan bekalan elektrik dan air turut menyumbang keselesaan golongan miskin di Sabah. - Dr. Ewon Ebin

  6. Namun masih ada ruang untuk memperbaiki lagi keadaan. Sebenarnya, kerajaan negeri telah melaksanakan banyak program untuk membasmi kemiskinan selepas kerajaan BN mengambil alih semula tampuk pemerintahan negeri pada tahun 1994. Antaranya ialah Projek Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT). Banyak keluarga miskin atau termiskin yang mendapat faedah daripadanya. Kerajaan juga memberikan bantuan zink untuk atap rumah dan tangki air untuk kemudahan keluarga miskin. Bantuan subsidi padi juga diberikan kepada petani yang layak yang mengusahakan tanah mereka untuk penanaman padi (sawah). Saya fikir bantuan seumpama ini sedikit sebanyak meringankan beban untuk mengusahakan tanah mereka. - Dr. Ewon Ebin

  7. pada masa pemerintaan Parti Berjaya dulu, kerajaan cuba menempatkan penduduk kampung terpencil yang berselerak di kawasan pedalaman di satu tempat yang difikirkan sesuai. Malangnya ramai yang merasa tidak secocok dengan kehidupan di kawasan penempatan baru kerana mereka sudah biasa kehidupan yang simple. Bagi mereka asalkan ada makanan, garam dan sayur yang diperoleh atau ditanam di kawasan hutan, mereka boleh hidup selesa.

    Sebab itu program penempatan semula atau pemberian rumah itu kurang sambutan dan sekaligus menjejaskan sedikit kelancaran program pembasmian kemiskinan di negeri ini. Dalam hal ini, apa yang kita lakukan ialah mendorong dan meyakinkan mereka supaya merubah minda dan cuba mengusahakan tanah mereka dengan pelbagai tanaman, bukan sahaja untuk memenuhi keperluan mereka tetapi juga untuk tujuan komersil, sekaligus meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka. - Dr. Ewon Ebin

  8. Memang banyak perbezaan dahulu dan sekarang. Sebelum DEB diperkenalkan, banyak perkara yang didominasikan oleh satu pihak sahaja dan selepas DEB diperkenalkan banyak kaum Bumiputera termasuk di Sabah yang kebanyakannya dari kawasan luar bandar menikmati faedah daripada dasar itu yang memberikan kuota khas kepada Bumiputera dalam semua bidang termasuk bidang ekonomi.

    Saya lihat kerajaan melalui dasar ini benar-benar berusaha untuk membantu meninggikan daya pengeluaran dan taraf kehidupan golongan miskin melalui proses memodenkan kawasan luar bandar dan jelas sekali Dasar Ekonomi Baru ini berjaya membawa perubahan yang ketara kepada rakyat negara ini khususnya kaum Bumiputera di Sabah. - Dr. Ewon Ebin

  9. Sebanyak RM120 juta diperuntukkan untuk Program Akhiri Zaman Miskin (1Azam) dalam usaha membasmi kemiskinan di negeri Sabah.

    1. Kerajaan memang berusaha mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan. Usaha ini harus diteruskan sebab masih banyak lagi dalam kemiskinan.

  10. peruntukan daripada kerajaan pusat itu membabitkan dua fasa yang pertama pada 2010 berjumlah RM40 juta dan kedua pada tahun lepas berjumlah RM80 juta.

  11. Sejumlah 12,500 Ketua Isi Rumah (KIR) di negeri ini telah disasar untuk dibantu di bawah program itu bagi kedua-dua fasa tersebut.

    1. baguslah, semoga program ini akan mencapai sasarannya.

  12. KIR yang layak adalah daripada kalangan golongan miskin berpendapatan kurang RM950 sebulan dan miskin tegar berpendapatan kurang RM550.

    1. Idea membasmi kemiskinan seharus dilaksanakan secara berperingkat.

  13. membasmi kemiskinan tegar di luar bandar khususnya KIR berpendapatan rendah merupakan salah satu daripada enam Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara (NKRA).

  14. terdapat empat kategori di bawah program 1Azam, iaitu Azam Tani, Azam Niaga, Azam Khidmat dan Azam Kerja.

  15. usaha-usaha membasmi kemiskinan khususnya kemiskinan tegar di negeri ini akan terus dipergiatkan melalui pelaksanaan Roadmap Membasmi Kemiskinan Tegar yang telah dimulakan di awal Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9).

    1. Rakyat juga harus berusaha membaiki taraf kehidupan. Sikap teramat bergantung kepada kerajaan adalah membebankan.

  16. Roadmap tersebut yang mengandungi pelbagai program Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Kerajaan Negeri telah mula menampakkan hasil melalui pelaksanaan projek Agropolitan Pulau Banggi dan Program Mini Estet Sejahtera (MESEJ) yang telah dimulakan sekurang-kurangnya di 15 buah daerah.

  17. program-program lain Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar (KPLB) Sabah dan agensi-agensi Kerajaan Ne-geri seperti Ko-Nelayan, Koperasi Pembangunan Desa (KPD) dan Yayasan Usaha Maju (YUM) juga menyumbang ke arah pengurangan kemis-kinan tegar.

  18. Projek Agropolitan merupa-kan antara yang paling berkesan dalam menangani kemiskinan dan dengan cadangan pelaksanaan projek tersebut di daerah-daerah lubuk kemiskinan di Sabah, ianya diyakini kemiskinan khususnya kemiskinan tegar akan dapat dikurangkan secara substantif.

    1. Projek pembangunan dapat mendorong rakyat membaiki lagi pendapatan. Kempen sebegini lebih memanfaatkan dan dapat membaiki kadar kemiskian secara jangka masa panjang.

  19. antara isu lain yang perlu diberi perhatian dalam usaha membasmi kemiskinan tegar di Sabah ialah keperluan memberi keutamaan kepada pembinaan dan baik pulih rumah di bawah Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR) iaitu satu program di bawah SPKR.

  20. Tawau diisytiharkan sebagai daerah pertama di Sabah yang bebas daripada belenggu kemiskinan tegar.

  21. Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata, kejayaan tersebut membuktikan keberkesanan pelbagai program membasmi kemiskinan tegar oleh kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan yang dilaksanakan di negeri itu termasuk perladangan Program Pembangunan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT) dan Mini Estet Sejahtera (MESEJ).

  22. m Tawau sudah menjadi sifar miskin tegar dan ini jelas menunjukkan usaha-usaha kerajaan kini sudah berjaya. Usaha ini bukan saja laksanakan di Tawau, tetapi di seluruh Sabah.

    1. Bagus jika benar Tawau bebas dari golongan kemiskinan. Usaha harus diteruskan agar status ini dicapai di seluruh negara.

  23. Menurut Musa, kerajaan akan meneruskan usaha berkenaan bagi memastikan semua rakyat di Sabah mendapat pembelaan sewajarnya, sekali gus menjadikan negeri itu sifar miskin tegar.

  24. bagi memastikan semua program membasmi kemiskinan tegar di Sabah berjalan seperti dirancang, kerajaan negeri menubuhkan "Focus Group" iaitu sebuah jawatankuasa yang memantau program berkenaan.

  25. Sehubungan itu, Musa menafikan dakwaan pembangkang yang kerajaan tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk membela rakyat kerana kejayaan projek PPRT telah membuktikan bahawa tuduhan itu meleset.

    "Tuduhan golongan tertentu, khususnya pihak pembangkang yang menggambarkan seolah-olah kerajaan negeri tidak membuat apa-apa terhadap rakyat adalah tidak betul sama sekali. Mereka cuma mahu mengelirukan rakyat," katanya.

  26. Dalam ucapannya, Musa berkata, jumlah Ketua Isi Rumah Miskin Tegar (KIRMT) di Sabah pada 21 Julai 2010 ialah 14,770 berbanding 18,294 pada 31 Disember 2009.

  27. Musa berkata, kerajaan juga bercadang membina 30 lagi MESEJ pertanian dan MESEJ akuakultur di kawasan yang dikenal pasti sebagai lubuk kemiskinan di Sabah

  28. Beliau berkata, kerajaan persekutuan turut memperuntukkan sejumlah RM103 juta tahun ini bagi melaksanakan Program Bantuan Rumah untuk KIRMT di seluruh Sabah.

  29. The number of hardcore poor households in Sabah has dropped to 16,403 from a total of 21,514 in 2007. The figure also includes the disabled and elderly.

    1. Satu pencapaian yang baik. Rakyat sendiri juga harus berusaha.

  30. Musa said the drop in number was due to continuous efforts by the government to achieve zero poverty by 2010 in Sabah.

  31. Last year, of the 3,727 registered applicants for help, a total of 1,818 applications were approved at a cost of RM2.6 million for, among others, assistance for house or room rental at RM124 a month and income enhancement.

  32. Poverty eradication programmes would focus on the productive group, while the disabled and elderly would be placed under the responsibility of the Community Development and Consumer Affairs Ministry.

  33. Hardcore poor families in Sabah are those with household income of below RM540 a month in the rural areas and RM960 for those in the urban areas.

  34. The state government was also allocated RM 23.2 million to implement programmes that provide better livelihood for the people, which included career development training as well nutritional and supplementary food programme.

    1. Belia harus menyertai program dan latihan agar kompetan dan meningkatkan daya bersaing.

  35. Sabah is moving on the right track. Period.

  36. Two top Gerakan Sabah leaders said they are very happy to note that the state has made achievements and are convinced that more efforts will be geared towards poverty eradication, rural development, creation of jobs and improvement in living standards of the people.

  37. Musa said the poverty eradication programme in Sabah is moving in the right direction as evidenced in the decreasing number of hardcore poor household heads (KIRMTs) last year compared to 2007.

  38. APa yang Jeffrey sumbangkan terhadap Sabah?

  39. Musa said there were 21,514 KIRMTs and disabled people (OKUs) in 2007. However, as at Feb. 10 this year, the number had reduced to 16,403 that include OKUs and those in the advanced age bracket.

  40. Hardcore poor families in Sabah are those with household income of below RM540 a month for those in the rural areas and RM960 for those in the urban areas. The State Government aims to achieve zero poverty by 2010.

  41. Of the 16,403 KIRMTs, OKUs and senior citizens, the programmes would be targeting 12,580 who are productive. For non-productive OKUs, the group's welfare would be taken care of by the State and Federal governments.

  42. Musa said between 2006 and last year, the Federal Government approved RM27.185m for a total of 4,837 assistance given to 2,006 recipients in the whole State.

  43. Musa also disclosed that the Sabah Welfare Services Department (JPKA) through all its district welfare officers identified and conducted investigation involving 7,712 families under the KIRMT starting February, last year. From this exercise, they managed to trace 5,122 or 66 per cent of the 7,712 families.

  44. Musa said the State Local Government and Housing Ministry had spent RM6.8m to provide facilities and business premises such as tamu grounds, stalls, arcades, pasar tani and general markets for the benefit of the people.

  45. Sabah will receive RM100 million from the Rural and Regional Development Ministry under the Economy Stimulation Programme to build 2,486 units of houses throughout the State this year.

    1. Kerajaan persekutuan memberi lebih peruntukan untuk menjalankan kempen dan program membaski kemiskinan.

  46. Musa said RM40 million would be for the construction of houses at the water village of Kampung Mengkabong, the cradle of hardcore poverty in Tuaran district.

  47. Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor said there were more than 500 hardcore poor households in Kampung Mengkabong. The people are obviously in need of development programme from the government to change their lives.

  48. He said that RM200 million from the Federal Government RM1 billion special grant to Sabah had been disbursed to the Sabah Development Office and another RM250 million to be channelled to the State Finance Ministry.

  49. Ten of the 24 People’s Housing Projects (PPR) consisting of 9,631, units had been built across the state. These houses were completed at a cost of RM601 million by the National Housing Department.

  50. Liberal Democratic Party President Datuk Liew Vui Keong said Sabah's significant representation in the Cabinet would boost efforts to eradicate poverty in the state.

  51. RM115.64 million was allocated for Sabah and Sarawak under the 9MP to finance the implementation of projects which could increase the income of the target group.

  52. The government had also allocated RM37.79 million through the implementation of skills training courses under the Skill and Career Training Programme to train the poor and hardcore poor in the two states.

    1. Latihan ini memang bermakna. Lebih pekerja terlatih dapat dilahirkan.

  53. The state government will build more houses for the poor this year with the RM100 million allocated by Rural & Regional Development Ministry under the Housing Assistance Programme.

  54. “Overcoming poverty completely will take time but what is important is that we have the co-operation of all agencies both at the federal and state levels,” Musa said.

  55. Hardcore poor families taking part in oil palm plantation projects in Tongod and Kalabakan will receive over RM1.4 million in dividends for every quarter year starting in 2010.

  56. Musa said the dividends will be distributed to over a thousand hardcore poor families who will each earn RM400 every month.

    1. Greatly that Musa work hard to reduce the poverty rate.

  57. The government has decided to set up a trust fund for distributing the revenue among the participants fairly. The projects are under the Projek Perladangan Rakyat Termiskin where the state government holds 60 per cent of the shares while the remaining 40 per cent belongs to Kinaworth Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sawit Kinabalu.

  58. The State government through the Poverty Eradication Focus Group is confident of getting all heads of productive and non-productive hardcore poor households involved in the various programmes to eradicate poverty throughout this year.

    1. semoga usaha berterusan akan memberikan hasil yang positif dalam membasmi kemiskinan.

  59. Musa said a roadmap has been drawn up to achieve the hardcore poverty eradication target through programmes conducted by the federal and state government such as the “mini estet sejahtera” (Mesej), among others.

  60. Musa said the state government has decided that all programmes under the NKRA “low income households” under the federal Women, Family & Community Development Ministry, would be handled through the existing poverty eradication focus group.

  61. The hardcore poor will be the main target of the economic improvement programme which is being implemented by the Government.

  62. The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has spent RM103.8 million in the first six months this year to help the poor and hardcore poor in Sabah.

  63. Efforts to help the poor in Sabah is in line with the mandate from the Prime Minister who appointed me to lead the National Key Result Area (NKRA) for low income households. The NKRA aims to eradicate poverty by Dec 31 this year by improving the living standards of low income families

  64. Usaha Musa tidak terhenti setakat itu sahaja apabila keprihatinan beliau turut ditunjukkan kepada masyarakat luar bandar yang masih memerlukan bukan sahaja kemudahan awam tetapi juga sumber pendapatan yang boleh menyara kehidupan sekeluarga.

  65. Datuk Musa Aman menegaskan penglibatan kumpulan sasar dalam projek pembasmian kemiskinan harus digerakkan bersama untuk menyokong dan merealisasikan agenda yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan.

  66. The State and Federal government implemented various poverty eradication programs such as the Sejahtera Mini Estate (MESEJ) project, PPRT Estate, Agropolitan, 1 AZAM, Housing Assistance Program (PBR), Urban Poverty Eradication Programme (PPKB) and Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) to cover KIRMT (Hardcore Poverty Head of Household) and KIRM ( Poor Head of Households) that are listed in e-Kasih system.

    1. There are 29 Sejahtera Mini Oil Palm and Rubber Estate (MESEJ), 6 Aquaculture Sejahtera Mini Estate (MESEJ), 7 Micro Aquaculture Sejahtera Mini Estate (MESEJ) and 2 Integrated Sejahtera Mini Estate (MESEJ) throughout Sabah. 

    2. At least 12 MESEJ and 6 Micro MESEJ has been completed.

    3. There are 4 new MESEJ that is in the process of measurement / application ground for implementation starting in 2013. 

    4. All of the MESEJ project are expected to implicate more than 2,000 KIRMT (Hardcore Poverty Head of Household)PPRT (Hardcore Poor Housing Program)

    5. A total of 1,167 PPRT participant received a dividend of RM400 a month from the Tongod and Kalabakan Estate- Hardcore Poor Housing Program in addition to job opportunity and housing facilities in the estates. 

    6. As of 5 September 2012, a total of 1,143 units out of 1,400 rebuilt houses has been built under Federal Government Housing Assistance Program (PBR) for the 2012 that being implemented by District Office, Sub District, Kota Kinabalu City Hall and Sandakan and Tawau Municipal Council. 

    7. An additional of 600 rebuilt houses are in the process of implementation and this make the total of approval for the year of 2012 to 2,000 houses with the cost of RM100 million.

    8. Housing Assistance Program (PBR)The overall total of the Housing Assistance Program (PBR) since it has been started in 2010 is 7,149 houses.


    9. The state government agency also implementing the poverty eradication programs such as under the Hardcore Poverty Eradication Program (2007-2010) through the special fund allocation from Implementation Coordination Unit, Prime Minister's Department (ICU-JPM) which is a total of RM10.198 million that involved 670 fishermen.

    10. Besides that, more than RM5.7 million allocate under the 1AZAM 2010 Program that involved 489 fishermen under e-Kasih and a total of RM10.005 million under 1AZAM (Phase 2) for the year 2011.

    11. As of 30 June 2012, a total of 690 fishermen were involved under the 1AZAM (Phase 2).

    12. For the year of 2011 a total of 1,116 participants that were being involves under the Amanah Saham Bumiputera Sejahtera Program.

    13. The coverage proposal for the year of 2012 is 326 people.

    14. As one of the Housing Assistance Program (PBR) implementer, Giatmara has completed in repairing on 2,089 houses and 11 rebuilt houses in Sabah for the year 2011.

    15. 578 repair and 325 rebuilt houses are planned by Giatmara for implementation in 2012. 

    16. Federal Government The  Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing implemented various program under the Urban Poverty Eradication Programme (PPKB).

    17. For the year 2011 and 2012, there are 553 recipients for the House Rental Aid Scheme, 356 recipients for the Skills Aid, 1,425 people in the ASW2020 and House Building Aid Scheme involved 30 people.

    18. Baiklah semua pihak boleh memiliki rumah sendiri.

  67. its not easy to eradicate poverty in sabah especially when there is many poor illegal immigrants residing in sabah.

    1. I believe Musa is trying his best to solve the poverty issue in sabah

  68. Pembasmian kemiskinan sentiasa berlegar di minda Datuk Musa pada setiap waktu tanpa mengira sebarang kawasan yang dikunjungi. Atas sebab itu, beliau sekali lagi menyarankan agar rakyat berusaha untuk merubah sikap dan membangunkan paradigma minda kelas pertama untuk memajukan diri

  69. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman is confident Sabah will achieve its goal to fully eradicate hardcore poverty by the end of this year through State and Federal government efforts.

    1. Hopefully by next year, the poverty issue will be solved.

    2. Usaha membasmi kemiskinan harus berterusan. Isu PATI jugs punca utama kemiskinan, kerajaan harus bertindak bijak.

  70. What has Musa got to say where the RM40 million came from??? No matter what his cyber troopers are blurting out rubbish about his 'achievements'...he has not come out with the truth about how this corrupt, laundered money came from..

    1. i find their comments serve a good reminder to all of us on what musa had contributed to us.

  71. While the people are suffering, Musa is just basking with the loot.

    1. usaha sudah dibuat tapi bukan semuanya boleh diselesaikan dalam sekelip mata.

    2. owh common lah, try putting urself in musa shoe. could u possible solve the poverty in sabah urself??

  72. usaha membasmi kemiskinan kena sentiasa diteruskan.

    1. erajaan Sabah komited untuk melaksanakan inisiatif pembasmian kemiskinan khususnya kemiskinan tegar sepanjang tahun ini, kata Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

    2. Bagi mencapai tujuan itu, kerajaan negeri menerusi pelbagai agensi termasuk Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) telah melaksanakan gerak kerja pembangunan pembasmian kemiskinan yang lebih tersusun dan menyeluruh, katanya.

    3. Dalam teks ucapan pada perasmian sambutan ulang tahun ke-13 AIM cawangan Kota Belud di Padang Bandaran Kota Belud, Selasa, beliau berkata ia memastikan rakyat yang tergolong di bawah kategori miskin tegar dapat dibantu dan diberi peluang untuk menjana pendapatan sendiri.

    4. Musa yang juga Menteri Kewangan Negeri berkata AIM kini mampu menyediakan pinjaman yang besar sehingga RM50,000 menerusi program pembiayaannya yang dikenali sebagai I-Wawasan.

    5. Sehubungan itu, beliau berharap rakyat negeri ini terutama mereka yang layak dapat merebut peluang itu sebagai langkah permulaan untuk menceburkan diri dalam perniagaan meskipun hanya dijalankan dalam skala yang kecil.

    6. Musa berkata langkah permulaan itu pasti akan dapat membantu mereka yang terlibat menjadi usahawan yang berjaya pada masa hadapan.

    7. Beliau turut menyambut baik Kempen Beli Barangan Sahabat AIM yang menurutnya menyediakan banyak peluang kepada peniaga-peniaga kecil untuk memasarkan produk keluaran mereka

    8. Ini pasti boleh membantu memperkasakan ekonomi setempat.

    9. Katanya kejayaan program itu pasti akan memberi dorongan kepada rakyat negeri ini terutama yang berpendapatan rendah untuk menyertai program pembiayaan AIM bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup keluarga masing-masing.

    10. Musa berkata kerajaan Sabah akan terus memberi sokongan kepada AIM dalam melaksanakan operasinya di negeri ini termasuk urusan penyampaian modal kepada golongan sasar yang layak.

  73. moga kemiskinan di Sabah dpt dibasmi sepenuhnya.

    1. kerajaan membelanjakan wang jutaan ringgit untuk melaksanakan projek agropolitan untuk membantu lebih 5,000 penduduk miskin di kampung-kampung untuk mengusahakan tanah dengan tanaman dan menternak lembu dengan tujuan membawa mereka keluar daripada belenggu kemiskinan.

    2. ia tidaklah semudah yang disangka kerana berlakunya bantahan daripada beberapa penduduk kampung.

    3. "Saya berasa sedih yang penduduk kampung membantah projek yang boleh membawa kesenangan kepada mereka," kata Ewon Ebin.

    4. "Mereka tidak boleh maju dalam kehidupan jika terus membantah," katanya.

    5. "Kami cuba meningkatkan taraf kehidupan mereka, tingkatkan pendapatan dan mahu mereka nikmati kesejahteraan yang dibawa kerajaan Barisan Nasional di Sabah."

    6. Ewon tidak faham kenapa penduduk kampung menolak kemewahan yang ditawarkan kepada mereka. Masalah besarnya ialah tanah yang enggan dilepaskan penduduk kampung untuk pelaksanaan projek itu disebabkan ia milik mereka melalui hak dalam tanah adat.

    7. Projek agropolitan dilaksanakan dibawah Koridor Pembangunan Sabah dan dibiayai oleh kerajaan pusat dan negeri. Ia memerlukan kawasan tanah yang luas untuk menanam tanaman yang boleh hasilkan pendapatan segera seperti getah dan penternakan lembu untuk daging serta susunya.

    8. Ini dilakukan dengan usaha bersepadu di mana setiap peserta iaitu penduduk kampung, diberi di antara tiga dan empat hektar (lapan dan 10 ekar) tanah untuk diusahakan.

    9. Kebaikan projek ini ialah pelaksana turut membina jalan raya dan rumah untuk peserta. Ada juga kemudahan seperti bekalan air dan elektrik, balai bomba, klinik dan dewan masyarakat untuk mereka.

    10. Kerajaan Sabah menyediakan RM190 juta bagi projek di Kota Belud. Ini termasuk 342 hektar ladang ternakan di Kampung Pintasan, 188 hektar untuk memelihara lembu untuk daging serta 833 hektar untuk menanam getah di Kampung Rosok.

    11. Rome didn't build in a day, so don't expect sabah to have the poverty rate reduce tremendously. It takes time.

  74. banyak usaha dibuat untuk menyelesaikan isu kemiskinan termasuklah 1AZAM, MESEJ, dan pelbagai program lagi.

    1. those programs have successfully reduce the poverty rate in sabah.

  75. Musa cannot explain why and how the RM40 million came from?

    1. How bout anwar explaining the private jet plane??

  76. The cm has always take responsibility for sabah poverty. He has come up with various programs in hope to eradicate poverty in sabah.

  77. Punca kemiskinan harus dikesan. Ekonomi lembap? Rakyat sendiri tidak berusaha? Punca lain?

  78. Masidi said that there were presently 200,000 jobs waiting for Sabahans to fill up at the plantation sector, if only they were willing to take it up.

    1. the locals are always expressing their anger towards foreigners and illegal immigrants, whom they blame for taking over the jobs opportunities. Sabahans should hard working and willing to get work.

    2. Why can’t our people be like the Chinese? They will never want to be implied as still dependent on their family. They are ashamed when they are unemployed. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have a Master’s degree or other qualification. But for them, they must have work

    3. But our own people don’t want to take over their work. For the business owners to continue operating, they need to employ people. And if our own people refuse to take such jobs, they have to take in foreign labour. They come alone, at first, tomorrow they bring their wife, the next day their children and the next comes their entire family.

    4. Where can you find locals selling watermelons when you drive through to Beaufort? There is none. It is the outsider who is doing it … I wouldn’t be surprised if one day, the locals will have to work for the outsiders because the latter have done better, achieved better. We complain to the government, but we have ourselves to blame

  79. Who say Sabah is poor? – Musa

    Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman took opposition leaders to task for claiming there is no development in Sabah and it is the poorest state in the country.

    1. “If Sabah is poor then why do I have plantation owners requesting to bring in foreign labour to work in the state? What about the schools, hospitals and other public infrastructures as well as facilities that the Barisan Nasional (BN) government has built for the state?” Musa asked.

    2. Speaking at the opening of the state-level annual Farmers, Livestock Breeders and Fishermen Day celebration, Musa urged people in the state to be wary of opposition leaders, including those from Peninsular Malaysia who are now traveling around the interior areas with their allegations.

    3. The Sabah BN chief said it was the opposition’s perception that there was no development in Sabah as they had turned a blind eye to what the government had done.

    4. We do not need to boast about what we have done because the rakyat know and what is important is that the rakyat know that we are sincere in our efforts to help them,” he said.

    5. According to Musa, opposition leaders were also not new faces because among them is a former Deputy Prime Minister, a former Chief Minister and former ministers.

    6. “If we are to reply to their allegations, they will say that we are slanderous but let me ask you who is the one who ‘sold’ off certain government agencies? You can open the records or files to find out if it was me and you will see that I never sold off any of the government agencies.

    7. “In fact I was the one who managed to get a few of them back – so you can see that these former leaders are the ones responsible but are trying to be the heroes now,” he stressed.


    In spite of significant achievements made under the NEP to improve the distribution of income in the country, income gaps and socio-economic imbalances among ethnic groups and regions are still wide.

    1. In 1990, 14.5 percent of the national income falls on the bottom 40 percent of the total households in the country while 50.3 percent of the national income was absorbed by the top 20 percent of the total national households.

    2. In terms of income differences in Sabah, this means an income disparity of about seven times between the low and high income earners.

    3. While rural-urban income differentials have narrowed in the State, rural mean income as a ratio of urban income was about 60 percent in 1990.

    4. Although the incidence of poverty in Sabah has decreased to 33.2 percent by 1993, it is still high compared to 10.5 percent for Peninsular Malaysia.

    5. At the same time, although access to basic services among low income households has improved greatly during the OPP1 period, the progress was not evenly distributed throughout the country.

    6. For example, in 1990, while about 82 percent of the poor households in Peninsular Malaysia had access to electricity, the figure for Sabah was only 47 percent.

    7. With regard to piped water, the coverage was relatively low, benefiting only about 20 percent of the total poor households in the State.

  81. Sabah is better than before.

  82. Usaha pembasmian kemiskinan yang dilaksanakan kerajaan di negeri ini berjaya mencapai matlamat apabila kadarnya menurun daripada 24.2 peratus pada 2004 kepada 19.7 peratus pada 2009. Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata, penurunan tertinggi dicatatkan adalah di bahagian pedalaman iaitu sebanyak 15.8 peratus.

  83. Pencapaian positif kerajaan dalam membasmi kemiskinan di negeri ini adalah hasil pelaksanaan projek pembangunan ekonomi dalam pelbagai sektor khususnya di luar bandar. Antaranya, projek Mini Estet Sejahtera (Mesej), agropolitan, ladang Projek Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT), 1Azam, Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR), Program Pembasmian Kemiskinan Bandar (PPKB) dan Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB).

  84. Setakat ini terdapat 29 buah Mesej sawit dan getah, akuakultur (enam), mikro pertanian (tujuh) dan Mesej Bersepadu pula dua telah diwujudkan di kawasan-kawasan miskin di seluruh negeri. Daripada jumlah tersebut, sekurang-kurangnya 12 Mesej dan Mesej mikro (enam) telah siap sepenuhnya manakala empat Mesej baru sedang dalam proses pengukuran dan permohonan tanah untuk dilaksana bermula 2012.
