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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PM Umno's private piggy bank

Scary if true that  M'sia is being run by a bunch thieves . . .

We MUST change government
 >>> New broom sweeps well . . !

Subject :  Dr. Tan Kee Kwong on PETRONAS; PM/UMNO's PRIVATE PIGGY BANK.

 Another blast from Dr. Ronnie Tan Kee Kwong...

" Without fear and favour..", this heroic scion of
Tan Sri Dr. Tan Chee Khoon... ..
an intrepid politician of his father's mettle and character...

From the desk of Dr Tan Kee Kwong  14/8/2010

Dear Najib & your cronies in the BN,

I learnt with alarm that for the past 3 years, Petronas has given to the Federal Government 290 billion ie 290,000 JUTA! Wow, what a fantastic sum of money. Please Najib, Pak Lah & Mahathir, tell us the rakyat how you spent or wasted this huge sum of money.

As I have said before, Petronas as an entity, was & still is quite a well run company. But the past 3 PM,s have ruined it all. By a special Act of Parliament passed in the 70's PDA i.e. Petroleum Development Act, Petronas is only accountable to the PM ONLY. In the past we had 2 Oil Ministers who had no say at all. Even under PDA, the Minister of Finance has no say at all. Even the Cabinet cannot examine the true accounts of Petronas. What a shame !

Under Mahathir, Dividends paid to the Govt was about 2 to 3 billion annually. The so called Mr Clean i.e. Pak Lah forced Petronas to pay 10 billion then 20 billion finally to pay 30 billion. During Mr Clean tenure as PM  dividends paid was 10x what was paid during Mahathir's time . . . . ???!

Where did all this money go ? 

Mainly to finance all the budget deficits during his rule.

A lot went to useless Defense spending.

Also the nation only got 10 billion worth out of 30 billion !

In the 80's& 90's about 100 billion was spent from Petronas coffers to bail out Bank Bumiputra TWICE . Also during the finacial crise of 1997, Petronas was forced to buy MISC to bail out Mahatir's son.

I remember in the mid 50's my family stayed for 2 years in no 2 Jalan Penang . At that time there was only the Race Course there. As kids we enjoyed plucking the delicious rambutans there. Now it is so different.

At that time the HQ of Petronas was housed in Dayabumi. There was a severe shortage of office space as the Petronas operations expanded very fast.

Initially the plan was to build a new HQ in Jln Tun Razak, opposite the Royal Sgor Golf Club.(site of the present Prnce Court Hospital ) That plan was aborted as the DCA(Dept of Civil Aviation) objected strongly as it was in the flight path of the Sungai Besi RMAF Air Base. Then Petronas went ahead to buy a piece of land in Jalan Ampang, behind Yow Chuan Plaza for only 30 million.

Suddenly Mahathir intervened & came out with a devious plan to steal the money from Petronas to enrich his special crony etc. First there was the outcry in the press on how the Race Course was causing massive traffic jams every week-end. So the Federal Government & DBKL decided that the Race Course must shift to Sungai Besi, its present site. If the land was sold/surrendered from the Turf Club to Petronas direct that will be perfectly OK. BUT the Turf Club was forced to sell its land to a very special  Mahatir Crony. Within a matter of a few months the special crony sold the land to Petronas at a huge price of 600 Million !
The top brass of Petronas was instructed,

' CANNOT negotiate the price, just pay ! '
How ridiculous, who pays 600 million without even a one dollar discount . . . ??!

Please Mahathir, you were in charge of Petronas then who was the crony/individual involved & who others benefited.


Another ginormous scandal that cost the nation US100 BILLION. Recently Mahathir wrote in his blog site that 3 weeks before Pak Lah stepped down as PM he "gave' the above land to Brunei . Wonder what made him do that, maybe in one of his naps in public he just assigned our rights to Brunei . I am sure it was not for free, many relatives & cronies benefited because this is a business deal, not an NGO doing charity.

In the past Petronas went into joint sharing agreements with Vietnam , Cambodia , Thailand , Indonesia etc This should have been the case in Block L and Block M.

Sarawakians , please wake up ! ! !

You stay in on of the poorest states in Malaysia .

Your Ketua Menteri(Pek Moh) is so blatantly corrupt that even his BN broyhers in SUPP are complaining..

And Pak Lah "gave???" your wealth away to Brunei


UMNO/BN plase come clean on the real affairs of Petronas.

Abolish the present PDA Act. Replace it with a better & more transparent Act that the financial affairs of Petronas MUST be accountable to the ParliamentExamine the real cause of the severe drop in FDI.
Not only that even the local tycoons have very little faith in this country.

Don't you care...!??? Every year at least 400,000 finish their SPM examinations. With this state of affairs what is going to happen to them ?

Don't just enrich yourselves, give a little bit back to the Nation !

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