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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shame! What a shame! A truly crying shame!

Just take a look at the demographic status of Malaysia against other neighbouring nations, namely Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam. And we should be ashamed of the racial mess we (or more aptly, the politicians and their blinkered followers) keep spwaning with eac passing day as the 13th General Elections looms.

Indonesia has well over 230 million people; Philippines has over 89 million; Vietnam has 87 million; Thailand has 66 million; and Malaysia has a mere 27 million souls.

Yet we are far,far more a divided natin than the others. We are racists. Period! Shame!!

In terms of ethnic groups agian we lose out. The Thais have more than 40 ethnic groups; Indonesia has 12 ethnic groups but classifed under five main groupings of Javanese, Sundanese, Maduresse, Coastal Malays and others; Vietnam has some 54 ethnic groups and the Philippines has about 170 distinct indegenious languages spoken among its Spanish, Indian, Chinese, American, Japanese, Arab and other indigenious groups.

Malaysia meanwhile ony has five ethnic groups, i.e. Malays, Bumiputras, Chinese, Indians and others. And we cannot even think as One Nation, One People.

Shame!! What a shame!! A trully crying shame!!!

Mind you after over a half century of gaining independence and enjoying the same coalition party government all this while, we are unable to see ourselves as Malaysians, unlike our above stated neighbours who have no problem seeing themselves as Thais, Vietnamese, Indonesians or Filipinos despite their much larger and certainly more complex etnicity.

Who do we blame for the racial mess we are sunken into today? Now, do not deny the fact that there is well anchored racism mindsets in Malaysia. Look at how our politicians are riling us up every other day through their managed media with race based mantras.

In the first place look at our political party framework these past over half century. Are we not race based, i.e. UMNO, MCA, MIC?

Listen to how the politicians are frightening Malaysians with another potential May 13 again.

Hear the incessant arguments put forth that one race may take over another race and so one race must fight to safeguard its rights. Are these type of messages coming from politicians and even leaders not attesting that we are racists to the core?

Even the Sabahans and Sarawakians are better off then the West Malaysia people. At least they do not see themselves by ethnicity but stick their guns to calling themselves as Sabahans or Sarawakians.
Looks like even they are ashamed to call themselves Malaysians after all.

The blame and the whole blame rests on politicians and leaders. The rakyat have been poisoned with feed of racism for too long a period merely to divide and rule.

Yes, Malaysians must wake up lest they remain permanently the laughing stock in the eyes of their neighbours.

We cannot continue to count on race based politicking. This is Year 2011 not 1948 whence we were fighting foreign enemies.

It has to be Malaysia for Malaysians, nothing less, nothing more. nd that is not unconstitutional. What is unconstitutional is when able Malaysians remain unwilling to lend a hand to their less able Malaysians. Written by  J. D. Lovrenciear

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