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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why pack goods in KL? - assemblyman

KUNDASANG assemblyman Dr Joachim Gunsalam yesterday questioned why the sundry goods  listed in the government's  '1Azam' assistance have to be bought and packed in Peninsular Malaysia.

This is because most of the goods, especially the rice and biscuits, are damaged by the time they reach the recipients of the assistance.

Several issues have cropped up with regards to the assistance where those listed in the e-Kasih list will receive 10kg of rice, vitamin, cooking oil, biscuits, sugar, Milo and canned foodstuff.

"But it is sad to note that sometimes, the rice is less that 10kg because of Ieakage and the biscuits cannot be given out because rats have gotten to them first.

"These are the problems that have cropped up during the transportation of these goods from Peninsular Malaysia to the districts in Sabah Iike Ranau," he said, adding that Ranau member of parliament Datuk Siringan Gubat had forked out money to purchase bags to replace those that were damaged.

Dr Joachim questioned the rationale in purchasing these sundry goods from Peninsular Malaysia.

"Why must these sundry goods be bought and packed in Peninsular Malaysia and not done here in Sabah because all these items are readily available in sundry shops in the respective districts?

"By purchasing and packing these goods locally, the government can reduce transportation and storage costs as well as the damage caused," he stressed.

Source: The Borneo Post


  1. This is called 1Malaysia, cronies of Umno and west malaysians will benefit firsthand before dropping shit on east malaysians.

  2. Just do the packaging locally.

  3. Its easier to do the packaging locally.

  4. The government should highly consider Dr Joachim suggestion to purchase and pack goods locally. By doing so, the government can reduce transportation and storage costs and most importantly damage caused.

  5. Yeah agree with jake...i dont see any problem if the thing is packed in Sabah...the plus point is it can be send earlier & the cost will be quite cheap because it doesn't have to be shipped or send over a long distance...

  6. Just give the money and they will purchasing and packaging the goods locally!

  7. KL UMNO never trust the Sabah BN. KL UMNO gaves shit to Sabah BN in actual fact Sabah BN should be grateful and bersyukurlah.

  8. Ini lagi satu lawak tak lucu. dahla guru pun nak kena import dari "semen'anjing'", juruteknik komputer pun import juga, kontraktor pun sama import, even sekecil-kecil jawatan kerani pun juga kadang import.. Padahal semuanya boleh diperolehi di sini. tidak hairanlah terlalu banyak ketirisan dan rasuah yg merugikan ekonomi negara. sedang barang bantuan yg berharga tak sampai rm100 pun nak kena import dari semenanjing. betul2 kronisme. inila yg dipuja-puja sesetengah pencacai najis bn terutamanya penyokong kuat umno... tak pandai sedar2 diri. oh iyala kan... umno kasi kamu duit dan projek sub-con juta2 ba... kalau kamu tak mencacai, pastinya kamu mati kebuluran atau paling tidak pun merempat makan sisa2 makanan org. PALUI.

  9. yup, is better to packed in Sabah. save time and cost.

  10. better to packed in Sabah. This way is easier.

  11. Macam sabah masih lagi dalam kekurangan dalam perindustrian sehinggakan packing pun dari semananjung.

  12. apa yang ko merepek ni Pukakak?? kenapa.. ko mengencang sebab tidak dapat bantuan 1Azam ka? sukurlah bagi mereka yang dapat bantuan.. kalau mau komplen pun berpada2 la.. komplen mana2 part yang perlu diperbaiki.. yang ko masuk bab2 PALUI, mencacai, mati kebuluran patutnya ditujukan untuk ko sendiri dengan pembangkang..

    kalau ko mau demand lebih2 minta la dengan pembangkang.. confirm yang ko dapat air liur basi.. silap2 pembangkang yang minta derma dengan orang sabah macam apa yang dorang buat di sarawak.. konon alasan tabung parti.. ptuiii!!

  13. Packing goods in KL does not seem like a good idea. They should just pack it locally for the sake of efficiency.

  14. 1Azam slogan is used to fool Sabahans into believing that BN cares for the poor.
    As seen through this article, 1Azan allocation is monopolizes by Malayan BN.
    Out of RM1million 1Azan allocation for Sabah, only RM50,000 worth of damaged goods will reach Sabah. RM950,000 goes to Malayan BN'S pocket.

  15. Tak sangka ada orang terasa. maknanya terasa pedasla kata sia kan.. kalau tak, masakan nak melenting. masakan angin bergoyang kalu tiada angin.. en.peluru, kalau ya pun tak usahla melenting. kalo tak, org di sini akan angap ko salah seorang pencacai najis terhormat umno nanti. n, kalau terasa pun simpanla shj dlm hati. kalo ko betul setia pada umno, ko akan dpt juga habuan pasal pilihanraya pun dh di ambang pintu. sori la kalu ko tersinggung ya, tapi saya bukan ahli pembangkang. sia cuma seorang rakyat biasa. sia juga antara pengundi atas pagar. apa kena mengena sia dgn 1azam ko tu.. ko makanla sorg ba. kalau dah penuh di mulut, sumbatlah sekali dekat lubang pantat. kalau dh penuh pantat, sumbatla dlm lubang kubur.

    komplain mana yg patut? kalo tunggu ko punya komplain apa yg patut, sampai bila pun tiada pembetulan. iyala, namapun pencacai najis, yg buruk pun dikata bagus. semua2 polisi sampah kerajaan disokong. pada akhirnya, yg salah pun dikata betul. Pengurut, eh peluru, atau apa2 ja nama ko.. ko urutla belakang yb ko puas2 lepas ni. takut nanti tiada tempias utk ko. nanti bila 1azam dh tiada, terpaksa pula ko meragut rumput tepi jalan. dasar pencacai najis buta. ko ingat orang sabah sepanjang2 mahu diperbodohkan.

  16. Jadilah seperti 'Azam' yg sedar. Oh ya, nak tanya peluru, janji umno/bn utk 'sifarkan' kemiskinan di sabah menjelang tahun 2010 mana sudah? dh hampir 3 dekad memerintah, jalan2 kampung masih teruk malah bertambah teruk, tanah org kampung dirampas utk syarikat2 gergasi dari semenanjing... bla,bla bla... senarainya akan berterusan. so apa komen en. peluru? sia harap ko ni bukan Sabahan, pasal kalo ko Sabahan, ternyata ko mengkhianati anspirasi rakyat Sabah dan bersama mencabuli perjanjian 20 perkara.

  17. Tak payahlah hantar ke KL untuk pembungkusan jika boleh dilakukan di tempatan.
