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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Angry father seeks justice over ‘senseless’ assault on son

Queville To

An allegedly intoxicated senior Sabah prison officer was caught on camera bashing a 23-year old over a poorly parked car.

KOTA KINABALU: The father of an assault victim is demanding an investigation into the brutal beating of his son led by a senior Prisons Department officer at a convenience store in the interior town of Keningau.
Cheah You Hock, 53, said that his son was assaulted by the men following a misunderstanding over an alleged traffic offence outside the shop.

In the incident which occured close to midnight on April 30, Ben Cheah Ping Xen, 23, sustained multiple injuries all over his body as the result of the assault which was captured on shop’s closed-circuit TV.

The CCTV video footage showed him being punched and beaten with a baton, belt and plastic stool as well as being kicked by the senior prison officer and three accomplices.

Ben claimed that the whole episode started when the senior prison officer who appeared to be intoxicated, confronted his friend who is also the owner of the convenient store, over the manner he had double-parked his vehicle outside the store, claiming that it was haphazard and almost caused him to ram into it.

Ben and a group of friends including the convenient store owner, were having a chat outside the store when they were approached.

“He (the prison officer) even asked us whether we knew who he was and without us asking, he identified himself as the Keningau Prison Director, Jaikol Bin Gubal.

“I then went up to him to apologise on behalf of my friend, but he became aggressive and slapped me on the face.

“My friends and two security guards on duty immediately rushed over to stop him. One of them also immediately called up the police station for help,” he related.

The senior prison officer then called for back-up and in less than five minutes, a group of his friends arrived at the scene.

Ben claimed that one of his friends tried to reason with them but he was punched in the face before they turned around and targeted Ben.

Silent cops

He said he panicked and ran into the convenient store to take cover but the prison officer and his group followed him in and beat him up inside the store.

“My other friends tried to come to my rescue but were prevented by one of the group members at the main entrance,” he said.

Three police personnel arrived at the scene in a patrol car some time later but did not intervene until Ben was dragged out of the store by the assailants.

“Only after that they (the police) came over to me and then brought me back to the police station.

“After having my statement taken, I was later given a medical chit to go for a medical check-up. I went to the hospital in my friend’s car,” said Ben.

He said that he was in fear for his life during the beating.

“I was bleeding profusely from my nose, my head was swollen and I have bruises all over my body.”

He claimed that after the incident, the senior prison officer through the police inspector on duty asked him whether he was willing to resolve the matter amicably.

“There were many eye-witnesses around at that time who can always testify to the assault,” said his father.

He is outraged by the failure of the police personnel who arrived at the scene upon receiving of a distress call made by one of his son’s friends, to act immediately.

“I was made to understand that they failed to stop the beating upon arriving at the scene, until the assailants dragged my son out of the store. They didn’t even detain those involved for investigation.

“The police should conduct their investigation professionally, without fear or favour as, it is their duty and responsibility to maintain law and order, and to protect law-abiding citizens.

“What I want is justice, so that the same incident will not happen to other innocent people out there,” he said.

“No parents should have to bear watching the manner my son was beaten by his assailants, it was so brutal and senseless, as if my son is a notorious criminal,” he said


  1. This case cannot be let go, must sue them, sack these rascals, sadists for the sack of human justice against the authorities who abuse their authority!

  2. Make sure action are taken against this beaters. Don't let them off the hook easily.

  3. Is this how Jaikol Bin Gubal behave when he works as the Keningau Prison Director???Abusive and insane?!! This man and the rest of the gang should be sacked.

  4. Imprison and can them! Lets see how they like getting beaten up.

  5. Jaikol and gang must be punished.

  6. Harap penyiasiatan ke atas dakwaan ini dilakukan.

  7. investigations should be conducted to find out what really happened.

  8. who are found guilty should be punished.

  9. Harap penyiasiatan dibuat.

  10. hal ini perlu disiasat dan diambil tindakan tegas.

  11. tidak payah selesaikan kes ni secara aman damai, boleh blah la tu polis pemabuk. Saman ja tu polis2, jangan dikasi muka sangat.

  12. Flying_UnderpantsMay 4, 2011 at 10:57 AM

    Apa punya polis ni, ni ke polis mcm penganas. Bagi dia kaw2 punya saman. Patut digantung kerja ni polis sebab meyalahgunakan kuasa. Patut dia yang kena penjara. Penganas & bikin malu polis2 yang lain.

  13. Nobody can escape from law

  14. Of coz la the father angry, me also angry if same thing happen to me.

  15. polis dan pegawai jabatan penjara tersebut perlu disiasat dan jika didapati bersalah, pecat saja.mereka sepatutnya tidak boleh bertindak secara melulu dan kasar

  16. tahan pengarah penjara tu ambil ambil tindakan tegas terhadapnya.

  17. tidak profisional. kelakuan macam hanjing. ini ka pegawai2 kerajaan yg perlu dihormati? macam tahi2 sahaja...

  18. si pelaku harus dikenakan hukuman berat..mereka mendatangkan kecederaan..polis keningau buat apa? makan rasuah kah?

  19. mungkin si Jaikol melakukan perkara serupa kepada banduan2 di penjara keningau..beliau harus dipecat dan dipenjarakan..

  20. kerajaan harus mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap Jaikol bin Gubal..lucutkan jawatan dan keanggotaan beliau..

  21. anggota polis di tempat kejadian juga harus dihukum kerana tidak menjalankan tugas mereka sebaiknya..jangan2 mereka turut bersubahat dan makan rasuah dari si Jaikol..inspektor berkenaan juga harus digantung tugas..

  22. kurang ajar punya polis! entah kenapa banyak polis kurang ajar..

  23. jika beginilah sikap semua pegawai penjara, tidak heranlah kalau ada banduan yang mati ketika dalam tahanan.

  24. Harap penyiasiatan lanjut dijalankan ke atas pegawai yang menyalah guna kuasanya.

  25. Rasanya bagus lagi sumbat pegawai penjara itu kedalam penjara. Ini bukan cara yang baik..

  26. Polis..Siasat perkara ini. Setiap kesalahan pasti ada cara penyelesaian. Bukan dengan kekerasan. Rasanya pegawai penjara ini perlu dibuang dari jawatan. Mana cara profesional mereka. Bukankah cara ini akan menaikkan kemarahan para penduduk dan keluarga. Pasti akan menyebabkan pegawai penjara lain dalam keadaan terancam kerana sikap segelintir yang lain. Jangan bertindak ikut perasaan. Harap hukuman kepada mereka juga perlu diberikan.

  27. Kenapa mereka begitu kasar dengan orang. Memang keterlaluan. Saya tengok sendiri pun video, sekali pukul cukuplah. Tidakkan mahu buat orang sampai mati baru berhenti.

  28. Fahami semula FUNGSI dan TUGAS sebagai seorang anggota Polis..!!! APa pula MOTTO dan PIAGAM pelanggan mereka tu ya? Menjaga Keamanan adalah salah satu perkara utama yang perlu diambil berat dan bukan pula membuat kecoh di khalayak umum..!!Jangan salahgunakan kuasa yang diberikan. Ingatlah bahawa anda(YANG TERLIBAT)adalah sebagai role model kepada generasi muda mahupun masyarakat umum!Beginikah yang dikatakan mahu menjaga keamanan dan ketenteraman awam? baik letak jawatan lah..badan sendiri pun tidak terjaga ( gemuk dan boroi Sedih....sedih!!!

  29. Damned! Jaikol and gang including those Police officers must be investigated ASAP! If found guilty, fire all of them. Another abuse of power.
