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Saturday, July 30, 2011


Interesting points by Patrick Teoh

1. Cos the govt has not LISTENED to the people.
2. Cos dead men still vote.
3. Cos I want the ideals Tunku, Razak, Ismail stood for.
4. Cos I want to know how FLOM(first lady of Malaysia) can afford all those $$$$$$ handbags.
5. Cos I want to love my fellow Malaysians. Not be scared of them.

6. Cos I want to know my voice counts for something in my country.
7. Cos BN n Opposition spend too much time politicking.
8. Cos my little girl asked why we spent millions on a palace when her school don't have a
9. Cos this is MY country too.
10. and I LOVE my country.
11. Cos I do not wish my children to have to emigrate.
12. Cos NEP still keeps Malay minority rich and Malay majority poor.
13. Cos we pay money for electricty that we don't use.(IPP subsidy).
14. Cos govt subsidises ppl who earn millions.
15. Cos rakyat tighten belts while PM spends millions just keeping house.
16. Cos police can still raid without warrants.
17. Cos LRT systems don't link.
18. Cos Submarine deals pay RM500million commissions.
19. Cos all BN family can be such successful entrepreneurs.
20. Cos submarines don't submerge.
21. Cos Jet engines can be stolen by lowly servicemen.
22. Freedom of assembly is enshrined in the Constitution.
23. Cos Dentists can afford RM6million homes.
24. Cos Govt YBs live way beyond their means.
25. Cos we want to be clean. It's more hygienic.


  1. Patrick Teoh...funny as always :)

  2. 25 reason why bersih

  3. Hope that we can eventually get a clean and fair election commission.

  4. I heard that EU might send representatives to become witness to our election. Is this true?

  5. itu ke alasan mereka.

  6. Can we just hold on a lil longer? i am sure it will be better...

  7. pasti ada jalan penyelesaian.

  8. Tidak peduli semua sebab-sebab diatas kami tetap sokong UMNO sampai mati.Tidak peduli apa pun perbuatan pemimpin UMNO memang kami tetap sokong sampai kiamat.

  9. Tidak salah menyokong tetapi jangan sampai jadi tali barut sehinggakan perkara yang salah pun diiyakan.

  10. Unfortunately, Bersih is associated with opposition political agenda.

  11. Ini barulah namanya alasan@sebab. hahhaa

  12. Masa kana menentukan segalanya. Buat masa ini pandai2lah rakyat membuat penilaian.

  13. All the best to BERSIH in achieving their objectives.

  14. masing masing ada pendapat sendiri..jadi, pandai-pandailah menilai..yang penting jangan lakukan pekara yang memberikan kesan yang tidak baik...

  15. dan masa juga akan menelan segala-galanya. alasannya, rakyat akan lupa sesuatu perkara setelah lama berlalu. ia akan berhenti disebut dan diperkatakan dan sampai satu tahap, ia akan dihalalkan.

  16. semua alasan ni berhubung dengan isu2 yang berlaku di negara sekarang.

  17. rasanya berapa ramai rakyat yang menyokong Bersih berbanding mereka yang tidak menyokong Bersih?

  18. rakyat tidak seharusnya membabi-buta menyokong/membantah sahaja..kena fikir dan meneliti dengan bijak.

  19. patutnya ada tambahan.. 26. cos Pakatan really need a shortcut to take over Puterajaya...

  20. Hope that they will reach their objectives.

  21. Good luck to Bersih 2.0. Hope to see a better and cleaner EC next election.
