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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ambiga to EC: Set up voter roll panel now

Teoh El Sen

Bersih will set up the committee on its own if the commission continues to play dumb

PETALING JAYA: Bersih 2.0 chief S Ambiga has questioned the Election Commission’s silence over a proposal to set up a committee to clean up the electoral roll.

EC Deputy Chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar promised to take the proposal to the commission two weeks ago, during a dialogue organised and hosted by Kumpulan Karangkraf.

“We haven’t heard anything since then,” Ambiga said. “Are they serious about this or not?”

At the July 26 dialogue, Ambiga proposed that the committee should have representatives from NGOs and all political parties.

She told FMT today that Bersih would set up the committee without the EC’s help if it continued to play dumb.

“We want to work with the EC,” she said. “But we want this committee to be set up immediately.”

She estimated that it would take three and a half months to clean up the electoral roll.

“We want to address problems of phantom voters, such as voter clones, people with the same addresses, dead voters and so on. This would probably need a revamp of the registration system and also the National Registration Department.

“On top of those, we also want to look at the biometric system versus indelible ink. And we must decide on immediate issues such as prolonging the campaign period and having international observers during elections.”

Ambiga said Bersih was concerned over recent allegations that the electoral roll included the names of non-citizens .

“There are a lot of things that are not right,” she said. “They may have perfectly good explanations, but they have to explain. They cannot say that it’s technical or not technical. It doesn’t answer the question.

“How could somebody with a permanent-resident status get onto the electoral roll in the first place?”

She also criticised the EC’s imposition of limits for the public to raise objections against the electoral roll.

Under current EC regulations, the time limit is one week and each member of the public is limited to only 10 objections.


  1. The election commission should stop fooling around.

  2. We need an independent, transparent and clean election commission.

  3. Setuju dengan Ben. Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah. Selagi SPR berdolak-dalih, selagi itu ketelusannya diragui.

  4. SPR seharusnya menjadi suruhanjaya yang bebas daripada pengaruh mana2 pihak.

  5. Creating another chaotic, won't solve problems. It is going to create another problem and tension !!! Please think wise!!!!

  6. You only trapping yourself into trouble.

  7. SPR kena pstikan pilihnaraya benar2 bersih.

  8. Belum lagi PRU dan belum lagi SPR buat keja sudah banyak isu mengenai isu2 yang berkaitan dengan PRU. Contoh, isu MyPr sudah dapat MyKad, 'isu pegundi hantu'

  9. Sepatutnya SPR adalah sebuah suruhanjaya yang bebas. Tapi banyak isu yang berkaitan dengan SPR.

  10. pelbagai isu yang berbangkit sekarang ini. sama ada benar atau tidak, SPR perlu sentiasa berusah untuk meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan mereka.

  11. jika perlu, pemerhati bebas dari luar negara dibawa untuk memerhati PRU nanti.

  12. bagaimana sudah dengan 8 tuntutan Bersih?

  13. PAS seperti hilang kepercayaan pada diri mereka sendiri hanya kerana kepentingan politik semata-mata. Apa sebab PAS menentang Ambiga dahulu?? Sekarang Apa sebab PAS bersatu dengan Ambiga??

  14. Ambiga patut tambah lagi satu point.. iaitu minta SPR turut dianggotai oleh ahli2 pembangkang..
