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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Poverty programmes have failed

By Datuk Yong Teck Lee

The Chief Minister’s admission that "hard core poor still high due to e-kasih system" shows that the government eradication programmes at both state and Federal levels have failed because the leaders are not focused on poverty eradication programmes and the deserving target groups.

The "e-kasih programme" was supposed to eradicate poverty but now the Chief Minister is blaming the "e-kasih system " for the hard core poor figures (of 4,657). This confusion casts the BN administration in a bad light. One wonders what has happened to the Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia with a fund of RM 236 million and its Azam Niaga, Azam Khidmat, Azam Tani and Azam Kerja. There is also the KWAMP (Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pelajar Miskin) and so many confusing programmes that civil servants have to grabble with.

Earlier this year, federal minister Datuk Sharizat announced that there are 4,255 e-kasih cases in Sabah out of the national total of 54,180 cases. This means that the e-kasih poor cases have gone up by 400 cases this year. Obviously, this is embarrassing for the Chief Minister who wants to show his glowing report card to Putrajaya in order to boost his lobbying to remain as Chief Minister after the impending general elections.

At the end of last year, the Chief Minister had declared Tawau as "zero poverty" which nobody believed because the poverty line is defined as a family income at RM540.00 per month and hard core poor at RM270.00. All you have to do is to drive around Tawau to witness the visible poverty. Natives who are being evicted from their customary lands and traditional villages in forest reserves are being driven to poverty. Last December, the World Bank had declared Sabah as the poorest state in Malaysia. Prices of basic goods, transport and rents have continued to rise while incomes remain stagnant. The 2012 national budget contains nothing to spur economic activity. Instead, the Prime Minister raised the EPF contribution by 1% to 24% that neither employee nor employer can use.

Poverty cannot be eradicated in air-conditioned offices using computers. To attack the poverty problems involves the deployment of the entire government machinery, quality education to break the poverty cycle, empowerment of young people through skills training, increased productivity in the rural areas by ownership of land and government departments to facilitate instead of obstructing economic growth.


  1. Sabah is a large state, and we have high population of citizens and non-citizens. No doubt we would need more funds to develop our state.

  2. Not to mention that many of these populations are illegals, they are also a contributing factor to our states poverty.

  3. The Poverty programmes are the on going process to try to eradicate the poor. It takes a lot of effort to design, implement , and monitor the whole process .Lets work together and support the programme so that the right people would be benefited.

  4. It actually works in some other places.

  5. "Chief Minister’s admission that "hard core poor still high due to e-kasih system" shows that the government eradication programmes at both state and Federal levels have failed because the leaders are not focused on poverty eradication programmes and the deserving target groups."

    Apa terjadi dengan sistem e-kasih? Seharus program ini dilaksanakan dengan wajar untuk membasmi kemiskinan. Kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan seharus memberi perhatian wajar terhadap masalah kemiskinan yang agak serius di Sabah.

  6. Cuma perkembangan ekonomi yang berterusan dan stabil yang berkemungkinan mengubah keadaan kemiskinan di Sabah. Bantuan kewangan bukan cara yang bijak.

  7. "The World Bank had declared Sabah as the poorest state in Malaysia. Prices of basic goods, transport and rents have continued to rise while incomes remain stagnant."

    Turun padang dan tengok keadaan sebenar. Kemiskinan tidak dapat disembunyikan. Harga barangan makin meningkat akan memburukan keadaan. Kerajaan perlu mengambil tindakan segera untuk membaiki kenaikan harga barangan. Sisyem kabotage seharus dimansuhkan.

  8. Bujet 2012 seharus memberi peruntukan yang lebih banyak untuk projek pembangunan ekonomi seluruh Sabah. Ada juga kekurangan bujet tersebut dimana bukan semua golongan Sabah yang mendapat manfaat. Semoga kerajaan persekutuan memberi peruntukan yang mencukupi untuk membaiki ekonomi di Sabah agar masalah kemiskinan dpaat diperbaiki juga.

  9. Beri tumpuan kepada perkembangan sektor lain seperti minyak & gas, pelancongan, pertanian dll yang boleh memberi lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan dan usahawan kecil-kecilan. Aktiviti membasmi kemiskinan memerlukan sokongan dan bantuan semua pihak.

  10. Ini bukan ekaseh ... ini PILIH KASEH!

    UMNO jahanam. Duit untuk orang miskin pun mahu tipu.

    Kamurang tunggu saja ketulahan kerja setan kamurang!

  11. more than three billion ringgit of state and federal money has already been spent to help villagers farm their land with vegetables, fruit, rice, oil palm and rubber; raise cattle, goats, poultry and fish.

    the government also trains villagers in vocations: tailoring, hairdressing and bakery. this year, the federal government has given Sabah 580m ringgit to spend on development projects to rid Sabahans of poverty while the state is spending almost 160m ringgit.

    even the outcomes from the various programs implemented by the government is yet to bear fruit as desired, at least the government is still struggling to eradicate poverty in this state and should not be concluded that the government has failed..

  12. and YTL is also fail to solve the poverty problem during his tenure as CM of Sabah..

  13. setuju dengan black..ketika menjadi KM YTL juga melakukan apa-apa..

  14. Various programmes registered under the e-kasih.150 KIRMT involved is expected to generate income above the poverty line income (PLI)level . 771 KIRMT from Tongod and 297 from Tawau masing2 received their dividend of RM1, 200 and expected to receive the same amount of dividend again by early next year.

  15. sekarang ni byk projek2 kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat Sabah keluar dari kemiskinan seperti projek agriculture, minyak dan gas. rakyat Sabah juga kena gunakan peluang ini untuk perbaiki hidup mereka.

  16. Siapa kata penghapusan kemiskinan tidak berjaya?

  17. pelbagai program sebenarnya dilakukan untuk membasmi kemiskinan..antaranya perlaksanaan Mini Estate Sejahtera (MESEJ)..apa pun, semoga usaha berterusan akan dilakukan untuk membasmi kemiskinan..

  18. walaupun masih ada kemiskinan, namun, jika dilihat pun, kadar kemiskinan di Sabah berjaya dikurangkan.

  19. Amanah Saham Wawasan (ASW) investments totalling RM930,000 were handed out to 93 hardcore poor family heads in the city under the ASW Urban Poor and Hardcore Poor Programme (Phase One).

  20. Masalah kemiskinan memerlukan sedikit masa untuk mendapat kesan. Usaha kerajaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah kemiskinan terbukti juga seperti projek petronas, pelancongan dll.

  21. Rakyat juga seharus berusaha dan mencari peluang. Terlampau bergantung kepada kerajaan cuma membebankan dan rakyat seakan kehilangan daya bersaing sebab terlalu bergantung.

  22. SAPP hanya tahu komplain saja...apa yang SAPP buat untuk membantu dalam usaha membasmi kemiskinan? jika SAPP menjadi kerajaan negeri, kemiskinan juga akan menjadi masalah mereka...jadi adalah lebih baik SAPP memberikan kerjasama daripada hanya tahu berkata-kata sahaja..

  23. banyak program yg dijalankan untuk membantu rakyat, bukan sahaja dari segi kewangan, malah banyak lagi contoh2 yg boleh kita lihat, seperti membantu mereka memulakan perniagaan2 kecil untuk menaikkn taraf ekonomi rakyat..

  24. Government should follow by alternative program or plan if e-kasih failed to resolve poverty issue.

  25. kerajaan sentiasa berusaha untuk membasmi kemiskinan..bantuan diberikan, program perumahan rakyat dilaksanakan, air dan api sekarang giat dibangunkan khasnya di kawasan luar bandar..adakah SAPP buta?

  26. betul kata Elesha, jangan terlalu bergantung kepada kerajaan, cari peluang untuk memajukan diri...

  27. Perkembangan ekonomi dan sektor-sektor industri akan mengubah keadaan masalah kemiskinan. Projek membaiki ekonomi seharus dijalankan dengan lebih keseluruhan agar penduduk pedalaman juga diberi perhatian dan perubahan.

  28. all Yong can do is talking and talking..more than that, he is nothing...yong is same with hiew of DAP..they both NATO (no action talk only).

  29. Poverty could be linked to many issues like low economy grow, unemployment, PATI, land grab, education etc. We urge for more development project to improve local economy.

  30. Yong, do not worry...govt is trying so hard to eradicate poverty in sabah...for your info, e-kasih is not the only programme run by the govt to eradicate poverty...there's lots need to make the poverty as your political agenda...poverty happening everywhere on is a social cancer...and it would be better if you (yong teck lee) can contribute something to help eradicate poverty in sabah rather than just you know, talking alone cannot eradicate poverty..hope you (yong) will understand..

  31. kerajaan tidak akan membiarkan golongan miskin tercicir dari arus pembangunan negara..

  32. black said...

    and YTL is also fail to solve the poverty problem during his tenure as CM of Sabah..
    Your musang bin tidak aman as Sabah CM for more than 9 years can't even solve the poverty problems and yet to make Sabah the POOREST in malaysia but you blame YTL who was only 2 years Sabah CM?

    Typical umno's puppet!

  33. golongan miskinlah yg menjadi tumpuan kerajaan, bantuan2 yg disalurkan kepda mereka yg memerlukan mencukupi...banyak program yg dijalankn untuk menbantu mereka..

  34. bukan mudah untuk membasmi kemiskinan sekaligus di Sabah. lagipun di Sabah ini lebih 70% kawasan merupakan kawasan pedalaman/luar bandar.

  35. Misleading the people is a big no no.

  36. PTI yang menyumbang kepada kemiskinan itu.

  37. Musa Aman has shown his mettle in bringing wealth to the state’s poorest people, in less than a year, he has reduced their number by more than two-thirds to 7,455 from 24,100 of the poorest families. The number of poor families has also fallen sharply from slightly more than 44,000 a year ago to 24,247 at the end of November.

  38. the federal women, family and community development ministry has also given temporary monthly allowances to 10,798 very poor families under the 1Azam scheme to tide them over as they work on the government agricultural projects.

  39. CM had ordered the agencies to meet povery eradication targets and to find out what exactly were
    the performances of these programmes. The state government through the ministry of rural
    development has prepared road map . .KIRMT & KIRM Registered under the E-Kasih.

    New hardcore poor families continue to be identified under the e- kasih. MESEJ continue to be
    implemented, including agriculture, aquaculture activities. To date30 Agriculture MESEJ involving
    rubber and oil palm.

  40. Not entirely true. It is undeniable that poverty will be here to stay & there is no way to abolished it 100%. Even in Brunei, which is one of the richest nation in South East Asia, has their people live in poverty,despite all the perks 7 subsidy given by its government. As March 2011, 5,472 families live under poverty line in Brunei.

  41. Anonymous said... October 19, 2011 2:57 PM

    you should be grateful because of he have 2 years.. even with 2 years, he already did many destructive things and a huge chunk of Sabah ’s wealth fell into the wrong hands. just imagine what will happen to Sabah if he govern this state more than 2 years..

  42. Hm Sory pada para penyokong MUSA tapi yg betul ialah, keluarga ini betul2 kaaayaaa. Sebab adik-beradik dan turun temurun memegang jawatan tinggi dalam kerajaan. Selain memiliki harta kekayaan yang tujuh keturunanpun tidak habis, sdra-mara mereka juga kaya raya. Di samping itu mereka terlibat dalam memberikan IC kepada warga Pakistan. Cuma abangnya Datuk Ayub Aman (Bekas Menteri di era USNO) pernah menjadi kolumnis tentang isu PTI dan IC Palsu dalam Surat Kabar New Sabah Times yang dipunyai beliau. Beliau lebih humble dan mesra rakyat.

  43. Of course, there is never a "zero poverty"... nonsense.

  44. Then try other methods to solve this even though we all know it's not easy.

  45. The govt can't solve the PTI, then there's no way there's gonna have zero poverty.

  46. First step: Kick those PTI out.
    Second step: Help the legal poor people.

  47. Sa setuju dengan Helen... mustahil lah "zero poverty"... hihihi.. Rasanya negara maju pun masih berlaku kemiskinan tp kurang lah.. hehe

  48. Tapi untuk di Sabah, kadar kemiskinannya agak tinggi... Saya sendiri pun hidup sekadar cukup makan. Syukur saja ada kerja tetap kalau tak, karau juga hidup.

  49. Walaupun bajet 2012 itu bajet yang mengutamkan rakyat namun jujurnya perhatian harus dilebihkan kepada negeri Sabah. Kesian Sabah..

  50. Namun sebagai rakyat saya tetap bersyukur dengan peruntukan yang diberi dan harap ia dapat dilaksanakan mengikut pernacangan demi kebaikan bersama khususnya rakyat.

  51. Apapun, kita tunggu sajalah perkembangannya nanti.

  52. poverty is not an easy task to be needs more time and more money and of course more efforts...

  53. betul, kita bersyukur dengan peruntukan yg di beri walaupun banyak yg diperlukan lagi...lebih baik daripada tiada..

  54. kerajaan telah berusaha untuk membasmi kemiskinan ini.. bantuan yg disalurkan bukan sahaja dri segi kewangan, tp dri segi pengetahuan jg, untuk golongan ini mendapatkan kemahiran bagi menaikkn taraf hidup..

  55. Orang sabah miskin semakin miskin, ramai Yang cari kerja do semanajung Dan negeri asing. Ada Yang jadi PTI in foreign countries. The BN government and its leaders in sabah should be ashame for they have failed in taking care of the state and its people. Damn you shameless pigdog.

  56. Are the people from the poor category mostly locals or non-locals???just wondering.

  57. We must remember its not easy to eradicate poverty in Sabah. At least we can see that the goverment actually putting effort in eradicating poverty .

  58. YTL look so concern about the people but oddly when he was the CM back then, he didn't do much to help out those who are from the poor category.

  59. Not many people know that YTL has helped the poor in Sabah for the short period of 2 years of his CMship compared to the many many years of other CMs like Pairin and Musa....what have they done???

  60. Zero poverty cannot be achieved in a blink of eyes.

  61. Negara mana yang sifar kemiskinannya? Sedangkan negara-negara maju juga masih ada penduduknya yang miskin.

  62. peluru said...

    (more than three billion ringgit of state and federal money has already been spent to help villagers farm their land with vegetables, fruit, rice, oil palm and rubber; raise cattle, goats, poultry and fish.

    the government also trains villagers in vocations: tailoring, hairdressing and bakery. this year, the federal government has given Sabah 580m ringgit to spend on development projects to rid Sabahans of poverty while the state is spending almost 160m ringgit.

    even the outcomes from the various programs implemented by the government is yet to bear fruit as desired, at least the government is still struggling to eradicate poverty in this state and should not be concluded that the government has failed.)

    Again, qualities of the program should be the top priority. not the quantities of program itself. u cakap senarai program kerajaan utk rakyat miskin "sampai lembu balik kandang" pun tiada guna jika tiada hasil ketara dari program itu dpt dilihat. jika kamu cakap akan ada hasil, persoalan saya, bila?

  63. 40 of 100 houses of poor inPaper rehabilitated uner the Nadi Kasih project (PKN) which was launched on July 30 this year.The rest would be completed end of the year.
    PKN also provide aid to youths, students, chronic patients and the disabled (OKUs).
    The aids shows the government 's commitment to help the people

  64. Harap isu menangani kemiskinan ini akan terus diusahakan lagi walaupun gagal sekurang-kurangnya kerajaan berusahah untuk menanganinya.

  65. Pelbagai program telah dilaksanakan tapi mungkin masih perlu banyak kajian lagi dilakukan untuk memastikan perkara ini berjalan dengan lancar. Maklumat dari orang lain juga perlu untuk mudah menangani masalah ini. Kita tahu kerajaan negeri berusaha untuk memastikan kadar kemiskinan sifar berjaya.

  66. Pembangunan kita memang utamakan tapi kita juga tidak boleh lupa dengan penduduk yang miskin dan memerlukan pertolongan dari kerajaan. Kerajaan seharusnya membuat perancangan untuk menangani masalah kemiskinan di Sabah ini. Apa, kenapa, bagaimana, sebab semua ini perlu dijadikan persoalan oleh kerajaan untuk memastikan kejayaan menangani kemiskinan berhasil.

  67. Ini bukan ekasih tapi "Pilih-Kasih" untuk umno kroni saja.

    Tidak mustahil apa rancangan dilancarkan oleh umno semua pun gagal.

  68. Pilih kasih, undilah BN baru dapat e-kasih.
