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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unnecessary Spat

By Amdee Sidik

The spat among the local leaders especially between SAPP and DAP don’t go down well to voters and potential voters of opposition parties.

Why must a problem be created unnecessarily, which could be resolved easily?

If the idea is to score political mileage, it isn’t worth even thinking because people actually hate it. The only group that benefits out of this is the BN parties.

Local DAP leaders are prone of doing by creating sparks of hatred which eventually lead to unnecessary strain to other fellow opposition leaders.

Politicians like us have different views of looking at politics and want as far as possible to align from this old designed mentality that only they can do politicking.  We want something more forward looking to pursue people and state’s interests.

There is a need to plant new initiative among the younger leaders if we want to see real democracy in Malaysia and in Sabah exist in the future.

I’m expecting all opposition political parties to cooperate together. All should wrap their quarrel and let the General Election is done with, or else get out of politics.

This coming general election is significant and crucial indeed to people in Sabah, in particular the mental aspect, if we can’t make political difference via ballot boxes this time, one can forget for sometimes but be prepared for the worst and pray, our country would not end up like Zimbabwe.

The present opposition leaders must put aside any differences and let consolidate energy against the rotten bullying BN government.

Why is DAP leader like Hiew King Cheu very impatient? I don’t think Hiew is representing the rest of DAP in Sabah nor the national leaders’ views.

Pakatan leader Anwar Ibrahim had made the statement very clear with regards to the likely status of collaboration between Pakatan and SAPP in this coming GE

Let me give my view bluntly, in Sabah, no matter how strong DAP is, assuming DAP takes all Chinese seats (7) DAP will never ever able to form a State government by itself.  Thus rhetoric of this kind is just childish game.

In Sabah the need of cooperation among all opposition parties is real. No group is more important or less important. If the opposition wants to form a state government they have to subscribe to the idea of cooperation, otherwise all works over the years would soon vanish in the thin air.

I’m not defending Yong Teck Lee’s past  (SAPP President) but I would state my view where needed. I’m defending my party–SAPP. There are plenty of emerging good leaders in SAPP who work day and night with clear conscience, whose political struggle is for the good of the Rakyat and the State.

And mind you, we do it willingly, sacrifice our soul and almost everything else after all the hardship and ‘tortured’ we endured by BN bullying game. Opposition members aren’t even allowed to use Balairayas when those facilities meant for all Rakyat who paid taxes and levies to the government.

DAP will never get en routed into rural Bumiputra Sabah, I bet not a seat!  Let alone in Muslim areas.

As of now no other opposition party can match SAPP in term of their preparedness going into deep remote kampongs. All too often the Peninsular political parties did was, make a loud bang! And off they go while SAPP is here to stay.

Our leaders are not only they are Sabahan but also they represent cross section of local ethnics, many of them are new and unheard before unlike ‘seasoned and retarded politicians’.

It’s worth recruiting new ones if we want change to take place; SAPP has always been exploring quality leadership.

This is where I find that no right thinking leaders should explode unnecessarily without checking where and what SAPP has in store.

Hj Amde Sidik is Chairman for Citizen Journalist Malaysia and Deputy President of SAPP


  1. Sabahan should be more confident to speak our Sabahan right n moral. The state in mess all wealth been siponed by AMno. Better to explore....illegals migrant with M'sian citizen, land grabs...BN..Barang Naik, sino status .. NRD.. to chose to state one race of misx marriage.Natual resources/Native customery right ... etc.

  2. Yes ofcourse, but be wise man! SAPP will not have the power to get rid of all those problem even if SAPP win more than 10 seats. What is the point? Be critical and objective in your action and thinking. Ujung2 tiada yg mau undi ini SAPP dan DAP kalau asyik bergaduh. Pilihan raya sudah dekat tapi masih bertuduh2 dan bergaduh. Kalau begini nanti apa lagi kalau sudah menang, asyik bergaduh dan semua janji tdk akan dapat diselesaikan. Tapi percayalah kalau Party2 pembangkang tdk kira dari semenanjung kah atau local, tdk bekerjasama, siapa mau undi kamu? Bagus undi BN kalau begitu. Sudahlah, kalau SAPP bijak, patut dari sekarang sudah berunding dgn semua parti pembangkang untuk lawan BN. Ini SAPP betul2 angkuh . SAPP bersedirian mana boleh menang. INGAT! Strategi bekerjasama paling berkesan untuk menumbangkan BN! So kalau ada perselisihan berbentuk PERSONAL, ya selesaikan secara personal dan profesional. Bukankah, tujuan utama ialah untuk menumbangkan BN? Fikir2kan!

  3. SAPP mana boleh berkerjasama dengan mana-mana parti kecuali BN.Mereka keluar dari BN kerana yakin boleh menang bersendirian dan membentuk kerajaan sendiri tanpa kerjasama dengan parti lain.

    Mereka ini tamak kuasa dan pemimpin mereka asyik bersendiwara dan menjadi boneka kepada YTL.

    Pemimpin bumiputra dalam SAPP kena kipas sikit oleh YTL sudah berapi-api dengan kata-kata mereka dan adakala apa yang mereka cakap langsung tidak masuk akal.Mereka ingat rakyat bodoh tapi kita tahu apa itu SAPP dan kebolehan YTL juga tidak lah sampai ke tahap yang di jangkakan.Mungkin hanya sebagai pemimpin parti dan tidak lebih.Oleh itu rakyat mesti waspada dan jangan terpedaya seperti yang lain dalam SAPP.

  4. Agreed 'unnecessary spat'.
    This will eventually lead to downfall of all opposite parties in Sabah & BN will continue to control Sabah & all its natural resources if parties concerned are not coming to terms.Sabahans are as the loss and continue to suffer & will further discriminate and take advantages by west malaysians as we can not even take care of ourselves and how can we run the State.
    I am more of a fence sitter but believe that local opposition party will have to take over the next State Administration as we have had enough of the divide & rule of the evil BN/Umno regime for the past decades.
    Sabah will remain poorest and most backward state if the Bn continues to rule.Is this what we want??
    GE13 is a good chance for the deprived Sabahans to show their true color to BN that we want a clean, transparent, to reinstall our rights and autonomy under the new State Administration.Our right to have control of all our natural resources for the development of the State.

  5. Only BN has the experience to rule the state and the people will give the mandate to BN again.

  6. BN hanya dipelopori oleh para pemimpin gobuk yg tamak! Saya sokong semua parti pembangkang jadi saya bersetuju dgn pendapat WISE, Spring dan Anon. Ingat! Matlamat ialah , "Tumbangkan BN melalui barisan pembangkang. SAPP bersendirian tak boleh juga. Setakat memerintah kerajaan negeri secara solo SAPP tak kuat! Tak ke manapun. Tapi kalau ada PAS, PKR dan DAP dia jadi kuat macam Selangor. Susah kalau tidak bekerjasama. Oleh itu rancang dari sekarang. Berundinglah sesama parti pembangkang. Lupakan perselisihan, pasti Sabah akan berjaya ditawan pembangkang. SAPP pun pembangkang jugakan! Datuk YTL memanglah bagus. Tapi untuk memenangi semua kerusi DUN dan MP adalah mustahil.

  7. My friend who worked in zoo once had shared his experience with us.
    He said:"I am very sacred as the days go by some tigers will die in hunger!"
    I asked:"Why?"
    He said:"Because they did not know we always have food for each and some just want to fight for more!"
    Then someone shout out:"STUPID!"

  8. "United We Build,Divided BN Take"!

  9. I Believe that PR should let SAPP decide or else nothing will happen. If PR wants to take over Putrajaya, then they will have to build strong relationship with Sabah and Sarawak based parties...give them the belief that Pakatan can let them control their own states without hindrance contrary to what BN is now doing.

    If PR is too greedy and follow the footstep of BN, sorry can only stay as opposition and will diminish in think carefully...

  10. DAP and SAPP always have these kind of unnecessary spat.

  11. Let's just see what will happen if they continue with this sort of childish acts.

  12. If there is no tolerance there, the relationship is to fragile time by time day by day.

  13. UMNO is big brother in West Malaysia that is why The UMNO members in Sabah became big headed and big bully. Now DAP is also big because they have some government in West Malaysia and they also became big headed and full West Malaysia mentality.
    The rich UMNO can trade with the power-crazy DAP because they are all West based and therefore same breed of politicians.

  14. I am sorry to see that Sabah has only left one Party and one YTL who has got gut and balls to fight against the injustice BN.
    That is why the crooks want to kill off YTL at all means, by hooks and by crooks.

  15. Work it out, i can smell something need to be fixed....

  16. Only SAPP who is truely Sabahans party who sincerely fight for Sabah people right.

    Sabah DAP is just a RACIST party imported from malaya to instil hatred and anger among the oppositions.

    Look at 2004 and 2008 Sabah election, Sabah DAP go to attack PKR and PAS and benefit BN.

    Sabah people should reject DAP in this coming election.

  17. Well said. stop flighting and show your strength to the people of Sabah if you want to be be elected.

  18. yup..stop fighting... rakyat bosan dengan isu-isu begini..

  19. "There is a need to plant new initiative among the younger leaders if we want to see real democracy in Malaysia and in Sabah exist in the future."

    Kemajuan dan perkembangan yang berterusan amat memerlukan golongan muda untuk menyertai. Golongan ini berpendidikan tinggi, berfikiran lebih terbuka dan kreatif, ciri-ciri ini amat penting untuk memperkembangkan ekonomi dan menghala negara yang 100% demokrasi.

  20. Come on la, if u guys continuously making fun of each other, u gonna smell the rock forever.

  21. "The present opposition leaders must put aside any differences and let consolidate energy against the rotten bullying BN government."

    Bukan senang parti pembangkang ini untuk bekerja-sama, masing-masing ada agenda sendiri. Kalau parti ini boleh mengetepikan kepentingan dirinya, berkemungkinan juga mereka boleh berjuang bersama-sama.

  22. Conflicts between parties will give negative impression to the people. I'm sure the leader is smart to understand the people feeling and what they expecting.

  23. "In Sabah the need of cooperation among all opposition parties is real. No group is more important or less important. If the opposition wants to form a state government they have to subscribe to the idea of cooperation, otherwise all works over the years would soon vanish in the thin air."

    Rasa-rasa BN masih kuat di Sabah. Bukan senang untuk parti pembangkang mengambil alih. Walaupun kalah, semoga semua parti dan pemimpin tidak lupakan kebajikan dan memperjuangkan hak & kepentingan rakyat.

  24. Pastikan calon-calon yang dilantik dan dipilih adalah calon yang betul-betul berkebolehan dan berkeupayaan memegang jawatan penting. Golongan ini yang akan mengambil alih dan berkhidmat untuk semua rakyat. Sikap dan kebolehan menjadi tumpuan semua orang.

  25. truely Sabahans suppose fight for sabah people right not fight to be lead..whoever the leader is,the important thing is we can see the benefit specially to sabahan...

  26. DAP dan SAPP ni gaduh tak habis2.. beginikah parti yag kita inginkan?

  27. jika begini pasti ia memberi kelebihan kepada BN.

  28. sepatutnya SAPP dan DAP bersikap matang dan profesional dalam isu2 yang dihadapi.

  29. dalam politik tidak ada istilah kawan.. just fight whoever you want to fight..

  30. nampak seperti belum ada tanda-tanda DAP dan Sapp mahu menyelesaikan pertelingkahan mereka.

  31. nanti masa kempen pilihanraya, lagi banyak isu2 yang keluar.. lagi banyak isu, lagi bagus.. senang juga penggundi buat penilaian nanti..

  32. jika keadaan sekarang berterusan DAP dan Sapp mungkin tidak akan bekerjasama.

  33. Itu la, cakap nak buat semua untuk rakyat Sabah tapi kelibat pun tarak.

  34. Totally agreed with Mr.Amdee S. It is the time to unit and not quarrel most of the time, otherwise get out of politic.

    Sabahan are not stupid.who wants to be ruled by a party or parties not united?

  35. Rf said...

    Indeed unnecessary.
    October 20, 2011 3:12 PM

    Kalau mereka ni tak ngok sangat.

  36. Please be a mature party to convince the people that you guys are doing job.

  37. there will be NO PR+SAPP in the coming GE in sabah..because SAPP or DAP hate each other..

  38. it will be 3 or 4 cornered fight in sabah..and of course, this will benefit BN more...keep on fighting DAP and SAPP...

  39. and i bet, sabah BN will win handsomely in the next GE..

  40. let them doesn't matter...

  41. i would like to see sabah DAP vs SAPP in the next GE...

  42. BN is much more better than oppositions..

  43. yup, BN lebih baik... banyak contoh yg boleh dilihat...

  44. biarlah mereka bergaduh..tidak membawa apa2 kebaikan jg kepada rakyat..

  45. Only those who support BN is supporting them to keep importing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from Indonesia, Philipina, and pakistan to outnumbered our local Sabah native population.

    Those BN supporters also support UMNO and Musang bin tidak aman who was 9 years as Sabah CM to make Sabah the POOREST in Malaysia.

    You bunch of Traitors should be charged for treason.

  46. "There is a need to plant new initiative among the younger leaders if we want to see real democracy in Malaysia and in Sabah exist in the future."

    Setuju. Jika berhasrat untuk berubah dan menghala ke negara berdemokrasi, perlu juga memupuk generasi muda yang berkebolehan untuk mengambil pengalaman dan menjawat.

  47. Sabah DAP is UMNO dogs. They have been used by UMNO to attack SAPP like PBS. Every right thinking Sabahans knew this.

    Only those fools pretending dunno or stupid.

  48. Yang bijak cuma tunggu dan lihat sahaja. Yang kurang cekap, masing-masing berbising, menunjuk jari, mencari kesalahan.

  49. "Let me give my view bluntly, in Sabah, no matter how strong DAP is, assuming DAP takes all Chinese seats (7) DAP will never ever able to form a State government by itself."

    Saya setuju. Gabungan dan kerja-sama antara parti pembangkang amat diperlukan untuk perjuangan kerusi atau menubuh kerajaan negeri. Jiak tidak sehala, tetap BN akan menjadi pemenang besar.

  50. DAP adalah parti komunis cina dari malaya ... buat ape sibuk sangat kat Sabah?

    Suruh DAP tanding di kawasan bumiputra islam untuk membuktikan mereka bukan parti cina.

    Apa kaki dap mau lawan SAPP? Semua pengikut dalam dap sabah hanya kaki perumpuan, kaki mabuk, ah long dan tahi kucing.

  51. I don't think internal conflicts between opposition can be resolve. All eying for seats and put self-interest on the high site.

  52. sibuk bergaduh sahaja... mcmna mau bantu rakyat..

  53. Saya tidak setuju bahawa DAP adalah anjing UMNO. Baseless! SAPP yg terlalu emosional. Apa salahnya SAPP dan DAP bekerjasama. Both are Chinese based party what! I really hate BN but melihat kepada tabiat tokoh2 SAPP dan DAP di Sabah, samalah juga seperti melihat dua ekor gobuk yang berebut buah kelapa. Bikin bingung rakyat. Saya akan undi SAPP atau DAP kalau perangai buruk mereka ini sudah diubah. Tapi, takut juga ya, nanti selepas menang pilihan raya , sambung lagi bergaduh. Bagus undi PKR atau PASlah. Puas hati.

  54. I do not agree with Sino Dusun who claimed SAPP is chinese party.

    I am KDM from penampang and one of the SAPP member. SAPP bumiputra members are more than the chinese.

    Is that because of SAPP leader is Chinese then you label them is Chinese party?

    How kind of logic you apply?

    I will never trust any party from malaya UMNO or DAP. They both are the same @ RACIST!

  55. Anon above,

    It only goes to show the chinese have no faith in SAPP hence there are more bumi members than the chinese.It also goes to show the KDM can be easily hoodwinked by YTL than the chinese.SAPP President is a reject leader.Just look at Batu Sapi where SAPP was even behind PKR in total votes tally.Where is YTL popularity?Zero!

  56. Sabahans can only depend on local party to fight for our rights, autonomy and control of our natural resources. Parties (umno, dap, pas etc) from malaya are interested to take control of our natural resources to develop Malaya.
    All opposition parties from west malaysia should concentrate their effort and energy to fight the bn in west malaysia and let the local party --SAPP to fight the bn/umno in Sabah.
    Recent history under bn/umno has clearly shown that their main agenda in Sabah is to take control of all its natural resources,to import illegal immigrants and give them citizenship which they have successfully done, and to divide and rule. They have also use religion negatively to divide the people in east malaysia.Only morons will support bn/umno.
    Federal govt under Bn/umno has implemented depriving national policies -cabotage, oil & gas etc..) that are eventually work to the disadvantage of east malaysia.
    Sabahans are now matured & wise to determine their new State Administration & we must give our full support only to the local party that truly fight for our rights, and autonomy as well as the Borneo agendas.
    We can not trust parties from malaya to rule as history has shown that they will continue to divide and rule in order to control all our natural resources, to deprive any development and ensure that Sabah remains the poorest and most backward State while developments will be implemented in west malaysia.

  57. Hoping only is not enough. Talking only is not enough. Kalau asyik membuka tembelang, tuduh-menuduh, benci-membenci dan masuk bakul angkat bakul ditambah dgn keangkuhan, sedangkan sudah terbukti dalam percubaan di Batu Sapi, SAPP kalah maka apa lagi yang para penyokong SAPP mahu harap? Comeon, be objective and be real in your thinking. Ofcourse, we all dont want any party from Malaya , but can you gurrantee that SAPP alone will win majority seat in the coming PRU13? Be wisebah. Even if you feel that SAPP is quite strong now, but SAPP alone will not be able towrest or fight a group of strong party from Malaya. But if SAPP is willing to cooperate among the opps. party maka saya berani cakap SAPP akan kecewa yang teramat sangat pada pilihan raya akan datang. Saya memang sokong SAPP tapi drp tinjauan yg saya buat di beberapa daerah mereka menyokong PR. Jadi tdk salahkan kalau SAPP berunding dan bkerjasama dgn SAPP supaya khidmat SAPP dapat digunapakai bersama untuk menumbangkan BN.

  58. Lantaklah mereka nak bergaduh ka tak... Buang masa saja nak layan.

  59. Kalau berterusna macam ni, nampak sangatlah fokus mereka kurang kepada kebajikan rakyat. aisshhh ini barulah politi betul2 macam politik.

  60. Semoga setiap parti kembali kepada matlamat mereka untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat. Kalau tak, konpomlah nampak sangat mereka ini gilakan kuasa dan bukannya nak bantu rakyat pun.

  61. So daripada asyik mahu tunjuk hero siapa lebih kuat ada baiknya fikirkan cara terbaik untuk menanggani permasalahan yang berlaku di Sabah.

  62. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat saja nanti apa akan berlaku pada next PRU.

  63. From what I see in the comments...our voters would like to see some light in fighting BN and getting hold of our soil for the sabah people..the beginning of our fight for autonomy like sarawak shall only be done with our own sabahans thinking likewise like the sarawakians, they have not lost even though they are in BN. They have not lost their autonomy whereas Sabah is different now.

    We are on a path to retake our autonomy...that is the difference which every sabahan needs to think..if not now, then when?

    We believe that the PR, if they can take over putrajaya can make changes to us as sabahans but they must also well consider that our local parties esp SAPP is a well-organised party dedicated to fulfill their dreams.

    PR should let our local parties to lead the way for Sabah instead of dictating their way...of what I see is another semenanjung party taking over another semenanjung party.

    We Sabahans will go from one lose-lose situation to another lose-lose situation.

  64. Makanya, dari sekarang berundinglah dengan PR dari sekarang. I think PR ini boleh dijadikan rakan seperundingan kepada SAPP. Sarawak dgn Sabah Berbeza. Sabah is full of PTI while Sarawak tdk. Jadi the approach is diferent. No other way than cooperation amongst the opps. party. We Sabahan will ofcourse face another lost-lost sitution forever ifwe choose SAPP which is very arrogance in its manner. Be humble man. I want to ask these SAPP leaders, What is your main purpose to win? What is you target in the next general election? Boleh lawankah sama itu BN yg banyak gabungan parti ditambah dgn pengundi PTI? Kalau tdk dapat menerima cadangan 2 bijak dari orang2 yg jujur seperti wise, paquindan yg lain2 maka jgn mimpi menang pada PRU13. Sabah is very different from Sarawak. Jadi kalau tdk mahu lost-lostsituation gunakan pendekatan berunding dgn OPPs. Party supaya jadi win-win situation. Harap maaf kalau tersilap. Tapi cadangan ini adalah untuk kebaikan bersama dan satu cara untuk menumbangkan BN. SAPP dan DAP jangan bergaduh secara terbuka. Nampak sangat kebodohan kamu sebagai pemimpin. Kalau ada perselisihan, selesai baik2 dalam semangat kekeluargaan. Jgn ada perasaan angkuh dan saling tak percaya. Itu yg pengundi mahu nilai, The first impression is the best mirror.

  65. SAPP has more bumiputra members which is mean SAPP was accepted by all race of Sabahans irregardless of race and religion.

    Sabah chinese population only 9% if compared to other bumiputra which is more than 80% in Sabah.

    It has proven SAPP is simply much more accepted by Sabahans if compared to opposition party import from malaya PKR, DAP and PAS.

  66. Sabah PR need to be realistic and wake up from the slumberness. Sabah PR was rejected by Sabah people TWO TERMS in 2004 and 2008 even though 1 VS 1 fight against BN.

    It has proven Sabah people do not support and trust those OPPORTUNISTS and POLITIKUS from party malaya PR.

  67. "Save Sabah said" said it well. To make changes, this will depend on all Sabahans to ensure that our rights and autonomy are reinstated. By doing that we can not depend on parties from malaya but only local party that can fulfill our dream.

  68. Berpijaklah di bumi yang nyata. Jangan sampai yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran.

  69. Perlakuan kurang matang pihak pembangkang untuk bertelagah sesama sendiri membuatkan rakyat fikir 2x kalau mahu undi kamu atau tidak. Siapa yang untung dalam situasi kamu macam ni? Renung2kan.

  70. Vote wisely Sabahans! Are these leaders that we want? Whom we can depend on?

  71. Memang kita sangat menggelak perbelahan berlaku. Tapi kalau terpaksa macamana juga.

  72. DAP dan SAPP seharusnya menyelesaikan masalah mereka untuk rakyat dan bukannya asyik bertengkar. DAP dan SAPP bertengkar tidak ada apa-apa yang penduduk Sabah dapat dari semua itu.

  73. Inilah yang Anwar mahukan sebenarnya. Sengaja mahu membuat DAP dan SAPP berperang. Dari awal lagi DAP telah mengatakan bahawa mereka tidak akan dapat bersama dengan SAPP. Tapi Anwar tetap berdegil untuk membuat kerjasama antara pembangkang.

  74. DAP adalah parti RACIST dari malaya. Apa tujuan parti malaya DAP di Sabah hanya suruh kaum cina benci sama bumiputra.

    Jika DAP berani, suruh mereka tandinglah di kawasan bumiputra islam selain daripada tapuk saja di kawasan cina.

    Apa kualiti biaDAP Sabah punya pemimpin semua cakap bahasa malaysia pun tidak pandai.

  75. Suruh dulu YTL bertanding lawan Musa Aman di Sibuga kalau ada pelir.

  76. THe chances for BN to win is high if DAP and SAPP refuse to cooperate.

  77. DAP and SAPP needs to set aside their differences and solve their problem professionally.

  78. Vote wisely people! GE is not an yearly thing, so do vote wisely for the sake of Sabah.

  79. In Malaysia, you solve problem by $$$$, no need professionalism. Cuba Jagan guna Wang politic Itu barulah hero.

  80. Anonymous said...

    Suruh dulu YTL bertanding lawan Musa Aman di Sibuga kalau ada pelir.

    SAPP akan tanding di sibuga jika musang bin tidak aman tidak guna duit untuk merasuahkan rakyat. Cuba kamu sumpah laknat dulu bos kamu Musang bin tidak aman tidak akan mengguna duit untuk memancing undi!

    Allahku tahu kerja dosa umno.

  81. I wonder if SAPP will going to win even 1 seat...

  82. Last time people like ongkol also predict BERJAYA cannot win even one seat after harris was defeated in tenom but after the defeat of harris, BERJAYA successfully form the Sabah government.

  83. Wahai para penyokong SAPP yang angkuh, Majoriti komen di atas menyuruh kamu sedar diri! Kamu memanglah local party, betul tapi persoalannya ialah, mampukah kamu memperjuangkan hak rakyat Sabah jika SAPP hanya menang 5 atau 10 kerusi saja? Sekarang pun SAPP sudah melaung2kan banyak isu tapi apa? Tiada siapa yang peduli. Jadi apa bezanya jika SAPP menang semua kerusi pada GE akan datang. Berbeza jika SAPP bergabung dengan party2 pembangkang atau barisan pembangkang, maka suara kamu lebih kuat keranan ada sokongan padu daripada barisan pembangkang. Kalau tidak nanti takut ada YB dari SAPP yang keluar party dan lompat ke party lain BN. Macam Raymon Tan! Dan Perempuan sihir dari Perak itu (HEE). Jadi untuk mengelak perkara itu berlaku, jalan terbaik dan paling bijak ialah berkerjasama! Janganlah mati2 mempertahankan hujah party local saja sedangkan kamu tahu bahawa sokongan rakyat terhadap SAPP tak boleh lawan BN yang ada pengundi FIX DEPOSIT iaitu PTI. Apabila bergabung dengan parti pembangkang lain, maka sedikit sebanyak , BN boleh ditumbangkan. Kalau SAPP saja sorrylah tapi, ia tak akan mampu memenangi banyak kerusi. Mungkin beberapa kerusi sajalah. Jadi bertindak bijak dan bersikap toleran kerana rakyat sedang menilai kamu.
