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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

DAP killing co-operation hope?

KOTA KINABALU: DAP is killing the co-operation that is being worked out between Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) in the impending General Election.

"Even opposition leader Datuk Anwar Ibrahim said it is not necessary for SAPP to join Pakatan but both can find a way to work together.

"But, it seems that DAP do not want the cooperation between Pakatan and SAPP to happen because they think they can win all the seats and don't intend to share with any other party," said SAPP former Deputy President Datuk Philip Yong.

But SAPP will continue to pursue a positive co-operation with PKR, PAS and DAP in order to achieve a straight one-to-one fight against the BN as desired by the people. We don not give up hope of a straight fight against the BN.

The former Member of Parliament for Gaya said he noted Sabah DAP leaders had been making all sorts of statements against SAPP and even claimed the party and its leader Datuk Yong Teck Lee were twisting the facts.

"In fact, the Sabah DAP and its vice chairman, Edward Ewol Mujie are ignorant of the facts like the amount of fine handed to Yong for the minor offence for the 1990 Nomination Day march," he said.

Philip said he (Philip), SAPP president together with three others at that time were fined RM1,000 and not RM1,999 as claimed by Edward.

According to him, it was the court's discretion to determine the amount of fine and for incumbent elected representatives it would not want to give heavier penalty and disqualified them which would cause an by-election.

Other cases were Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) President Joseph Pairin Kitingan who was only fined RM1,800 and Parti Keadilan Rakyat's MP Tian Chua earlier this year.

Philip said Edward could say anything he like about the signboard issue but "what authority does he have to say SAPP is wrong as far as our party's signboard at our headquarters?"

"The case is now before the court but now Edward is talking like he knows better than the court," he said.

"It is rather unfortunate that some Sabah DAP leaders' behaviour is convincingly portraying their role as BN's hit men, attacking a local based party like SAPP.


  1. Pakatan should forget SAPP.They are just a pain in the arse.After GE13 I don't think they exist.

  2. SAPP should just forget DAP and work with PKR, after GE13 i don think they will exist in Sabah

  3. DAP has nothing to offer for Sabah, they are just plain opportunists just to get voted. Just believe me...and you need to pay for them to listen to their!

  4. Hiew? Hakka says he's a HUM CHUNG! Bornion Karaoke, picit pantat, pegang susu lah! Cukup duit kah untuk Karaoke malam malam...boleh bah...elaun MP sudah naik kan?

  5. If they don't want to cooperate, there is no hope for the opposition.

  6. The people must make the smart vote during the next general elections.

  7. Mereka tidak akan dapat bergabung kerana masing2 mempunyai agenda tersendiri dan bertentangan.

  8. everything can be changed, in a blink of an eye!

  9. Politics ! all for the own selfish intention.
    what happen to the People of Sabah ? personal attach? How to believe the opposition?

  10. tidak payah la bergabung. Buang masa saja.

  11. "Even opposition leader Datuk Anwar Ibrahim said it is not necessary for SAPP to join Pakatan but both can find a way to work together."

    Kalau kedua-dua pihak mempunyai agenda yang sama, tidak salah untuk mencari saluran untuk berkerja-sama.

  12. Little Miss ChocolateOctober 20, 2011 at 11:17 AM

    SAPP adalah parti politik tempatan, DAP adalah parti politik import. sudah tentu SAPP tidak akan berkerjasama dengan DAP. Perjuangan SAPP tidak memerlukan parti import macam DAP. terus begigit pun pihak lain tepuk tangan.

    p/s: ni 2 parti mahu begigit ka mahu membela nasib rakyat. konpius laa.

  13. It is not easy for all these parties to join/merge/co-operate if all of them have different mission to achieve. May be there need to find a right way to optimizing these then only the chance to work together. Good luck!

  14. "Philip said Edward could say anything he like about the signboard issue but "what authority does he have to say SAPP is wrong as far as our party's signboard at our headquarters?"

    Politik memang tidak bertoleransi dengan hal yang kecil. Masalah signboard pun boleh menjadi isu besar dan saling menembak. Kenapa pemimpin ini sering mengabaikan rakyat dan memberi tumpuan semata-mata untuk perkara yang remeh-temeh?

  15. Masing-masing menunjuk jari, mencari kesalahan. Kalau tidak sehaluan, tidak perlu bergabung, berjuang dan mencuba nasib sendiri. Keputusan berada di tangan rakyat juga. Konflik sebegini memberi pelaung BN untuk kekal mentadbir di Sabah.

  16. "SAPP will continue to pursue a positive co-operation with PKR, PAS and DAP in order to achieve a straight one-to-one fight against the BN as desired by the people. We don not give up hope of a straight fight against the BN."

    Kalau SAPP+PKR+PAS+DAP boleh mengetepikan kepentingan sendiri dan mengutamakan kebajikan untuk semua rakyat, peluang tetap diberi oleh rakyat. Kebanyakan mereka bergabung semasa pilihanraya, dah menang, masing-masing menunjuk muka yang sebenar dan mengabaikan kepentingan dan hak rakyat. Ini lar sinario yang paling rakyat tidak boleh terima.

  17. tidak perlu bergabung jika pendapat masing2 lain... biar saja rakyat yg buat keputusan...

  18. Pakatan dan SAPP mmg tak boleh bekerjasama.

  19. tak perlulah kita layan parti2 mcm ni.

  20. DAP, jangan terlalu angkuh.

  21. hanya DAP yang tidak ingin kerjasama antara SAPP dan PR. jika dikira majoriti, SAPP masih boleh dapatkan kerjasama tersebut.

  22. SAPP ni pun macam tidak tetap pendirian saja. dulu, sepatutnya SAPP tidak keluar dari BN jika tidak mahu berjuang sendirian.

  23. DAP pun ada matlamat yang sama dengan SAPP.. menubuhkan kerajaan baru di Sabah atas nama parti sendiri..

  24. just forget about cooperation.. this is a political competition, if you can't move alone without the help from other parties, better you quit from politics..

  25. memang DAP berniat untuk menghalang SAPP bekerjasama dengan PR. biar mereka masing2 berjuang kalau masalah tidak selesai2. nanti hanya mengganggu persediaan menghadapi PRU.

  26. DAP dan Sapp dari dulu sampai sekarang sama saja..suka bergaduh sesama mereka..

  27. sukar untuk DAP dan Sapp mahu bekerjasama kerana mereka ni memang tidak ngam..

  28. Mind your own business & get ready for the election if you are good enough.

  29. hiew has challenged Yong to compete in the next GE in KK..but Yong afraid and coward...he refused to do it...

  30. its obvious DAP do not want to co-operate with SAPP..because DAP is too opportunist and greed..

  31. BN is much better than DAP or SAPP..

  32. parti2 pembangkang hanya kisah tentang diri mereka sahaja..pembangkang mempergunakan rakyat untuk mencapai cita2 politik mereka..manakala rakyat diabaikan...

    kerajaan pula tetap dengan komitmen mereka untuk membangunkan negara dan memenuhi keperluan rakyat..

  33. Sabah DAP and SAPP are same..both are big liars, opportunist, and greedy..

  34. i will not put my vote over DAP or SAPP..

  35. It's really mocking him.

  36. "Even opposition leader Datuk Anwar Ibrahim said it is not necessary for SAPP to join Pakatan but both can find a way to work together."

    Kalau kedua-dua pihak boleh berjuang dengan misi yang sama, memang satu berita baik untuk rakyat Sabah. Rakyat seharus menjadi unsur utama perjuangan SAPP, Pakatan dan parti lain.

  37. Kalau tidak sehala, masing-masing berjuang sendiri. Nasib tetap ditangan rakyat untuk menentukannya. Saingan antara parti seharus jujur, amanah dan terbuka.

  38. Dunia politik tiada kawan atau musuh yang berkekalan. Hari ini mereka sebulat suara dan berjuang bersama-sama, sikit hari nanti, mereka berpecah belah dan bersaing.

  39. Im sure DAP dan SAPP has great challenge in coming election.

  40. If SAPP is greedy, why quit BN to relinquish all the perks and high minister posts?

    Something wrong with those BN's puppets who speak with forged tongue.

    Sabah DAP is UMNO dogs. They have been used by UMNO to attack SAPP like what PBS did which only slandering without any fact and substance.

    Sabah DAP better close shop and get your boat back to malaya.

  41. Setuju dengan Nelson. Ragam manusia. Ada yang sanggup buat apa saja supaya hajat tercapai. Apa lagi dalam politik yang melibatkan kuasa dan wang.

  42. Satu cara untuk menumbangkan BN yg jahat ialah mengundi parti pembangkang tapi AWAS! jangan undi parti yg ASYIK BERGADUH MACAM SAPP DAN DAP. NANTI LEPAS PILIHAN RAYA KITA GIGIT JARI. TAK APA KITA UNDI PKR DAN PAS. PKR UNTUK YG MULTIRACIAL DAN PAS UNTUK MELAYU. Bosanlah dgn sikap para pemimpin SAPP dan DAP.

  43. Sokong Shahrizal dan Vicky. Lihat saja cara mereka sekarang. Masing2 pecah tembelang dan tunjuk lagak. Memanglah bawa isu banyak tapi adakah dgn cara bergaduh dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Jom undi parti pembangkang yg lain yg penting BN tumbang but not SAPP atau DAP. Kecuali mereka kerjasama. Sama saja.

  44. Tidak mahulah undi SAPP sama DAP. Asyik bergaduh patut mulai sekarang tunjukkan kepada rakyat Sabah bahawa mereka layak sebagai pemimpin dengan cara berbaik2 dan bekerjasama. Kalau begini, mahu merosakkan perpaduan rakyat. Inikah pemimpin yg jujur? Staring bergaduh tidak pakailah. Emosional lebih! Apa kurangnya dengan samseng kalau begini! Ya kita undi PKR, PAS baru padan muka SAPP dan DAP.

  45. Aku hanya undi parti pembangkang local SAPP.

    Hanya pembelot uang masih undi parti import dari seberang. Mereka masih mabuk atau tidak sedar. Kesian orang macam ini.

  46. Buat ape nak undi parti malaya lagi? Tidak cukup kecoh ke parti malaya merosakan keharmonian Sabah?

    Kita perlu belajar dari orang Sarawak TAK NAK parti malaya.

  47. Langsung tidak profesional bergaduh begini, masing2 sibuk mengeluarkan keyataan masing2..rakyat pun bosan..

  48. they never grow up..lack of on earth they can make a CHANGE...janji kosong sahajaa....

  49. do you all think that your parties are strong enough to take BN...I don't think so. keep dreaming...

  50. Masing-masing ada hidden agenda tu lah pasal banyak masalah. hehe

  51. Matlamat nak jadi watak utama pilihan rakyat tapi kalau perangai macam ni asyik bergaduh saja, alahai boringnya. huhu

  52. Saya rasa next GE nantoi pasti hangat.. Apapun sebab kehangatannya harap rakyat tetap dapat buat pilihan yang bijak.

  53. Justeru rajyat haruslah buat penilaian secara matang dan buatlah apa yang dirasakan patut dan terbaik demi masa depan dan keharmonian Sabah.

  54. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  55. DAP in Sabah has actually nothing to offer, an opposition for the sake of opposition, with no plan or strategy to become a government, whereas SAPP has a lot in store to do and take Sabah to further heights with their plans and strategies to rebuild Sabah, gain its rights and develop human and natural think carefully before you vote and vote wisely for Sabah....

  56. Their argument will only ruin their chances to win in the coming GE.

  57. Whether they realize it or not, if they continue to act like this, it will only benefit the BN.

  58. Sabah DAP is merely a rubbishes party with mentally sick people.

    They only instil hatred to the chinese against the bumiputra.

    Sabah DAP is a RACIST party and should GET LOST from Sabah!

  59. Masa semakin suntuk untuk mereka berdua membetulkan keadaan. Mereka kena berusaha meyakinkan rakyat untuk mengundi mereka pada PRU13. Jadi lebih baik jangan buang masa untuk bertikam lidah antara satu sama yang lain.

  60. Stop doing bitchy things.

  61. 怎样要执政我们呀?

  62. Memang DAP dan SAPP tidak berngam dari dulu. Anwar saja yang memaksa diorang supaya setuju dengan kerjasama. Maksuhnya DAP dan SAPP terpaksa untun semua ini. Sekarang tengoklah apa sudah jadi. Inikah cara Anwar? Memaksa demi kepentingan diri sendiri semata-mata.

  63. Tidak perlulah berkerjasama kalau tidak dapat. Jangan paksa diri dengan rayuan Ketua Pembangkang itu. SAPP sendiri sudah tahu mereka tidak akan dapat berbuat apa-apa untuk dengan PAKATAN. Jadi jika masih ada DAP maka selagi itulah SAPP tidak akan aman.

  64. Kekecewaan mesti terasa oleh Anwar. Kerana DAP berkelakuan demikian. Sebagai rakyat kita boleh menilai sendiri bagaimana dengan cara pembangkang sendiri memnyatukan parti. Memang tidak pandai menguruskannya. Bagaimana kalau memerintah pula nanti? Bagaimana cara pengurusan mereka?

  65. Sabah DAP is now the hit man of BN trying to kill off the one and only local party standing in their way preventing them from complete colonization of Sabah.
    Those who produce ICs for foreigners are treason.
    Those who help the treasoners are betrayers of Sabah.
    They both must be punished by laws and by the people!!!!

  66. DAP's intention is to kill off SAPP that is all they want to do, a Mission given to them by Malaya Parties.
    If members of Sabah DAP still have cow sense they should stop being used by Malaya parties to exploit Sabah.
    Stop before it is too late.
    SAPP helped BN before and now they have to come out to fight and to salvage their mistakes and Sabah.
    So Sabah DAP , please try think and learn something from what happened in the past.
    Stop your blind ambition.

  67. Kenapa kita nak parti dari malaya memperjuangkan hak kita dan kita sendiri tidak buat?

    Inilah mencerminkan ada segenlintir orang kita bersifat kemalasan dan sikap pak turut kita.

    YTL sudah banyak menolong bumiputra Sabah walaupun hanya 2 tahun dia jadi KM Sabah bukan macam Musa jadi KM Sabah selama 9 tahun yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi TERMISKIN di Malaysia.

    Aku sokong parti SAPP kali ini.

  68. DAP will be the main cause of 3 corner fight to happen

  69. I have the feeling election day will be a tough one for the people.

  70. Anonymous said...
    October 20, 2011 6:44 PM

    Just because SAPP is a sabahan party, it doesn't mean that they are not like BN. Who knows, SAPP hasn't shown their true colors yet. For now, im not rooting for any of the parties.

  71. I would rather trust our local Sabah leaders who lead Sabah party instead of to trust those leader from party import malaya.

    Only traitors from Sabah will cahoot with outsider to continue to rob and steal our natural resources and colonize us.

    If those local leaders from BN or PR are so great, they should be able to come out to become independent local Sabah party to fight for Sabah people rights instead of just to sit on party malaya party for popularity, self-gained and in vain.
