Hj Amde Sidik
It took so long for UMNO leaders of Sabah to say that they’re in fact in support of Royal Commission of Inquiry-RCI with regard to the illegal immigrants getting Mykad by dubious means, which make them Sabahans.
Datuk Sapawi Hj Ahmad Sabah UMNO Information Head who as also MP for Sipitang made a statement, appeared in Borneo Post Tuesday 2/1/2012, which says; “Sabah UMNO supports RCI” bearing in mind they knew too well of the problem, after all other BN components like PBS, and UPKO have been voicing all long.
UMNO muting time is quite remarkably long for an issue of such great important to the State as well as for the nation.
My question to UMNO leaders where is the sense of patriotism to the State and country? And I can only figure out that no Sabah UMNO politicians would ever open their mouth without the nod from big brothers in Kuala Lumpur on this issue.
To share with my readers of my little conversation with one of UMNO YBs (name withheld) recently where a friend posed a question to him something like this; “Why are UMNO leaders keeping quiet on the issue of RCI?” his replies was this; UMNO has its own mechanism to deal with the problem and UMNO leaders prefer to keep quiet, he said. I think with kind of answer only a fool would not ask more questions.
Where is the transparency the ethic of good governance by BN? Why it is done discreetly? Sapawi elaborated that this is administrative decision of Federal Government, meaning Sabah politicians are but function like remote button can’t think by themselves let alone for the people of Sabah. Why are we so dependent to federal leaders on matters that are affecting us most?
I can only reason out why Sapawi came out with this statement is because the heat is now so intense; he has no other good reason except, to heed to the demand by the majority of the people. We all must assert our citizen’s right without fear of political coercion by leaders who acted like parrot.
Why Sapawi and Not MUSANG BERJANGGUT who is the Chairman of the UMNO/BN in Sabah?
ReplyDeleteHow about the so alled Masidi Manjun, Ghafur Salleh, Salleh Keruak, Hajiji, Azizah, Rosnah Gedempol, Marccus Mojigoh, Yahya Hussein, and all the PTIS YBS?
What say you all?
No wonder Akjan The Sultan of Sulu is on top of the world about the RCI.
What a lousy group of leaders from BNUMNO!
COWARD! No balls!
Woi! BNUMNO leaders, you all worth zero!
ReplyDeleteYou all are the one who orhestras the PROJECT IC MAHATHIR!
You all better go to hell. YOu bastard, go rot to hell!
You all are devilish minded, because of power and wealth, you all have sold the dignity of the Sabahans !
God! Give lesson to all this corrupted and thieves leaders!
Its good that UMNO was supporting RCI now. Hope that the force combined by all Sabahans, we will be able to successfully urge the Federal Government to set up the RCI.
ReplyDeleteSabahans must all support the RCI to find out the roots of the problems that has been plaguing all of us for the past few decades.
ReplyDeleteberdasarkan perkembangan terbaru yang berkaitan dengan isu ini, semua pihak telah satu hati, satu suara memberi sokongan penuh terhadap penubuhan Suruhanjaya siasatan Diraja (RCI).
ReplyDeleteWe need an RCI to investigate the project IC issuance in the state and put a stop to it.
Tidak perlulah dengar kata-kata daripada si Akjan, orang luar tidak payah campur tangan. Kita orang Sabah sokong RCI, itu saja yang penting.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Persekutuan perlulah memberi keputusan mereka pasal penubuhan RCI ini sebelum PRU-13.
ReplyDeleteThere must ba a reason for that.
ReplyDeleteProtests against injustice & evil are a citizen's duty – with God's blessing. Even a child can see the corruption and evil of UMNO & BN! I speak from a country ranked top 3 in the world for democracy and non-corruption. The world now see too clearly! Those in power will do anything to stay in power & plunder for riches. They will lie, cheat, deceive, control the media, make up stories, fabricate crime accused on the opposition (like the injustice on Anwar), they will arrest, torture and even kill like Gaddaffi. Now they say demonstration undermines peace...bla bla bla. You know well curse will befall those for supporting evil & criminal regimes. God bless all the rest that suffer injustice.
ReplyDeleteThe sudden surge in the exposures of Umno/BN wrong doing is the will of God, at a time close to the general election. It's God's way of telling the government that enough is enough. The exposures can no longer be kept out of public notice. The final word to Umno/BN – Change or be changed.
ReplyDeleteRM400 million a day of black money disappeared from Malaysia! Based on the reported RM150 billion/year that vanished. According to the Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI), in 2009 alone RM 150 billion (US$47 billion) in illicit money was illegally siphoned out of Malaysia. The latest GFI report, by economists Sarah Freitas and Dev Kar, who is a former senior economist at the International Monetary Fund, stressed that these illicit outflows are basically illicit transfers of the proceeds of bribery, theft, kickbacks and tax evasion." In other words, it refers to corruption money or black money that is obtained illegally…… ENOUGH OF TAIB, ENOUGH OF UMNO, NOT ANOTHER DAY!
ReplyDeleteIn Sarawak alone, with Taib’s 31 yrs of abuse of power, mutli-billion $ plunder and over 10 years of the same by his Uncle before him, the Sarawak CM must be arrested now. His morality, integrity; legitimacy & right to lead are ZERO.
ReplyDeleteUMNO is equally corrupt. Nothing will be done, unless Arab Spring type pressures are mounted beginning with:
Blockade of all logging & oil palm accesses.
Blockade of all CMS & related’s access & movements.
Work stoppage. Sit-ins in offices, transport hubs & airports.
If the police intimidates.....Good! That’s the beginning of the end of Sarawak’s great tragedy & BN’s stranglehold in Malaysia.
kan bagus kalau sabah UMNO menyatakan sokongan mereka terhadap tuntutan penubuhan RCI di perhimpunan agung UMNO..
ReplyDeleteapa pun, umno sabah sudah menyatakan pendirian mereka..ini menjadikan RCI disokong oleh semua parti komponen BN sabah..
ReplyDeleteoleh itu, tiada sebab bagi kerajaan persekutuan khasnya kementerian dalam negeri untuk menolak penubuhan RCI untuk menyiasat projek IC di sabah..rakyat tulen sabah berhak membuat tuntutan ini kerana yang menjadi mangsa adalah generasi sekarang dan generasi akan datang serta masa depan mereka..
ReplyDeletesekarang sudah 2012...pru13 juga makin hampir..apa keputusan kerajaan?
ReplyDeletejika keputusan yang akan dibuat tidak mengembirakan rakyat tulen sabah, maka akan timbul rasa marah dan benci kepada kerajaan bn yang mana mungkin akan diterjemahkan pada pru13..
ReplyDeleteUntuk ambil hati rakyat Sabah, RCI mungkin akan ditubuhkan tapi tidak tahulah sejauh mana ketelusan siasatan dibuat..
ReplyDeleteBilakah agaknya RCI akan ditubuhkan untuk menangani isu PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBertindaklah cepat sebelum datangan PRU13.
ReplyDeleteTeruskan menyuarakan RCI untuk Sabah. Mari penduduk Sabah kita ramai-ramai menyokong untuk penubuhan RCI untuk Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBatu Bersumpah!
ReplyDeleteHanya di saat akhir pru 13 diadakan bila2 masa baru kononnya unmo sabah sokong RCI ditubuhkan!
Menghairankan! kenapa baru sekarang baru sokong itu pun hanya sedikit benar bilangannya. Musang berjangut tetap berdiam diri.
Kenyataan umno sabah sokong RCI hanyalah helah mendapat sokongan dalam pru 13 tetapi mereka menyatakannya dengan tidak ikhlas.
Musang berjangut jangan kau duduk saja di kerusi empun KM Sabah takut kehilangan kuasa bila pati tidak dapat mengundi!
Umno sabah cakap tidak serupa bikin PARTY PENDATANG HARAM KUALA LUMPUR.
UMNO Sabah dan para pemimpin Sabah menyokong RCI ditubuhkan.
ReplyDeleteharap maslah pati akan dapat diselesaikan dengan ada nya komitmen daripada semua pihak.
ReplyDeletesemua penduduk Sabah dah setuju dgn penubuhan RCI. jadi tunaikanlah harapan penduduk Sabah.
ReplyDeletepersekutuan haruslah tubuhkan RCI.
ReplyDeletebila sudah ramai yang sokong termasuk rakan sendiri, secara tidang langsung pihak yang berbelah-bahagi terhadap isu ini pun akan menyokong.. so tahniah kepada pihak yang bertungkus lumus memperjuangkan isu ini sehingga mampu menarik suara yang lebih besar untuk sama2 berjuang dalam isu ini..
ReplyDeletekalau sudah ditubuhkan nanti, siasat pihak yang membantah dahulu supaya siasatan seterusnya tidak diganggu oleh puak2 ini..
ReplyDeletewhat kind of mechanism?
ReplyDeleteyang penting sekarang, UMNO Sabah juga sudah menunjukkan pendirian mereka untuk menyokong RCI. bolehlah semua parti bersatu hati mendesak kerajaan persekutuan.
ReplyDeleteDiam=antara setuju dan tidak setuju. lama juga UMNO keluarkan kenyataan 'setuju' mereka.
ReplyDeleteYang membantah tu macam ada sedikit pelik. Kenapa pula bantah?? takut?risau? ka suka tu PATI ada di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteRamai yang mahu RCI ditubuhkan tapi hairan napa hal ini mcm tak diendahkan pula.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan mungkin punya alasan yang munasabah, namun bukan semua dapat terima alasan itu. Harap hal ini dapat ditanggani dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteSemua pihak harus terus berusaha agar RCI ditubuhkan. Dengan usaha yang berterusan saya yakin pihak-pihak yang bertanggungjawab akan lebih bagi perhatian.
ReplyDeleteSemoga masalah pati dapat diselesaikan kerana inilah harapan Sabahan utk melihat isu yang sudah jadi kanser ini diubati.
ReplyDeleteApapun, dengan desakan ramai macam ada kemungkinan juga RCI ditubuhkan oo.. Kalau ditubuhkan pasti ramai yang happy:)
ReplyDeletesudah sekian lama rakyat menggesa Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk memberikan perhatian serius kerana isu ini sudah semakin meruncing.
ReplyDeletememang wajar RCI ditubuhkan sekarang kerana negeri Sabah dan rakyat tulen
ReplyDeletenegeri ini perlu dilindungi hak mereka demi masa depan anak bangsa.
semoga kerajaan dapat merombak kembali Dasar Maritim dan
ReplyDeleteUndang-Undang Imigresen serta mengetatkan kawalan keselamatan perairan
negara bagi menjamin sempadan negara ini tidak mudah dibolosi dan
dicabuli PATI.
Rakyat Sabah tulen perlu bersatu untuk melindungi kepentingan bersama.
ReplyDeletedan semoga kerajaan bersetuju untuk menubuhkan RCI secepat mungkin, dan membekukan dulu perlaksanaan IC baru
ReplyDeleteIts time for federal to decide about the setup of RCI.
ReplyDeleteTiada perkembangan untuk menyelesaikan pasalah PATI yang semakin membanjiri Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Sabah harus berdiri didepan rakyat Sabahan menuntut pertubuhan RCI.
ReplyDeleteJangan merisikokan ketenteraman rakyat yang sedia ada.
ReplyDeleteIts still not too late to go with RCI to find the cause of the issue. Hope BN make brilliant decision to setup RCI.
ReplyDeleteBanyak suara awam dibuka untuk menuntut RCI, tetapi masih tiada perkembangannya.
ReplyDeleteCuma pihak yang disyahki terlibat dalam projek IC dan PATI yang menolha permintaan RCI.
ReplyDeleteWho is Sabahan now? PATI?
ReplyDeleteBN Sabah akan membuat yang terbijak untuk rakyat di Sabah.
ReplyDeletePihak yang terlibat pasti terasa bimbang dan risau.
ReplyDeleteMungkin kerajaan ada cara lain untuk menyiasat hal ini..namun suara rakyat harus di dengar juga.
ReplyDeleteTubuhkan sahaja RCI... agar semua pihak berpuas hati.
ReplyDeleteKita tunngu dan lihat apa keputusan kerajaan berkenaan dengan RCI..
ReplyDeleteharap permintaan terhadap RCI ini tidak pula dijadikan bahan politik oleh mana-mana pihak.
ReplyDeletemajoritinya menyokong RCI, maka memang wajarlah jika ianya ditubuhkan.
ReplyDeletesemoga masalah pati yang berlaku selama ini akan dapat diselesaikan.