SAPP Youth Exco member Clement Lee is demanding the present UMNO-Led BN Government to take action to reveal the truth of SAS downfall during the period of 1997-1998 after SAPP has made several reports to the relevant authorities concerned following restless accusations and slandering by Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai against the former Chief Minister.
"We believe BURSA and Securities Commission (SC) have the SAS transactions records in their database where it could be easily retrieved to find out if there was any insider-dealing, short-selling and or other such related irregularities. Additionally, the UMNO-led BN government should reveal all the Board of Directors Meetings and relevant minutes with regards to the buying and disposing of SAS shares.
"It is very obvious that Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai is merely slandering the former CM but is afraid to reveal the truth to the public as to who were the real culprits behind the scene. He is only making fools of the 50,000 poor investors by beating around the bush. He himself has in fact damaging his own credibility, integrity and trustworthiness instead of walking the talk to solve the problem.
"In addition, two SAPP YBs have initiated the move of motion requesting the UMNO-led BN government to issue the White Paper during the Sabah State Assembly but it was turned down by BN YBs especially Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai, whose behavior is inconsistent to his standing.
"SAPP is committed to solving this problem faced by the over 50,000 investors that the BN-led government could not, even after 14 years. SAPP will issue the necessary White Paper to find out the root-cause of the downfall of SAS and reveal the truth to the public when we form the Sabah state government," Clement added.
White Paper is a waste of time and money.Why not just ask YTL to tell everything since he was the CM then.SAPP claims to know everything about SAS and to SAPP everyone is at fault except YTL.Why bother about everything else like checking on database,minutes of meetings,irregularities etc.Ask YTL to spit them out if he is so innocent rather than live through the nightmares of accusations by Datuk Yee Moh Chai.If its slander than YTL should know what to do afterall he is a 'trigger happy' guy who will not hesitate to drag anyone to court for the slightest fault.
ReplyDeleteThe above comment is proudly sponsored by BN Umno 2012.
Deletedo you think that YTL will tell the truth?
DeleteYong Teck Lee already many times deny that they are involved, what more do they want to clarify? No matter what the truth is SAPP will also deny.
DeleteDon't waste our time and money, SAPP. We had enough of this, during the next GE, you will see how many Sabahans actually trust you.
DeleteNo thief will claim that they are thieves.
DeleteSorry seem to be the hardest word.
DeleteThey claimed they have the rights.
DeleteAnak Petagas,
ReplyDeleteHow can YTL to tell everything whereby he will get caught under the OSA (Official Secret Act) by revealing the government secret as a former CM? You pretending don't know or you plain stupid?
Who is wasting the 50k SAS investor time? I bet no other than UMNO. If BN cannot do it, just resigned and let SAPP to take over.
I am one of the SAS investor is sick of UMNO's bullshits! No action, Talk only!
Yong Teck Lee knows but cannot tell, meaning he has something to hide. Only those who did no wrong can stand up and cast the first stone. SAPP and Yong Teck Lee should stop wasting our time.
Deletethis is quite a long time ago issue. i wonder why until today still no solution.
DeleteYou hold my secrets, I hold your secret. We both are equally desperate.
DeleteIf you want to be the peoples champion you should not be afraid of prison or bullets.If a leader is still afraid of the two things mentioned then might as well stay home,do the gardening and look after your family well inside the luxury of your homes.Eat good food,bark once in a while and hide under the bed when someone knocks on your door.
DeleteWhere is the 'mandela' in YTL?Afraid of OSA?Quit politics then.
Truth has been told but BN & Umno supporters chose to ignore TRUTH .
DeleteRead here http://wikisabah.blogspot.com/2011/01/truth-of-sas-issue-revealed.html
Who knows what the truth is, all this while we are only looking at one side of the story.
Deletejika penyediaan kertas putih berkaitan punca kejatuhan nilai Saham Amanah Sabah adalah perlu untuk selesaikan isu ni, apa salahnya ia dibuat?
ReplyDeleteNothing to hide if there is no wrongdoing.
DeleteBerani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.
DeleteSAS jatuh semasa YTL jadi KM, jadi dia yang harus perjelaskan.
ReplyDeleteYTL tidak boleh bongkar rahsia kejatuhan SAS sebab dalam protection Official Secret Act.
DeleteKenapa bos kamu musang takut menangkap YTL jika dia betul2 salah yang dituduh oleh setan umno atau umno tahu saja buat fitnah? Tepuk dada tanya selera. Nanti ketulahan baru kau tahu "Mr. Law"
Takut tangkap ka.
DeleteYTL mau jadi ketua menteri ma bukan banduan tiap hari duduk lokap makan kangkung rebus sama ikan masin.
DeleteBN yang tuduh dan buat fitnah sama YTL kan. Bukankah BN sepatutnya mengeluarkan bukti tangkap YTL jika dia salah.
DeleteKenapa BN tahu saja fitnah dan tidak berani tunjuk bukti?
BN ini kerajaan atau pembangkang?
Yang kesian itu 50k pelabur SAS balik2 diperbodohkan oleh BN yang kuat fitnah. Balasan akan datang tidak lama lagi.
Harap bos musang kamu apabila makan kangkung tidak tersanggut di kerongkong dia mati terus. kuang kuang kuang
Beliau menyalahkan kerjaan bagi semua masalah ni, tak guna betul.
Deletejika SAS tidak jatuh pada masa itu, tentu kini para pelabur dan untung besar.
ReplyDeleteyes, IF ONLY..but what had happened?? Whose fault?
DeleteSemua saham pun jatuh pada 1997, kenapa harga saham yang lain sudah kembali ke harga asalnya hanya SAS tidak pandai naik?
DeleteJika bos musang kamu tidak tahu buat kerja, letak jawatan. Jangan buat bodoh dan gaji buta saja.
Kita pelabur SAS sokong SAPP ambil balik kerajaan Sabah.
You are only one SAS investor and does not represent all SAS investors in Sabah. Don't assume they will all put their trust in SAPP again.
DeleteBanyak saja cakap, entah betul ka tak. Kadang-kadang politik ni pun bikin panas juga. huhu
ReplyDeletesusah nak cari orang yang bersikap ikhlas dalam politik.
DeleteNamun, semuanya terpulang pada rakyat utk membuat penilaian sendiri.
ReplyDeletejika fitnah BN terhadap YTL betul, kenapa tidak keluar bukti dan tangkap dia?
ReplyDeleteOrang kena tangkap kerana buat jenayah tapi YTL hanya tidak pandai buat kerja waktu jadi CM dulu.Mana boleh tangkap hanya kerana bodoh kerja,lol.
DeleteSAPP is committed to solving this problem faced by the over 50,000 investors that the BN-led government could not, even after 14 years. SAPP will issue the necessary White Paper to find out the root-cause of the downfall of SAS and reveal the truth to the public when we form the Sabah state government," Clement added. Really ?
ReplyDeleteI have the guy feeling that ALL are contributing to the downfall,only a matter of degree of involvment.
if YTL is so brilliant and deserve to be our CM, then he should never approved the share swap deal.. he should know what happen in the future..
ReplyDeleteBlack, stop misleading the public. SAS has a group of directors mainly appointed by UMNO and Datuk Salleh is the chairman. All the decision were made by a group of directors from SAS. Kamu fikir SAS Board of Directors gaji buta kah?
ReplyDeleteBN government has all the board of directors meeting and minutes and who approve to dispose the share. Why BN so afraid to make public about the minutes?
What is got to do with YTL?
BN yang tuduh sama YTL yang menyebabkan kejatuhan SAS kan?
ReplyDeleteKenapa BN tidak kasih bongkar semua bukti selain daripada buat fitnah dan tuduhan sama YTL sahaja?
Siapa yang tembirang dan pembohong sama rakyat jika bukan BN?
Jika kita lihat kenapa SAS tidak lembap dalam pelaburan bukan satu masalah. Yang penting SAS tidak mengalami kerugian yang besar lagi. Maka kita perlu merancang sesuatu dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteRajul, I doubt you bring your brain to give statement. SAS price now only 30 cents. If dropped further will be ZERO cent.
ReplyDeleteThe issue now why the rest of the stocks prices and amanah saham of others have been recovered back to its original value after financial crisis but why SAS remained stagnant even though musang bin tidak aman says BN government has 3 billion?
It has proven Musang only talk cock to siok sendiri with the amount.
Yong Teck Lee shouldn't guarantee that the SAS price will not fall under RM1 per share, he shouldn't make this sort of boast if he couldn't keep it.
DeleteSupposed YTL is responsible to answer the question.
ReplyDeleteBut where is YTL? is he hiding now?
ReplyDeleteCyantia, stop fooling around with your slandering against YTL about SAS.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Securities Commission Constitutions, all the disposing and buying of shares must be decided by the SAS Board of Directors and must be signed by the SAS Chairman who is Datuk Salleh Said Keruak during that time.
When BN is accusing YTL, BN should show the proof with all the SAS Board of Directors Meetings and Minutes which was signed and approved by SAS Chairman Datuk Salleh.
Eventhough the so called Fund Manager when entering into the market whom was appointed by SAS BODs also need to get approval from SAS Chairman Datuk Salleh before he could execute any trade.
What SAS got to do with former Sabah Chief Minister YTL? If YTL was involved, PLEASE PUBLISH all the transactions records of SAS, signed and approved by whom and I believe all this database were kept at Barisan Najis office.
So far, We rakyat knew that Barisan Najis only bullshitting and resort to slandering against YTL.
You think we Sabahans are stupid? Mimpilah kamurang Barisan Najis
Yong Teck Lee has promised the people that the SAS share price will not go below RM1. Deny this if you dare.
ReplyDeleteYTL never promised the people that SAS price will go below RM1.
DeleteIt was SAS Chairman Datuk Salleh who promised the people and he also said the SAS investor can ask for compensation from BN government will fall below RM1.
Deny this if you dare UMNO dog!