Hakim Joe
Sabah possesses the largest number of migrant workers in Malaysia, exceeding even Selangor. One simple question, “Why would the poorest state in Malaysia have such a large number, even to the extent of eclipsing the richest state in Malaysia”? Are there so many ongoing projects in Sabah that the state requires so many migrant workers? If yes, why is it still the poorest state in Malaysia?
As the name implies, this is a clandestine project that involves the alleged citizenship drive to naturalize illegal migrants for political purposes, which started in the 1990s, and was targeted against the two East Malaysian states, especially Sabah.
By introducing new elements into the concoction, one adulterates its overall effect and by integrating migrant Muslims from Indonesia and the Philippines into Sabah as Malaysian citizens, it dilutes the concentration of the indigenous people there. By the same token, this does not automatically mean that these new migrants will vote BN but the odds are pretty high that they will and it is a risk worth taking.
The population of Sabah in the early 70s was about 655,000 and the major ethnic groups comprise of 32% Kadazan/Dusun, 23% Chinese and 4.9% Muruts (total 59.9%). These are majority non-Muslims but either Christians or Buddhists. Henceforth, should Umno set up its branches in Sabah during the 70s, they will be in the minority as Malay Muslims only made up 0.4% and Bajaus (also Muslims) made up 13.1% of the Sabah populace (total 13.5%). Lousy odds.
Fast forward it to 2006 and the demographics have been utterly distorted. The ethnic composition of Sabahans are now 17.8% Kadazan/Dusun, 9.6% Chinese and 3.3% Muruts (total 29.7%) whereas Malay Muslims increased to 11.5%, Bajaus increased to 13.4% and “Other Bumiputras” comprised of 14.6% respectively (total 44.5%).
What and who the Hell are “Other Bumiputras” anyway? Let’s not even get into how these new migrants are accorded Bumiputra statuses whilst non-Muslims that have been here for a couple of generations are deemed second class citizens.
In a normal society, the number of the majority ethnic group will increase in tandem with the population increase.
Since the Kadazan/Dusun were prominent back in the 60s and 70s comprising 32% of Sabahans, this ethnic group should make up approximately 40% to 45% of Sabah’s population in the 90s. However, this is not what actually transpired. In fact the number of ethnic Kadazan/Dusun almost halved from 32% to only 17.8%.
Sabah’s population increased to 1,307,582 in 1980; 1,736,902 in 1991; 2,449,389 in 2000 and 3.21 million in 2010 making it the state with the highest population growth rate at 3.1% compared to the national average of 2.3%. As per indicated in the previous paragraph, the total number of Kadazan/Dusun declined drastically. Does this mean that the majority of Kadazan/Dusuns in Sabah owns VCD & DVD players whereas most of the Malay-Muslims do not (hence finding other nocturnal activities to entertain themselves)?
Project IC or “Project M” is an ominous long term plan to modify the demographic pattern of Sabah to make it more favorable to the ruling government and certain political parties, especially with regards to changing the electoral voting patterns. In West Malaysia, we have frogs and gerrymandering.
In East Malaysia, we covertly change the demographics. It is therefore not surprising that Umno calls both Sabah and Sarawak their “fixed deposits” as in “you will still vote for us regardless of how we abuse and mistreat you.”
Example, Sabah was the second richest state after Selangor in 1970. Now it is the poorest state. Even Perlis with only 317 square miles of real estate to call its own and without a single drop of oil in its soil is richer than Sabah.
Any Sabahans out there? Does reading this makes you want to puke?
Let’s discuss migrant workers now before going on to Project IC. Sabah possesses the largest number of migrant workers in Malaysia, exceeding even Selangor. One simple question, “Why would the poorest state in Malaysia have such a large number, even to the extent of eclipsing the richest state in Malaysia”? Are there so many ongoing projects in Sabah that the state requires so many migrant workers? If yes, why is it still the poorest state in Malaysia?
When asked, the top official of the federal Ministry for Women, Family and Community,Dato Dr. Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur said that 27.7% out of the 3.21 million in Sabah comprised of migrant workers with a large majority of them being Indonesians. Furthermore, the immigrant population in the Kinabatangan district in 2010 has already surpassed the local population (73.8% immigrants & 26.2% locals). What this basically means is that there are more Indonesians and Filipinos in a Malaysian district, on Malaysian soil, than Malaysians.
In the 70s, there was no such thing as migrant workers in Sabah. Nowadays they make up more than a quarter of Sabah’s population. In an earlier interview, TDM said that these migrant workers, regardless of whether they overstayed or entered the country illegally, qualify for Malaysian citizenship “if they spoke Bahasa Malaysia”. Does this mean that nothing else really mattered except for the mastery of the language? Does this mean that a convicted murderer or child molester qualifies for Malaysian citizenship should he or she is capable of speaking fluent Bahasa Malaysia?
So, how could anyone get away with it unless it has been sanctioned from up above? An illegal immigrant would first need his history cleansed and that involves the Immigration Department. Then he needs to be “made” a citizen and that involves the National Registration Department. Finally, he needs to register as a voter and that involves the Election Commission. Fortunately (for someone), only one ministry is involved as the Immigration Department, the National Registration Department and the Election Commission all comes under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
If the government of Malaysia is allegedly giving citizenship to anyone who spoke fluent Bahasa Malaysia, then hypothetically there should then be a mixture of Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Hare Krishnas and atheists coming in from all around the world. How then does one justify that only the majority of these immigrants are all Muslims from Indonesia and the Philippines?
This is however purely a conjecture as the NRD would not confirm or deny it. Hell, they even said in advance that they would consider not attending any Parliamentary Select Committee if indeed the department were called upon to testify. Basically, it is a subtle way of telling the Sabahans to fuck off. Additionally, the NRD would seriously only consider attending if a Royal Commission of Inquiry is initiated, that is if the RCI really happens.
Should all Sabahans take it as it is? Certainly not! Are all Sabahans taking it as it is? Absolutely so! Sometimes I wonder if you people across the straits have your head properly screwed in. Don’t blame the West Malaysians. We delivered five states in the last general elections (it is just that they took one back no thanks to the Jelapang female dog). Five out of eleven over here is not too shabby. Zero out of two across the sea definitely is.
Anyway, the RCI failed to materialize but in 2007 a PSC was initiated to investigate the existence and functions of Project IC. Bernard Dompok was selected as its chairman but he soon quit as the NRD lived up on its promise and informed everybody that the department will not be appearing before the PSC.
On the first of June this year, our dearly beloved PM announced that the federal government has (finally) agreed to set up a RCI to investigate problems related to illegal immigration in Sabah. Then nothing happened until Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing, formerly UPKO’s Deputy President, Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin, formerly an Umno supreme council member and Senator Datuk Maijol Mahap, a Vice-President in BN’s Sabah-based United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO) defected from BN’s fold.
Suddenly the federal government officially announced the formation of the RCI including the members of the commission and the Terms of References. Now we wait (again).
Anyway, the members of the commission include Steve Shim (Chairman), a former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak; Saripuddin Kasim (Secretary), the Secretary General of the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry; Kamaruzaman Ampon (Commissioner) the vice-chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah; Herman Luping (Commissioner) the former Sabah State Attorney General; KY Mustafa (Commissioner) the former Sabah State Secretary; and Henry Chin Poy Wu (Commissioner) the deputy chairman of the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation.
The eight Terms of References include:
1) To investigate the number of foreigners in Sabah given blue Malaysian ICs or citizenships;
2) To investigate if the award of such ICs or citizenships were according to the law;
3) To investigate if those given blue ICs, temporary identification receipts or citizenships through unlawful means have been registered in Sabah’s electoral roll;
4) To investigate if the authorities have taken any action or made improvements to standard operating procedures (SOPs), methods and regulations to prevent any irregularities in accordance with the law;
5) To conduct a deeper probe into the SOPs, methods and regulations on the award of blue ICs or citizenships to foreigners in Sabah by taking into consideration international norms and standards that are applicable to Malaysia, and to recommend amendments or changes to improve current practices;
6) To investigate the reasons behind Sabah’s population growth according to the following categories:
a) Sabah citizens residing in the state, including those given blue ICs or citizenships through birth certificates (late registration);
b) foreign workers (including family members);
c) illegal immigrants (including family members); and
d) fugitives
and to study their impact on the number of those registered in the electoral roll;
7) To investigate the social implications on the Sabah community following the award of blue ICs or citizenships to foreigners in the state; and
8) To investigate the number of “stateless” foreigners in Sabah given blue Identity Cards or citizenships.
In conclusion, Project IC or otherwise known as “Project M” first begun in the early nineties when Umno decided that they are unable to depend on Sabahan politicians to win their elections for BN. United Sabah National Organization (USNO) was formed as a result of this long term planning and later BERJAYA took over the reins to spearhead BN’s charge to take total control of the state by means of mass immigration and migrant naturalization processes.
Between 1970 and 2000, Sabah’s population increased by 285%, whilst Malaysia's population increased by only 113%. Furthermore, the Kadazan/Dusun/Murut people increased by 236% as compared to the increase of “Other Bumiputras” by a whopping 631%.
Fact: “Senior citizens (in Sabah) who lose their MyKads are given the MyPR as replacement”…as quoted by NRD Kota Kinabalu.
Fact: Senior citizens in Sabah who has to mandatory change their blue ICs (to MyKads) will sometimes be given the MyPR as replacement. NRD Kota Kinabalu fails to specify under what circumstances or situation will this occur.
Fact: 65,000 Filipino refugees were issued the IMM13 refugee documents in the 1970s.
Fact: In 2008, the federal government stated that 65,000 Filipino refugees were again issued the IMM13 refugee documents that year (coincident?)
Fact: Children of intermarriages between local natives are classified as sino-indigenous and not indigenous people. However, children of marriages between “Other Bumiputras” and foreigners are automatically Bumiputras.
Fact: Any foreigner qualifies for the MyKad if he or she exhibit mastery of Bahasa Malaysia.
These foreigners should however show evidence that they qualify to be classified under the “Other Bumiputra” category first…
If Malaysians of Chinese descent who is born here are called Pendatangs, what do you call those who were born elsewhere but just obtained their MyKads because they can speak BM?
Mr Hakim, to me, you've highlighted just about 'it'. Almost everything about the extent of 'evil' foisted upon us , the bonafide citizen of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIf someone had possessed enough brains to use 'viagra'(whateverlah, tongkat ali perhaps) himself for the purpose of 'exponential gene- increment' then I would have just rolled my eyes upon hearing. People might find ways and means to strangle the offshoot later. But those you mentioned above, no amount of puking would heave our anger. It's numbing.
Just let the RCI panel do their job, it's already set up and ready to start the inquiry upon Najib's green light.
mhathir should be investigate by the RCI..
DeleteMudah berkata daripada melakukan. Ingat senang ke buat macam tu??
DeleteMahathir should be the first person to be investigated.
DeleteThey can do anything to let them stay in power.
ReplyDeleteGET RID of UmnoBend in Sabah and Sent ALL those Illegals and Projek iced malaysians to MALAYA,becos by then we NO LONGER MALAYSIANS BUT UNITED BORNEO CITIZENS......MERDEKA MERDEKA SABAH/SARAWAK MERDEKA 31 OGOS 1963
ReplyDeleteThe illegals should be send back to their home country and be removed from the electoral rolls before GE-13. We need a clean and fair elections without phantom voters.
DeleteAs their origin countries (the PATI/PATAI) to take back their people.
Datuk Najib Razak just announced the formation of an RCI panel during his visit to Sabah on August 11, the RCI panel will be given 6 months timeframe to investigate those who are suspected to be involved in the Project IC issue- such as Dr M and Datuk Anwar Ibrahim. We should wait and see.
ReplyDeletehopefully the RCI will be running smoothly, efficient and effective..
DeleteHope the implementation will be announce soon.
Deletei hope the 6 months time frame is enough to have the investigation done.
DeleteMay be 6 month not enough as more department and people that may involved.
DeleteKami menantikan perkembangan dari masa ke semasa. Semoga hasilnya positif.
DeleteHopefully the RCI panel will be able discover the truth about the project IC and make due recommendation to the government regarding the best action to be taken against those who are guilty of involvement. We should let them do their jobs and wait for the results.
ReplyDeleteselepas siasatan, hasil siasatan harus diumumkan kepada rakyat dan yang bersalah juga harus diberikan hukuman berat..
DeleteI'm sure former high court judge in Sabah and Sarawak Steve Shim has enough integrity and honesty to make a fair judgement during the RCI inquiry. Just leave it to him to run the RCI on Project IC.
ReplyDeleteGive him the chance to prove that he can do it.
Deletepeluang harus diberikan kepada beliau untuk melakukan tanggungjawab yang diberi untuk menyiasat projek IC..
DeleteI just hope that all panel will do their job without any influence from outside.
Deletepanel yang menjalankan tugas harus membuktikan
DeleteSemoga siasatan mengenai projek IC ini akan dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesannya oleh Suruhanjaya Siasatan Di raja ini.
ReplyDeleteMasyarakat perlu bekerjasama pihak berkuasa untuk menjayakan siasatan RCI tu.
Deletekerjasama dari semua pihak dan rakyat juga perlu untuk menjayakan siasatan oleh RCI..
DeleteJika semua pihak bekerjasama pasti lebih mudah untuk menanggani masalah pati:)
DeleteBetul tu, dalam meyelesaikan masalah pati ini, semua pihak harus bersatu hati.
DeleteUsaha semua golongan amat diperlukan. Setiap kerjasama boleh menghasilkan keputusan yang tidak terjangka.
DeleteDiharap RCI dapat menyelesaikan masalah PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteThe locals here are stunned as many of them who reside in the state's interiors have yet to own the sophisticated Malaysian IC or MyKad, but it seems that the card was easily accessible to foreigners. While Project IC is not a new issue in Sabah, it continues to be debated by many who express concern as the matter is related to the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah which is perceived as the mother of all social woes in the state.
ReplyDeleteResponding to the allegation, former Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak challenged Dr Jeffrey to list the names of the 1.7 million people but the latter has so far not done so. Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the state government viewed the matter very seriously and was doing all it could to solve it. He asked those who exposed the issue to come forward and cooperate with the police. Musa informed the public not simply talk through the newspapers, but cooperate with the authorities. Musaalso directed the National Registration Department (NRD) and the Immigration Department to explain the issue to the public in the interest of all.
DeleteEarlier, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Radin Malleh had questioned the authencity of ICs with numbers starting from H0288001 to H03840000, involving 96,000 holders; H0480001 to H05760000 (96,000); H0609601 to H0610000 (400); H0658001 to H0658200 (200); H0658401 to H0659000 (600); and H0666001 to H0666400 (400), saying he had taken up the matter in the Dewan Rakyat when he was the Member of Parliament for Tenom. It was not their fault that there were locals who were willing to arrange getting the ICs for them. Not many knew who were the masterminds behind the operation. It might have been done by those with high ranks as it was not easy to make an IC.
DeleteIn Pulau Gaya alone, there were now more than 10,000 immigrants from a neighbouring country and most of them were helped by 'locals' to get the ICs. "Of course the immigrants would grab the golden opportunity as it required no documents. Furthermore, they wanted to stay here. Most of them now have MyKads and can vote. As far as I know, the project not only benefited Filipinos, but those from Indonesia, India and China. The modus operandi was the same, that was, through a middleman."
DeleteIt was unfair to link immigrants holding the ICs with criminal activities in Sabah. Perhaps some of them are involved in criminal activities or social problems but not all. Society's perception is inaccurate as majority came here to earn a living. The government's efforts to send back illegal immigrants to their home countries and prevent them from re-entering Malaysia.
DeleteSeveral quarters including political parties and non-governmental organisations in Sabah have expressed concern over the existence of Project IC as it could threaten the country's security and deny genuine citizens employment opportunities as blue collar workers. In this regard, they have appealed to the government to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to get to the bottom of the issue and ways to resolve it. The state and federal governments are also aware of the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah. Even the Barisan Nasional component parties including the PBS, United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko), Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), Liberal Democratic party (LDP) and Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) have been vocal in expressing their concern over Project IC.
Stop relying on the foreign workers, local also can do better, they only need chances.
ReplyDeleteThe locals must improve their working skills instead whining no jobs for them.
Deletetempatan juga haruslah merebut peluang pekerjaan yang ada...
DeleteKalau diri kita berkemampuan, apapun masalah tidak akan dapat menghancurkan kita. So, jadilah orang yang bijak dan sentiasa menggunakan peluang yang ada.
DeleteRasanya kerajaan perlu lakukan sesuatu untuk galakkan rakyat tempatan menceburi bidang yang sering diisi oleh rakyat asing.
DeletePerlu ada lebih banyak program di buat untuk penduduk tempatan.
DeleteThe poorest people in Sabah are not Sabahans i mean they are the illegals immigrant holding the Project IC!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's called CROWDING OUT. One apple or any 'fruit' for that matter is no longer meant for just one person. It is now shared. Or worst the owner doesn't get to eat at all. Looking at it differently, one genuine voter is pitted against, perhaps, one hundred 'clandestine' voters
DeleteAsk yourself and look around in many industries,outlets and work places or labour markets.
ReplyDeleteWhat's politicians who only shout because of politics bargain?
Do you accept and challenge your dependence on PTI or those cheap foreign labours like amah that you can command them by paying cheap rates to employ?
We have seen everywhere even çha kuey teow taukeh just sit there and allow the foreign Om to do cooking or selling fruits juice.
If you continue to do this even as your family caretaker then what fuck is the shout of RCI?
Please sabahan you must take it up and replace their vacant by you if want to get those out of your sight!They even become your security guard aiyo!
Get this problem solved with illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeleteI hope RCI panel will be able to do something about this issue.
ReplyDeleteI want to believe the government know how to go about resolving this matter.
ReplyDeletePasti kerajaan akan selesaikan masalah pati ini, cuma mungkin mengambil masa sikit..bukan senang mau selesaikan masalah ini.
DeleteThe government will surely have the illegal immigrant issue solved
DeleteProtest for free and fair election coming soon.
ReplyDeleteLet's see if he can put into act what he claims he can do.
ReplyDeleteBanyak pati bah di Sabah ni. Bikin panas lagi tu. Entah, susah sangat kah dorang mahu masuk Sabah secara sah dan bukan main belakang????
ReplyDeleteusaha sentiasa dibuat agar masalah pati ini berjaya diselesaikan.
DeletePati pun manusia juga mahu hidup selesa, itu saya tahu... Tapi kalau buat baik pada orang tempatan dan tak buat hal, masuk cara baik lagi rasanya tak mungkin Sabahan akan menolak bah.. Tapi entahlah.. lain orang lain pandangannya.
ReplyDeleteSetiap negara punyai undang2, dan harus di patuhi. Jika sesiapa melangar undang2, pasti bersalah walaupun bergelar manusia. Haram tetap haram, salah tetap salah, itulah hukum..
DeleteJika masuk secara sah, tidak apa, ini secara haram..itu memang sudah terang-terang salah.
DeleteHarap penubuhan RCI dapat menanggani isu-isu sebegini.
ReplyDeletePenubuhan RCI diharap dapat menyelesaikan isu PATI dengan menyeluruh
Deletesemua mengharap kan hasil yang positif dari RCI.
DeletePendapatan kewarganegaraan secara sah dan mengikut undang2 tu yang penting.
ReplyDeletebila ramai warga asing, bermakna banyak la peluang pekerjaan.. apa ingat warga asing datang sini saja suka2?
ReplyDeleteOleh itu majikan-majikan perlu beri lebih banyak pekerjaan kepada penduduk tempatan.
Deletemajikan yang menggaji pekerja asing secara tidak sah harus dikenakan tindakan tegas.
DeleteMereka diberi manfaat untuk menetap di sini. Cam mana dengan warga tulen?
Deletepasal kemiskinan di Sabah, itu masalah diri sendiri.. kalau mahu pekerjaan, keluar la dari kampung halaman..
ReplyDeletebiar RCI menjawab semua isu yang yang berlaku selama ini apa bila siasatan sudah siap nanti.
ReplyDeletepanel RCI sudah ada. harap mereka akan buat tugas dengan sehabis baik.
ReplyDeleteSiapa agaknya yang akan disiasat terlebih dahulu?
ReplyDeleteGolongan PATI adalah unsur utama kemeleseten dan perkembangan ekonomi di Sabah menjadi lembab.
ReplyDeleteKami menaruh harapan terhadap RCI. Semoga punca kemasukan pati yang berganda-ganda jumlahnya dapat dikesan.
ReplyDeleteIsu kewarganegaraan harus ditanggani, jangan membiarkan pihak yang mementingkan diri dan sanggup membuata apa jua termasuk mengkhianat negara kami.
ReplyDeleteRCi akan pastikan projek ic dibanteras