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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why no RCI on illegal immigrants?

KOTA BELUD : Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) and all other BN party components from Sabah should be ashamed of themselves because they have failed to convince the UMNO-led Federal Government to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants and fake MyKads in Sabah.

PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan, it seems, though repeatedly said in the newspapers that PBS wants an RCI to be set up by this year, nothing seems to be happening except a half-hearted support from Sabah UMNO for the RCI.

Why wait by this year to set up the RCI is a big question mark. If PBS is convinced RCI is what Sabahans had wanted all along and that it was a right thing to do, Pairin then should have compelled the Federal leaders including Prime Minister Najib Razak, to set up the RCI even last year ! Why wait until close to a general election? Did they share an intention to mislead the Sabahan voters on the eve of an election?

Now PBS information chief is blaming PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim for the downfall of PBS in 1994, accusing him the UMNO's master strategist of its downfall. Did Mositun realise that Anwar was not alone in UMNO then to bring down a PBS state government? Did not Mositun know now that he is sleeping and collaborating with those strategists now in UMNO who were once in the team to bring down PBS?

Did not Mositun realise that his party PBS is now working hand-in-hand with the same UMNO leaders who brought down PBS and Pairin from power to deny Pakatan Rakyat from fulfilling its pledge to set up the RCI if it comes into power ? At the very least, Anwar and PR for that matter have agreed to set up RCI if PR forms the Federal Government !

Having said that, SAPP is perplexed that Mositun failed to see that it is PBS leaders like him now who stands in the way for the setting up of the RCI on the perennial problem of PTI in Sabah ! PBS and UMNO are working together to deny Sabahans of a Federal Government that would set up RCI. This is utmost hypocrite.

Or is it too difficult for PBS leaders to just be very honest and tell the people to vote for the party that listened to them and set up the RCI ? PBS leaders should apologise to us Sabahans for failing to ensure we are heard by the Federal Government.

By Peter Marajin


  1. PBS hanyalah menyalak "POKOK" yang lain,kenapa tidak salahkan bapa kamu BN UMNO kerana melambat lambatkan penunuhan RCI tetang PATI? Sebabnya adalah kerana mereka perlukan PATI sebagai PENYAMBUNG TALIANHAYAT.

    Ataupun PBS kenalah berterusterang dengan JUJUR dan IKHLAS untuk menyatakan yang PBS ini gagal dalah usahanya MEMUJUK BN UMNO untuk menubuhkan RCI keatas PATI.

    Kita kesallah dalam era MODERN ini adalah pemikiran katak bawah tempurung.Disebabkan BR1M RM 500 semua orang lupa bahawa UMNO BN itu parti MALAYA.Sarawak boleh hidup senang tanpa UMNO BN,kenapa tidak SABAH?

    Ini Bajau Samah,Dusun,Irranun,Berunai agak nya mempunyai otak pincang.

    Logot logot

  2. Kerajaan akan mengumumkan sama ada RCI ini akan ditubuhkan ataupun tidak selepas ini.

    1. Persoalannya bila keputusan itu diumumkan. Kenapa sampai sekarang berteka-teki. Ia hanya akan memburukkan keadaan.

    2. we shall wait for the government annoucement on when RCI will be set up.

    3. Bah apa boleh buatlah bukan kita yg ada autoriti buat pengumuman. Kalau tak lama dah saya umum biar semua teka teki terjawab. (perasan keputusan gov pun blm tahu) hehhee

    4. biarlah pengumuman tersebut dibuat sebelum PRU berlangsung.

    5. pengumuman tersebut ditunggu oleh semua..semoga suara rakyat akan didengari.

    6. Harap RCI dapat ditubuhkan sebelum PRU.

  3. RCI diperlukan untuk menyiasat masalah Pendatang Tapi Ada IC di Sabah, kerajaan pusat ada tanggungjawab untuk melaksanakannya.

    1. Harap RCI untuk PATI akan ditubuhkan secepat mungkin sebelum masalah projek IC menjadi teruk.

    2. ya..RCI diminta adalah untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah pati.

  4. Pemimpin tempatan kita perlulah bangkit dan lantang menyuarakan isu ini untuk melindungi Sabah.

    1. Pemimpin2 UmnoBN Sabah harus sentiasa menyuarakan RCI untuk mendesak kerajaan persekutuan memberi perhatian dan meluluskan RCI di Sabah.

    2. Selain lantang menyuarakan isu ini, mereka juga perlu konsisten. Desak habis-habisan penubuhan RCI ini.

    3. Both sides must push the government till they agree to set up RCI in sabah.

    4. rasanya lebih baik semua parti politik dan pemimpin di Sabah ni menyatakan pendirian mereka terhadap penubuhan RCI.

  5. semua rakyat Sabah amat mengharapkan RCi akan ditubuhkan.

    1. saya sokong RCI ditubuhkan untuk langkah mengurangkan PATI dan menyiasat kes2 kerakyatan/ic porject.

    2. Harus ditubuhkan sebelum PRU13!

    3. support for RCI!

    4. rata-rata semuanya bersetuju dengan RCI..harap ia akan dilaksanakan.

  6. RCI amat perlu untuk selesaikan isu2 berkaitan PATI di Sabah.

    1. harap masalah pati akan dapat diselesaikan dan semua harus bekerjasama untuk menyelesaikannya.

  7. Penampang: Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok said it was up to the State Assembly to decide whether to hold a special sitting on the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants and the "Project IC" issue as suggested by PKR Penampang Chief Darrell Leiking.

    "We will leave that to the State Assembly but as far as I am concerned, the message is loud and clear. All the political partner parties have voiced their support for the RCI, some in varying degrees of vociferousness in their support but by and large they have supported it.

    "Don't forget that the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) has presented to Parliament an initial report and it has been accepted by Parliament, so I see no reason why the Federal Government would not want to implement this," he said.

    Dompok said this to reporters at the Chinese New Year Walkabout and Lion Eye Opening Ceremony in Buhavan Donggongon, Saturday.

    Also present were Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister and Sabah MCA Chief Datuk Edward Khoo and Assistant Minister of Finance and Moyog Assemblyman Datuk Donald Peter Mojuntin.

    On Friday, Darrell suggested that a special assembly sitting be convened immediately to pass a unanimous motion for Parliament and the Federal Government on the setting up of the RCI.

    He said this was to ensure that the voices of the State assemblymen be unanimous on the RCI issue.

    Darrell said by doing so, it can be determined how many assemblymen actually support the motion and also those who oppose it or remain neutral.

    He said the motion would also be used to clear any doubts on the support by BN Umno for the RCI as being only a political ploy and also serve to bind future state governments should the RCI not be established before the coming General Election.

    He added that since there was no objection by Umno Sabah on the matter, a unanimous motion would voice out the demands by true Sabahans on the need for the RCI.

    1. Harap2 penubuhan RCI diluluskan dan dilaksanakan sebelum PRU13

    2. Lebih baik kerajaan negeri dan parti pembangkang duduk berbincang dan bekerjasama untuk cari jalan penyelesaian daripada masing2 mahu jadi hero.

  8. RCI must be set up before election comes.

  9. RCI was only mentioned last year. If PBS and even the opposition are serious about solving the PATI issue, then they should had mention about setting up RCI years ago and not when election is coming.

  10. for now, i don't care if PBS and the other BN components are only interested in getting the votes by having this rci implemented. all i care is for this RCI to be set up immediately dis year.

    1. me too...i want the RCI to set up as soon as possible before 13GE,

  11. Ramai yang minta RCI ditubuhkan, harap2 hal ini akan mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  12. Dompok has met PM to discuss about this matter.

    1. jadi apa keputusan pertemuan tersebut?

  13. RCI will be set up as soon as possible.Even CM has supported the idea.

  14. WELL, just throw out UMNO-BN regim... vote OUT...!!!

  15. Semoga masalah PATI ini akan dapat diselesaikan dengan segera kerana ia menyebabkan terlalu banyak masalah

  16. this issues should not be politicized.

    1. RCI memang tidak patut dipolitikkan...

  17. Sekarang hanya menunggu keputusan dari Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk meluluskan RCI untuk Sabah.

    1. desakan juga harus dilakukan untuk memastikan RCI ditubuhkan sebelum pru13..

  18. Mengenai RCI rasanya Kerajaan Negeri tidak ada bantahan untuk penubuhannya. Kerana BN Sabah tidak membantah cadangan dari pemimpin ahli BN mengenai penubuhan RCI untuk menangani isu pati di Sabah.

    1. BN sabah menyokong penuh tanpa bantahan penubuhan RCI untuk menangani isu PATI/PATAI di sabah...

  19. Hopefully, these illegal immigrants will be resolved soon because it causes too many problems

  20. rakyat Sabah tulen perlu bersatu untuk melindungi kepentingan bersama

    1. itulah yang harus dilakukan oleh semua rakyat tulen sabah tanpa mengira ideologi politik atau parti...jangan mencari nama untuk kepentingan peribadi..

  21. We Sabahan must fight for our rights to defend our welfares at least for future purpose

    1. ya...kalau bukan kita siapa lagi...kita mesti pertahankan hak dan kepentingan kita..

  22. semoga usaha membanteras dan membasmi masalah PATI akan dipertingkatkan lagi oleh kerajaan Sabah melalui pelbagai operasi mengesan PATI di negeri ini.

  23. dan berharap usaha berterusan perlu dibuat sehinggalah masalah pati ini dapat diselesaikan.

  24. RCI merupakan ketakutan oleh UMNOBN kerana jika ia dilakukan maka akan terbongkarlah segala [erbuatan terkutuk mereka degan berbagai program yg mereka telah lakukan sejak 20 tahun yang lalu.

    1. Program pemutihan PTI sudah berkali2 dibuat.
    2. Para ahli sindiket IC projek terancang seperti yg dilakukan Akjan dan para pegawai JPN/SPR/KDN
    3. Pemberian taraf kewarganegaraan secara terancang dan besar2an; contoh Bugis Bone di batu 3 Sandakan -ribuan
    4. Projek IC Mahathir yg dilaksanakan oleh YB2 KDM dan YB2 asal PTI
    5. Projek IC PTI yg dibuat di Johor (pekerja2 kilang)
    6. Projek IC anak2 statelessKONON oleh KDN.

    So jika RCI ditubuhkan orang2 BNUMNO semuanya terlibat. Jadi jika mereka bersetuju bererti mereka sengaja cari nahas.

    1. itu diorang punya masalah...yang kita ni mesti terus sokong RCI untuk siasat tu projek IC..lagipun BN sabah cakap sokong penuh tanpa bantahan penubuhan RCI..masalah sekarang ialah pusat..

  25. How can you say that PBS fail to convince federal government to set up the RCI for this state when there is no statement from federal government side saying that they reject the proposal to setting up the RCI??

    1. taktik politik SAPP barangkali bah...kan SAPP mahu jadi hero..parti2 pembangkang tempatan lain tidak layak jadi hero kecuali SAPP..

    2. Macam2 Politik ini..Taktik SAPP mau kasih jatuh kerajaan.

  26. RCI tidak payahlah dijadikan sebagai agenda politik untuk mendapatkan sokongan rakyat...patut semua sama2 sokong RCI..bukannya menyalahkan mana2 pihak..kalau kita sendiri tidak kuat, lagi senanglah diperlekehkan...

    1. Lebih baik berkerjasama daripada menjatuhkan pihak lain untuk kepentingan diri sendriri.

  27. BN pasti akan menunaikan permintaan RCI.

  28. Sehingga kini, RCI merupakan cara yang terbaik untuk mengenal pasti masalah PATI.

  29. Golongan yang tidak setuju dengan pertubuhan RCI haruslah pihak yang pertama disiasat.

  30. Federal will make brilliant decision to setup RCI.

  31. semoga masalah pati akan dapat diselesaikan dan suara rakyat pasti akan diberikan perhatian.

  32. Persekutuan akan membuat keputusan untuk menubuhkan RCI.

  33. Kerajaan Sabah seharus berdiri bersama rakyat untuk menyeru pertubuhan RCI.

  34. PATI harus dihantar balik secepat mungkin.

  35. Kerajaan tiada sebab untuk menolak RCI melainkan jika ada sindiket yang tidak diketahui.

  36. PATI tidak harus masuk dari hari pertama. Kini, berjuta-juta digunakan semata-mata untuk menghantar dan menyelesaikan masalah PATI.

  37. Harap kerajaan mendengar suara rakyat yang meminta agar ditubuhkan RCI.

  38. Harap masalah PATI ini dapat di selesaikan dengan segera.Jangan biarkan masalah ini berlarutan .

  39. The Federal Government has already approved the setting up of an RCI for Sabah illegal problems. Only need to wait for the actual date of implementation.

  40. The federal ministers had agreed to the formation of the RCI on February 8 and had tasked Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz to co-ordinate the scope of the RCI investigation.

  41. At the Cabinet’s last meeting on Wednesday, February 15, a day before Najib’s Sabah trip, Nazri tabled a rough draft of the RCI’s terms of reference for discussion.

  42. It was discussed but the terms of reference were not finalised because Cabinet wanted input from Sabah BN parties and the state government.

  43. And for that (reason), despite the huge expectation that the PM would announce the RCI on February 16, he was simply not ready to announce it.

  44. If Najib had announced the formation of the panel during his trip, the prime minister would have been criticised for being unable to offer clear answers on the panel’s scope of investigation and its members. Najib cannot make an announcement without giving some details.
