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Monday, January 30, 2012

Sabah natives at a crossroads

FMT Staffs

A once revered leader of Sabah's KadazandusunMurut (KDM) community, Joseph Pairin Kitingan now stands accused of 'sacrificing' the 'dignity' of his people for politics.

KOTA KINABALU: Barisan Nasional leaders in Sabah and some of their supporters are making last-ditch efforts to win back the hearts and minds of the Kadazandusun and Murut community as the country gears up for the 13th general election.

It is an uncomfortable time for the community, which once feared for its independence and unity. It has long since splintered along political lines much to the satisfaction of those who would otherwise not stand a chance of ruling a united Sabah.

Estranged community chief or Huguan Siou Joseph Pairin Kitingan has been under siege for several years now for having failed to out-manoeuvre Umno, the Malay-dominated peninsula-based party.

That he has lost the respect of many in his community is indisputable. It has been a steep descent from the time he was acclaimed as a hero in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Pro-government groups and individuals in the community fearful of losing their special status and positions in the present government are worried that their leader will fall on the BN sword as the political winds change direction in the state. The marking is on the walls.

“Pairin is no good. He has sacrificed the community. He is playing politics. We have no dignity,” is the common refrain uttered by frustrated younger Kadazandusuns and indeed some of the older generation who believe many of their leaders have sold them out for political expediency.

Against this backdrop, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) officials are going all-out to stem a feared backlash against local political leaders who talk tough and compromise principles readily.

Soothing feelings of betrayal

A measure of their desperation could be seen in the bombardment that has started in the compliant mainstream media which has come out with a flood of reports praising the BN, including three prominent reports defending the deputy chief minister and attacking the opposition yesterday.

Apologists have been writing lengthy columns to soothe the feelings of betrayal by Sabah BN party leaders, especially Pairin, who many feel is, if not fully responsible, complicit in Sabah’s surrender.

“There is no question… Umno and the peninsular parties (MCA, Gerakan, MIC) and the BN government will be booted out if Sabah party leaders can get their act together,” said Billy, a middle-aged businessman who would only give his first name as he has a government contract and fears speaking out.

“People will vote anyone who will sincerely fight for Sabah. It has to be a whole party… not individuals. They are fed up.

“If (Sabah BN coalition members) LDP, PBS, Upko tie up with (the opposition coalition) Pakatan (Rakyat), they will sweep the election… no problem,” he said.

Sabah Umno chairman, Chief Minister Musa Aman, is aware of this. Musa himself is no sure bet in his Sungai Sibuga seat in Sandakan and, according to one political source in Umno, can only win if he “buys” the voters.

“Not many people really like him. They like his money,” said a source, explaining why the multi-millionaire, some say billionaire chief minister can still come out a winner in an election despite his unpopularity.

Buying favours

Just last week, Musa was busy shoring up his support in the constituency by presenting RM500 to those eligible for a financial assistance scheme called Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia or BR1M.

And, Pairin is following suit. He has been more than happy to jump on the aid distribution bandwagon and take the credit for it.

The captions below the photographs of them in the newspapers go something like this: “Pairin or Musa or some other BN government official handing over the RM500 aid to a recipient.”

BN leaders are also busy distributing free laptop computers that come in packages bearing the “1Malaysia” slogan, to students and senior citizens.

There has been a mad rush for these government handouts, especially for the RM500 cash under the BR1M scheme in many parts of Malaysia.

“We’ll take it but I don’t think I’ll vote for them… I might not even vote,” said a father of two young daughters who is out of a job and is struggling to make ends meet. He declined to be named.

“What is the use? Year after year it is the same. They promise the same thing again and again when the next election comes around,” he said.

“Ini kali tukar” (this time, change) is the new pledge in some of the Kadazandusun villages.


  1. Ini muka orang pengkhinat Sabah yang telah menjual anak anak watan Sabah kepada Malaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!DAMN U PAIRIN!!GO TO HELL!!

    1. PAIRIN PAIRIN "Keitingan" membawa erti tertusuk duri dalam bahasa Bajau Pelipin.Sama ada kita sedar atau tidak,PAIRIN ini benar benar berdosa dengan Bumiputera Sabah.Kita undi dia semasa PBS adalah untuk membela dan memimpin rakyat Sabah Bumiputera.APA SUDAH JADI?

      SEcara peribadi saya tidak BENCI kami tapi perjalanan perjuangan kamu dalam Sabah sekarang.Mana sudah suara penentangan kepada PATI?Bertambah ramaipun PATI di Sabah pada hari ini.

      Fikirkan lah delima kami WAHAI PAIRIN.


    2. You not satisfied with him, then vote wisely when election comes.

    3. ya kah? jadi undi dengan bijak pada pru13 nanti lah..

  2. Selagi bangsa KDM tak bersatu padu, tak ada peluang langsung nak hantar UMNO balik ke Malaya.
    Pairin dah berdosa besar & jual maruah bangsa sendiri sehingga bangsa sendiri kini menjadi bahan ketawa & dipandang hina.

    Pairin, God may forgive u for what u for your treason but we will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!


  3. Semua pemimpin KDM Sabah pengecut, pembelot & hanya pentingkan diri masing2.
    Kenapa kamu semua sanggup gadaikan bangsa sendiri & menghancurkan masa depan generasi muda?
    Kamu semua ni manusia atau setan?

  4. Kepada semua pemimpin2 Sabah, tolong sedarlah, bersatu & selamatkan bangsa sendiri sebelum terlambat. Bersatu & berjuang untuk kembalikan maruah & masa depan rakyat sejati Sabah. Jangan biarkan hak & kekayaan Sabah terus dicabuli & dicuri oleh Malaya. Jangan terus biarkan rakyat Sabah hidup dalam kemiskinan & dipandang hina. Tolonglah...

    1. Rakyat dan pemimpin saling bergantungan. Nasib rakyat dan negeri Sabah di bahun pemimpin2 Sabah.

  5. Rakyat Sabah hidup menderita kemiskinan sementara hasil minyak & gas Sabah dihantar ke Malaya supaya segelintir pemimpin UMNO dapat hidup dlm serba kemewahan

  6. Lihatlah negara Brunei. Mereka enggan menyertai pembentukan Malaysia & hari ini rakyatnya hidup senang & mewah. Semua hasil dari minyak & gas digunakan untuk menyenangkan hidup rakyat.

    1. Maju mundur sebuah negeri/negara terletak kepada kebijaksanaan para pemimpinnya. Rakyat nilailah sendiri.

    2. Jadi jika Sabah tidak menyertai Pertubuhan Malaysia, adakah Sabah juga akan menjadi seperti Brunei dan Singapura??saya pun terfikir2 juga..

  7. Sya mw tngo depan, bukan belakang. Sebab kita nda mw ulang sejarah la kita mesti fikir masa depan. Jan lupa tu ui para pemimpin ... Tngo la pa kesan sama negeri sama rakyat sendiri bila pemimpin dulu2 gagal buat pilihan yang sepatutnya.

    1. Betul, apa yang sudah berlaku tidak boleh diubah, kita cuma boleh pandang hadapan.

    2. itulah.. kesilapan lama harus kita perbaiki.

    3. Kalau tidak mahu belajar daripada kesilapan lalu, itu namanya 'bodoh sombong'.

    4. kesilapan pemimpin2 terdahulu biarlah menjadi pengajaran buat kita. yang penting adalah masa sekarang dan masa depan.terpulang pada pemimpin dan rakyat untuk mencorakkanya.

    5. Belajar dari kesilapan dan pandang ke hadapan untuk menjadi lebih baik.Semua terletak di tangan rakyat.

    6. Agree that we cannot change the past, but we can prevent the past from being repeated in the future.

  8. Jangan hairan,Brunei mempunyai Sultan/Raja sejak zaman berzaman sudah tentu sedikit-sebanyak mempunyai pengatahunan politik ! Sabah ketika itu dibina politiknya melalui kakitangan kerajaan yang berkhidmat dengan British.

  9. Hak dan kebaikan KDM perlulah dipertahankan oleh pemimpin huguan siou kita sendiri.

  10. harap hak2 dan kepentingan Natives dpt dipertahankan.

    1. harap setiap pemimpin akan terus berusaha untuk menjaga kepentingan rakyat.

  11. natives have the right to protect their rights when they are being oppressed or their rights encroached

    1. when something is taken away from you, you'll definitely fight it back. same goes to the Natives trying to get back what is rightfully theirs.

    2. natives alone can't protect their rights without help from leaders.

  12. Government is aware and concerned and open to listen to problems faced by the people that involves the natives

    1. Musa said as far as the BN was concerned, every promise made to the people would be fulfilled

    2. No doubt about that. The government may not fully solve all problems that people faces but that doesn't mean that the government doesn't care.

    3. pemimpin2/wakil rakyat menjadi saluran kerajaan untuk memudahkan permasalahan rakyat disampaikan dengan segera. semoga mereka dapat jalankan tanggungjawab dengan penuh tanggungjawab.

    4. Wakil rakyat harus sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat.Jangan pentingkan diri sendiri.

  13. The government better fulfill their promises which they made to the people before before election comes.

    1. rakyat pasti tahu menilai mana yang baik dan mana yang tidak...

  14. THe people has the rights to vote the government out if they are not satisfied with the current one.

    1. kita tunggu dan lihat apa keputusan rakyat pada pru13 nanti.

  15. Sabah natives need assurances.

  16. Jangan perdagangkan tanah rezab.

  17. Sometimes m asking which rod we are heading too.

  18. You see! Everyone is only after the money and benefit, no one really care about voting back. Sigh...

  19. Many parties are out to get votes by getting unwise people that only craves for benefits to vote, hope these people know what they are dealing with.

  20. Hope the election will go on smoothly and without any unfairness. We need to make the best decision as possible, hope to get the best leaders to lead us.

  21. The Govt are trying their best to help us, we should know how to appreciate instead of complaining so much.

  22. Isu hak orang asli sabah perlulah ditangani.

  23. Pairin dan sdra maranya telah membolot semua peluang perniagaan dan kontrak serta konsesi balak di Keningau dan Tambunan khususnya.

    Mereka juga telah mempunyai harta kekayaan yg bertimbun di luar negara khususnya di Australia.

    Pairin, Maksimusial, Kurup, Bernard Dompok, Raden, Sairin Karno, Ellron, Rubin= Pembawa sial dan kutuk serta telah menjual maruah dan segala hak Sabah kepada PTI dan BNUMNO.

    You all better disappear yourelf in the jungle and sacrifice youself to the Demon!

    1. jangan main cakap saja bro.. bagi bukti kalau ada.. atau buat laporan terus kepada sprm jika ada unsur2 penyalahgunaan kuasa..

    2. ya kah? tiada pun saya dengar macam tu di tambunan..

    3. owh .. iya ka pula ? Mustahil klu benar2 berlaku xda bukti .. kc tunjuklah sama rakyat2 sini ?! Lg nampak bukti yg kerajaan persekutuan ambil secara tipu hasil bumi Sabah ni .. At least klu d Sarawak, harta dorg pg org sendiri, mana c T.Mahmud mw kc lepas Sarawak pg sama org sebelah laut cina selatan ni ..

    4. tunjukkan lah bukti jika apa yang didakwakan benar..jika tiada bukti itu hanya cakap kosong sajalah.

  24. Kerajaan telah berusaha bersunguh-sungguh untuk menbantu rakyat.Memang ada kekurangan, tapi masih boleh di perbaiki.

  25. Hak rakyat harus di utamakan..kerajaan jangan pandai remeh hal ini.

  26. Semua terletak di tangan rakyat untuk mengundi nanti.Undi dengan bijak.

    1. pengundi yang akan menentukannya...

  27. pandangan pemimpin2 politik dan penganalisa politik tidak sama dengan pandangan rakyat.. walau berguni2 tohmahan dilemparkan kepada Pairin, belum tentu cukup untuk pemimpin2 pembangkang menewaskan Pairin..

    1. pairin masih ada kekuatannya sendiri...

  28. memang susah untuk meuaskan hati semua pihak..apa pun, biar rakyat tentukan pilihan mereka sendiri.

  29. Move forward from the lesson we'd learned.

  30. Rakyat jelas dan faham apa yang mereka perlukan.

  31. Harus memberanikan diri untuk membuat perubahan. Jika tidak, beginilah rupanya Sabah di masa akan datang.

  32. “People will vote anyone who will sincerely fight for Sabah. It has to be a whole party… not individuals. They are fed up.

    Golongan perosak akan merisikokan kesemua parti.

  33. Parti harus buktikan keikhlasan untuk memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  34. semoga BN negeri dapat memantapkan lagi perpaduan di kalangan parti
    komponen agar perkhidmatan terbaik kepada rakyat dapat disalurkan

  35. dan semoga kerajaan BN Sabah akan kekal mentadbir negara ini dengan baik
    dan cemerlang di mana rakyat dapat menikmati rahmat kemakmuran secara
    sama rata..

  36. demikian juga, kerajaan BN harus membantu rakyat secara menyeluruh tanpa mengira suku kaum dan kepercayaan agama..

  37. kerajaan BN harus prihatin dan sentiasa mendengar denyut nadi rakyat jika inginkan sokongan dari rakyat

    1. The government, leaders and people's representatives should always make time to see the people and listen to their plights.

  38. apa yang penting ialah tanpa janji kerajaan harus terus komited untuk
    merancang dan melaksanakan pelbagai program untuk menjaga kepentingan
    seluruh rakyat negara ini.

    1. It is the duty of the government to continue to come up with programs that could benefit the people, hope that they will do just that.

  39. 'Semoga2' si anonymous cakap ni .. Berdoa ka tu semoga2 ? Yay~ sampai kiamat pun sya tau BN ni penipu .. Berharap la ko dari dulu sampai skrg samapai selamanya .. Semoga2 ko tunggu dan lihat dan dengar saja ah .. mungkin boleh la klu ko, da $$ kna provide oleh tu BN ..
