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Sunday, February 19, 2012

“PM and Umno MP Confirms STAR/UBF Stand”

“The Prime Minister’s statement on the oil payment while in Sipitang and the concerns voiced by the Kota Belud Member of Parliament on oil payment and development funds proves and re-affirms the stand by UBF and STAR Sabah that representatives of Peninsular parties and Sabah BN components cannot fight for the rights of Sabah” stated Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chairman.

The PM’s explanation on the increase of oil payment totally missed the point.

What if Sabah and Sarawak did not agree to form Malaysia in 1963 and today Malaysia (or Malaya) is not entitled to the oil revenues from Sabah and Sarawak?  What then for Peninsular states’ development funds without the oil revenues from Sabah and Sarawak?

“The oil cash payment from Petronas for Sabah’s oil and development funds from the Federal Government for Sabah are separate and distinct issues and not inter-related.”

The basis for the cash payment for oil is clear-cut.  The oil belongs to Sabah as owner where the oil resources are found.  Non-oil producing States are not entitled to any such oil cash payment.

It should be remembered that before the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Sarawak received 100% of oil revenues for their oil.

Similarly, Brunei which opted out at the last hour in not forming Malaysia continues to receive 100% of its oil revenue.  As a result, all Bruneians enjoy the wealth and benefits generated by such oil revenues.

Even Acheh Province in Indonesia receives 70% of its oil revenue.  There is no reason for Sabah to be restricted to 5% of its oil revenue.

In fact, it is wrong to state that Sabah should be given a higher percentage of its oil revenue.  As the oil is found in Sabah, it should be Sabah that receives the oil revenue and give or contribute a portion to Petronas or the Federal Government.

In all fairness and equitable basis, the bulk of the oil revenue should be retained by Sabah not just 5%.

It is not surprising that Sabah is the poorest State given that it has “lost” 95% of its oil revenue to Petronas, some RM15.0 billion a year.

The opinions of some observers that Petronas cannot afford a higher payment of the oil revenue is without any basis.

For the financial year ending 31 March 2010, Petronas made a gross profit of RM82.4 billion and RM90.5 billion for the financial year ending 31 March 2011.

For the half-year ending 30 September 2011, Petronas posted a gross profit of RM57.594 billion compared to a gross profit of RM39.597 billion for the corresponding period ending 30 September 2010.  If the performance continues until 31 March 2011, Petronas would make a record gross profit of well over RM110 billion.

For the financial year ending 31 March 2010 and 31 March 2011, apart from federal income tax, Petronas paid out a RM30.0 billion each year in dividend payment to the Federal Government.

Under STAR’s Petroleum Masterplan, STAR will seek a review of the Oil Agreement and seek at least 50% of the oil revenues for Sabah which is estimated to be RM7.75 billion.

The PM’s statement that any increase in oil payments for Sabah needs to be viewed in the bigger context of reduced development allocations for Sabah runs smack of a colonial attitude in the treatment of Sabah and the unfair seizure of Sabah’s oil.

By requesting Pakatan Rakyat to assure there would be no reduction in development funds for Sabah with the proposed increase in oil payment to Sabah, the MP for Kota Belud clearly shows that as a MP representing Sabah he is unable to fight for Sabah’s interests and at the same time acknowledging a higher oil payment will be beneficial to Sabah and Sabahans.

Instead of voicing his concerns, as a member of the ruling Federal Government, the said MP should be seeking an increase of the oil payment and an increase in development funds for the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans.

As regards development funds, regardless of whether Sabah is an oil producing State or not, Sabah is entitled to its fair share of the federal development funds.  The development funds are not and should not be linked to oil payments.

As a matter of fact, Sabah has always been deprived of its fair share of the development funds which are monopolized by the Peninsular States.

For instance, funds for road infrastructure is insufficient for Sabah roads.  In his own constituency, the trunk road from Kota Belud to Kota Marudu is pathetic with unrepaired damaged bridges for years and many sections not properly tarred and not properly maintained.

The Kota Belud-Kota Marudu is not only an important trunk road in northern Sabah but also the only route where tens of thousands of foreign tourists use every year to visit the tourist spot “The Tip of Borneo.”

To top it all, the adjacent constituency is represented by a Federal Minister from Sabah.

As we have said all along, representatives of Peninsular parties and Sabah BN components need to be changed as they cannot be depended upon to safeguard the interests and rights of Sabah and Sabahans.

If the people of Sabah continue to elect representatives that do not have the political will to ask for higher oil payments and more funds for development let alone fight for Sabah’s rights and interests, Sabah will remain the poorest with lack of proper infrastructure, clean water and other amenities.

Problems for Sabah will only increase with the attitude of federal leaders in treating Sabah as a far-flung “colony” across the South China Sea.

If the federal leaders do not treat Sabah as a “colony”, they should even consider giving shares in Petronas to oil producing States like Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak.  After all, Petronas started from zero and that it is what it is today, a global giant, its all due to the oil revenues from the oil producing States.

The RM500.00 BR1M is no adequate compensation or remedy.

Save Sabah, vote out the existing Government.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman, STAR Sabah


  1. ada satu TATABA KDM yang ada sebanyak 99 muka surat (sisindoon dalam bahasa dusun), merupakan ramalan tentang memerlukan masyarakat kdm bersatu sekali lagi, seperti 1985.....dia ditulis oleh seorang yang meramalkan tentang tahun ini (ditulis pada 2007/08) dan ada salinan original dihantar ke KADAZANDUSUN LANGUAGE FOUNDATIONS di Donggonggon, penampang bersebelahan dengan bangunan UPKO/KOLEJ AKMA

    sesiapa masih percaya mengenai "gimbaran" atau "tataba" boleh dapatkan salinan di SANA, terutama Presiden UBF Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, sebab ada juga berkaitan dengan "ramalan mengenai UBF" !


    1. Unity is always the key, without unity it is easy for outsiders to break us up.

    2. BN will most likely win again due to the obvious reason. The opposition better unite or they will regret it.

    3. "Brunei which opted out at the last hour in not forming Malaysia continues to receive 100% of its oil revenue. As a result, all Bruneians enjoy the wealth and benefits generated by such oil revenues"

      If Brunei and Singapore can go it alone and survive very well- why can't Sabah and Sarawak with their vastly rich resources do just as well if not better???

      So what are we waiting for?

  2. Blame all the Sabahan MPs and State Assemblymen for the problems caused to all poor Sabahans and Sarawakians. These corrupted MPs/Assemblymen only care for themselves and are of selfish type of person. Vote all the existing BN law makers out in the coming GE13. The BN have cheated Sabahans and Sarawakians for the past 30 years, please wake up. ABU

    1. Seems like opposition is no better, all refuses to work together for the Sabahans and are only concern for their own good.

    2. The rakyat are stuck in between these situations.

    3. its up to rakyat now..

    4. sabah future is in the people's hand. They will know what to do when election comes.

    5. pemimpin sepatutnya menyingkirkan kepentingan sendiri dan berjuang untuk rakyat.

    6. Borneo before colonial era was known as Brunai, and Brunei Darusallam infact was the creation of the new state within Brunai island by the " Perampas Kesultanan Brunai awal" came from Teranganu in the 14th century. Its a long story.. and the truth will prevail very soon once the true hiears of the 1st Sultan of Brunai(Borneo)island make a come back, history will be repeated again,and surely Borneo(Brunai)will become ONE again once n for all. WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hope that the Federal Government will make good of the Malaysia Agreement and start treating the Sabahans and Sarawakians equally.

    1. sabah and sarawak are equal partners in the first place..sabah and sarawak should not be treated as the Malaya's states...

    2. If Brunei and Singapore can go it alone and survive very well- why can't Sabah and Sarawak with their vastly rich resources do just as well if not better???

      So what are we waiting for? What stay in an unequal relationship?

      We should be free to leave Malaysia! Why be held back by out of date colonial mentality?

  4. The BR1M is an welfare aid for the hardcore poverty, it is not meant to be a bribe or compensation. How can the people be bribed with their own money.

    1. People want to believe what they have believed. Can't control people's opinion about BR1M.

    2. it is welfare aid...not one of poverty eradication programme...

    3. Its impossible to eradicate poverty just by handing out rm500 to the people. Its for welfare aid purposes.

    4. setiap pemberian walaupun sedikit harus kita hargai, ia sedikit sebanyak dpt mengurangkan beban.

    5. Terpulang kepada rakyat untuk menilai pemberian itu.

    6. Bantuan itu di beri bertujuan untuk membantu rakyat yang susah.Walaupun hanya Rm 500 tapi dengan duit itu, ia sangat membantu.

    7. pihak pembangkang yang membuat kenyataan ini. semua yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan tidak betul di mata mereka.

    8. BR1M ini bantuan untuk rakyat dan memang wajar ia diberikan.

  5. Diharapkan kerajaan Persekutuan akan menaikkan royalti minyak untuk Sabah supaya kita boleh mendapat lebih banyak peruntukan untuk membangunkan negeri kita.

    1. kalau royalti minyak dinaikkan, mungkin akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah sistem pengangkutan di sabah..

    2. mmg dharap Sabah mendapat apa yang sepatutnya mereka dapat.

    3. kenaikan royalti minyak memang di harapkan oleh rakyat Sabah.Kita tunggu keputusan kerajaan berkenaan hal ini.

    4. jika kadar royalti tidak dinaikkan, sekurang-kurangnya banyak projek yang dilaksanakan oleh Petronas di Sabah.

    5. melalui projek2 yang dibuat, ini diharap dapat membangunkan Sabah.

  6. For God sake, please review the petrolium act/agreement between oil-producing state and petronas. 5% royalty is totally unfair. The one who deserve to get the 95% should be SABAH/SARAWAK and TERENGGANU only. not petronas or the federal. they hv no right to our oil&gas even a cent. expel the petronas and establish state owned oil&gas company.full stop.

    1. time has changed...the petroleum act should be review seems not relevant anymore..


  7. I thought PM said that Sabah can not demand to increase the amount of oil royalty?

    1. So are you just going to take it laying down?

      We must take back what is ours.

      Take back Sabah for independence!

  8. Pandangan STAR adalah ingin tambah 50% kenaikan royalti, bukan?

    1. Masalahnya boleh kh STAR menunaikan janji untuk menaikkn hingga 50% minyak, atau cuma janji kosong sahaja.

    2. tuntutan yang dibuat biarlah mengikut keupayaan dan bukan hanya untuk mengaburi mata rakyat bagi mendapatkan sokongan.


    4. Star blh menunaikan janji dapatkan 50% klu bn tdk bnyk membantah...,

  9. “The oil cash payment from Petronas for Sabah’s oil and development funds from the Federal Government for Sabah are separate and distinct issues and not inter-related.”

    Separate? I want to know what's the hidden thing behind this.

  10. ada yang mahu bagi 20%, ada juga yang mahu bagi 50% dan ada juga yang mahu bagi 70%.. macam senang2 saja tentukan peratusan.. peh!

    1. kadang-kadang isu seperti ini dimainkan untuk dapat sokongan.

  11. Mungkin mengenai royatly Sabah dan Sarawak ini perlulah dibincangkan lagi di Kabinet jika inginkan perubahan. Kerana semakin hari kita boleh nampak isu ini mula dipermainkan oleh pihak pembangkang. Seperti STAR Jeffery mahukan royatly 50%, Anwar pula memberikan 20% dan STAR Philip pula mahukan 70%. Maka perkara ini tidak boleh diperlekehkan begitu saja dan perlu dipandang serius.

  12. Setiap apa yang di perjuangkan semestinya ada tarikkannya. Kerajaan perlu serius menangani pelbagai permintaan dari rakyat dan mengkajinya secepat mungkin.

  13. Menubuhkan dana untuk Yayasan Pendidikan Sabah telah dikemukakan. Dana ini bertujuan untuk membiayai pendidikan anak-anak Sabah yang berpotensi tapi kurang berkemampuan..Petikan dari MACAM di KK

  14. Maka kita dapat lihat sendiri Petronas tidak pernah lupa akan tanggungjawab mereka kepada Sabah da Sarawak. Pada masa yang sama juga permintaan rakyat Sabah supaya syarikat minyak nasional Petronas itu melaksanakan projek besar-besaran di negeri ini. Semua itu dilaksanakan juga sekarang iaitu SOGT Kimanis dan juga SAMUR Sipitang.

  15. Sabah seharusnya melihat secara positif sumbangan Petronas terhadap program pembangunan di Sabah, terutama dalam sektor minyak dan gas. Sumbangan Petronas kepada pembangunan ekonomi negeri ini, terutama dari segi peluang pekerjaan dan perniagaan, tidak boleh dinafikan. Kesemua stesen minyak Petronas di Sabah adalah 100 peratus milik orang tempatan.

    1. projek-projek petronas yang dirancang diharap akan memberikan keuntungan yang besar kepada negeri ini.

  16. It is the norm for opposition parties to make all kinds of promises because they know they are not the ruling party and all their promises remain false promises

  17. semoga Sabah akan jadi lebih membangun dan projek-projek yang dirancang akan berjaya..

  18. Yes. I agree. VOTE OUT BN/UMNO.

  19. Kalau kita bercakap pasal hal Sabah....Apakah yang rakyat Sabah dapat selama BN/UMNO memerintah dari tahun 1994 sehingga sekarang?Adakah Rakyat Sabah mendapat peluang pekerjaan yang secukupnya di dalam sektor swasta atau kerajaan?Adakah kita memperolehi geran tanah untuk di usahakan sendiri?Adakah pendidikan anak-anak kita terjamin?Adakah keselamatan diri dan keluarga kita terjamin?Adakah kita memperolehi segala kemudahan asas yang setaraf seperti yang terdapat di Semenanjung? Jawapannya TIADA...Persoalannya sekarang kenapa kita sebagai Rakyat Sabah perlu bersabar dan menunggu lagi sesuatu yang tidak akan wujud....UBF-STAR telah menunjukkan perjuangan untuk Rakyat Sabah dan saya sangat setuju dengan permintaan yang dikemukakan kepada kerajaan BN/UMNO ke atas royalti minyak.....bukankah kita orang Sabah patut menikmati kekayaan daripada sumber negeri kita sendiri.....sebagai contoh orang yang tidak dikenali yang datang menetap dirumah kita secara percuma dan kita sebagai tuan rumah perlu patuh dan akur dengan kehendak orang tersebut....adakah kita sanggup dengan keadaan begitu? Ayuh Rakyat Sabah mari kita bangkit bersama dan sekarang bukan masa untuk kita berdolak dalik kita perlu bertindak segera dengan membuat pemilihan dalam PRU-13......Ni kali la
