KOTA KINABALU - Bersih Sabah is standing firmly on their recent call to reject the appointment of Tan Sri Herman Luping as one of the commisioners for the recently announced Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).
In issuing a response to Tan Sri Bernard Dompok’s recent statement which suggested that Bersih Sabah are just trying to discredit the RCI, the members of the group would like to stress that the need for commissioners of integrity is paramount.
“Is there actually a point having RCI with great terms of reference (TOR) when you have commissioners and a secretary who are tarnished and bias?” questioned spokesperson of Bersih Sabah, Andrew Ambrose.
He further added that “Tan Sri Herman Luping is no doubt, a person who has contributed much to the state of Sabah. However, it is necessary to remind the government that one of the basic principles of natural justice is nemo iudex in causa nua, which literally translates to mean, ‘no one should be a judge in their own cause’.”
Such is the case with Tan Sri Herman Luping, who, in his vast experience, was the State Attorney General during PBS administration for year 1985 - 1986. He was even, at one point in time, a Deputy Chief Minister as well during the Usno-led Alliance Government (1967 - 1976).
Being a commissioner on the RCI would mean that he would be involved in the investigation of legality of the issuance of IC or granting of citizenships, and also the standard operating procedures (SOP) within the time frame of which he was serving in a very high position within the government. In short, he will be investigating his own administration.
Bersih Sabah therefore would like to ask a very important question to all the Sabahan leaders who agreed with his appointment: Can or would Tan Sri Herman Luping be impartial and independent in carrying out his duties in the RCI?
“We ask them to do the honourable thing and reject the appointment and recuse themselves before we have to openly highlight the problems. Any judge in the courts will have to recuse himself in such a biased scenario. This is what we expect of the proposed commissioners.” according to Andrew.
However, considering his experience and involvement, Bersih Sabah welcomes any contribution and suggestions on solutions and recommendations that may be given by Tan Sri Herman Luping should he wish to cooperate as not one of the commissioners. The movement also suggests that the RCI should call upon Tan Sri Herman Luping to be a witness or deponent to tell his side of the story on the illegal immigrants and project IC.
The demand to remove Tan Sri Herman Luping is only the first of a series of revelations to be issued by Bersih Sabah in the next coming weeks.
Bersih Sabah will be issuing on Wednesday the next statement, this time on KY Mustafa, who was the state of secretary from 24th April 2000 until 2nd July 2007, and succeeded by Datuk Seri Panglima Sukarti Wakiman, who assumed office on 3rd July 2007.
Jangan melampaulah Andrew Ambrose.. Kau ini patut hormat sama Orang tua.Orang macam Tan Sri ini yang pernah menabur jasa dengan negeri Sabah dan rakyat. Tidak perlulah buat begitu.Mungkin kau ini tidak hormat lau punya ibu bapa oh...
ReplyDeletetak perlu layan Andrew Ambrose, dia bukan tau apa2 jg.
DeleteTrep saja bah Atama ini. Saja cari publisiti.
DeleteBERSIH ni bikin kacau saja...
DeleteUmno BN ini buat rakyat susah saja...
Deletejadi siapalah knun calon yang lebih sesuai kalau Herman Luping tidak sesuai?
DeleteTidak perlu dengar cakap si Atama ini.. buang masa saja saja.. budak hingusan.
DeleteHerman Luping mempunyai pencapaian amat baik, dia layak menjadi panel RCI.
ReplyDeleteBeliau seorang yang berpengalaman dalam bidang seperti ini. Beliau mampu pikul tugas ini.
Deletekalau tidak layak mana mungkin beliau dipilih sebagai ahli panel..
DeleteIt is always a case when someone feels he is important enough to publish statements and think that his statements are relevant to the case.He cannot differentiate the relevance and irrelevance of such case before him and in his haste of finding publicity he exposed himself as a fool to all.To him he is right and representing the few biased Bersih supporters he tries to depict himself as someone with knowledge to the extent of making idiotic statements about the RCI.
ReplyDeleteThe best way is to ignore such a person as he is just a swollen big headed nonentity created by the media and who feels that now he has a foothold and important enough to say anything he wants.Whats the qualification of this man anyway as to feel big enough to mess with the RCI? There's a saying that 'if your fish line is not long enough,do not try to test the ocean.'I suggest this fella should know that he is not fluent enough as his brain should permit and therefore should stop from making himself more fool than he already is.
I don' t know any details. Masakan dedaun menggorosok kalau angin tak ada.If there is a stench it will permeate. Tua muda kedua-dua boleh menghasil dan menghidu.Heck even Adam and Eve were banished from Eden.Mere mortal ? Caboose
DeleteI'm standing behind Herman Luping, there is no reason not to have him in the RCI panel since he was not guilty in the allegations made against him in the past.
ReplyDeleteThat's why. Unless if he was guilty, then he lost the credibility to become one of the panel.
DeleteBERSIH ni mahu tunjuk pandai...si atama ni pun memandai-mandai..
DeleteSi Atama tunjuk pandai sudah..dia ingat dia tau semua benda.. tau buat hal saja.
DeleteAtama was given a second chance after he sullied his name previously. Why shouldn't Herman Luping be given the same?
ReplyDeleteOnly Atama rises this issue. What does it means?
Deleteatama mahu cari publisiti saja bah tu...kan dia tu artis...mahu kasi laris dia punya bisnes saja..
Deletepablisiti memang ada selalu, tapi kalau difikirkan, Atama memang ada alasan juga kerana nanti kita tidak mahu menyesal di kemudian hari, apa kamu mahu buat kalau nasi sudah menjadi bubur?? makan sajalah kan...??!
DeletePertimbangkan apa yang diinginkan. Ada sebab mengapa mereka tidak ingin beliau berada dalam komuniti RCI.
ReplyDeletebukan semua apa yang kita mahu kita akan dapat...
Deletepertimbangkan sajalah kalau ada yang kata tidak sesuai.
DeleteI am sure they already point the positive side of him, and that is why he been appointed as on of the RCI committees.
ReplyDeleteKenapa ada yang tidak setuju dengan Herman Luping ini menjadi Panel RCI. Rasanya kalau dia benar-benar layak rasanya tidak ada salah dengan perlantikkan tersebut.
ReplyDeleteAda pihak yang saja timbulkan spekulasi dengan mengungkit kes yan pernah dikaitkan dengan TS Herman Luping.
Deleteada pihak yang cuba menjadi hero..macam si atama..
Deleteto lucas : jangan jeles bah, kalau atama jadi hero pun apa salahnya...
DeleteSaya pun setuju dgn kita Anon;harus kita pemuda/pemudi tanya beliau2 masing2 berkenaan politik selepas Sabah/north borneo bebas dari pemerintaan British & tingkalaku/tabiat orang2 polilitik dan baca lah tulisan orang2 politik yang suka menulis macam2 hal di kertas khabar;berfikir lah & kamu sendiri dapat keteranangan dengan personality seseorang.
DeleteSekiranya tiada tindakan mengenai hal tu, keputusan senarai panel adalah muktamad.
DeleteHerman Luping dinafikan kredibilitinya dalam panel RCI, perlu ada kajian semula.
ReplyDeletekalau mahu dinilai masa sila pemimpin2 politik, ramai juga pemimpin2 politik pembangkang yang tidak layak bergelar ahli politik..
Deletesi Atama tidak laku sudah ba jadi artis.. sebab itu dia mahu masuk politik..
ReplyDeleteatama sudah hilang sengat sebagai artis, jadi mau masuk politik lah.
Deletealbum pun tak laku, publisiti pun susah sudah bila sudah limpas PRU. jadi, biarlah kita bagi peluang dulu dengan Si Atama ni.
Deletesi Atama tidak ada hak mempertikaikan kredibiliti pihak lain.. bagaimana pula dengan Anwar yang berhasrat mahu jadi PM?? imej beliau sudah tercemar dengan banyak skandal jijik..
ReplyDeleteanyone who is a public figure is subject to scrutiny. Jangan pula buat-buat bodoh.
Deletekalau pun mahu jadi hero macam si namewee, jangan la buat kritikan melulu.. diri sendiri pun belum tentu ada kredibiliti untuk buat pertikaian yang menyerang kredibiliti pihak lain.. apa la..
ReplyDeleteKredibiliti sendiri pun mesti mahu teliti dahulu.
Deletesebelum panel dilantik, pasti penilaian teliti sudah dibuat.
DeleteMacam si Atama saja yang bangkitkan pasal isu si Herman Luping, tapi parti politik lain tiada keluar statements. terutama pembangkang.
ReplyDeletemau dapat perhatian, jadi perlu bijak cari isu.
DeleteTak perlu peduli perbuatan kebudak-budakan seperti si Atama yang sengaja mencari publisiti murahan seperti ini, Nak lagak hero tapi tidak mempunyai alasan yang cukup baik.
DeleteHe isn't found guilty afterall.
ReplyDeleteWhy shoudn't he be in the RCI panel?
ReplyDeleteIs there something they know that the people aren't aware of?
ReplyDeleteHe should have good reasons for not wanting Herman as memeber of the RCI panel.
ReplyDeleteLet's see what he has to say afterwards.
ReplyDeleteIf Herman has been choose then leave him alone.
ReplyDeleteHe was not found guitly.
ReplyDeleteLet the panel decide.
ReplyDeleteyang penting hasilnya nanti RCI berjaya menyelesaikan isu pati.
ReplyDeletememang susah mau puaskan hati semua orang. pasti ada saja yang dikritik.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan isu pelantikan calon RCI ini tidak akan dipertikaikan lagi, keputusan kerajaan untuk melantik Datuk Herman Luping dilakukan setelah pertimbangan yang mendalam.
DeleteWalaupun Datuk Herman Luping pernah didakwa di mahkamah satu ketika dulu, tapi masa itu pihak mahkamah telah mengisytiharkan bahawa Datuk Herma tidak bersalah. Apa lagi dasar yang Atama boleh gunakan untuk menentukan bahawa Datuk Herman tidak sesuai? Harap Atama boleh menjawab. Jangan kritik saja tanpa memberi alasan yang releven.
ReplyDeleteGobok x perlu la jdi ahli panel RCI tu!