By Kanul Gindol
RANAU : Today's explanation by the Sabah Water Department Director Ag Mohd Tahir Talip on the water supply problem in four kampungs in Ranau which staged a demonstraion last weekend speaks volume of our doomed condition.
Don't just acknowledge the problem and cite every plans and pledge that could be imagined. Fix the problem fast, treat this no water supply as urgent matter and don't drag this for another election time just to make some more promises to the marginalised natives.
The water authorities together with leaders of the ruling party should go really down on the grounds to examine where the problem lies and carry out some immediate remedy with passion and some seriousness. Don't play with the people's life and sanity.
The people I met in Ranau were tired of just gimmick announcements every now and then everytime there is problem. We believe the water problem affecting Kg Paka 1, Kibbas, Koporingan and Purak Ogis is not unique to us but found everywhere else in Sabah.
The state authorities should deliver results now and not deliver rethorics or mere lip-service to resolve our perennial most basic need - clean water.
Last weekend a group of 60 representatives from four kampungs staged a 15-minute peaceful sit-in protest at Kg Kibbas tamu ground in a protest of what they called the ruling party's "Janji Tak Ditepati" or "false promise" on providing water supply to them.
They had claimed the kampung folks had been without supply of clean water for years and things got messier as the only iron water tank that used to store water from Mesilau river has rusted with knee's deep mud and rust inside it, having never been maintained or cleaned.
Ly J. Sya Welliam (ed: Ly J. Welliam), the spokesman for the group had said, the water tank could no longer store water and that many of about 3,000 in the four kampungs had always been without clean water.
"We are forced to use rain water... some of us have to buy raw water and bring home every now and then for our domestic chores. Until when must we wait for clean water supply? It is almost 50 years of independence this month..." he said.
The four kampungs involved in the protest held at Kampung Kibbas roadside here today are Paka 1, Koporingan, Purak Ogis and Kibbas itself.
They held their peaceful sit-in demonstration under the watchful eyes of a group of policemen from the district police.
Issued via KG Publicist
Hopefully the four kampung folks in Ranau will soon get uninterrupted clean water supply.
ReplyDeleteThe water problem will be solved as soon as possible.
Deletethe problem will be solved..
DeleteThe government will surely do something immediately since the GE is just around the corner.
DeletePasti kerajaan akan membantu rakyat.. penduduk kampung perlu percaya dengan kerajaan.
DeleteThe national 2012 Budget provides RM2.1 billion to expand water supply to 200,000 homes in the rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak, while the Sabah government has provided RM458.8 million for the same purpose this year.
ReplyDeleteWe aware with the budgets but what most important id to fulfill the promises.
Deletethe govt will fulfill their promises...
Deleteall promises made will go into the drain if BN govt comes to power after GE13.
Deletewe hope this budget is enough to solve the water supply problem.
DeleteHope that the government will put the national and state budget to good use so that we can resolve the water woes in the rural part of Sabah.
Deletewell below is the statement made by water Department Director Ag. Mohd Tahir Mohd. Talib.
ReplyDeleteHe said the department has rolled out a long-term and short term solution faced in Kg Kibas, Kg Koporingan, Kg Purak Ogis and Kg Paka 1. Among the short-term solutions taken by the Ranau branch are installing a 4.5km 150mm (from 100mm) pipeline and connecting it to the other pipelines from the department's main tank at Jln Perkasa, Kundasang to Kg Koporingan.
And subsequently water supply could be made to the other troubled villages, which, he said, will be completed by September.
Next time i suggest the water department let the people know what is exactly happen so that the people may not make an assumption. The people should also know that there must be a reason for what had happened.
Even the water department tell the truth but the folks refuse to accept, what can they do?
Deletejadi jabatan air sedang berusaha menyelesaikan masalah tersebut..
DeleteBanyak lagi janji yang tidak ditepati.
DeleteKebanyakan janji yang di beri oleh kerajaan telah di tunaikan.. mungkin ini ada masalah yang tidak dapat di elak..kita bagi masa dengan kerajaan.
DeleteSome useful info on the issue:
ReplyDeletewater supply to the affected areas will be scheduled, which had been done since Aug. 7 via water-laden lorries and if needed through the JKKK Chairman of each village for the time being, and for the long-term to solve the issue, RM100 million water supply system had been planned to supply treated water to Kundasang town and its areas nearby.
They already stated what is the reason and they already given the solution on the matter. I am sure they will give full attention on it.
the water department already give their explanations and actions that will be taken to solve the problem face by the kampung folks..
Deletein the meantime the kampung folks will have to continue to suffer under BN government.
DeleteBerikan perhatian mengenai masalah bekalan air yang berlaku dibeberapa kawasan yang ada di Sabah ini.
ReplyDeleteBekalan air bersih amat penting kerana selain untuk kegunaan harian, air yang kotor boleh mengakibatkan penyebaran penyakit dengan cepat.
Deleteperhatian memang diberikan...cuma memakan masa untuk menyelesaikannya..
Deletesabah is big, its impossible for the government to solve issues in every district in a short time.
Deletei agree with vincent. help is on the way but it will take time.
DeleteYes I agree.
DeleteIt will take another 49 years to solve this problem.
usaha dalam menyelesaikan masalah air di beberapa kawasan telah giat dilakukan
Deletemoga masalah air yg membelenggu penduduk dpt diselesaikan.
semoga penyelesaian terbaik akan dapat dilaksanakan.
Deletebila ada bekalan air tu, jimat2lah guna air.
DeleteJabatan Air pun tengah berusaha untuk selesaikan masalah air ini.
ReplyDeleteProjek tu akan berada dalam projek Government Transformation Programme 2.0
Deleteharap usaha yang dibuat akan cepat berhasil.
DeleteJangan asyik salahkan kerajaan sahaja..kerajaan pun telah berusaha untuk memastikan rakyat sentiasa selesa dan mendapat kehidupan yang senang.
Delete"Fix the problem fast, treat this no water supply as urgent matter and don't drag this for another election time just to make some more promises to the marginalised natives."
ReplyDeleteSome problems are difficult to be solve in just a day especially problem like this.
This problem has been around for over 30 years.
DeleteIt seems like the BN Govt is not interested in solving any problems in Sabah.
The water problem faced by four villages in Ranau is due largely to inability of the existing pipeline (100mm) to support current demand there...
DeleteStar saja mahu buat publisiti murahan
ReplyDeletepru sudah dekat. semua pun mau jadi hero.
DeleteStar, Sapp..semua mau jadi hero.. cakap banyak.. tapi kosong.. apapun BN juga yang terbaik.
Deletesenyum lebar si Jalibin lepas dia berjaya kumpulkan 60 orang dari 4 buah kampung.. kenapa 60 orang saja?? itupun mungkin kenapa pujuk2 oleh si Jalibin..
ReplyDeleteMemang bukan senang nak memujuk rakyat tempatan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam demo aman kerana ini bukan budaya kita.
Delete60 orang sahaja yang termakan pujuk si Jalibin ini, penduduk lain tetap percaya dengan kerajaan.
Deletekalau si Jalibin jadi KM Sabah, 100 tahun pun belum tentu dia boleh selesaikan masalah air di Sabah.. tembirang saja dia ni..
ReplyDeleteJalibin Paidi macam pemimpin pembangkang yang lain juga, hanya pandai kritik dan tidak pernah membuat apapa sumbangan kepada rakyat. Pandai-pandailah kita membuat penilaian.
DeleteWater Department has rolled out a long-term and short term solution faced in Kg Kibas, Kg Koporingan, Kg Purak Ogis and Kg Paka 1. Among the short-term solutions taken by the Ranau branch are installing a 4.5km 150mm (from 100mm) pipeline and connecting it to the other pipelines from the department's main tank at Jln Perkasa, Kundasang to Kg Koporingan.
ReplyDeleteAnd subsequently water supply could be made to the other troubled villages, which will be completed by September.
Penyelesaian ini harus boleh menyelesaikan masalah air di Ranau.
Deletesangat berharap agar kerajaan benar-benar mengambil berat akan hal-ehwal rakyat
ReplyDeletesebagai negera berdemokrasi, suara/kuasa rakyat penentu masa depan sesebuah parti
ReplyDeletekerajaan tidak harus mengabaikan permintaan rakyat
ReplyDeletekerajaan harus bertindak segera sebelum 'terlambat' memperbaiki keadaan
ReplyDeletejika BN masih mahu kekal sebagai pemimpin rakyat maka kepentingan rakyat tidak harus diabaikan
ReplyDeletePasti masalah air di 4 kampung di Ranau akan diselesaikan
ReplyDeletesemua isu yang berlaku akan cepat diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteusaha sedang dibuat untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang berlaku.
ReplyDeleteUsaha ini akan terus dilupakan sebaik saja BN menang PRU-13 nanti. Orang sabah akan terus dibodohkan, diugut dan dilupakan.
ReplyDeleteSeluruh jalan sabah pasti ada projek menanam paip. Tetapi penambahan paip setiap daerah juga bermasalah. Cuba fikirkan, saluran paip di tambah, tetapi loji penapisan tidak diperbesarkan. Banyak berlaku dimana ada paip tetapi air tidak ada, kalau angin sentiasa keluar, bil air pun meningkat.