He said apart from that it will also do a review on the petroleum royalty quota for Sabah to increase it to 20 per cent from the present five per cent.
"Thirdly we will also distribute lands for the indigenous people of Sabah, even for those land which has been part of the forest reserve or Forest Management Unit (FMU) areas," he said during a leader-and-people session at Kg Singga Mata Ansip in Sook, near here, Sunday.
SAPP Vice President Jimmy Jawatah, Supreme Council Member Peter Marajin and Alexius Kiob, and Liawan Vice Chairman Joseph Lakai, among others, were also present.
Chong and his group were welcomed by a convoy of 80 motorcycles on their arrival at Kg Ansip Tengah and they followed them from the village to Kg Singga Mata.
Marajin who is also the party's legal adviser, meanwhile said SAPP guarantees that if it forms the State Government it will give land with individual land title, not communal land title as the present State Government is giving to the people, to the villagers concerned so they can develop it for improving their socio-economic condition.
Meanwhile, Chong said their President Datuk Yong Teck Lee has recently met with the opposition's de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to find a way on how they can work together to defeat the present Barisan Nasional (BN) Government.
President Datuk Yong Teck Lee has recently met with the opposition's de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to find a way on how they can work together to defeat BN.
ReplyDeleteBut yet YTL turn his back on PKR and urge all Sabahans to reject Malayan parties. So much sincerity to work together with Anwar Ibrahim.
QUIET FURY grips Sabah & S'wak over Putrajaya’s 55-years Merdeka claim
DeleteWritten by Joe Fernandez, Malaysia Chronicle
The insensitive ignoramuses have done it again! The buntings and billboards, shipped in from Putrajaya, brazenly proclaim 55 years of Merdeka throughout the length and breadth of Sabah and Sarawak. This is the Mother of All Bullshit in Sabah and Sarawak.
Obviously, it’s Merdeka for Peninsular Malaysia or Malaya which became independent of British colonial rule of a sort on 31 Aug, 1957. The revisionists are claiming that the British never really colonised Malaya – the land of the Orang Asal i.e. the Orang Asli -- which they in fact hacked away from the Thai kingdom, after two wars with Bangkok, to plant rubber and mine tin. But that’s another story.
That i.e. 1957 being the case, why flaunt it in Sabah and Sarawak and expect the long-suffering people there to share in the joy of the people of Malaya in being free of colonialism and imperialism?
Putrajaya maintains the fiction that Sabah, Sarawak free in 1957
If Putrajaya wants to maintain the fiction that Sabah and Sarawak too became free on 31 Aug, 1957, the history books tell us otherwise.
Sabah in fact became independent only six years later i.e. on 31 Aug, 1963 while Sarawak a little earlier than its neighbouring sister country in Borneo i.e. on 22 July, 1963. This was in line with the recommendations of the 24-Nation UN Decolonization Committee.
Both countries wanted to enjoy a period of freedom before considering again the idea of a new Federation including Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. The idea was being relented pushed in their faces by the British and the Malayans acting in cahoots to protect the former’s commercial empire in the territories.
On 16 Sept, 1963, a Black Day known as Malaysia Day, the two Borneo states were dragged into a so-called Malaysia without a referendum being held to ascertain the wishes of the people.
The history books have subsequently gone on to claim that “Sabah dan Sarawak mencapai Merdeka melalui Malaysia”. How can that be the case when both states were already independent on 31 Aug, 1963 and 22 July, 1963 respectively before the advent of Malaysia?
Singapore became a member of this so-called Malaysia as well but apparently willingly since it was already a part of Malaya in every sense of the term and divided only by a narrow causeway.
Brunei stayed out at the 11th hour, insisting on genuine independence first, before considering if at all the idea of the Malaysia concept.
(part 2 QUIET FURY)
DeleteSabah, Sarawak not allowed to leave “Malaysia” like Singapore
Brunei only became independent on 1 Jan, 1984 after much pushing by Putrajaya who, eyeing the oil and gas riches of the sultanate, hoped it would became a member of the Malaysian Federation. Bandar Seri Begawan would have none of it, considering the tragic fate of Sabah and Sarawak in “Malaysia”, and began holding regular joint military exercises with Singapore which was allowed to train for jungle warfare in the sultanate.
The fate of Sabah and Sarawak, briefly, were sealed in 1965 when Singapore left the Federation. The two states were not allowed to exercise any option like Singapore on whether to stay or leave the Federation. Sabah Chief Minister Donald Stephens, who raised the issue, was packed off into exile in Australia as High Commissioner to that country.
The 1965 exit of Singapore from the enlarged Malayan Federation, masquerading as Malaysia, confirmed to the world that Sabah and Sarawak were colonies of Malaya.
The British abandoned Sabah and Sarawak to Malayan colonialism after Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Malayan Prime Minister, publicly pledged in 1963 that Malaya would not colonize Sabah and Sarawak after the British left. Janji Janji Manis! Janji Janji Kosong!
In fact, re-colonisation is what happened. Internal colonisation is going on. Janji Tidak DiTepati! Janji DiTepikan.
The promise of a written Constitution for Malaysia – an equal partnership of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak – never materialized.
Instead, Sabah and Sarawak are lowly states, the 12th and 13th states, in the enlarged Malaya – Singapore having left – as Malaya Raya went on to masquerade as Malaysia with an unwritten Constitution based on the written Malayan Constitution.
The unwritten Constitution is supposed to include five constitutional documents and/or conventions on the Malaysia concept as it was originally envisaged but Putrajaya has been in non-compliance.
The basis for Sabah, Sarawak to be in Malaysia in the dustbin
The said five documents/conventions which were supposed to be the basis for Sabah and Sarawak to be in Malaysia as originally envisaged: the 1963 Malaysia Agreement; the Inter-Governmental Committee Report; the Cobbold Commission Report; the 20/18 Points (Sabah, Sarawak respectively); Batu Sumpah in Keningau, Sabah.
Therein the matter lies!
Non-compliance! No Constitution written especially for Malaysia.
So, Putrajaya should not shamelessly proclaim to the whole world that Sabah and Sarawak have been independent for 55 years.
(part 3) QUIET FURY
DeleteStop lying to the schoolchildren learning history, Malaysian Studies
We cannot tell such blatant lies to the schoolchildren studying history and Malaysian Studies in the schools, colleges and universities.
The fact is Sabah and Sarawak lost their self-determination status of 31 Aug, 1963 and 22 July, 1963 respectively on 16 Sept, 1963 when they were colonised by Malaya after the British left.
The proof lies in the fact that Sabah and Sarawak are not equal partners of Malaya as envisaged under the original Malaysia concept but the lowly 12th and 13th states respectively in an enlarged Malaya which continues to masquerade as Malaysia.
The proof lies in the fact that Sabah and Sarawak are today the poorest and 2nd poorest states in Malaysia respectively as announced at the end of 2010 in Kota Kinabalu by the World Bank in a Report. Meanwhile, Brunei which produces even less oil and gas than Sabah and Sarawak has became richer than ever and Singapore will soon proclaim itself as the richest country in the world on a per capita basis.
So, what next?
The 24-Nation UN Decolonization Committee has been disbanded.
Class action suit to make British pay, suffer for their sins
Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPi MaFo), a Trust set up this week in the United Kingdom, intends to file a class action suit in London against the British Government for abandoning Sabah and Sarawak to Malayan colonialism in 1963.
The imminent class action suit will press for the payment of compensation and damages equivalent to Sterling one million pounds for each man, woman and child in Sabah and Sarawak who are citizens of the two states.
The suit will also enable the British Government to make the Government in Putrajaya a party to the suit to resolve the internal colonisation of Sabah and Sarawak.
President Datuk Yong Teck Lee has recently met with the opposition's de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to find a way on how they can work together to defeat BN.
ReplyDeleteBut yet YTL turn his back on PKR and urge all Sabahans to reject Malayan parties. So much sincerity to work together with Anwar Ibrahim.
Isn't it clear enough that they are only 'main wayang'!
DeleteYang penting hebat mainan wayangnya.
DeleteSemuanya hanya kulit wayang untuk memperboohkan rakyat Sabah.
DeletePembangkang ada agenda sendiri, betul kah mereka benar-benar ingin memperjuangkan nasib rakyat sabah, atau semata-mata kerana gila kuasa sahaja.
DeleteSAPP will come up with a memorandum to ask for the status of Sabah as had been agreed during the formation of Malaysia in 1963 to be reinstated if it wins the 13th General Election.
ReplyDeleteIf only SAPP wins the 13th general elections, which I doubt would happen.
That's why they dare enough to promise this 'memorandum' because they know they will never have to fulfill it. Duhh...
DeleteEasy to make promises to the people, but not as easy as it seems to fulfill it. SAPP better not try to fish for votes using these sweet promises.
DeleteMengenai royalti itu rasanya perlu disalahkan disini adalah Datuk Harris atas kesilapan yang berlaku.
ReplyDeleteAs predicted, he will never commit his faults!
Deletememang harris punya salah...dia saja yang berabis tidak mahu mengaku..
Deletekesilapan Harris telah menyusahkan penduduk Sabah.
DeleteDatuk Najib announced that a special committee would be set up to study the petroleum royalty payments involving the eastern states of Peninsula Malaysia, in a fair and transparent manner. Datuk Musa Aman believes that the state's five percent petroleum royalty review issue is open for amicable discussions with the federal government. We should just wait and see.
DeleteHow will SAPP gonna to these all? What are the methods?
ReplyDeleteTiada cara sebenarnya..ini semua hanya cakap2/janji2 manis SAPP.
Deletecakap kosong SAPP saja bah ni...kau mahu percaya kah SAPP bagi tanah sama rakyat nanti? dia bagi sama saudara-saudara dia saja adalah..
DeleteKenapa perlu percaya dengan SAPP.. janji mereka semua tidak boleh di pakai..buang masa sahaja.
Deletekalau SAPP menang, saya boleh dapat tanah kah?
ReplyDeletekalau cakap2 politik saja, saya tidak mahu undi SAPP...merugikan undi saya saja...
ReplyDeletesapp macam makin kurang dapat perhatian sudah sekarang ini.
Deletefrankie, bila kamu mahu buang YTL dari pucuk pimpinan parti SAPP? buat apa kamu mahu simpan lagi barang yang sudah buruk dan tidak berguna?
ReplyDeleteselagi YTL dalam SAPP, selagi itulah SAPP tidak akan menang...SAPP tidak berani buat transformasi dalam parti kah?
ReplyDeleteYTL masih lagi mahu jadi presiden sapp walaupun kalah di Bt sapi.
DeleteYTL lebih baik bersara sahaja..SAPP tidak akan berjaya di Sabah. Sudah nampak.. yang beliau tidak mendapat sokongan.
DeleteSAPP selalu cakap diorang adalah parti yang kuat dan boleh menang...tetapi kenapa perlu YTL jumpa anwar dan bincang pasal kerjasama? patut SAPP lawan juga tu PR..PR tu dari seberang...buat apa mahu bagi muka? atau memang ni SAPP adalah parti yang lemah?
ReplyDeleteSAPP dulu menang pun atas tiket BN. kalau sendrian mmg tiada harapan menang.
DeleteKalau atas tiket PR?kemungkinan ada menang ka:)
DeleteWell if you guys want it happen, effort shall be more than the expectation.
ReplyDeleteThings will always get done when all give full co-operation to each other.
ReplyDeleteSama2 kita tengok sama ada pembangkang boleh menang atau tidak di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSAPP kosong ping! Bagus tukar saja YTL sama Frankie ini juga.Surat khabar lama!Tanya semua orang siapa sokong SAPP kecuali ahli SAPP sendiri.Harap undi ahli boleh menang ka?
ReplyDeleteTidak payah la undi SAPP.
ReplyDeleteMacam tiada2 saja ba isu SAPP tu.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they can fulfil what has been promised.
ReplyDeleteWould SAPP ever win the next general elections?
ReplyDeletesusah sapp dapat sokongan, buktinya masa di Bt Sapi tempoh hari.
Deletemungkin hari ini dalam sejarahlah kalau SAPP boleh jadi kerajaan untuk kali ke-2.
DeleteLet's see what they are capable of doing.
ReplyDeleteIf only they can unite with full co-operation.
ReplyDeleteImpossible for the opposition to cooperate each other to bring one to one fight.
DeleteWait till GE-13 and see what happens next.
ReplyDeleteTrue...the final result would determine and the choice of the people.
DeleteLet them do whatever they can but put into action.
ReplyDeletemacam semakin ramai yang tidak minat dengan sapp.
ReplyDeleteYTL pernah jadi CM. tapi masa dia berkuasa apa yang dia buat?
ReplyDeleteYTL hanya buang masa sahaja ketika jadi CM..tiada apa pun yang beliau buat.
DeleteWhen SAPP leaders says that SAPP is fighting for native rights, they are simply lying. When YTL was the chief minister [1996–1998], lands allocated to natives were actually ‘stolen’ and given to public-listed companies.
ReplyDeleteA good example is the Tongod Region where not less than 20,000 acres of land earlier set aside for native socio-economic projects, under the ‘Tongod Regional Planning Study’, mooted during the Berjaya era, were given away to a public-listed company. This is blatant Daylight Robbery!!
As a consequence, the impoverished and largely hardcore poor of Tongod lost their birthright (ancestral lands) and became ‘refugees’ on their own land, setting up ‘sulaps’ along the road bordering their stolen land, eating dust induced by passing vehicles, everyday. To add insult to injury, the mega companies that now occupy the ‘stolen’ lands, evicted them and bulldozed even their dilapidated dwellings.
ReplyDeleteNow SAPP goes around trying to champion the rights and native customary lands?? This is World-Class Hypocrisy!!
During the tenure of Yong Teck Lee in as little as 2 years, he approved some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore). These licences were given to cronies, associates, non-Sabahans included, and is clearly an act of gross irresponsibility at the expense of environmental conservation, sustainability and public interest.
ReplyDeleteThe delegation of authority to approve logging areas given by Cabinet to Datuk Yong Teck Lee as CM, was well and truly taken advantage of and abused by Yong to reward his friends, cronies and supporters.
Can you imagine what will happen if SAPP were to come back into power?
During the SAPP regime, not less than 1 million hectares of forest lands were given out to private and public-listed companies, purportedly for SFM-Sustainable Forest Management.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, in the lot of FMU licenses, dubious individuals with no capability whatsoever were also chosen. Consequently, many licensees failed to perform, incurring huge losses to the State government in the region of billions of ringgit.
Today’s failures of many licensees which have resulted in the termination of a number of them, is a revelation of poor planning, poor execution and reckless choices. Some of the licensees have never been even seen a forest area, let alone seeing a concession area that can be as big as 600,000 acres. Why were these clowns chosen in the first place? Only SAPP can answer that.
ReplyDeleteDaydream!no way for SAPP to be the government.
ReplyDeleteSAPP jadi kerajaan di Sabah??? tidak mungkin...harap tidak akan berlaku.. truk Sabah jadinya nanti.