By Tay Tian Yan
Contrary to many people's negative response, I look at the formation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Sabah's long-standing illegal immigrants problem in a positive way, and I am really looking forward to it.
To put it simple, just because of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad alone, there are definitely reasons to set up the RCI.
I have no intention to innuendo, I just read his comments on his blog written, "On the basis of the length of stay and mastering of the national language, they qualify to be citizens of this country, and so the acquired citizenship”.
That's all. It is very easy to gain Malaysian citizenship. You can get an identity card as long as you stay for a period of time in the country, regardless of whether you enter the country legally or illegally; and master the national language, regardless of whether with Indonesian or Filipino slang.
No wonder there are rumours about the Project IC or Project M since a decade ago. Under the project, the country welcomes Filipinos and Indonesians with widely open arms and identity cards are issued to them very quickly. Similar to other Malaysians whose ancestors have long been here, they master the national language, love the country and when the time comes, line up to vote.
Here lies the problem. Illegal immigrants come to earn money while the authorities give them political rights. They are mutually benefiting, establishing a symbiotic relationship.
According to the population statistics, the Sabah population in 2010 increased to 3.12 million, a jump of 390% from 651,304 in 1970.
The 390% increase is not because of an extraordinarily high fertility rate, but is most likely because many foreigners, who have lived here for a period of time and mastered the national language, have become Malaysian citizens, through Mahathir's logic.
It is indeed necessary for the RCI to investigate whether such a citizenship acquisition is legal and who is actually responsible to it.
The illegal immigrant problem was worse with most changes during Mahathir's administration. The RCI should summon Mahathir to hear his noble words, as well as explanation for some key points.
It is also controversial that the large number of immigrants has changed the state's political ecology. The ratio of Muslim Bumiputeras has greatly increased while the number of Sabah Umno members has also increased by times.
The Sabah political arena was ruled by three racial groups in the 1960s to 1980s. The balance power among Muslim, Kadazan and Chinese enabled them to maintain tolerance and pluralism.
Under Mahathir's leadership, Umno entered Sabah and together with the change of the state's political ecology, Sabah Umno gained the dominance and since then, leads the overall situation.
The political power of the Kadazan and Chinese have been weakened and thus, discontent is sown.
Under pressure, Najib tries to appease the non-Muslims' discontent by setting up the RCI. However, the move has at the same time triggered rebound from the right wing and vested interest groups of Sabah Umno.
The RCI is definitely necessary for the state's own good. The RCI members must do their best while the people should give support.
Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE
Sin Chew Daily
Hia tuongus dau : popoihob , mongumos , mogundoosi , nauseating, jelak anything more, pointless . Excuse . Want to throw up
ReplyDeleteHia ingus popeye mangosteen mongos,nasi berani jelat cicak anything more meaningful.Want to eat,lapar!
DeleteMimang kopo. ? Kinaman hinompuka. Opotoh. Delish. Hangatan puntii, kio om tonsi piasau tomuhok. Ohiivan nu biskut arab. Kopoponoodo zou.
Deletehaha...ha, indamaa kozo iziaho dinoh... titiponutuk zou diho tuongus dau. Nung asamaan ku doid nombo noopo nga bobogon ku do hinaas toiko pavazaan nopo do tinompok nga opiduvo kino...abaazatan zou kokito.
ReplyDeleteNung kinison iho gambal dau nga au zou poh ababasan kangku daa. Tutudan dati.
Otopot no ino. Jangka ku koikot dati oh nalaka doid pomogunan montok noopo diho. Andadadon tokou po.
Deleteom iisai-isai ih nakasampuk
DeleteAiso guno tii mohoing. Tou songian mah oidu mantad pomogunan.
Deletekenapa bah masih buduhhhhh sangat orang kadazandusun ni.tendang saja ini UMNO dari Sabah.Merekalah buat bangsa KadazanDusun menjadi pelarian dinegeri sendiri.
ReplyDeleteJangan suka menghina rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak dengan memanggil orang kita bodoh.
DeleteShall I say,' bagaimana kuih sebab acuannya'. The kadazandusun has a dearth of leaders. Au minangasa ngavi tanak pinakai ih nokopopoguhu. Nga om dumadi di do mononongkia noopo dii iti do ingkaa no. Boos no au giigina.
DeleteSuka hati parti yang mana kaum Kadazandusun Murut nak undi, ini negara demokrasi. Tiada sesiapa yang boleh mengawal siapa yang rakyat nak undi.
DeleteThe KDM are not stupids. Do you think they want these all to happen??
DeleteAllow me again. 'Begitu kuihnya kerana acuan'. Macamllah pula dalam beramai-ramai tiada yang berotak.. How does reverse psychology work?
DeleteNot stupid. Too nice. Want to be pushovers
DeleteSedapnya engkau panggil bangsa kamu budu... Kau ingat kami mahu sangat hal seperti ini berlaku?
DeleteBudu tu sos ikan
DeleteKita tunggu saja RCI yang menentukan mengenai perkara ini. Benar atau tidak ini melibatkan Mahathir atau tidak. Mungkin juga Anwar dalang dalam hal ini.
ReplyDeleteDSAI patut disiasat, beliau kata beliau tidak terlibat dalam Projek IC. Tapi kenapa DSAI menolak cadangan Datuk Pairin untuk menubuhkan RCI pada tahun 1994. Something is fishy with DSAI.
Deletemahathir dan anwar patut disiasat...demikian juga dengan pengarah JPN, KSN, pengarah imigresen dsbgnya agensi2 yang berkaitan..
DeleteHal ini pasti akan disiasat, so kita tunggu sajalah apa hasilnya.
Deletepasti ada saja kaitan dengan Anwar ni. lagipun Anwar TPM masa tu.
DeleteJangan percaya dengan khabar angin sekarang ini.. kita tunggu saja hasil penyiasatan nanti.
DeleteTakkira Dr. M atau Anwar, jika benar terlibat, hantar ke mahkamah dan biarkan mahkamah yang menentukannya.
DeleteProject M welcomes Filipinos and Indonesians, does not mean Sabahans welcomes them. That is Dr M's opinion, it does not represent the countrymen. RCI will be set up by Datuk Najib and resolve the Project IC. Just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Mahathir is obsesses with with Malay things. The PATI were converted to "Malays" after they got their project ic.
Deleteya la...rakyat sabah menolak pendatang asing...mahathir saja yang suka..
Deleterakyat sabah tidak pun mengalu-alukan kedatangan pendatang asing dari filipina dan indonesia...sebab itulah rakyat sabah mahu RCI ditubuhkan..mahathir pula mati-matian membantah RCI...ternyata beliau cuba menyembunyikan sesuatu..
DeleteHarap RCI dapat membantu menanggani isu pati yang sudah sekian lama berlanjutan ni.
DeleteBetulkah Mahathir bagi kerakyatan kepada warga asing ni untuk dapatkan undi?
DeleteMungkin ada sebab tertentu kenapa Dr M menolak RCI.
DeleteThe RCI panel will be given 6 months time to investigate those who are suspected to be involved in the Project IC issue, Dr M and Datuk Anwar Ibrhahim should be investigated.
ReplyDeleteHope that the 6 months period is enough to investigate the PATI issue.
DeleteIts may need longer as project ic already on Malaysia for decade.
DeleteMahathir tidak seharusnya banyak mengeluarkan statement. Statements Mahathir hanya merosakan mood Sabahans.
ReplyDeletekenyataan mahathir menyemarakkan lagi rasa marah dan benci rakyat sabah terhadap beliau...mahathir sepatutnya menyokong penubuhan RCI yang mana ledakan pendatang asing di sabah mengugat keselamatan negara..
Deletemereka yang dikenal pasti mendapat kerakyatan melalui pintu belakang harus dilucutkan kerakyatannya...di samping itu, dalang2 projek ic harus dihukum berat termasuk hukuman mati kerana mengkhianat..
DeleteMahathir pasti dapat balasan dengan perbuatan beliau pada masa lalu.
Deleteobviously mahathir is afraid.
DeleteNajib meluluskan RCI di Sabah, usaha kerajaan yang berterusan dalam menangani masalah PATI di Sabah. Keprihatinan kerajaan dan suara2 rakyat didengari.
ReplyDeletenajib berani menubuhkan RCI..ini kerana beliau mendengar suara rakyat sabah...
DeleteDatuk Najib sentiasa mendengar suara rakyat.. itu yang beliau utamakan.
Deletepenubuhan RCI memang menggembirakan rakyat Sabah.
DeleteJust go ahead to investigate any department of party that have the chances involve in PATI and project mykad.
DeleteKita makan langsung terus dari tangan Najib. Mungkin bernasib terbaham emas.
ReplyDeleteFor the 1st place i am against Dr Mahathir statement. We must follow the rules not just simply give the citizenship if they only can speak Malay. We got the rules how's the illegal can get the citizenship.
ReplyDeletekalau 'boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu' saja syarat untuk jadi rakyat Malaysia, memang mudah sangatlah dapat kerakyatan.
DeleteFormer prime minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad’s statement defending the granting of Malaysian citizenship to migrants has riled many Sabahans and caused dismay among some Barisan Nasional leaders.
ReplyDeleteNobody should respect this old man! Father of PATI.
ReplyDeleteUnited Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organization (UPKO) information chief Datuk Donald Mojuntin said the party and genuine Sabahans are very disappointed with and angered by the “insensitive” statement by Tun Mahathir.
“With due respect to him (Mahathir), he seems to be confusing legal migrants with illegal immigrants who are holding legal Malaysian identification documents,” the Moyog assemblyman said “Legal migrants are those foreigners who enter Malaysia legally with the requisite visa or work permit endorsed on their passports from their respective countries of origin and later decide to apply for Malaysian citizenship. Illegal immigrants are those that enter Malaysia without any passports or travel documentations,” Donald pointed out.
ReplyDelete“In Sabah, we are worried and concerned about illegal immigrants who obtain valid Malaysian identity cards through dubious means and in a relatively short span of time. We are very concerned with its direct correlation to the extraordinary increase in Sabah’s population between the period of 1970 to 2005.
ReplyDelete“Some foreigners especially from the Philippines have actually admitted in Sabah’s local newspapers that they obtained their Malaysian identity cards through what is called ‘Projek IC’, with photographs of them proudly holding up their cards,” Donald said.
He said that in the 1999 Likas Election Petition case at the Kota Kinabalu High Court, a Filipino by the name of Fuad Ari from the island of Tawi-Tawi gave a court statement that he obtained his Malaysian identity card through ‘Projek IC’.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, another witness, Hassnar Ibrahim, admitted in the same case that he was directly involved in ‘Projek IC’. Various books have been written about the existence of “Projek IC”, notably the ones by MD Mutalib, he said.
“Since the 1980s, there have been so many Sabahans from the grassroots level to community and political leaders voicing their concerns about this issue. This is a real and serious issue that affects the lives of genuine Malaysian citizens in Sabah and the problem may have already seeped to the Peninsular Malaysia. It concerns national security, economic and job opportunities as well as health issues. It has tarnished our electoral rolls.
ReplyDelete“This is the reason why UPKO has persistently pushed for the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the existence of ‘Projek IC’ as well as the extraordinary population increase in Sabah.
ReplyDelete“It is a great pity that some leaders still seem oblivious or even ignorant to the prevailing concerns of Sabahans, irrespective of race or religion, with regard to this issue. As one of our top police brass, Datuk Seri Bakri Zinin, puts it, “the illegal immigrants are the mother of all problems in Sabah”. Until today, it still is,” he stressed.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Donald, that is why Sabahans are happy that at last, a Malaysian Prime Minister has finally agreed to the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate this matter.
ReplyDelete“We hope that the terms of reference to be announced by our Premier Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, would be comprehensive enough to adequately address the problem and to allow for a thorough investigation. Equally important is the composition of the panel of Commissioners. They must be of the highest integrity and above reproach,” he said.
ReplyDeleteUPKO vice president Datuk Wences Angang said it is not wrong to issue Malaysian citizenship through legal means to those who deserve it, but it is morally and politically wrong to grant citizenship to foreigners who entered the country through illegal means, and legally wrong to grant citizenship to foreigners with refugees status.
“But somehow, there are foreigners who are qualified to be granted such citizenship and given Malaysian IC, who have been waiting for their citizenship applications to be approved but have not been approved for reason not specifically stated by the approving authorities,” he said.
ReplyDeleteWences said that under the 20-points agreement, which is the basis of the Malaysia Agreement 1963, though NRIC issues are under federal matters, the state authorities must be consulted when approving citizenship to foreigners.
He said the granting of citizenship must be purely on constitutional grounds and not “mass issuance” of ICs by the authorities as such move can be seen as more politically motivated.
ReplyDelete“Surprisingly, question arises as to why Tun Dr. Mahathir has been mum on this issue all these years since he stepped down as Prime Minister and now he suddenly voiced his strong support for the granting of citizenship to the huge number of foreigners just when the current Prime Minister is coming over Sabah to formally announce the formation of RCI.
ReplyDelete“It seems as though Dr. M is trying to block the formation of RCI to investigate the illegal immigrant issues. That being the case, the content of the book by Mutalib, “PROJECT IC: AGENDA TERSEMBUNYI MAHATHIR” has a lot of truth in it and ought to be presented to the RCI as part of the evidences to support the allegation that the granting of citizenship and issuance of MyKad to foreign citizens contain sinister political agendas that started during the Mahathir era,” Wences claimed.
ReplyDelete“Nevertheless, with the high expectation and high hope from the visit by the Prime Minister to shed more light on the formation and implementation of RCI, the statement of Dr. M is an anti-climax of the visit by the PM, as well as the impending announcement and implementation of the RCI by him,” he opined.
ReplyDelete“Along these lines, we have high confidence that the Prime Minister will eventually and formally announce the formation of the RCI despite the distraction and other issues raised by certain political leaders who seem to be trying to block the formation of the RCI, including Tun Dr. Mahathir.
ReplyDelete“I suggest he (Tun Dr. Mahathir) should just retire peacefully and let the Prime Minister run the administration of this country without any outside interference,” he said.
Meanwhile, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Youth chief Datuk Jahid Jahim said the movement regretted Mahathir’s statement as the granting of Malaysian citizenship though the method mentioned by the former Prime Minister is against the Constitution and sovereign law of the country.
ReplyDelete“If an individual is an illegal immigrant in Malaysia, it doesn’t matter how long that person has been residing in the country or how fluent he or she is in Malay, that person is not eligible to be granted Malaysian citrizenship,” he stressed.
ReplyDeletePBS Youth, according to Jahid, strongly objected to the way Mahathir says the migrants in Sabah should be granted citizenship.
ReplyDelete“It is totally wrong and unconstitutional as these people are illegal immigrants… we do not object to those who come to Sabah legally and apply for citizenship through the proper channel but we are against them being granted the right to be Malaysians just because they have lived here for a long time and can speak Malay fluently,” the Assistant Youth and Sport Minister said.
“What is the basis of processing a citizenship application without proper documentation? There is no country in the world that practices what Mahathir is saying because doing so would be detrimental to the future of the genuine citizens, especially to their future generation,” Jahid stressed.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Tamparuli assemblyman, Mahathir’s latest statement has resulted in the younger generation thinking whether he has played any hidden role in the incredible population boom in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJahid was of the opinion that Mahathir should instead support the hard work under Najib’s leadership to resolve the issue of illegal immigrants not only in Sabah but also throughout the country.
ReplyDeleteMahathir, he added, should stop issuing statements that will further hurt Sabahans who have been plagued by the issue which has been described as ‘mother of all problems’.
ReplyDeleteHope the RCI can do the best to solve the issue.
ReplyDeleteThere are many statement made by the politician as we can see the comments above. They are very sure that the RCI can solve the PTI issue.
ReplyDeleteSolve this problem once for all. Sabahans are sick of with this project ic.
Deleteso... jangan lagi kita diperbodohkan selepas ini, kita tak mahu menyesal di masa depan. " aiso do guno-guno ".......
ReplyDeleteT U K A R laaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
Change to what? Pakatan? SAPP? STAR?
DeleteBorneo untuk rakyat di Borneo sahaja.... sori pakatan...
DeleteHarap pemimpin yang bising ini betul ikhlas dalam menentang PATI takut2 nanti kena surung projek berjuta ringgit sudah tutup mulut.Jangan mau kaya raya dengan menjual rakyat Sabah cukup lah.Siapa tidak tau pemimpin BN di Sabah gila projek.Semua drive Ninja King,rumah besar dan banyak girlfriends.Dari mana duit datang? Jatuh dari langit ka?
ReplyDeleteRumah besar, kereta ninja dan kepala besar(trmasuk itu) memang ada banyak girlfriends, tak cukup satu pintu bah... kan banyak duit... inilah jadinya kalau bersama BN....uuuih...kayaaaaa.........
DeleteApa susah-susah hantar saja pemegang I.C Projek ke Malaya,sebab Dr.M,bilang dorang Melayu.Kalau pun Kerajaan Sabah buat I.C sendiri namanya I.C. Anak Negeri Sabah.Si Ahyong,Mutu,Bidin dan Khan mungkin tidak layak dapat tapi.... KD,KAN,WKAN dan KK rasuah boleh kasi lulus. Balik pokok juga!!!,sia-sia sahaja perjuangkan RCI.
ReplyDeleteFurther investigation should be carried out before citizenship legalisation.
ReplyDeleteMahathir would have to make some explanations as major key points when summoned.
ReplyDeleteLet's wait and see what happens next once RCI is setup.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for what is going to happen this time around.
DeleteNajib has heard and responded to the voice of the people.
ReplyDeleteApapun alasan Tun tentang tentangannya terhadap penubuhan RCI, saya sokong Najib sepenuhnya. Saya yakin keputusan Najib menubuhkan RCI pasti akan membuahkan hasil.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti. Semuanya pasti akan terjawab nanti.
ReplyDeletePasti ramai rakyat yang tertunggu-tunggu keputusan dan perkembangan RCI.
DeleteMahathir lebih baik diam saja. nikmati hari bersara
ReplyDeletejangan risau la.. Tun M sudah pencen ba.. dia tidak ada kuasa sudah dalam apa2 keputusan kerajaan..
ReplyDeleteif he is proven guilty, the government must take action on him immediately.
DeleteTun M sudah bersapra, apa yang dia cakap hanya pandangan saja.
Deletezaman Mahathir sudah berlalu, sekarang ni zaman Najib.. daripada Najib ikut cakap Mahathir orang tua pencen, bagus dia ikut cakap seluruh rakyat Sabah.. berbaloi lagi..
ReplyDeleteTun Mahatir + Anuar Ibrahim durang ni kan bapakat tu dulu kasi urang pilipin IC walaupun sia tiada bukti tatapi itulah cara durang mo manang pilihan raya dulu tu ... durang nilah kasih rusak sabah. Kalau durang mo harap urang sabah sukung durang sampai kiamatlah durang inda manang ...
ReplyDeletethose who are involved must be punished heavily no matter who the person is.
Deletei hope the 6 months time frame is enough to have the investigation done.
ReplyDeletetunggu lah hasil siasatan untuk mengetahui semuanya.
ReplyDeletesemua panel yang dilantik harus menjalankan tugas dengan sebaiknya agar isu pati berjaya diselesaikan.
ReplyDeletepanel yang dilantik harus bertanggung jawab dan melaksanakan tanggung jawab dengan amanah.
Deleteharap isu pati akan berjaya diselesaikan dngan sepenuhnya apabila siasatan selesai kelak.
ReplyDeleteRakyat di Sabah menaruh harapan sepenuhnya agar isu PATI dapat diselesaikan dengan sempurna.
ReplyDeleteIf it is true, Dr. M should be the first to investigate.
ReplyDeleteRCi akan pastikan projek ic dibanteras