By Clara Chooi
KOTA KINABALU - Sabahans may have little reason to rejoice over the newly-formed Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the state’s population of illegal immigrants, a 40-year-old problem that the government now wants solved in six months without identifying the culprits or the reasons for issuing identity cards, say analysts.
While they agreed that establishing the RCI was a step in the right direction for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN), the panel’s investigation scope, announced yesterday by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is said to have fallen short of expectations.
For one, none of the panel’s eight reference terms specifically touch on identifying the person or persons behind the alleged award of Malaysian ICs and citizenships to illegal immigrants.
It also does not seek to uncover the reasons behind these awards, which many have claimed was engineered by BN as a ploy to stay in power.
Most significant of all is that the panel has not been tasked to recommend punishment for those found responsible of giving away Malaysian citizenships in exchange for votes, if there should be any such case.
Fingers have often been pointed at Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and “Projek IC”, an initiative allegedly started by the former prime minister to help BN keep its chokehold over Sabah by giving out ICs to the foreigners.
Without these terms, the wings of the five-member RCI team will be clipped and the decades of frustration felt by Sabahans over their state’s lost sovereignty would not be assuaged.
Speaking to The Malaysian Insider last night, Merdeka Centre director Ibrahim Suffian (picture) agreed that BN’s advantage from last night’s RCI announcement would only be a “momentary” one.
In the weeks and months ahead, he said, Sabahans will be studying the panel’s investigation scope closely and keeping a close eye on any development in the probe.
Ibrahim said many are baying for blood over the state’s burgeoning population of illegal immigrants as the decades of lost job opportunities, security and economic problems allegedly caused by these foreigners may not be so easily solved in just six months.
“The RCI will increase expectations on the part of ordinary voters. People will want to see these terms closely. They will discuss it and they will want to see — who is at fault? And how do we avoid this in the future?” he said.
More important to Sabah voters, Ibrahim said, was whether the RCI’s recommendations to the government would actually be implemented.
“We have had many RCIs before where the panel makes its recommendations but the take-up rate is sometimes very slow,” he pointed out.
Sabah-based political analyst Dr Arnold Puyok agreed with Ibrahim.
The lecturer told The Malaysian Insider that BN was likely to score some brownie points with voters through the RCI’s formation but their ultimate question would be on how the government plans to implement the panel’s recommendations.
“People are thinking now — what’s next?” he said.
Puyok agreed that the RCI’s terms did not specifically mention identifying the person or persons responsible for the alleged “citizenships for votes” claim, which is the source of the problem in the first place.
“Reading the terms, I can see that there is no chance for those responsible to be prosecuted,” he said.
“So in that respect, the RCI could either work for or against the BN. In time, we will know,” he said.
But Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee has a different view.
The former Sabah chief minister said in a text message that the RCI’s public hearings may be where the names of those responsible for Sabah’s increasing migrant population will be revealed.
But he added that this would depend on the panel’s acceptance of submissions on how government officers and “Umno operatives” were allegedly involved in the matter.
“SAPP will make submissions to the RCI. The RCI is a nightmare for BN,” he said.
The RCI’s terms of reference, as announced yesterday by Najib, will focus on identifying the number of illegal immigrants in Sabah who have been unlawfully given Malaysian ICs or citizenships and if their names have been included in the state’s electoral roll.
Berita yang kita dengar mengenai RCI ini satu berita yang baik yang mana RCI telah pun diluluskan untuk Sabah dan telah mempunyai panel tersendiri.
ReplyDeleteHarap semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan masalah RCI akan dapat diselesaikan dengan segera.
DeleteDompok said, "I have served three prime ministers but Najib is the only one who agreed to set up the RCI. I respect him for that".
Deletepenubuhan RCI memang berita baik kepada sabah..
DeleteI hope the panel members will truly investigate the truth without any interference from any parties.
DeleteHarap2lah baik dari mula sampailah pada hasilnya nanti.
DeleteSemoga siasatan RCi menghasilkan sesuatu yang positif.
DeleteSemoga RCI benar dapat mencari punca masalah dan mencari juga cara penyelesaian.
DeleteRCi adalah harapan kepada penyelesaikan masalah pati di Sabah.
DeleteBy forming the RCI, BN has boosted its image in the eyes of Sabahans who want the illegal immigrant problem solved as soon as practicable. Many also want the RCI's findings be made public before the next general election amid claims that illegal immigrants have entered the electoral roll.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Sabah want to know if it is true that a million foreigners have become Malaysian citizens through the back door, swelling Sabah's population by a third.
Deletemaybe the RCI findings should be made public...people of sabah deserve to know the truth..
DeleteThe truth will reveal through the investigation.
DeleteLets the investigation took place 1st. We won't be able to know responsible until the investigation ends.
ReplyDeleteTrue. It is a common sense.
Deleteya la...diharap siasatan akan dilakukan dengan telus tanpa campur tangan dari mana2 pihak..
Deleteyup..no need to politicized it.
DeleteThe Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrant problems in Sabah might not have the legal clout to determine what judgement can be meted against the culprits as suggested by certain leaders in the state, said United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.
ReplyDeleteIn judging the culprit, Dompok opined that that is the province of the court. It is not for the RCI to go into that area. The RCI panel members probably can recommend the sort of action the government should take but to mete out punishment is beyond their jurisdiction.
ReplyDeletethe panel members has no rights to decide on the punishment. Their job is to investigate this matter and solve it.
DeleteInvestigation and punishment are beyond 2 different jurisdiction.
DeleteDompok, who is also Primary Industries and Commodities Minister, was asked to comment on the call by certain leaders that the terms of reference (TOR) of the RCI should include determination of judgement and punishment against the culprits.
ReplyDeleteHe said the TOR of the RCI should not be politicised as its intention was noble, to address the issue of the illegal immigrants in Sabah once and for all. "I think the TOR is wide enough to allow for investigation on the scale we want to ensure everything is covered. He told reporters this matter after attending the presentation of certificates to the second batch of graduates of the Institute of Malaysian Plantations and Commodities (IMPAC), here.
ReplyDeleteIn announcing the TOR of RCI in Kota Kinabalu, last Saturday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had said that the panel. which would be chaired by former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong, would be given six months to complete its investigation on the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah.
Hopefully the RCI could solve the status of local people who were without birth certificate due to late registration of birth, especially in rural areas.
Deletehopefully the RCI could solve the 'mother of all threats' in sabah..
DeleteHow can they 'naming' the culprits? It's like you persecuting someone without having the judiciary process.
ReplyDeleteRCI will be a nightmare for the culprits.
ReplyDeleteLet them bear what they have done.
DeleteThe problems of PATI would not have been serious had Dompok got the guts to speak out earlier.Temberang punya cakap.Sudah hilang sokongan rakyat baru mau bersuara nanti lepas p/raya tidak dengar satu patah perkataaan sibuk jadi kontrektor.
ReplyDeleteSAPP patut menyingkirkan Yong secepat mungkin dan membuat transformasi dalam parti untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat kepada parti..
ReplyDeletekaki pengampu umno takut betul sama Yong yang berani membongkarkan kebenaran tentang umno melidungi PTI dan mamaktir.
DeleteYong seolah liabiliti untuk SAPP.
DeleteYTL juga harus sedar bahawa masa beliau sudah berlalu dan harus berundur untuk memberikan laluan kepada pemimpin muda dengan pemikiran dan idea baru...
ReplyDeleteTidak pun aku sebagai rakyat atas pagar nak YTL undur diri? Ape yang kita mahu umno mesti dihancurkan di Sabah dan terus membagi sokongan kepada YTL sebagai pemimpin Sabah yang berani.
DeleteBagus lah YTL maseh di SAPP jadi musnahlah dia.Karut!
ReplyDeleteSAPP semakin kuat di Sabah dan akan menjadi kerajaan Sabah yang akan datang.
DeleteBye bye UMNO yang jahanam!
Harap penubuhan RCI dapat menyelesaikan semua masalah yang timbul berkaitan dengan pati selama ini.
ReplyDeleteSama-sama kita bagi kerjasama dan nantikan hasil yang positif.
ReplyDeleteRCI hanya gimmick untuk umno tetapi tiada pun solution untuk menyelesaikan masalah PTI sebab punda kebanjiran PTI di Sabah disebabkan orang umno yang jahanam.
ReplyDeleteAll the umno crooks must be charged for TREASON!
Boleh kah dalam sehari semua pegangan politik diketepikan dan para pemimpin serta rakyat sama-sama bersatu tanggani apa jua masalah yang mendatang???
ReplyDeleteTapi saya, macam takda harapan saja ni. huhuhu
ReplyDeleteKita lihat sajalah siapa akan jadi pilihan rakyat nanti. PRU13 pasti akan dijalankan tak lama lagi.
ReplyDeleteYTL mesti buat pengumuman kalau kalah p/raya nanti beliau pencen dari politik macam Anwar.Buat kacau saja.Dulu pun menang di Likas kerana PATI juga tolong.
ReplyDeleteNajib & UMNO tak begitu bodoh & buat RCI yg akan membongkar semua rahsia & dosa BN terhadap rakyat Sabah. RCI cuma satu gimmick, pertunjukan wayang kulit & akhirnya hanya akan digunakan sebagai satu senjata untuk mengaburi mata rakyat Sabah...
ReplyDeleteJangan terlalu membuat andaian begitu jauh mengenai RCI sebelum jawatankuasa tersebut memulakan kerja.Begitu aktif pembangkang memanipulasi perkara ini sepertimana juga mereka aktif meminta RCI ditubuhkan.Sesudah ditubuhkan lain pula cerita seolah-olah niat dan hajat mereka itu seperti satu permainan politik sahaja.Tunggu dan lihat.Tunggu keputusan dan sekiranya tidak berpuas hati juga maka menyalak lah habis-habisan sehingga kering tekak.Lain pula kepada mereka yang sudah hilang pengaruh maka terpaksa menguna RCI untuk menimbulkan semula hayat politik mereka yang sudah hilang seperti SAPP.
ReplyDeleteKalau tidak ada keyakinan terhadap RCI mengapa meminta RCI ditubuhkan?Bukan kah bagus duduk kedai kopi saja untuk merepek dikalayak ramai dan buat kritikan sesuka hati?Minta,diberi.Sudah dapat masih merungut pula.Mau apa lagi?
Ada pihak yang tidak berpuas hati dengan RCI. Pasti akan cuba sabotaj RCI.
Deletethe one who oppose the RCI are definitely the ones trying to hide something.
Deleteada pihak yang sentiasa mencari kesalahan saja tapi tidak menyumbang apa-apa pun.
DeleteRCI adalah isu kita semua, harus memberi sokongan dan kerjasama sebaik yang boleh.
DeleteLebih baik kita menyokong RCI. Kita juga yang minta RCI ditubuhkan. Panel2 dan terma pun baru diumumkan. Sama2 la kita mengikuti perkembangan RCI.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggulah dan lihat panel RCI menjalankan tugas mereka dalam penyiasatan isu Projek IC di Sabah dan harap mereka akan mencari kebenaran. Sama-sama kita nantikan hasil penyiasatan.
DeleteIt is a good news that RCI has been established in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for RCI to solve problems at hand in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIt is just matter of time we will have this issue solve.
Deleteharap masalah pati akan cepat selesai.
DeleteRCI setup has been approved...what a good news.
ReplyDeletea good news indeed to all sabahans .
DeleteCertainly is a good news for Sabahans after many years of demanding the RCI, Datuk Najib Razak finally agreed to set up the inquiry on the Project IC issue. Hope that the RCI panel will do their best to investigate the issue.
DeleteI hope the investigations will take place immediately.
ReplyDeleteNothing would be revealed until investigation is over.
DeleteWe shall wait till the investigation is over.
DeleteWe already have the Terms of Reference and the RCI panel, all we are waiting for is Datuk Najib's go-ahead.
Deleteafter more than 40 yrs, we finally have RCI being set up in sabah.
ReplyDeleteWith the set up of RCI, we would soon have the illegal immigrant issue solve in sabah.
DeleteThe culprit behind the increase of illegal immigrant population in sabah must be heavily be punished.
DeleteThe first time the RCI was proposed is in 1994, finally the current government Datuk Najib Razak has agreed to set up the RCI to inquiry on the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah!
DeleteThis is still in the very beginning, more effort needed. Hoping its all going on smoothly to address and to gain solution for the issue.
DeleteThe duty of the RCI panel is to inquiry on the project IC issue as well as those who are involved in the Project. They may suggest the appropriate action to be taken against those who are found guilty, but it is not their responsibility to dole out punishment.
ReplyDeleteas expected.. opposition will never agree with whatever done by the government even they are the one who suggested that..
ReplyDeleteapa saja yang dibuat kerajaan pembangkang pasti akan kritik.
Deletewhy not wait until this RCI finish their job?? and why opposition keep quiet when Azizah announce that all illegal immigrants in Sabah will be given PR status by Pakatan if Anwar become the next prime minister??
ReplyDeleteRCI yang diumumkan amat dialu-alu kan oleh rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletehrap dengan adanya RCI masalah pati yang sudah lama berlaku akan berjaya diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteGolongan yang terlibat dalam projek ic harus dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
ReplyDeleteRakyat menaruh harapan yang tinggi untuk RCI.
ReplyDeleteHarapkan jabatan imigration akan disiasat terlebih dahulu. Berkemungkinan boleh mengesan sesuatu.
ReplyDeletePanel yang dilantik harus bertanggung jawab untuk mengatasi isu yang lama timbulk sejak 80'an.
ReplyDeleteRCI telah lama dinanti-nantikan, semoga dengan kelahiran RCi di Sabah, masalah PATI dapat ditanggani dengan lebih berkesan.
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