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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sabahans must wake up to the reality of being disenfranchised, marginalized citizens

By Dr Jeffrey Kitingan

Sabahans must wake up from their slumber and complacency and UNITE to defend their rights and their country from being taken over by outsiders, said Datuk Dr Jeffrey G Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah when launching STAR’s Roadshow entitle “POSIK with Agenda Borneo” in Kg. Purak, Papar yesterday which was attended by over one thousand supporters.

“POSIK” is the dusun word for ‘wake up’.

Datuk Dr Jeffrey warned that their rights as citizens and the rights of Sabah as an independent state within the Federation of Malaysia are slipping away from them and that a day will surely come, sooner rather than later, when they are no longer favoured citizens of this country but a marginalized minority with no political clout.

In fact, this is already happening. Sabahans, especially the natives, are already losing their numbers and their rights to land and have become the poorest citizens of this country.

Likewise, Sabah no longer enjoys it autonomy but have become a subservient state of KL and have been relegated as the 12th state of Malaya. Sabah’s oil and gas resources have been unfairly taken over by the Federal Government of Malaya through Petronas while Foreigners and illegal immigrants are now a significant political determinant of who will rule the state.

“If Sabahans don’t wake up now, if they don’t act and unite to stop the rot, they will only have themselves to blame...” Datuk Dr Jeffrey emphasized further.

“No one will defend or fight for our rights except ourselves…it is not too late. We still have a chance. We still have the numbers…IF we unite”.

The future of Sabah is in your hands. Your future is in your hands. WAKE UP! RISE UP! ACT NOW! And Save Sabah! IT’S NOW or NEVER! Ini Kali Lah!

Datuk Dr Jeffrey G Kitingan is Chairman of STAR Sabah


  1. WAKE UP! RISE UP! ACT NOW! And Save Sabah! IT’S NOW or NEVER!

    stupid slogan from JefFrog Kitingan..

    he should be the one who need to WAKE UP, RISE UP and ACT NOW.. not the people who will decide their (politicians) future based on their ACT.. Jeffrog should wake up and give full cooperation to other opposition parties.. Jeffrog should rise up and going to the ground to protect Sabahan rights.. Jeffrog should ask all his "berudu" to act now.. act for the people, not act for this greed politicians..

    1. sudah jelas dan nyata pembangkang di sabah siok sendiri saja..masing2 presiden parti mahu jadi KM..

    2. Tidak percaya dengan JK... beliau hanya tau bercakap sahaja.

  2. People, you should be wise to think logically in whatever the party talk and speech to.

    1. Rakyat bijak menilaikannya.

    2. Untuk masa depan semua golongan, perubahan tetap diperlukan.

    3. Perubahan telah ada di sabah, sudah banyak kemajuan yang di buat untuk rakyat sabah.

  3. Jeffrey was becoming desperate in pursuing his political ambitions and dreams of becoming a Chief Minister. A desperado will say and do anything to pursue and try desperately to achieve his or her dreams and so is Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

    1. Jeffrey needs to compete with Yong and Lajim. Both of them are desperate to be the CM too. Greedy politicians!

    2. JK vs Yong vs lajim...none of them will win...BN sabah will win..

    3. BN sabah akan telah menang pada PRU ini..siapa yang mau percaya dengan JK dan YTL lagi.. satu rahja katak satu cakap kosong sahaja.

  4. wake up headhunter! Don't be a berudu.

  5. Right thinking Sabahans will not gamble their future on Dr Jeffrey.

    1. yes. that true. Sabahans pasti tahu hanya BN saja yang mampu memberi masa hadapan yang cerah

    2. not on JK, not on Yong, not on Lajim...

  6. Jeff..Jeff..your party's future is in your hand. You want to keep your ego and be selfish? Just see your party losing in this coming election.

    1. undi pembangkang akan pecah nanti...kompom kalah lah..

  7. Jeffrey Kitingan the LONE RANGER...oh boy~

  8. Dr Jeffrey Kitingan is like a pampered boy who sulks each time he is unhappy with his parents or does not get what he wants from his mother. Like the pampered boy, his self-centered and narrow-minded tendencies makes him the weakest link in any chain of relationship.

    1. Dr Jeffrey quit as PKR vice-president, citing his dissatisfaction over the party’s choice of state liaison chief. Oh really? More likely he resigned because he was not made the state liaison chief. So what if someone else gets to do the job? Sulk and quit?

    2. JK mahu jadi ketua menteri bah tu...lama sudah dia angan2...jangan2 tiap2 malam dia mimpi2 jadi ketua menteri..

    3. Memang betul..JK angan-angan mau jadi KM..itu sebab beliau suka lompat parti.

  9. "POSIK"!Wakeup!
    Sepa diajak posik....kurualga Kitinggan ba...termasuk Pairin K. tu masih tidun ya!
    Ko tunjuk kepada sabahan jika abang ko boleh ubah ba.

  10. JK la harus sedar dari lena, yang dia akan kalah PRU13. teruslah bersara.

  11. BN sabah akan menang...pembangkang di sabah semua akan mengigit jari..

  12. United opposition a must to defeat corrupt BN

  13. Let see how far Star and Jeffrey can do in coming election.

  14. Bn masih parti kuat, bukan mudah untuk menewaskan BN.

  15. Semoga parti yang mengutamakan rakyat yang menjadi pilihan utama rakyat.

  16. Parti BN sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat.. Pembangkang hanya bangun ketika mau dekat PRU sahaja.
