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Saturday, January 19, 2013

'Clean up phantom voters before GE'

The early revelations from the royal commission of inquiry into allegations of awarding citizenship in Sabah to immigrants, warrants  every effort to clean up the electoral roll before the next polls are called, says former Malaysia Human Rights commissioner Simon Sipaun.

Simon (right) said this is the best move now is to find quick ways to clean up the electoral roll, the better alternative being postponing the general election altogether until the job is done.

"We are faced with time constraints but at least efforts must be made to clean up the clearly phantom voters from the rolls," said the former commissioner ,who had previously served as the Sabah state secretary.

Two National Registration Department officers had earlier in their testimony before the RCI had claimed that they been directed to issue temporary CIs to foreigners in Sabah, enabling them to vote.

They had previously linked former close associates of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the late Megat Junid Megat Ayob and former rural development minister and Mahathir's former political secretary, Abdul Aziz Shamsudin, with the directive.

However, on Thursday it was reported that former Sabah NRD chief Abdul Rauf Sani had said that he had acted on his own and Abdul Aziz had no role in it.

Yesterday, an Indian and a Pakistani national testified before the RCI that they had became Malaysian citizens within two years of  their arrival in Sabah.

Simon said he is happy with the running of the RCI although what had been said by the witnesses in the inquiry had long been known by the people of Sabah.

He said he does not question anyone's right to be given Malaysian citizenship but the influx of foreigners being given questionable citizenship had stirred up economic, social and political problems in Sabah.

Ahmad Fadli KC Mkini



    But certainly clean out the electoral rolls and then sort out those 2 million illegally in the country with UMNO connivance!

    Under Mahathir's "guided democrazy" UMNO turned Sabah into a colonial resource centre- for oil and other natural resources. We know that Mahathir companies linked to the GLCs are still draining out Sabah and Sarawak oil-generated wealth.

    But we do not know how much gold silver and copper wealth UMNO allowed the Japanese companies to steal from Sabah in the Mamut Mines. However we know of the mess and health problems UMNO contributed to by allowing the Japanese mining operations.

    The pollution of the huge areas of agricultural land in Mamut area has rendered the land infertile with poisoning of the soil and water sources. This will remains a long term health problem and keep this area economically backward.

    Mahathir is directly responsible for the mass poverty in Sabah which he compounded by allowing in 2 million illegal migrants and the pillaging of Sabah resources.

    During his period his government trashed Sabah well and truly.

    To clean up the electoral roll is the beginning of cleaning up the corrupt UMNO system installed in Sabah.

    If the people will unite to throw out the UMNO proxies in Sabah this will be a great start!

  2. Dr MM has destroyed Sabah & its social fabric, solely to make UMNO supreme to other races and to plunder. Astronomical Apartheid (giving resources to one race and not to others). Deception (control of media to fool the electorate). Gerrymandering and election rigging to steal elections. Hijacked & destroyed the Judiciary. Human right abuse, torture & suspected murders; what happenedd to Sabah CM Donald Stephen? Mismanagement & corruption (An economist at Morgan Stanley assessed M’sia might have lost US$100 bil since the early 80s to corruption (=RM300 bil = RM300,000 million) and Treason - granting national IC to aliens to get votes to stay in power and plunder on. Yet not a trace of humility and remorse, walking & talking proud, playing God. Call for his arrest now, to be charged ! . I speak from NZ – rated as one of the world top countries for democracy and non-corruption.

  3. Dr MM has destroyed Sabah & its social fabric, solely to make UMNO supreme to other races and to plunder. Astronomical Apartheid (giving resources to one race and not to others). Deception (control of media to fool the electorate). Gerrymandering and election rigging to steal elections. Hijacked & destroyed the Judiciary. Human right abuse, torture & suspected murders; what happenedd to Sabah CM Donald Stephen? Mismanagement & corruption (An economist at Morgan Stanley assessed M’sia might have lost US$100 bil since the early 80s to corruption (=RM300 bil = RM300,000 million) and Treason - granting national IC to aliens to get votes to stay in power and plunder on. Yet not a trace of humility and remorse, walking & talking proud, playing God. Call for his arrest now, to be charged ! . I speak from NZ – rated as one of the world top countries for democracy and non-corruption.

  4. Phantom voters must be deleted from the voter registry.

  5. Only those who are true Malaysians should be allowed to vote.

  6. The RCI is needed to put an end to the illegal immigrant issues in the state.

  7. Benar, golongan yang tidak berkelayakan untuk mengundi harus dikeluarkan dari senarai mengundi.

  8. January 28 is the day the hearing will proceed.

  9. Let RCI to carry out necessary action against PATI.

  10. The panel will have 6 months to complete its probe in this issue.

  11. Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof memberi jaminan bahawa daftar pemilih adalah bersih.

  12. Beliau berkata dalam suku pertama tahun lalu SPR telah memotong sebanyak 18,412 nama pemilih yang meninggal dunia dan sebanyak 27, 785 untuk suku kedua tahun lalu.

  13. Sepanjang tahun 2011, SPR telah memotong sebanyak 68,516 nama pemilih yang telah meninggal dunia, katanya.

  14. Abdul Aziz berkata, bagi melancarkan usaha SPR membersihkan daftar pemilih, kerjasama padu pemilih dan pihak yang menjumpai maklumat yang hendak diperbetulkan itu amat penting.

  15. Di peringkat SPR, kita berusaha sepanjang masa untuk membersihkan daftar pemilih tapi jumlahnya begitu besar iaitu 13 juta, jika tiada kerjasama daripada pihak yang menjumpai maklumat itu sebaliknya memaklumkannya kepada pihak media, sukar bagi kita untuk membersihkannya.

  16. Saya beri jaminan bahawa daftar pemilih SPR adalah bersih, kalau ada kesilapan teknikal, peratusannya adalah kecil, ini tidak bermakna kita berkompromi tetapi kita mahu bersihkan sepenuhnya,katanya.

  17. Kita sedia maklum, daftar pemilih SPR sering dipertikaikan bahawa ia tidak bersih tetapi sebenarnya kita telah membersihkan daftar pemilih ini setiap hari,katanyq.

  18. Bagaimanapun SPR terikat dengan undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan yang ada, kami tidak boleh mengubah maklumat-maklumat daftar pemilih sesuka hati walaupun kita tahu ia salah. Maklumat yang didaftar hanya boleh diubah oleh pemilih itu sendiri, katanya.

  19. Kalau didapati butir itu salah, yang mengetahui kesalahan atau kesilapan itu ialah pemilih itu sendiri, SPR tidak tahu sekiranya tidak diberitahu, jadi saya berharap dalam tempoh suku ketiga tahun ini, ambil peluang untuk membuat pembetulan, katanya.

  20. pstikan senarai pengundi benar2 bersih.

  21. jgn ada masalah tmbul semasa PRU.

  22. All parties should give room to the proceedings by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) investigating the problems of illegal immigrants in Sabah before making any evaluation.

  23. Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO melalui Sekretariat Hal Ehwal Bandar (SHEB) akan memperluaskan program Bantuan Lesen 1 Malaysia (BLIM) kepada penduduk di Sabah dalam tempoh terdekat ini.

    1. Exco Pemuda UMNO, Jamawi Jaafar berkata, progrm berkenaan bertujuan bagi membantu golongan muda mendapatkan lesen memandu motosikal kelas B2 dengan harga subsidi RM199 seperti yang dilancarkan baru-baru ini.


    2. ” Ini merupakan satu lagi inisiatif Pemuda UMNO bagi membantu anak-anak muda memperolehi lesen memandu motosikal secara mudah dan termurah berbanding prosedur biasa yang terpaksa dilalui oleh mereka yang terpaksa mengeluarkan belanja yang tinggi untuk mendapatkan lesen.


    3. “Melalui program ini, Pemuda UMNO berharap ramai golongan terbabit tampil untuk memyertai BLIM dan secara tidak langsung mendidik mereka supaya mematuhi undang-undang yang ditetapkan,” katanya.

    4. Beliau yang juga Ketua Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Tenom berkata program tersebut juga bertujuan untuk mendedah serta meningkatkan pengetahuan undang-undang jalanraya dan etika pemanduan di kalangan golongan muda yang ramai menggunakan motosikal.

    5. “Melalui program BL1M ini, SHEB mendapat beberapa penemuan berhubung permasalahan lesen seperti tidak mampu membiayai kos belajar memandu tinggi, tidak mahir komputer bagi ujian lesen serta kesedaran yang kurang terhadap keselamatan jalan raya.


    6. “Dengan BLIM ia dapat meringankan bebeban beban rakyat khususnya golongan muda untuk memperolehi lesen yang sah di samping memberi pendidikan undang-undang serta keselamatan jalan raya, dan diharap tidak terjebak dengan aktiviti kurang sihat seperti lumba haram,” katanya.

    7. Jamawi berharap dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh Pemuada UMNO itu, golongan muda akan terus memebri sokongan kepada Barisan Nasional bagi memastikan kejayaan besar dalam pilihan raya nanti.


    8. “Kerajaan sentiasa prihatin dengan nasib golongan muda dan sentiasa mencari jalan untuk memudahkan apa sahaja yang boleh dinikmati oleh golongan berkenanan, ini pemimpin UMNO dan Barisan Nasional sentiasa peka dan tidak pernah meminggirkan sesiapa sahaja termasuk golongan muda.


    9. “Berbanding dengan pembangkang ternyatalah BN ada pilihan terbaik orang muda kerana segala kebajikan mereka sentiasa mendapat perhatian dalam apa jua perkara sama ada membabitkan kebajikan, pendidikan dan ekonom,” katanya.
