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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yong to Harris: This time, don't chicken out

KOTA KINABALU - Just as in August 1998 when I had accepted ex-CM Tan Sri Harris's challenge to a public debate on the Amanah Rakyat issue, today. I accept the open challenge from Harris to another debate.

Only that this time, I sincerely hope Harris will not repeat what he did in 1998 in backing out of the debate when he cited lack of Police permit and official files as his reasons for canceling the much anticipated debate, much to the great disappointment of the people.

Fast forward to 2013. Harris, who did not explain why he as Ex-CM then did not refer the oil agreement to the Sabah Legislative Assembly sitting on 14th June 1976 before signing the agreement very soon after, now blames Sabah MPs for not raising the 20% oil loyalty in the Parliament.

I hereby accept Harris's open challenge to a public debate on the oil issue and other public-interest issues that he can raise. Harris may pick the organizer, moderator, place, date and time, preferably as soon as possible.

I do hope Harris will add to the list of public interest issues, like the rampant issuance of ICs. a matter which he has refused to testify when recalled to the RCI recently. Harris should find no difficulty in debating other public interest issues like the "1985 power grab at the lstana” the 1986 riots leading to the Karamunsing fire and the federalization of Labuan in 1984.

Yong Teck Lee
Ex-CM 28 May 1996-27 May 1998

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