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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Perkasa wants RM1.4 trillion for Bumis

Ibrahim Ali says it is time to reward the Malays in a big way for voting Barisan Nasional into power again

KUALA LUMPUR: Malay rights group Perkasa wants the government to pump in RM1.4 trillion to Bumiputeras so that it achieves a Gross National Income (GNI) of RM900 billion by 2020.

“Right now, the GNI of Bumiputeras is RM56 million. So to achieve RM900 billion by 2020, the government must provide funds worth RM1.4 trillion to Bumiputeras,” said Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali at a press conference here.

He denied it was a racist request, claiming instead that it was in the country’s national interest to “correct what is not correct”.

“Bumiputeras comprise 67.9 percent of the population, yet we control less than 50 percent of the economy. This is not about overlooking the interests of other races,” stressed the former Pasir Mas MP.

His demand comes in the wake of Prime Minister’s new Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Agenda, which critics have accused as being unnecessary and divisive.

Responding to the criticism, Ibrahim said today: “Some accuse the Prime Minister of rewarding those who supported BN in the general election.

I say: so what?

“It is right and proper for him (to reward Malays). In fact, he should give out bigger rewards. It is the government’s obligation to repay the Malays for their support.”

Comment: What a moron .. could have missed out the fact that in Peninsular Malaya, BN has already lost....with only 86 parliament seats against Pakatan's 89 ....3 more seats than BN, ONLY with the 47 seats Sabah and Sarawak garnered, enabled BN to win by simple majority) So who should get more rewards?


  1. Fully support... RM1trillion for bumiputeras in Sabah and Sarawak and he rest to Semenanjung. Its fair deal.

  2. What a villain! This made my day!

  3. how many wackos like this perkasa guy in malaysia?
