With referring to Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said the average salary in Sabah is merely RM 577 per month at the moment as reported by NST (http://www.nst.com.my/top-news/minimum-wage-likely-next-month-1.47984#ixzz1mk6Bvnt4)
UMNO BN-led government recently announced that in 8 years from now, Sabahans' take home pay will be increased to RM 32,400 per annum which translates to RM 2,700.00 per month in 2020 as reported by OCDN.
Posing these questions in a statement issued here today, SAPP Youth Exco Clement Lee stressed that based on the statistics from the table above, it is shown that every working adult in Sabah will need to receive at least 20% salary increment every year in order to achieve RM 2,700.00 per month regardless of private or public sector, which is both purely unrealistic and impractical but totally bullshits from BN.
Will the present BN government enforce a law requiring all the companies in Sabah to provide their employees with a salary increment of 20% minimum yearly?
Will the present BN government be able to provide subsidy to all the businesses in Sabah, especially the private sector to ensure that the salary increment of their employees meet the minimum 20% year to year, without regards to their profits?
It is rather obvious that the promise by BN government is merely a rhetoric, one that is not realistic and conjured merely to mislead.
In addition, they have not looked into the fluctuation of commodities, inflation and the possibility of internal and external factors that may very well affect our economy.
UMNO is untrustworthy, No credibility and No Integrity.
ReplyDeleteSabah people will kick them out from Sabah for good this time!
In that case, just wait for the next general elections and we will see who will be kicked out of Sabah this time.
DeleteYeah, can't wait to see who will fell down.
DeleteSabahan should vote for change.
DeleteAll the professors working in UMNO must be failed in Mathematics. The bluff figure which came out from them only to siok sendiri.
ReplyDeletewell, PRU13 is around the corner.. trying to buy the sabahan younger vote? no, i dont think so. i dont want to. i hope the day the parliament dissolved is the day the umno/bn reign ended.
ReplyDeleteMany things need to be resolved before the parliament is dissolved in preparation for the next general elections.
DeleteThe PSC needs to focus on the electoral reforms to ensure that all general elections to come will be clean, fair and transparent.
DeleteAfter all, the persons in charge in doing and monitoring the process of election will determine whether the election is clean or not.
Deletenot easy for Sabahan to be fooled this time.
DeleteFrankly, I don't understand what does this has to do with the government.
ReplyDeletewhen this article mention 'working adult and young graduates'-which sector are they referring to? The government sector or the private sector or a combination of both? FYI: The NST Link is redundant: the page can't be found.
ReplyDeleteYou mean your musang tidak aman only talking about government sector salary? hahahahaha
DeleteNST link is ok. Only dumb people from UMNO doesn't know how to use computer but blame other.
my opinion on the matter: This has nothing to do with the "oil and gas, palm oil, timber and rubber." as highlighted in this article. Its has more to do with the employer.
ReplyDeleteMy answer to you is damn simple. Your incompetence UMNO failed to attract FDI into Sabah. Why FDI do not want to come into Sabah? Its because your musang tidak aman is sleeping in his job!
DeleteThe only role the government can play in this matter is enforcing the Labour Law as well as the labour Ordinance.
ReplyDeleteYou bunch of crooks from umno can't even help to create more business opportunities for the Sabahan company and yet want to enforce the law? betul2 tin kosong. hahahahahaha
DeleteAt present, the Labour Law is still being revised with regards to minimum wage.
ReplyDeleteIts not about empower but all these taken time and shall execute it step by step. Its bring negative impact if its been empowering to do it.
DeleteHopefully similar measures can be taken by the state government with respect to The Labour Ordinance.
ReplyDeleteIt has been proven musang bin tidak aman is bullshitting.
ReplyDeleteIt seems SAPP is never happy whenever the government is doing something good for the people.I asked people around whom I come in contact with regarding SAPP negative attitude.Their answer is simple.The fact SAPP is so negative with the government's endeavours is because they themselves are short of good ideas.For this reason they resist any good gestures from the government as to hide their own inadequacies and weaknesses.
ReplyDeleteThe wage increases,progressively or in any form or methods must be applauded as it shows the sensitivity of the government towards the plight of the low income group.The increases must have taken into consideration the progression with regards to inflation and other cost of living by 2020.Why is SAPP so much against wage increases by 20%? What kind of party is this that claims to fight for the people yet is very much envious of any government initiatives?
This writer only knows two words'Political Gimmick' yet its pure political gimmick on their part to question the government sincerety in helping the rakyat.We know how desperate SAPP is to gain publicity that it even brought an army of its high ranking party officials to attend a function in Tenom but attended by a mere 200 people.If this kind of support is to be made a benchmark for the GE then I am not wrong to declare now,'CALUN SAPP HILANG DEPOSIT.'
What had your musang done to increase the average salary for Sabahans for the past 9 years as Sabah CM with only RM577 a month which is the Lowest in Malaysia? Nothing!
DeleteNow suddenly come to bullshit with all your grand mother theory which is completely not practical and effing. What a desperado!
You think we Sabahans still living up at the tree with no education huh?
No one against your bullshit 20% salary increment Anak petagas. As usual, the fact is UMNO only good in bullshitting for the past 18 years since its presence here in Sabah!
DeleteThe people should not be deluded, please be alert.
ReplyDeleteBeing a political gimmick or not, the best candidate will be chosen still.
ReplyDeleteas long as incompetence and corrupted umno still in power. there is no hope for Sabah!
DeleteLet the people of Sabah vote wisely.
ReplyDeletehope the people of Sabah would not be easily dupe by the opposition’s promises. Opposition good at talking and making empty promises but not in following up and acting on those promises.
DeleteEasy to promise, hard to fulfill it.
Deletevote wisely during the elections.
DeleteHarap rakyat akan bijak memilih siapa yang akan menjdi pemimpin kita.
DeleteBerjanji senang, tapi belum tentu dapat menunaikannya.
DeleteIt all boils down to the people’s decision.
ReplyDeleteSaya percaya rakyat tahu bagaimana untuk menilai antara baik dan buruk
DeleteThe government can only look into this matter.
ReplyDeleteAnak Petagas Feb 23, 2012 12:53 AM
ReplyDeleteIt seems SAPP is never happy whenever the government is doing something good for the people
Not only SAPP is not happy about the stupid and corrupted UMNO. I as am ordinary rakyat also not happy with UMNO's rubbish and empty promises.
Apa lagi yang mereka boleh gunakan untuk tujuan politik jika bukan menghentam kerajaan?
DeleteThat's why they are called the opposition.
DeleteItu lah kerja pembangkang, menjatuhkan kerajaan.
DeleteRakyat Sabah bukan bodoh macam dulu. Kita ada sekolah. Kita pandai fikir (nilai) logic kah tidak rancangan umno.
Delete20% increment setiap tahun untuk mencapai matlamat 2700 dalam tahun 2020? Kamu fikir orang Sabah tiada otak ke?
Sedarlah kaki pengampu umno, kamu orang hanya membongkar kebodohan dan penipuan UMNO kepada rakyat sabah.
Kali ini SAPP 1 UMNO 0
Gaji minima prlulah dilaksanakan di Malaysia supaya rakyat mempunyai pendapat yang mencukupi untuk menanggung kehidupan masa kini.
ReplyDeletetelah lama gaji minimum dituntut, hingga kini belum dilaksanakan, laksanakanlah gaji minimum.
Deletejgn biarkan rakyat terus terbeban dgn upah yang kecil tapi kos hidup makin meningkat.
DeleteBanyak kali sudah isu gaji minima diperkatakan tapi sampai sekarang belum ada kata putus.
Deleteya, kos hidup semakin meningkat tapi gaji tetap pada kadar yang sama.
DeleteUsaha lagi untuk membaiki pendapatan, berkemungkinan menjalankan perniagaan untuk mendapat side income.
Deletekalau pilih SAPP jadi kerajaan Sabah, semua tukang cuci kereta, cuci pinggan, cashier, sales assistant dan sebagainya akan menikmati gaji rm3000 keatas sebulan??
ReplyDeleteSAPP belum dapat menjamin masa depan yang cerah kepada Sabah.
Deletebaik SAPP tidak payah bercakap soal ekonomi atau gaji.. masa YTL jadi KM Sabah, apa yang boleh dibanggakan?? kerugian adalah..
ReplyDeleteSAPP nampak semakin tidak dipercayai.
DeleteWalaupun Asia mengalami Financial crisis apabila YTL jadi CM Sabah. Kewangan Sabah masih kukuh tidak macam musang selama 9 tahun menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di malaysia. malulah orang umno
DeleteRakyat pasti tau siapa yang patut mereka undi nanti.
ReplyDeletejika umno tidak guna PTI dan bagi duit rasuah sama rakyat bila pru, aku gerenti umno akan mampus di Sabah. Tepuk dada tanya selera. Allahku tahu!
ReplyDeleteJaga2 kamu orang main tipu.
Cadangan ini harus dikaji dan dilaksanakan mengikut peringkat. Bukan senang untuk semua majikan berbuat demikian dengan misi kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteUndilah parti yan gboleh menjamin masa depan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteSekadar cakap gaji minimum ini memang boleh dilaksanakan, tetepi banyak lagi unsur yang harus diambil kira contohnya majikan? Pekerja yang berada di peringkat RM1000? Adakah golongan ini mendapat pertambahan?
ReplyDeletePertambahan 20% adalah jumlah yang menakjubkan. Cuba bayangkan sebuah kilang mempunyai 200 pekerja kilang? Jumlah kos yang bertambah adalah amat besar dan ini juga akan menambahkan harga barang secara tidak langsung.
ReplyDeleteBukan tidak mungkin, seharus dilaksanakan berperingkatan.
ReplyDeleteEkonomi bertambah baik, pendapatan juga bertambah baik. Maka, peringkat pertama adalah membaiki ekonomi.
ReplyDeleteIts bring big impact to private sector where the cost may jump double.
ReplyDeleteIts a good news to those who still earn low pay.
ReplyDeleteGaji perkerja perlulah dinaikkan dengan konsisten. Rasanya berikan juga tumpuan kepada pekerja swasta.
ReplyDeleteI have been heard the naik gaji from BN for the past 20 years but nothing been DONE!
ReplyDeleteUMNO Musang made Sabah the POOREST in malaysia is the fact!
Gaji orang Sabah paling rendah di Malaysia hanya RM577 adalah fakta. Sudah terbukti musang tidak aman is merely BULLSHITTING selama 9 tahun sebagai KM Sabah.
Tiada orang kata naik gaji tidak bagus.
ReplyDeleteTapi apa yang aku tahu UMNO kuat tembirang dan menipu rakyat.
Bye bye UMNO dalam PRU13. Baliklah ke malaya!