Jeffrey, 63, said it was a tragedy of huge proportions not only affecting the families of the crash victims but also affecting the State and the future of its people.
He said he did not know the real causes of the incident but he would like to know and was curious to know what really happened on that fateful day.
“I really would like to know what happened before that as it might have significant implications after the event,” Jeffrey said during examination-in-chief by counsel Datuk Simon Shim.
He said from his understanding of the causes of the incident after reading the papers the next day after the crash and also read books about it later, at that time there were people merely speculating as no investigation had been done at that time.
“From what I read, they talked about possibilities such as overloading, pilot error, maybe technical defect.
“These are being speculated upon at that time and when you think about it, this speculation raises more questions than answers,” he said.
Jeffrey was testifying before Justice Dato’ Abdul Rahman Sebli on the on-going hearing of a RM50 million suit brought by Tan Sri Harris Salleh against Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Yong Teck Lee and the party for allegedly insinuating that he (Harris) was involved in causing the plane crash.
Simon is the counsel for Yong and the party who are the first and second respondents respectively.
Harris, 81, who filed the suit on June 6, last year, is claiming for general damages, aggravated and exemplary damages of not less than RM50 million to be assessed separately against Yong and SAPP as the first and second defendants respectively.
He is also seeking an injunction to restrain the defendants whether by themselves or their servants or employees or agents from printing and publishing further the statements and similar libel in any form or means.
Harris is represented by counsels Yunof Maringking and Trevor Maringking.
To another question from Simon, Jeffrey said he was still interested to know what happened as there had been so many unanswered questions.
“This is a big tragedy involving half of the cabinet ministers and they were supposed to be in Labuan to sign an oil agreement and from what we know, the agreement was not signed and there was a crash including the Chief Minister (CM) who was supposed to sign the agreement.
“And then one week later it was signed by the next CM who took over who was not in that plane and who invited the Petronas chief, the other party to the agreement, out of the plane to another plane.
“So won’t you want to know? Would that not raise so many questions? Would that not lead to so many speculations? Some may even speculate that this incident might have been planned, otherwise why did this tragedy happen? Why was the agreement not signed? Why some people went out of the plane? Why was the agreement rushed when the State and the families were still in mourning?” he questioned.
To a further question from Simon, Jeffrey told the court that on the evening of April 2, 2010, he attended a talk by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah entitled, ‘Minyak Sabah Siapa Punya?’
In that talk, Jeffrey said Tengku Razaleigh was talking about the history of Petronas such as how Petronas was formed and his role in it and whether the five per cent royalty could ever be changed.
Jeffrey said Razaleigh in his speech had also talked about the air crash which really disturbed him.
“He said he was very sad whenever he comes to Sabah because he was being reminded of this incident and he described that particular happening in which he said he was seated in the plane and was already strapped with his safety belt when Datuk Harris came and invited him out and another person to join him in another plane. He said Datuk Harris invited him to visit his cattle farm in Banggi,” he said.
The defendant’s sixth witness said he had never heard of this information disclosed by Tengku Razaleigh and when he heard it, he was shocked and there were murmuring in the hall and then there was complete silence after that.
He said at that time he was also talking to himself that this could be crucial information, and to find out more on what actually happened that day and before that.

“And it could well lead to the truth and maybe give Sabah the opportunity to go back to the 1976 agreement. I am sure people will be equally shocked by the revelation,” he stressed.
When asked by Simon whether the new information as revealed by Tengku Razaleigh merits a new investigation into the incident, Jeffrey said: “Precisely.”
From this new information, Jeffrey said he thought that the oil royalty agreement might be void.
“It seems to me that there are so many unanswered questions, so many doubts that lead me to believe that if you put together this doubt and this question, you begin to wonder why the oil agreement was not signed in Labuan; why some people left the plane against the protocol; why the plane mysteriously crashed; why certain people left the plane just to see a cattle farm; why these said people survive to sign the agreement; why the agreement was rushed to be signed given the tragedy of such magnitude; why didn’t the state government take the opportunity to bring this to the State Legislative Assembly or the Cabinet before it was signed,” he questioned.
“It seems to me that when you look at the whole scenario before, in between and after the incident, it gives you the feeling that something is at play here, meaning, could the state government be under pressure to succumb to the demand of the federal government?”
He also questioned why would any state government or leader want to surrender or give away fundamental state resource at five per cent?
“Don’t you think this is ridiculous; where is the negotiation? I have not heard of any negotiation about the oil agreement between the state and the federal governments,” he said.
He pointed out that under Article 4 of the Petroleum Development Act, the cash payment to the federal government or the state government is subject to agreement between the parties.
“As I said before, it would be stupid of the state to simply agree to give away this fundamental state resource called oil and gas at merely a payment of five per cent. And not only that – why should the state government in this agreement that they signed even waive the five per cent royalty, meaning you not only give away the oil resources but you also give away a royalty of five per cent and accepted a cash payment of five per cent when you could have 10 per cent even if you have given away the oil for five per cent cash payment.
“So because of this, I tend to believe that there is coercion and pressure from the federal government that leads me to say that this agreement is invalid,” he said.
Meanwhile during cross-examination by Trevor, Jeffrey agreed that those present including him did not ask Tengku Razaleigh about the so-called new information as they would not want to put him in an embarrassing situation in public. He however disagreed with Trevor’s suggestion that there was no direct call from the former for re-investigation since there was already a call made by Yong and that he (Jeffrey) merely supported the call by making the statement on April 6, 2010.
To another question from Trevor, Jeffrey agreed with the counsel’s suggestion that there was an official investigation into the air crash and it was reported in the newspaper at that time.
He disagreed with Trevor’s suggestion that the reason why he and his deputy Daniel John Jambun did not proceed further to insist on the call for re-investigation was because he knew that there was no link at all by the statement of Tengku Razaleigh and the case of the air crash in relation to the plaintiff.
When suggested by Trevor that the second defendant had made a call or invitation to members of UBF which is headed by him to stand under the party in the upcoming general election, Jeffrey said: “I am not aware or seen any such invitation.”
He further disagreed with Trevor’s suggestion that it was in his interest that the second defendant did not lose this case because UBF was working together with the second defendant in the upcoming general election.
Meanwhile, when Yunof suggested that there was silence among the audience who attended Tengku Razaleigh’s talk because most of those in attendance were not yet born when the air crash happened and did not know the facts until the first defendant sensationalised what Tengku Razaleigh revealed in his introductory speech, Jeffrey said he disagreed with the suggestion.
Jeffrey also disagreed with Yunof’s suggestion that since the ownership of petroleum onshore or offshore of Sabah had already been vested into Petronas by virtue of Section 2 of the Petroleum Development Act, there was no need to sacrifice so many leaders in order to force Sabah to sign or accept the five per cent cash payment under the agreement that was supposed to have been signed on June 6, 1976.
Hearing continues on December 22.
by Kelimen Sawatan
This bizarre incident, though it happened 35 years ago, has a similar suspicious reek to what happened to Yahaya Ahmad in 1997; and also to the abducted, murdered and exploded Mongolian beauty in 2006. Whenever big money is involved, terrible crimes and gigantic cover-ups are almost routine. This is why we have to begin on a clean slate - no more UMNO mafia in Malaysia!
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Jalil Ibrahim murder and the BMF scandal? Swept under the carpet for the last 28 years.
ReplyDeleteWhen I look up the sky I see stars all over the place. I always seem to need some one to point it out and "link the dots" before I can see Orion or whatever else star gazers see. 35 years after this air crash new dots are coming to light and Jeffery is helping to link the dots. The links do make sense. But at the same time I must say that it would also suggest that for a very long time Good men have said nothing!
ReplyDeleteHarris has open the pandora box without realizing the consequences and the hidden, unexplained sequences that led the Double Six Tragedy or Double Six Plot... and Sabahans have waited all these years to hear what actually happened.
ReplyDeleteKes tragedi ini akan disiasat semula untuk mengetahui kejadian sebenar yang berlaku pada hari itu.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah pasti tidak sabar nak mengetahui kes sebenar berhubung dengan tragedi 66 ini.
ReplyDeletetragedi tersebut adalah tragedi yang menggemparkan negara ketika itu, dan kini kes tersebut dibuka semula.
ReplyDeletepasti rakyat Sabah nak mengetahui hal sebenar tragedi tersebut.
ReplyDeleteJika tragedi itu tidak berlaku, tentu keadaan tidak sama seperti sekarang.
ReplyDeleteI was not yet born when the air crash happened. But I do want to know the truth.
ReplyDeletesebelum membuka kes ini semula, baik minta persetujuan atau pendapat dari keluarga mangsa.
ReplyDeletepekara ini sudah lama berlaku, namun ianya masih lagi diperkatakan.
ReplyDeletelebih baik tunggu sajalah sehingga semuanya selesai.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I would really want an re-investigation into this case...I was just 17 years old when I heard in the news about the tragedy of our lost heroes...the euphoria gone in just a matter of seconds.
ReplyDeleteI saw Harris face in the b&w tv announcing the tragedy...well faked or not a sad face ...just like a bollywood movie.
Harris, you have to redeem your sins and professed to the people of Sabah why you are not on the plane and why you suddenly invited the key KL people to leave the plane...If you have nothing to hide, why not support an re-investigation into this mysterious tragedy???
sudahlah...........yang korban tidak akan kembali...... buang saja umno-barisan
ReplyDeletekenapa baru sekarang? apa masalahnya dulu sampai tak teruskan siasatan?
ReplyDeletePada masa itu sesiapa yg buka mulut ttg tragedi ini akan langsung di hantar ke penjara....... itulah sebabnya kenapa tidak seorangpun berani buka mulut lagi
Deletesaya memang kurang tahu tentang tragedi tersebut tapi ada juga orang2 lama yang cakap tragedi tersebut ada kaitan dengan pemimpin2 yang sama2 popular pada zaman tersebut dan memang tragedi ni more than historical event.
ReplyDeletebiarlah mahkamah yang menentukan pekara ini. lebih baik tunggu dan lihat saja.
ReplyDeleteapa pun, tidak perlulah membuat sebarang andaian sendiri.
ReplyDeletekenapa bukan keluarga mangsa yang minta siasatan itu dibuka? kenapa mesti ahli politik?
ReplyDeletetragedi tersebut mengorbankan pemimpin2 hebat Sabah.
ReplyDeletemmg satu kerugian besar kepada Sabah kehilangan mereka.
ReplyDeleteCondrad Mojuntin juga mahu kes ini disiasat.
ReplyDeleteBanyak kesangsian dalam tragedi ini. Jika benar ia sudah dirancang, hanya dalang disebaliknya yang tahu. Tapi dalang ini tidak akan aman sampai bila2.
ReplyDeleteIf it's His will, the truth will be revealed.
ReplyDeleteKejadian ini sudah lama, sekiranya buka kes mungkin akan berlanjutan.
ReplyDeleteBukan tengah siasatan ka ni, harap2 dapat tahu kebenaran nahas kapal terbang tu.
ReplyDeleteKita doakan mereka yang terkorban itu akan aman dialam lain.
ReplyDeleteMemang sukar untuk kita mengetahui apa yang berlaku sebenarnya dengan kemalangan udara ini. Tapi kenapa baru sekarang isu ini dibangkitkan. Kenapa tidak disiasat selepas kejadian itu berlaku? jika sekarang rasanya sia-sia saja kerana bukti telah banyak lupus.
ReplyDeletesemoga keputusan yang ditentukan oleh pihak mahkamah nanti adalah adil dan tidak memihak kepada mana-mana pihak
ReplyDeletedan harap keputusan itu dapat melegakan hati rakyat terutamanya di pihak keluarga mangsa tragedi 'Double Six'
ReplyDeletesemoga ada penyelesaian dan penutupan dalam isu di atas
ReplyDeletesememangnya yang terlibat/tertuduh, masing-masing mempunyai pendirian sendiri, kita tunggu dan lihat keputusan seterusnya
ReplyDeletepastinya, ada pihak yang temberang dan menyembunyikan sesuatu dari diketahui awam...marilah kita nantikan sahaja kebenaran sebenar atau keputusan mahkamah..
ReplyDeletememang nahas udara pada 6 Jun, 1976 ini telah menjadi sejarah hitam kepada semua rakyat Sabah
ReplyDeletejikalau isu ini terpaksa dibangkitkan semula, pastikan kebenaran diperolehi demi kebaikan keluarga mangsa yang terlibat
ReplyDeletejika tidak, pengungkitan peristiwa silam yang pahit tentu tidak akan menggembirakan mereka yang terlibat secara langsung
ReplyDeletesemoga, keputusan muktamad dari mahkamah dapat diperolehi
ReplyDeleteSemoga kebenaran dapat didedahkan..
ReplyDeleteSABAH BROS & SISTERS did the plane dropped out of the sky for no reason?
ReplyDeleteIt was a time when Kuala Lumpur wanted to gain full control over Sabah and Sarawak after it had takenb over from the British colonialists.
We in Sabah and Sarawak both got conned into getting a new colonial master.
Now this new colonial master has the usual colonial agenda and also its own agenda.
Nothing happens for no reason.
UMNO wanted to grabbed our oil wealth which is why both Sarawak's Stephen K Ningkan was "sacked" and Donald Stephens met with his tragic end.
These events allowed UMNO to align its political forces in the 2 colonies. These proxies then endorsed KL seizure of our oil resources under the Petronas Act.
At the same time UMNO could proceed with implementing its Malay supremacist plan with
"Muslim" leaders in power in both colonies.
For someone like Harris it was a quick trip to the top!
We have seen how UMNO has plundered our oil and reduced both colonies to being their undeserved distinction of being the poorest "Malaysian states"
Not only this the 18/20 Points have been thrown out of the window and Malayanisation has replaced "Borneonization". Thousands of native people have been robbed of their land to enable the elites to enrich themselves with our timberland. Socalled "development plans" further enable these elites to corruptly enrich themselves.
The only difference is that instead of white skin we now have brown skin colonial masters!
Do we need more proof of our being re-colonized?
just set up RCI on this case...
ReplyDeletewe wait the court decision..
ReplyDeleteSaya suka baca ini cerita oo.. Tak sabar mahu tahu apa lagi perkembangan seterusnya.
ReplyDeleteTak dinafikan banyak persoalan daripada jawapan dal kes ini dan saya harap makamah bakal meleraikan persoalan-persoalan itu.
ReplyDeleteMasing-masing ada pandangan dalam hal ini jadi pandai-pandailah menilai jangan terlalu cepat buat kesimpulan.
ReplyDeletePaling senang sama-sama kita nantikan keputusan makamah. hehe
ReplyDeleteApapun, harap kebenaran akan terbongkar!!!
ReplyDeletedo investigate on this case rather than pointing finger
ReplyDeletetill now, the case is still unsolved. hopefully the truth will reveal soon.
ReplyDeleteTragedi ini memang satu kesedihan yang tidak dapat dilupakan.
ReplyDeleteKes ini harus ditutup secepat mungkin.
ReplyDeleteLet the judge do his part to reveal the truth.
ReplyDeleteBerharap isu ini tidak dipolitikkan agar mangsa keluarga dapat meneruskan kehidupan dengan hati yang terbuka.
ReplyDeleteSemua persoalan harus dijawab agar kebenaran dapat ditegakkan.
ReplyDeleteIsu ini cuma membangkit kesedihan keluarga mangsa. Semoga kebenaran dapat dikemukakan agar mengsa juga disemadi sengan aman dan damai.
ReplyDeleteHope the judge make a very final decision to close the case.
ReplyDeleteApakah tujuan sebenar kes lama ini diungkit dan dibangkitkan semula?
ReplyDeleteBuatlah siasatan melalui RCI.
ReplyDeleteKenapa sehingga kini siasatan terperinci baru dibuat?
ReplyDeleteMangsa keluarga juga ingin tahu hal sebenar.
ReplyDeletehope we know the truth soon.
ReplyDeleteIsu ini telah lama berlalu.
ReplyDeleteI think there are more issues coming over.
ReplyDeleteAmat penting bagi kedua belah pihak mencari alternatif.
ReplyDeleteDon't do wrongs because your own ghost will catch up with you one day.
ReplyDeleteThe right time have arrived for the case to be re-opened so that we all can get answers to the many questions in our mind. But will the case be re-opened???
Yang penting jelas dengan tujuan mengungkit perkara lama ini.
ReplyDeleteSemoga mahkamah membuat keputusan yang maktamad dan membuktikan kebenaran.
ReplyDeleteBuat siasatan agar pihak yang menyalahi undang-undang akan diambil tindakan demi mangsa keluarga.
ReplyDeleteHarap tiada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan.
ReplyDeleteMangsa & keluarga mangsa juga ingin mengetahui jawapan.
ReplyDeleteJangan mempolitikkan isu ini, yang penting, kebenaran harus ditegakkan.
ReplyDeleteKami menanti dan melihat perkembangan isu tersebut.
ReplyDeleteYang menghairankan kenapa sehingga kini isu ini diungkit? Kenapa tidak pada masa itu tetapi berpuluh tahun kemudian?
ReplyDelete“This is a big tragedy involving half of the cabinet ministers and they were supposed to be in Labuan to sign an oil agreement and from what we know, the agreement was not signed and there was a crash including the Chief Minister (CM) who was supposed to sign the agreement.
ReplyDeleteTragedi ini harus membuat siasatan supaya golongan awam juga mengetahui perkara yang sebenarnya berlaku.
Some may even speculate that this incident might have been planned, otherwise why did this tragedy happen? Why was the agreement not signed? Why some people went out of the plane? Why was the agreement rushed when the State and the families were still in mourning?”
ReplyDeleteMany WHY been raised out, just make necessary investigation to reveal the truth.
Semoga tiada motif yang kotor dalam kemalangan ini.
ReplyDeleteCuma mereka yang terlibat yang mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Semoga kebenaran juga diketahui golongan awam.
ReplyDeleteBuat lah apa yang patut, tetap kebenaran akan diketahui. Semoga isu ini tidka mengungkit kesedihan mangsa tragedi.
ReplyDeletePetronas by virtue of Section 2 of the Petroleum Development Act, there was no need to sacrifice so many leaders in order to force Sabah to sign or accept the five per cent cash payment under the agreement that was supposed to have been signed on June 6, 1976.
ReplyDeleteIni cuma pandangan masing-masing, berharap siasatan dibuat dan mahkamah menjalankan tugas untuk membuktikan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.
Berkemungkinan kebenaran yang dibuktikan akan menyedihkan banyak pihak.
ReplyDeletewait and see..
ReplyDeleteStop assuming then.
ReplyDeletePeristiwa ini mengingatkan kita tentang sejarah Sabah.
ReplyDeleteIni merupakan satu tragedi yang tidak diingini.
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is, I hope the case will be closed asap.
ReplyDeleteTidak halang untuk tau hal sebenar cuma mcm dipolitikkan sja.
ReplyDeleteKita rakyat Sabah mahu tahu kebenaran kenapa terjadi 6 menteri kabinet kita ini mati?
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih SAPP!
Hal ini telah berlaku, sepatutnya tidak perlu lagi di bangkit semula, kasihan waris2 mereka..
ReplyDeleteNamun diharapkan agar tidak perlulah politikkn isu ini,
ReplyDeleteBiarlah makamah yang menentukan keputusannya nnti..harap semua pihak akan berpuas hati..
ReplyDeleteKenapa baru sekarang kes ini dibuka semula..mau dekat2 PRU baru sibuk mau siasat..masing2 mau dapat nama..
ReplyDeleteSemua mempuyai pendapat masing2...bagi saya jika perkara ini di siasat, mungkin kita boleh megetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada hari itu,,tapi biarlah makamah yg menentuknnya..
ReplyDeleteX-File Sabah akhirnya dibuka semula!
ReplyDeleteYang menariknya ialah, Si Harris sendiri yang membukanya .
Mungkin , selama ini dia tak dapat tidur nyeyak memikirkan DOSA yg telah dilakukannya. Semoga umurnya panjang untuk mendengar kesedaran rakyat dan hukuman setimpal, termasuk Projek IC Mahathir.
kita tunggu dan lihat keputusan mahkamah...
ReplyDelete@BATU BERSUMPAH Adalah tidak menhairankan kenapa baru sekarang isu ini dibangkitkan kerana ketika kejadian 66 itu baru berlaku, siapa saja yang membangkitkannya untuk menegakkan keadilan, tanpa dibicarakan di mahkamah orang tersebut akan ditangkap dan dipenjarakan... tetapi bagi Tuhan tiada yang mustahil..Tuhan tetap menyatakan perkara yang jahat dengan keadilannya.. Dan sekarang kerana kerajaan BN khususnya UMNO yang semakin kurus dan lemah kerana telah begitu banyak sudah rakyat berpendidikan dan bijak pandai, yang mereka tidak boleh permainkan... Perkara tragedi 66 ini diungkitkan semula dan dicari kebenarannya kerana kerajaan tidak berupaya lagi menangkap dan memenjarakan seseorang yang ingin tahu di sebalik atau dalang tragedi itu.. Dan yang paling utama ialah Tuhan tidak membiarkan kejahatan berlalu begitu sahaja tanpa dinyatakan kejahatan dan kebenaran yang sepatutnya diketahui dalam tragedi 66 itu... Dan bagi rakyat sabah Yong Teck Lee adalah seorang wira yang telah menjadi saluran Tuhan untuk Dia berkerja menegakkan keadilannya yang Mulia...Terima kasih YTL
ReplyDeleteSiapa juga yang terlibat dalam merancang kemalangan udara ini...saya pasti dan yakin apabila orang-orang yang berkaitan sakit....mereka tidak akan terus mati...tapi akan menderita sakit selama bertahun-tahun terlebih dahulu...percayalah..Tuhan itu maha adil.
ReplyDeleteIn the history of the the North Borneo now Sabah why only one plan has ever crushed and it happened just outside the airport? Why the plans carrying other vip NEVER crushed taking into consideration that these vips coming so often to fill their pockets?