Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sabah said a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants, Project IC and phantom voters in Sabah "is long overdue" and among the principal witnesses who should give evidence before it is too late is former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.
All those in the know of these issues should also be called to answer, said its Security, Immigration and Electoral Reform Bureau Chairman Dr Chong En Leong and urged the government, through the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on Electoral Reform, to set it up.
He said those who could shed light on the issue include former or present Umno members like Jabar Khan, Akjan the so-called Sultan of Sulu, Shamsul Alang and Andy Bandy Pilo.
Dr Chong said Dr Mahathir is not immune from being grilled.
Also 17 ex-National Registration Department (NRD) Sabah staff who were arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) around 1996, including its former directors, he added.
"Also should not be left out are former staff like Nasir Sungip, Azmi Abdul Karim, Jumahat Taripin, Asli Sidup and Yaakup Damsar.
Others like M.D Mutalib, Hassnar Ebrahim, Datuk Yahya Lampung, Tan Sri Ahmad Sarji and Tan Sri Harris Salleh should also be called," said Dr Chong.
He said Harris has insinuated that the PBS' appointed village chiefs were the ones involved in falsification of the statutory declarations (SD), whereas SDs signed by his Berjaya-appointed village chiefs were valid documents.
"A Wikileaks exposure recently had former Election Commission (EC) chief Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman admitting (in 2006) to Mafrel chief Abdul Malek Husin of the EC's role in registering foreigners as voters.
So bring in both of them as well," he told Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili.
Dr Chong said PBS President Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who is also Deputy Chief Minister-cum-Industrial Development Minister, repeatedly called for a RCI for almost 20 years. The latest was made four times in one week about a month ago where "he sounded like a croaky cow."
"Practically all political parties, even the MCA and Gerakan, want this but not Umno. We were and still are concerned about security and sovereignty of Sabah within Malaysia but Umno, not Barisan Nasional (BN), would not budge," he said.
He hope the PSC will not succumb to Umno's pressure and end up like the last one that was conducted on Integrity.
"Human beings make mistakes but to admit and correct mistakes would save Sabah and Malaysia from being a doomed state," said Dr Chong.
Our children and grandchildren would ask themselves in 20 years time on why did their parents and grandparents not protecting their lands, their Sabah's sovereignty within Malaysia, he said.
PKR Sabah also called for all the phantom voters in the rolls to be cleaned, asking Dr Maximus to recall his own proposal which he made during the debate on the Constitutional (Amendment) Act in 2003 to set up a Special Task Force to rid Sabah's electoral rolls off non-qualified voters and thereby increase public confidence in the electoral process.
"Of course, your (Dr Maximus) proposal fell on deaf ears.
Our future generations would not forgive us as foretold by Datuk Radin Malleh (PBS Secretary-General) if these phantom voters issue were not resolved. Now is the golden opportunity for you to carry out your own proposal, isn't it?" Dr Chong charged.
He said expunging non-qualified names (phantom voters) from Sabah's electoral rolls naturally necessitates recall of all their MyKads and review their citizenship status.
"You have a former Home Affairs Minister here, Datuk Seri Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad (who is one of the committee panel members), to help, with respect to past actions and inaction of the National Registration Department and Immigration Department," he said.
Dr Chong said he know the task of carrying out these proposals is an enormous one and the outcome will leave an indelible mark that may one day be either a source of pride to the future generations or a focus of contempt, but hoping that by submitting the party's memorandum to the committee he can help in achieving the first limb of the foregoing.
"Sabah is in a precarious situation, as far the non-qualified names (phantom voters) on Sabah electoral rolls are concerned. Precarious because it concerns Sabah's sovereignty within Malaysia.
No Sabah no Malaysia.
Save Sabah save Malaysia," said Dr Chong, who went into details of these issues during his presentation.
RCI should be UP before Mahathir pass away..if not, all will be gone with him his grave.
ReplyDeleteDi mana sudah itu wira2 Sabah yang asal orang asal semua itu?
ReplyDeleteShame on you all! Shame! Shame!
You all better go to hell!
Someone bring this case to ICC for the Devilish Mahathir.
RCI is needed to investigate the illegal immigrant issue and resolve it once and for all.
ReplyDeleteI think it is very naive to expect Dr Mahathir to testify on this issue. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteLets solve this issue in a better way .
Tiada sebab kerajaan menolak permintaan RCi melainkan kewujudan projek IC.
ReplyDeleteThere are some hidden agenda in BN Sabah. Hope the truth can reveal soon.
ReplyDeleteBN neglected the people by bring in so many PATI just to let them stay in power.
ReplyDeleteAdakah projek IC mula dari Dr. Mahathir? Kenapa sehingga saat ini masih tiada tindakan atau penyiasatan, jelas kerajaan melingdungi seseorang atau sesuatu.
ReplyDeletePATI harus dihantar balik secepat mungkin. Ketenteraman negeri Sabah terancam.
ReplyDeletemana suara bung moktar dan si gapur yg kununya lantang pasal isu2 yg melibatkan kepentingan Sabah.? dengan segala hurmatnya, Bung & Ghapur, sila datang ke depan...
ReplyDeleteAgree to LSS, why government rejected RCI? What is government explanation?
ReplyDeletePihak JPN dan SPR harus bertanggung jawab dan memberi penjelasan kenapa PATI dan Phantom Voters berleluasa.
ReplyDeleteSabah tetap negeri deposit untuk BN jika projek ic dan phantom voters masih tiada penyelesaiannya.
ReplyDeletePatut ditangani dengan agresif isu PATI ni.
ReplyDeleteSelagi kewujudan PATI, PRU tidak akan bersih dan adil.
ReplyDelete"former Election Commission (EC) chief Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman admitting (in 2006) to Mafrel chief Abdul Malek Husin of the EC's role in registering foreigners as voters."
ReplyDeleteKenapa ini terjadi? Kenapa masih tiada tindakan diambil?
masalah PATI perlu dan projek IC perlu diberi perhatian. ia harus ditangani untuk kesejahterahan penduduk sabah.
ReplyDeleteadalah baik penubuhan RCI dilakukan, ia satu cara selesaikan masalah PATI.
ReplyDeleteWhen Wu Sangui opened the gate to let the Manchu in, China was under the Ching Dynasty from 1644 to 1911. When the evil project I/C commenced, how long before Malaysia will be overtaken by PATI?
ReplyDeleteStop using others to be the scapegoat. Bring the real culprits into justice!
ReplyDeleteSemoga kebenaran mengatasi segala kejahatan yang telah dilakukan oleh pengkhianat2 negara.
ReplyDeletejika kerajaan hari ini masih enggan menubuhkan RCI, tunggu saja kerajaan baru mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan negara ini..
ReplyDeleteHow about u kill Mahathir for that?
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point to vote if the phantom voters are still exist? Stop all the dramas.
ReplyDeleteItupun kalau ada 'kerajaan baru' harryzan. Kalau tak??? hhmmm...
ReplyDeleteSaya yakin kerajaan punya alasan munasabah kenapa RCI tak ditubuhkan tapi lama kelamaan rasa macam geram juga. hehe
ReplyDeleteJusteru, kerajaan kenalah lakukan sesuatu dan pastikan isu pati dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteSemoga hal ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya dan harap2 langkah terbaik menanggani pati ditemukan sebelum PRU.
ReplyDeleteSelebihnya, terpaksalah kita tunggu dan lihat apa yang akan berlaku seterusnya nanti.
ReplyDeletejust set up the RCI alreadylaaa
ReplyDeletethe gov better come up with a better alternative if they refuse to set up rci.
ReplyDeleteHope that the truth will prevail and those who are involved will be revealed.
ReplyDeleteharap pekara ini akan dipertimbangkan dengan sewajarnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati.
ReplyDeleteusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati ini perlu sentiasa dilakukan.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggulah dan lihat sama ada RCI akan diluluskan ataupun tidak.
ReplyDeleteTapi walaubagaimanapun, jalan penyelesaian alternatif tetap diperlukan, jangan hanya bergantung pada RCI sahaja.
ReplyDeleteRCI deemed important.
ReplyDeleteMacam mana nak serang mahathir?kan dia dah bersara?
ReplyDeleteIllegals problem in Sabah should be vanished.
ReplyDeleteSemoga berjaya.
ReplyDeletebagus tetapkan deadline untuk tubuhkan RCI. bagi tekanan sikit.
ReplyDeletesaya pun teringin juga dengar penjelasan dari mulut Mahathir sendiri sebab ramai yang kata dialah yang memperkenalkan Projek IC ni.
ReplyDeleteJumlah PATI di Sabah sudah cukup mengancam ketenteraman penduduk di sini..mengapa kerajaan Sabah/pusat tidak tubuhkan sahahja RCI ini
ReplyDeleteanganlah sampai isu ini tidak dapat ditangani lagi baru kerajaan hendak bertindak..sudah pasti rakyat Sabah akan memihak kepada pembangkang untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini
ReplyDeleteharap kerajaan pusat benar2 memberi perhatian serius terhadap masalah ini yang dihadapi oleh Sabah
ReplyDeletesemoga perjuangan ini akan diteruskan oleh para pemimpin Sabah tidak kira pihak kerajaan ataupun pembangkang walaupun selepas PRU-13 nanti
ReplyDeletesemoga PSC berjaya...
ReplyDeleteTeruskan bersuara kepada kerajaan Persekutuan mengenai penubuhan RCI.
ReplyDeletePSC teruskan usaha mengkaji perkara ini bagi penambahan baik pilihanraya akan datang.
ReplyDeleteBerhubung dengan masalah PATI dan IC projek, sehingga sekarang kerajaan Pusat masih tidak dapat menyelesaikannya. Pastikan masalah ini dapat diatasi sebelum menjelangnya PRU 13.
ReplyDeleteCarilah cara lain selain RCI untuk menangani masalah PATI.. Mungkin ada cadangan yang lain bagi mengatasi masalah ini.
ReplyDelete"Sabah is in a precarious situation, as far the non-qualified names (phantom voters) on Sabah electoral rolls are concerned. Precarious because it concerns Sabah's sovereignty within Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteMay Sabah for the Sabahan only !! this is a huge project to solve !!
Sekaranglah senang mahu saman si Mahataik kerana dia sudah jadi macam rakyat biasa! Dia bukanya malaikat! Lihatlah si Arroyo bekas presiden Philipina, sekarang mahu keluar negarapun tdk boleh!
ReplyDeleteMungkin Datuk YTL/Datuk Jeffery Kitingan,Amdee Sidek, dan sesiapa saja yang ada latar belakan guaman harus bersatu sekarang, sebelum PRU13 untuk membawa kes in ke mahkamah kerana isu ini akan menjadikan BN/UMNO tergugat.
Minta bantuan para peguam di Semenanjung seperti Bar Council. Kalau setakat bincang di ruangan ini , tiada kesan.
Isu ini perlu disemarakkan kerana isu ini amat penting bagi seluruh rakyat Sabah tulin di samping isu2 lain seperti NCR.
Tolong saman Mahathir dan konco2nya sebelum pilihan raya.
Bila masuk arus media PERDANA biar semua rakyat Malaysia dan PTI yg sudah di Sabah sedar bahawa kita tidak mahu kehadiran mereka di Sabah.
Lawan mesti lawan! SAPP,please bawa isu ini ke mahkamah sebelum PRU13. Minta nasihat guaman sebelum menyaman Mahataik dan geng2nya. MD. Mutalib akan banyak membantu begitu juga dengan Chong Eng Leong.
God Bless us all!
maybe they wait Dr.M passed away the RCI can be set up..easy to 'wash hands'...
ReplyDeletesabahan must continuously urged the federal govt to set up the RCI before GE13...
ReplyDeletei hope Dr.max as the chairmen of PSC can do something about it..
ReplyDeletesabahan wants RCI to be set up before 13th it to much to asked?
ReplyDeletesave sabah save malaysia...
ReplyDeleteHarimau mati meninggalkan belang
ReplyDeleteManusia mati meninggalkan nama
Mahathir mati meninggalkan PROJEK IC Mahathir!
Bapa rasuah dan kronisma
Bapa penipu,
Bapa penyangak dan perompak rakyat Malaysia!
It is important for the federal government to set up the RCI to find out whether or not these so-called project ic is exist or not & who were behind it.
ReplyDeletethis is also a good way the give the Sabaham to clear all doubts & live in the peace of mind...
Betulkh Dr Mahathir yg memula kan projek ic ini... ??
ReplyDeleteIsu ini semakin hangat diperkatakan, lebih baik tubuhkan sahaja RCI..jadi semua pihak pun berpuas hati lah..
ReplyDeleteAda RCIpun kalau Najis tidak buat apa2 tindakan tiada guna juga. Lebih baik, guna kuasaundi.
ReplyDeleteUndi SAPP/PR pada PRU13.
Tolong tangkap Mahataik dan sumbatkan dalam penjara atas jenayah terkutuk yg dilakukannya ke atas rakyat Sabah!
ReplyDeleteMampus2! Mampus Mahataik(Mahathir).
Mahathir adalah umpama Iblis yang telah merogol maruah rakyat Sabah.
Ingat, segala dosa yg telah kau lakukan di Sabah tidak akan dilupakan oleh seluruh rakyat Sabah khasnya dan Malaysia amnya. Dosamu terlalu berat untuk dimaafkan. Semoga Tuhan akan membalas segala perbuatan jahat kau setimpal dengan beratnya dosa kau itu!