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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jeffrey supports Waytha on quit call to Najib, urges Ku Li as possible replacement

Many people in Sabah and Sarawak, as in Malaya, will not shed any tears if Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak takes heed of Hindraf Makkal Sakthi Chief P. Waythamoorthy’s call, and quits as Prime Minister.

As things stand, Najib will go down in history as the worst Prime Minister in the Federation. No one can do any worse after him. His recent faux pas on kangkung tells all.

Najib is no leader. In fact, he’s a dangerous person since he only thinks of his own survival. It’s not even politics.

A leader is one who solves problems, not create them.

We can recall graphic images of Najib, in imitation of a demonic salivating Hitler in speech, thundering not so long ago: “Kita mesti mempertahankan kalimah Allah untuk kaum Muslim.”

How can such a person pretend to be a Prime Minister for All? The warped sense of logic is telling.

It’s not only the Hindraf-Barisan Nasional MOU that Najib has rubbished, but also for example, the 10 Point Solution on the use of Allah in Malay print in the Bible, and calls to hold the long-delayed Review of the compliance of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

As another example, Sabah is going through the worst flood in living memory but we are yet to hear from the Prime Minister and Petronas on any form of relief for the flood victims. This is tantamount to a crime against humanity. The Sabah Government is struggling to cope with the havoc caused by the floods but is hampered by its meager resources. It must be remembered that the Malayan Government in Putrajaya takes away most of the revenue of Sabah and Sarawak, leaving their Governments dirt-poor and the people as the poorest in the Federation.

If Najib visits the flood victims in Sabah, Umno’s so-called  deposit state along with Sarawak, the sky will fall down.

Najib’s criminal neglect in governance knows no limitations.

The suspicion also is that the original report by the Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah is at presented being doctored and sanitized by Putrajaya before being released. Hence, the long delay. It’s unlikely that the Report, if at all released, will mention the thousands of illegal immigrants on the electoral rolls with MyKads which they are not entitled to hold under the law and the Constitution.

However, it’s unlikely that Najib will heed Waytha’s call to quit.

Already, his apologists are claiming that the Hindraf Chief quit because he wasn’t given the RM 4.5 billion MOU Budget to handle. Suddenly, it seems that there are procedures to follow in the case of disbursements of Government allocations and funds.

It’s unlikely that Waytha wanted to do a MIC on the MOU Budget which, among others, specifically refers to the plight of the 800,000 displaced estate workers and the 350,000 stateless of Indian origin.

It’s no secret that Government funds and allocations especially for Indian causes and issues are channeled directly to MIC leaders in defiance of protocol on such matters because the sums involved are so paltry. This has been the story of MIC and the Indian community since 1957 when the British administrators departed from Malaya. As a result, it has been estimated that some 85 per cent of such paltry allocations and funds went into the pockets of MIC leaders, very little reaching the community.

Star Sabah urges Najib to think of the country, and not just himself, and make way before he does further damage to the economy, race relations and the integrity of the Federation even before Sabah and Sarawak rethink their position in it after over 50 years of neo-colonialism.

If Najib refuses to make way, the Umno Supreme Council can meet and sack him as the party president and draft in an alternative.

Under the circumstances, Star Sabah can think of no better candidate than Tengku Razaleigh in Umno to be Prime Minister.

The Gua Musang MP would have become Prime Minister in 1987 had the High Court discounted the votes from the 30 illegal branches which went to incumbent Mahathir Mohamad and awarded the party presidency to Tengku Razaleigh.

Had this been done, the history of the Federation would have been very much different. Razaleigh would have held, for one, the long-delayed Review of the compliance of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

The lackluster Najib premiership is a historical opportunity for the Umno Supreme Council to rectify a grievous wrong-doing done by the Court to Tengku Razaleigh and draft him in as the Prime Minister to finish Najib’s term, before he (Razaleigh) becomes too old for the job, and keep him on for another term if the BN can survive the 14th General Election in 2018.

If the Umno Supreme Council wants to be sympathetic to Najib, they can pack him off to Mongolia as Ambassador. That would be poetic justice indeed.

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