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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Sabah's Autonomy Should Be Restored Too – Dr. Jeffrey

KOTA KINABALU - “Sabah Umno/BN leader should emulate Sarawak in protecting Sabah’s autonomy and State rights. As the Sabah leaders especially from Umno remain silent, Sabah’s situation grows dimmer by the days while Sarawak continues to shine brighter with CM Adenan at the helm,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Chairman of STAR Sabah responding to PM Najib agreeing to devolve power and autonomy to Sarawak and higher oil revenues at the request of CM Adenan.

Adenan is doing the right things for Sarawak and his support is growing.  While Sarawakians were taken by surprise by the turn of events during Najib’s visit to Sarawak to shore up support for him to remain as PM, Sabahans are openly questioning the ability, sincerity and lack of braveness of CM Musa to speak up for Sabah.

If Sarawak is to be granted full autonomy and a winding down of federal departments, Sabah should get its full autonomy as well.   After all, both Borneo States have similar rights and both governments are part of the BN government.   In fact, Sabah should be in a better position to get more rights and privileges since it is ruled by Umno, the party of the Prime Minister, while there is no Umno in Sarawak.

In fact, if Musa were to be tag-team partners with Adenan and speak with one voice for Sabah and Sarawak, surely PM Najib cannot refuse their requests because Najib crucially depend on Sabah and Sarawak to remain in power.   More so, with the swirling controversies like the RM42 billion 1MDB debacle, GST, rising petrol prices at the pump, the Mongolian murder accused fleeing to Australia amid calls for his resignation by Tun Mahathir and dwindling support from his Cabinet Ministers.

The big question is will Musa speak up like Adenan?

His past actions, non-action and behaviour seem to suggest that he is unlikely to do so.   Perhaps for the sake of Sabah’s autonomy and rights, the benefit of the doubt should be given to Musa that he will seek the same autonomy and devolution of power for Sabah as well.

Previously the Sabah Speaker had suggested that the Barisan Nasional federal government grant partial autonomy to Sabah and Sarawak to partly fulfil the people’s request and reduce their anger.   But this has come to nought without any support from Musa.

Now that Adenan has re-opened the topic, Musa should seize the opportunity and start by telling Najib that Sabah wants to implement the 20-Points and with full autonomy wants to take back the education and health portfolios and reimbursement of the 40% net revenues collected from Sabah as provided in the Federal Constitution.

Most importantly, Musa should also ask the federal government to hand back the oil and gas resources, the internal security power.   With it, Sabah can takeover and manage Sabah’s immigration and national registration, the Road Transport Department and the like.

And to cut the knot that ties Sabah to Umno’s control, Musa should end Umno’s role in Sabah and get all Umno members to re-join USNO or other local parties.

Sabahans will be waiting eagerly for Musa’s next step as many are of the view that Sabah will progress much faster by having its full autonomy and control over its resources and management of its financial resources than having them under federal control.  

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