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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Zaid: Under Najib-Hadi, spells a bleak future for country

Malaysia under its current leadership will see the non-Malays completely stripped of their rights while systemic corruption continues unabated, former Umno minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim predicted today.

This, he said, is the likely scenario if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, both of whom are facing internal revolts against their leaderships, are kept in power.

But according to Zaid, the status quo will spell a bleak future for the country and particularly the non-Malays, who he claimed will be relegated to becoming mere taxpayers who enjoy little or no rights.

“Under the Tok Guru Hadi Awang/Najib combination, more and more Muslims will lose their fundamental rights and liberties, and many may go to jail for being ‘un-Islamic’,” he said in a statement here.

“Some may even lose their limbs for stealing food and bicycles, but not for stealing ‘units’ and parking them in the Cayman Islands.

“This is Malaysia’s future,” he added, making snide references to the punishment for stealing under hudud, the Islamic law that Abdul Hadi’s party wants enforced, as well as 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) controversial Cayman Islands investment.

Zaid Ibrahim
But such a future, according to Zaid, appears to be inevitable for Malaysia as “Najib and Hadi will lead the country for years to come”.

He pointed out that the Malays decide on Malaysia’s future and, borrowing an observation made years ago by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the “Malays are lazy”.

“I happen to agree with him (Dr Mahathir). Malays do not like to think, which is why the current crop of leaders like Najib and Hadi Awang appeal to them,” Zaid said.

“Najib knows this very well. That’s why he has not bothered to give a proper explanation about why the government invested good monies in Tier 3 investments in the Cayman Islands, and why he has not bothered to explain why there was cash in Singapore one day and not the next.

“He just needs to tell Malays that if you don’t like my way, then go away. Malays like that style and that’s why they have stayed with him,” the former law minister said.

Zaid said that Hadi’s popularity with the Malays lies with his plan to implement hudud, which he said is seen as the solution to every issue. PAS’s continued power, he added, will mean that hudud can finally be implemented in the country.

With hudud, he said Islamic laws and businesses will thrive in Malaysia, with the halal industry, zakat collection and wakaf investments to be corporatised even more.

“Making money, not spirituality, will be a priority for Jakim and the other state religious councils. Making big money is Islamic after all,” he said.

Zaid, who said he was invited to speak in Singapore next week on the topic of Malaysia’s future, added that Malays have an aversion to contrarian views “so watching TV3 and reading the New Straits Times is enough for them.”

He said human slavery, corruption and cronyism will continue to be rife, with businessmen continuing to buy government assets for cheap and then selling them later at great profit.

“Malaysia will have fast trains to Singapore but we will continue to borrow heavily from the Arabic sheikhs. If things do not work out, more government assets can be injected.

“Figures and statistics can be threatening to the Malays so the art of spin will feature in Malaysia’s future.

“We will continue to organise the world biggest conferences on corruption and accountability in public office, but we will also remain high in the world rankings of corrupt nations.

“This is what you get under Najib and Hadi Awang: a good image, good spin but little of substance,” he said - The Malay Mail

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