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Monday, October 26, 2015

After TB, foreigners are now spreading typhoid in Malaysia

(In MALAYA): While we are still struggling to address various scandals shaming us in the global arena, we now have “nature” conspiring against us.

When we are not done being smothered by the haze, we are left to deal with a new headache in town – the typhoid outbreak.

It’s almost like the gods, or if you ask an Umno politician – the Jews, are conspiring to wreck Malaysia by all means and wipe out our population.

Typhoid cases are on the rise in Kuala Lumpur, with some 32 cases reported since August, say reports.

The cause – illegal immigrants.

A Star Online report quoted Deputy Health Ministry Dr Hilmi Yahya as saying that illegal immigrants working as food handlers here may be the cause of the spike in typhoid cases here.

This is because illegals do not undergo the compulsory Fomema medical screening prior to employment, he said.

Yes, this is not the first time illegals have been responsible for an outbreak here.

News reports have said that illegals are also responsible for the increase in tuberculosis (TB) cases in Malaysia.

In fact, fatality from this disease was way higher than deaths from dengue fever in 2012.

The worrying thing about this was TB was brought not only by illegal workers, but certified foreigners as well.

This was made possible by the dubious medical vetting system in the workers’ home countries, which provide the all clear for diseased workers.

By the time they are diagnosed with the disease here and sent back, they would have had infected scores of others.

Faced with the typhoid outbreak, authorities have also advised the public to stay away from restaurants which are not certified clean and which hire foreigners in the kitchen.

It goes without saying that hygiene is not on the top of the list of the majority of our local food joints, including mamak restaurants.

From having rodents and cockroaches running beneath our feet while dining to workers wipe pots and pans with a mop, we have heard it all.

How often do we see men working on our dishes at mamak joints don hats to prevent their hair from falling onto the food they are preparing, to begin with?

Back to the story, the government seems to discount the menace of foreigners spreading deadly disease among the local population, when talking about hiring more foreign manpower.

Are we not grappling with enough issues posed by these men and women, that we need 1.5 million more?

By V Shuman (22/10/15)

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