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Monday, October 26, 2015

Ali Rustam’s ‘call to war’ a threat to peace, democracy

KUALA LUMPUR - National Silat Federation’s (Pesaka) recent suggestion for a “war” to defend Malay dignity is a threat to the country's peace and democracy, electoral watchdog Bersih 2.0 said today.

The group also urged the police to investigate Pesaka’s president Tan Sri Ali Rustam for his remark which it said is an intimidation against any attempt to exercise the rights to protest.

“Bersih 2.0 views Ali Rustam's statement as a serious threat to peace and democracy practised in this country,” the electoral watchdog said in a statement.

“"Bersih 2.0 urges the police to investigate Ali Rustam's statement which holds racial sentiment so further action could be taken.”

Yesterday, veteran Umno leader Ali was quoted in news portal Malaysiakini as explaining that the mass gathering on September 16 was held to show that there were still those who wanted the Malay race, Islam and the country’s leaders defended.

“It’s not as though we want to wage war, but if there are those who want to do so, we are all for it,” he was quoted saying when officiating the Rumah Gayung Persatuan Seni Silat Gayung Malaysia.

The #Merah169 rally, said to be in support of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s leadership, was to counter the mammoth two-day Bersih 4 gathering in August calling for the prime minister’s resignation.

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