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Monday, April 18, 2011

Hassle-free EPF withdrawals for MyKad holders

Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members can now apply for hassle-free withdrawals at age 50, 55 or for savings of more than RM1 million.

The newly-introduced improvement enables members to make the respective withdrawal applications without the hassle of filling up forms, and producing photocopies of identification card and bank account book.

With the new initiative, members are only required to bring their MyKad and bank account book to any EPF service counter.

EPF chief executive officer Tan Sri Azlan Zainol said in a statement here Monday that the new improvement reflected the fund's commitment to constantly raise the bar of its service delivery for the benefit of members.

Azlan said with growing membership base, it was critical to ensure continuous improvement to the EPF delivery system through technology.

As the service is applicable to MyKad holders only, members with military or police identification card or those still carrying the old identification card cannot enjoy the service.

These members would still need to go through the original process of filling up Form KWSP 9 and produce photocopies of their identification card and bank account. - Bernama


  1. Good improvement.

  2. good.. As a customer-oriented organization, the EPF should be constantly looking for opportunities to meet the needs of its members as possible.

  3. When can my EPF reach that 1 million marks?

  4. member with military or police identification card or those still carrying the old identification card cannot enjoy the service.

  5. change your identification card to MyKad so that you can apply for the service.

  6. EPF should always try to improve the quality of their services from time to time.

  7. Now that is better. Hassle-free!

  8. Hopefully more improvement will be made.

  9. Hassle-Free??Is good new service..

  10. Jadi tukarkan IC lama itu kepada MyKad untuk menikmati perkhidmat ini.

  11. Sounds easier than the previous process.

  12. Singapore has this facility since 20 years ago.

    No wonder Malaysia is so backward and left behind Singapore for 20 years.

    N0 doubt! as long as Sabah still under BN, our people will remain poor and our facility will remain backward!

    Bye bye party from semenanjung in the coming GE13.

  13. harap perkhidmatan ini benar2 baik.

  14. EPF penyelamat KerajaanApril 20, 2011 at 9:20 AM

    Perkhidmatan yg baik tetapi berapa peratus dari warganegara berkerja di malaysia mempunyai simpanan epf sebanyak 1 juta atau melebihi 1 juta dalam tempoh sesampai hari persaraan.? sebab utama mereka mewujudkan polisi ini adalah kerana ketidak mampuan KWSP membayar dividen dan bonus kepada pemegang simpanan melebihi sejuta. sedangkan simpanan tetap atau fixed deposit juga dihadkan kepada rm200,000.00. cuba kira kalau dividen dikira berdasarkan unit simpanan sebanyak rm1,000,000.00. berapa banyak dividen yg harus diberi kepada pemegang simpanan ini? Kalau betul2 ingin polisi ini memudahkan pemegang akaun, kenapa tidak laksanakan kepada pemegang akaun bermula dari rm200,000.00.

  15. Boleh mempertimbangkan cadangan EPF penyelamat Kerajaan.
