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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Assault caught on CCTV, police forced to act

The district police have broken their silence and promised a transparent investigation.

KENINGAU: The Keningau district police have been forced to break their silence on an assault case because the whole incident was caught on closed circuit television.

In the incident which occurred close to midnight on April 30, Ben Cheah Ping Xen, 23, sustained multiple injuries all over his body as the result of the assault which was captured on a shop’s closed-circuit TV.

The CCTV video footage showed a senior prison officer and his three accomplices punching, kicking and beating Cheah with a baton, belt and a plastic stool.

Keningau is in Sabah’s interior and some 180 km from Kota Kinabalu with a population of some 150,000 people.

Already people in this small town are talking about the high handed action of the government official and the apparent police silence.

Now the Sabah Gerakan has stepped into the fray and the Keningau district police have assured the public of a thorough and transparent investigation into the alleged assault.

Keningau OCPD Supt Zahari Mohamad gave this assurance to Gerakan’s Sabah chairman, Gordon Leong .Leong and his delegation had called on Zahari after earlier visiting Cheah.

“We felt that such a visit to the OCPD was necessary as, we could feel for Ben’s and his family’s distress, pain, anxiety and more importantly their feeling of helplessness, as a result of the assault,” said Leong.

Leong said Sabah Gerakan was appalled and sad that there are still those who preferred to take matters into their own hands in a modern and civilised society.

“No one should take the law into their own hands or see themselves as above the law, more so law enforcement officers who are supposed to protect the public,” he said.

Uncalled for behaviour

The alleged assault incident which involved a senior government official, he said, must be viewed seriously as it is now of concern to the general public.

“If not addressed it could be misinterpreted by the general public and be exploited by political parties.

“This type of uncalled for behavior gives a bad name to the government and Gerakan believes and is confident that the relevant authorities will look into this matter seriously.

Earlier Cheah’s father Cheah You Hock demanded an investigation into the brutal beating of his son.

Queville To


  1. The police officer involved in assaulting the victim should be investigated and have actions taken against him.

  2. a thorough investigation should be done on this case.

  3. strict action should be taken against those who guilty.

  4. "The CCTV video footage showed a senior prison officer and his three accomplices punching, kicking and beating Cheah with a baton, belt and a plastic stool."

    These bunch of animals should be put to jail! What were they thinking when they abuse Cheah???

  5. Their behavior brought shame to the government. There is no excuse to what they did.

  6. ambil tindakan tegas terhadao mereka yang terlibat dalam kejadian tersebut.

  7. Sudah ada bukti, harap penyiasiatan dijalankan.

  8. Ini pasti menjadi pengajaran kepada orang ramai terutama yang memegang jawatan di kerajaan. Jangan fikir bahawa anda seorang kakitangan kerajaan maka anda boleh melakukan apa sahaja.

  9. Difahamkan juga bahawa pengarah penjara itu juga dalam keadaan mabuk. Ini sudah cukup memalukan kerana tidak sepatutnya seorang pegawai berfoya2 dan memabukkan diri dikhalayak ramai. Jika pun ingin mabuk2 pandai2 la cover. Memalukan diri sendiri dan masyarakat serta bangsa. Individu seperti ini harus dipecat dan masukkan sahaja kedalam penjara.

  10. no one is above the law even Jaikol bin Gubal..

  11. si pelaku yang juga seorang pegawai penjara harus dipecat serta-merta..beliau juga harus didakwa atas kesalahan yang dilakukan di samping mengenakan hukuman seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam undang2.

  12. insiden ini amat mengecewakan dan telah mencemar imej Jabatan penjara keningau dan kerajaan..tindakan tegas harus diambil..

  13. janji yang dibuat harus diterjemah kepada bentuk tindakan..diharap pihak polis akan melakukan apa yang sepatutnya iaitu menahan dan mendakwa pegawai penjara tersebut dengan rakan2nya..

  14. kes ini sangat serius..diharap keadilan akan dapat ditegakkan.

  15. buat malu kerajaan sahaja..

  16. Nampaknya tindakkan pegawai penjara ini keterlaluan..

  17. Nama jabatan buruk disebabkan seorang yang bertindak terburu-buru. Kenapa tidak laporkan saja kepada pihak polis jika ada perakra yang tidak puas hati. Bukan bertindak seperti ini.

  18. Harap tindakkan setimpal dengan kesalahan yang dibuat. Cari punca perkara ini berlaku.

  19. we do not know what really happened because we are not there and witnessed the incident.. how if Ben group started it first?? we only make a conclusion based on CCTV..

  20. We are not living in arghanistan. This is Malaysia has law and order. How can that idiot take the law in his hand?

  21. kes ini perlu dipandang serius memandangkan pelakunya adalah seorang penjawat awam yang bergelar pengarah penjara.tindakannya memang tidak boleh diterima

  22. diharap pengarah penjara tersebut menerima hukuman atas tindakannya yang tidak waras
