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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

BN's Empty Promises....Bridge over troubled....

SEMPORNA: The community of Pulau Bum-Bum, an island off Semporna, is wondering what happened to the promise made by the Government before the l2th General Election of a bridge linking the island to the mainland.

A committee member of Umno Semporna branch, who was an officer of the Community Development Department of Sulabayan during the PBS era, Amir Salleh Abdul Rahman, 53, said the time has come for the Sulabayan assemblyman to stand up regarding the matter at the State Legislative Assembly.
“The bridge is something the community has been waiting for a long time. Currently, the only means of getting to the mainland is by boat.

“I was told that the assemblyman concerned did not voice out this matter during the recent State Legislative Assembly sitting.

"What's the point of having the ‘People First' concept when the priority of the people in Pulau Bum-Bum has yet to materialise?” he ask.

“This matter should have been brought up during the recent State Legislative Assembly sitting. To my understanding, the Federal Government has been looking at this matter for a long time. However, nothing has been done, perhaps due to low co-operation from the State level," said Amir.

Construction of a 2km bridge linking Pulau Bum-Bum to the mainland was first proposed in 2005.

"lf I'm not mistaken, it was announced and approved by (Tun) Abdullah Badawi, twice before, " said Amir, a native of Pulau Bum-Bum.

"lt has been six years since the proposal was made, yet we are still waiting for it to materialise.

“We depend on boat service to reach the mainland and are charged RM12 each to go to Semporna mainland (RM2 boat fare and RM10 car rental)," he said, adding this could be used by the opposition in the coming l3th General Election.

The Sulabayan assemblyman, Amir said, should give priority to the bridge issue and stand up for the community of Pulau Bum-Bum who are constantly faced with poverty.

"Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mahamed paid a visit to the island before and witnessed the success of the community there in managing the seaweed industry in Lok Butun which received a lot of help from the State Govemment through the Ministry of Rural Development,” he said.

By Ibrahim Tabir DE


  1. What is the point of having a bridge at this interior when we should need one to link labuan with Sabah mainland? Labuah has its economic value for they have their duty free feasibility, oil and gas, tourism attraction as well as an very populated island.

  2. Everybody talking about bridge when our own railway construction is now facing big problems.The cost is 300m and now the contractor is demanding another 300m.Good government kan? Good CM kan?
    Also if you expect anyone to stand up to Musa Aman in the assembly you must still be dreaming.Every UMNO/BN YBs have lost their 'balls' and they will shiver and piss in their pants if they dare stand up to talk about it.But if you ask them to 'sokong' and 'puji' Musa Aman I think they do not mind queueing up for their turn even if it takes till eternity.They will do it because thats the only 'balls' they have.I think Salleh Keruak will be the first one jumping the que.My goodness this Salleh guy is so good in 'angkat kaki'Musa that I think he has special room in his house just to rehearse it in order to sound natural and original.

  3. The proposal must be fulfilled.

  4. Labuan and Pulau Bum Bum should be linked to the mainland.

  5. any promises made ​​must be fulfilled.

  6. people's needs must be met for the benefit the people.

  7. Whatever promises that been made must be fulfilled!

  8. Don't let the people down!

  9. Tunaikan janji-janji yang dibuat.

  10. Jika kita fikir balik adakah ini adalah satu cadangan yang baik? Bukankah ini hanya akan mengundang dan memudahkahkan lagi kemasukkan rakyat asing?

  11. Sapa MP Bum Bum ni, buat la keja

  12. mgkin ada sebab tersendiri kenapa janji tersebut belum lagi dilaksanakan. penjelasan perlu diberikan.

  13. Tansangut PakistanMay 5, 2011 at 2:24 PM

    And solve the massive traffic jam too here at kk city centre. Make more fly over, double up the road lane, refurbish the existing road, make a two sided railways, make a MRT from sepanggar to kk, catch all the illegal immigrant and send them back where they belong, sack the 'project ic' from its holder, push the federal to increase our state oil royalty (better never call it 'royalty' anymore. i prefer a 'state share' term), return the alienated land the its rightful owner, reduce oil and gas price by making petronas sell 60percent of their oil and gas product to domestic user, bla...bla...bla... the list will go on.

  14. Empty promise?? Waa..Bila mahu dibina jambatan ke pulau Bum Bum ini. Harap apa yang dijanjikan akan dikotakan.

  15. Kemungkinan ada sebab kenapa perkara ini belum dilaksanakan. Faktor lain lagi perlu diselesaikan terlebih dahulu sebelum jambatan ini dibina. Apa pun sebaiknya penjelasan di berikan atas kelewatan pembinaan ini. Untuk mengelak persoalan dari penduduk.

  16. Perlukah jambatan itu dibina??Harap apa yang diberikan ini penting untuk penduduk.

  17. Biasalah bila umno punya promise, 99.9% tipu!!!

    UMNO kata akan tangkap semua PATI setiap tahun, tapi PATI semakin tambah ramai bukan kurang setiap tahun. Ini belum termasuk yang dapat MYKAD.

    Orang umno menjalankan kerja mana ada perancangan punya. Semua main hantam. Yang penting boleh tipu duit rakyat.

    Allahku tahu kerja dosa mereka. Hanya kaki pengampu umno tak tahu.

  18. jangan buat apa2 projek pembangunan ekonomi. jika ada projek yang sedang berjalan mesti hentikan serta merta. fokus untuk jalan raya dan PATI sahaja sampai rakyat puas hati.. kalau buat projek lain dari itu, rakyat akan cakap masalah PATI dan jalan belum selesai bla, bla, bla.. kerajaan mesti ikut cakap rakyat.. buat satu2..

  19. cuba kira berapa sahaja janji pakatan yang dapat mereka tunaikan dari tahun 2008.. pembangkang pun sama2 juga penipu..

    memang pun kerajaan ada tangkap PATI dan hantar pulang tapi bukan setiap tahun,, setiap bulan. dari awal tahun ini sudah 1624 berjaya dihantar dan jumlah itu akan berganda dengan adanya operasi 2 kali seminggu..

  20. Kita sudah bosan dengan janji kosong umno. Hampir setiap tahun janji tangkap PATI tapi untuk wayang kulit saja.

    Tangkap 10 ekor PATI pun mahu keluar suratkhabar tapi dibelakang memasukkan 100 ekor PATI.

    Rakyat Sabah bukan bodoh macam kaki pengampu umno disini.

  21. mungkin projek tersebut ditunda..

  22. namun bagaimanapun, janji jangan dibuat jika ianya tidak dapat ditunaikan..umpama memberi harapan palsu kepada rakyat.

  23. mungkin juga ada faktor2 lain yang mempengaruhi projek ini di mana harus diselesaikan terlebih dahulu.

  24. janji yang telah dibuat haruslah ditunaikan..

  25. Harapan palsu,janji palsu,rasuah = UMNO/BN

  26. BN/UMNO janji janji kosong? biasa lah. Corruptive culture is more important. Everyone is thinking of how much to make when come to development and projects. As an ex-UMNO member I felt ashame of associated with a bunch of shameless crook who show off their wealth with no shame. Did they worked for the money? No, they abused their position and earned easy money. Even if they pray more than 15 times a day still can not enough to cleanse their sins.

  27. That's why m saying.Why argue on petty issues?

  28. Masalah yang timbul harus diselesaikan dengan segera.

  29. It is better to ask them directly.

  30. Ini adalah di bawah kekuasaan kerajaan persekutuan.

  31. Yeah, I concurred the statement above.
