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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

LDP blasts Gerakan Au for Greed

SANDAKAN: The Labeling of Liberal Democraric party (LDP) as termites by Elopura assemblyman Au Kam Wah Is uncalled for, said Albert Kok, the political secretary to Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk VK Liew.

"The statement by Au, who ditched SAPP in 2008 and joined Gerakan later, alleging LDP to clamour for positions could not be more true about himself and the party he just joined.

It is widely known that he together with Raymond Tan abandoned SAPP so that they both can keep their positions in the government Au should therefore look at himself in the mirror and his own 'new party' before he talked about others,” Kok said.

He said despite losing in the last election in 2008 and Gerakan almost wiped out, Koh Tsu Koon made himself available as a senator and accepted the offer to be a federal minister, Even his previous predecessor, Tun Lim Keng Yaik, was reported to have advised Koh against accepting but he could not care less and instead accepted the position with open arms.

"As one of the more senior members in BN, when the State Government offer to retain Peter Pang, who had quit LDP to join Gerakan, Koh should be wise enough not to accept the offer as there was already another new Gerakan member namely Raymond Tan in the State Cabinet.

"However, knowing it would draw the ire and condemnation of the people in Sabah, and knowing that Gerakan has not contested in Sabah in the last general election, Koh gladly accepted it. Is this not reflection of their own greed to clamour for governnent’s positions?" Kok said in a statement yesterday.

He added that Peter Pang had only been in Gerakan for less than two days but he continued to be retained as Minister of Youth and Sport under Gerakan.

Au is relatively a more 'senior' member in Gerakan than Peter Pang, an assemblyman for Elopura earlier before even Peter Pang knew what politics was and more experienced then Peter Pang starting from his time in SAPP, he said.

"It is odd that he was not preferred by his new boss to be in the recent cabinet reshuffle. Was it because he was offered to continue to hold the positions of chairman in other government agencies in Sabah?

"If Au is a man of principle at all and subscribe to the BN's principle, he should be the first one to tell his new found party leader that it was against BN s principle to accept Peter Pang who quit LDP to join another BN component party namely Gerakan,” he said.

But Au kept quiet and gladly welcomed Peter Pang, unashamedly, because by doing so he knows Gerakan has now another cabinet position in the government. That speaks volume of Au’s personality, said Kok.

He said before criticising others, Au should put his new house in order first.

"Au should tell his new found leader to be changed first and take responsibility for the losses suffered by his new party in the last election.

"Ong Ka Ting, despite having won his parliamentary seat in 2008, took responsibility for the losses MCA suffered in the election. Ong resigned as MCA president then and Ong Tee Keat took over before being taken over by Chua Soi Lek.

"It shows that at least Ong Ka Ting has principle and does not clamour for government position unlike some.

"We have seen MCA openly asking for the change of leadership in Sarawak following the recent election there. In fact many others have indicated the same sentiment.

"Does it mean that the BN government in Sarawak must also issue a show cause letter to all those who asked for the CM of Sarawak to go?

“In this regard, Au Kam Wah should tell his liaison chief in Sabah, Gordon Leong, to understand politics better and read what had happened,” he said.

Kok said if indeed there were any change of leadership required, Au should suggest changes in Gerakan’s central leadership and that include those in Sabah.

Source: BP


  1. These gerakan stooges will be rejected by the people in the elections, watch it!

  2. Reject the 3 stooges of Musa Aman.Aren't Sabahans get fed-up with UMNO/BN yet? Still want to wear the same coloured T'shirt over and over again? Boring isn't it?

  3. The people will make their stand during the next GE, better watch out.

  4. please stop issues that do not benefit the people.

  5. there are many other issues that need to be focused.

  6. I'm sure the people will know what to do when the next GE comes.

  7. Jangan mainkan wayang kulit.

  8. Hopefully they will stop arguing and focus on what matter most like serving the people.

  9. sudah2 lah kmu ni.. buang yng keruh ambil yang jernih.

  10. I have no reason to hate them if they are really want to serve the people. we should support them!

  11. We should see the positive side do not go far for the negative one.

  12. Gerakan Back door party...come from backdoor so kick it out by backdoor also.

  13. LDP pasti dapat memberikan yang terbaik pada PRU13 akan datang. Jangan cepat putus asa. Buktikan LDP tetap pilihan rakyat.

  14. Tidak perlulah bertengkar lagi. Tidak habis-habis bertengkar. Lagi baik jika bersatu menentang PR. Lagi dapat faedah dari bertengkar sesama sendiri.

  15. LDP?Saya bangga dengan Presiden sebelum ini Tan Sri Chong kah kiat yang benar profesional. Dapat mengelak berlaku pertengkaran antara parti BN. Harap Chin pun dapat melakukannya. Elakkan pertengkaran antara parti jika itu masalah persendirian.

  16. Musang bin tidak aman lebih suka parti malaya @ gerakan dan tak nak parti tempatan LDP.

    Musa mesti dipecat oleh Najib dan diganti oleh Datuk Shafie.

    Najib sudah tahu kerja buruk musa terhadap parti komponent BN. Tak lama akan dibuang masuk ke sepilok. tunggu dan lihat saja.

  17. makin dilayan, makin menjadi2.. baik tidak payah layan cakap LDP. itu juga salah satu cara penyelesaian..

  18. Shafie? macam mana la dia mahu kasi maju Sabah sedangkan kawasan dia sendiri mundur..

  19. persengketaan nampaknya makin menjadi-jadi..

  20. sesuatu harus dilakukan oleh pucuk pimpinan parti BN..

  21. konflik ini harus dihentikan bagi mengelak kekeliruaan di kalangan rakyat..

  22. banyak lagi perkara yang lebih penting untuk diberi perhatian..isu2 rakyat banyak lagi yang belum diselesaikan..

  23. LDP harus tetapkan pendirian sama ada masih ingin dalam BN atau tidak..

  24. BN Sabah akan 'masuk longkang' pada PRU13 sekiranya pemimpin sekarang kekal.Jadi Musa 'please step aside' untuk kasi peluang sama lain orang.Mahu jadi CM lama-lama adalah satu kesalahan kepada masyarakat yang inginkan satu perubahan kepimpinan.Sudah lebih 10 tahun tengok muka Musa.BORING!

  25. If Kau Si Gun not recruit Raymond Tan & Au Kam Wah & Peter Pang, how to play politic?? No ADUN No Minister, play what?? West Malaysia people kick Gerakan backet, he got nothing to play, so he come to Sabah play play Sabahan & try his luck. Now you see, Gerakan already got 2 Sabah Minister & 1 ADUN, so easy ,no need to beg, loan & fight. Let see how he play in the coming GE together with his YB sampah.

  26. Seems Gerakan is a garbage collector, lol

  27. Is there anything important to highlight about?

  28. Jangan libatkan hal2 yang tidak berkaitan.

  29. Keep strolling the old issues for what?

  30. Siapa yang tamakkan kuasa?

  31. Oh well, it's just about your personal issues with the other half.
