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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cracks in Pakatan over S’wak shadow cabinet?

Opposition Leader Anwar says that the line-up announced by Sarawak DAP chief was only a proposal.

PETALING JAYA: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim today said the pact has not named its official shadow cabinet line-up in Sarawak, just days after the state DAP leader said otherwise.

Anwar’s statement contradicted the Sunday announcement by Sarawak DAP and opposition chief Wong Ho Leng that Pakatan’s 16-member shadow cabinet was ready.

Anwar said Wong’s line-up was only a “proposal”.

“It was only a proposal by the DAP but they have to consult with Sarawak PAS and PKR too for a consensus,” he said after chairing a Pakatan meeting today.

PKR and DAP in Sarawak have been at odds, albeit silently, on various issues even before the state elections kicked off.

The latter had accused PKR of arm-twisting over seat allocations which led to allegations that talks had collapsed.

It was later rectified but the crack remained apparent when the DAP again told the media without prior consultation with PKR that Baru Bian has been nominated as the candidate for the chief minister’s post should Pakatan take over.

As it turned out DAP did better than PKR in the state polls and its state chief Wong was eventually named the state opposition leader.

Baru is PKR’s Sarawak chief and won the Ba’Kelalan state seat, one of only three seats won by PKR. He was present at today’s press conference.

Anwar said that any decision made on the shadow cabinet issue must first receive the approval at the state and central levels.

“The consensus must come from negotiations at the state and central levels. We are still discussing that,” he said.

Both PKR and DAP have denied any split between them. The Sarawak election results that saw Pakatan more than doubled their seats were attributed to the strong cooperation between the component parties.

The DAP won 13 seats. It had only won 5 in the last elections while PKR added two.

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid


  1. Better consult with the other parties first before doing anything.

  2. PR di Sarawak nampak tidak bersatu..

  3. jika mereka tidak bersatu maka, itu hanya menampakkan kelemahan mereka sendiri.

  4. Best is to consult first.

  5. Hopefully the best decision will be made regarding this matter.

  6. PR Sarawak mcm ada masalah ja.

  7. Pandai-pandailah rakyat Sarawak menilai.

  8. Apa yang saya lihat parti ini memang tidak dapat pergi jauh. Kerana parti ini lebih banyak mencari kesalahan parti lain dari berkhidmat untuk rakyat.

  9. Rakyat juga berfikir dua kali adakah ingin meletakkan PKR diatas atau tidak.

  10. Memang ada masalah, kerana PKR tidak menang besar. Yang menang besar ialah DAP.

  11. awal2 lagi sudah bergaduh pasal kerusi.. mana ada sefahaman begitu. persefahaman mereka hanya di media, di luar media masing2 buat kerja sendiri..

  12. They should solve their problem professionally.

  13. DAP sering bertindak tanpa kerjasama dan perbincangan dengan parti komponen Pakatan yang lain.better DAP stand alone.
