"In the interest of PR, we, together with our coalition partners and others who view BN as their enemy, will join forces and ensure a one-on-one battle with BN with the hope of toppling the ruling coalition.
"This is our common initiative and we are working hard towards achieving this most important initiative," she said.Fuziah said this to reporters after PKR President Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail chaired a meeting with the party's main Sabah committee and division heads at its headciuarters here, Friday.
"If SAPP also wants put down BN, then we will join forces to topple the ruling coalition.
"Our negotiation panel will talk to PR frrst and PR will talk to the rest (including SAPP). We will not independently approach the rest, in the spirit of PR.
"Our panel will sit down with PR and once the negotiation is completed, we will open up to the rest as PR and not as an individual party.
"That is why in the meeting today we have agreed to appoint a panel ofnegotiators," Fuziah said.
In this respect, Wan Azizah said they decided to have a panel ofthree people to represent the party in the negotiation of seats in Sabah in respect of Muslim, KadazanDusun and Chinese seats.
"The negotiation team will have three people but the panel will have over six members. I have been given the mandate to choose the three people based on the feedback from the party leaders here.
"I will announce the names of the three people in the next few days in Kuala Lumpur," she said.
Wan Azizah said they would also fine-tune "Buku JinggaSabah" and has appointed PKR Kota Belud divisional head, Saidil Simon, as director of the Buku Jingga Sabah.
By Hayati Dzulkifli (DE)
Pakatan Sabah must be ready and double or even triple its efforts to fight BN.I fully agree that it should be one-on-one between Pakatan and BN.For this reason SAPP must be approached for negotiations on the seats betweeen them.Its winning that matters and not ego or anything else.There should not be any conundrums with the rakyat for Pakatan should be seen as sure and united in its efforts to win as many seats as possible in Sabah.Toppling BN in Sabah is not an easy task especially in the bumiputra Islam majority areas for these people are very much hooked to UMNO.To them UMNO is like God and God is UMNO.Their leaders too will be full of cash to win as many voters as possible.This is the story of Sabah.For 50 ringgit they will adore you like God and it so happens UMNO has so many 50 ringgits.
ReplyDeleteThe people will no longer listen to issues,problems and the background of candidates.They are secondary.Importantly you have what they want and each time they stand next to you please beware if you do not have the bucks.
I do not know much about the strength of PBS but suffice on the information that Pairin is a 'lameduck' leader.I even heard that he can be pushed around by Musa anytime he likes.He even say yes to Musa when his project originally given to him but withdrawn later and given to Musa UMNO crony.He did not even has the guts to stand up on matters of principle.I pity PBS members and supporters for such leadership in the party.
Other members of BN in Sabah I bid farewell.This is your last term.
Dimana sudah Thamrin, Datuk James Ghani, Datuk John Ghani. Datuk Kong Hon Ming, Awang Tengah, Hamzah dan sebagainya?
ReplyDeletenah, ada lagi, mana dah orang baru Karim Ghani??
ReplyDeleteKarim ghani an umno goon joined PKR in order to break all the oppositions. PKR got alot of such trojan horse.
ReplyDeleteWhere are all the ketua Cabang......who are these people.....Mind you PKR is a National Party with this image... shameful. Otherwise it shows Sabahan no longer trust the Leaders from Malaya.Supporting PKR IS JUST LIKE SUPPORTING UMNO.so don't trust them be like Sarawak we have the right as enshrined in Malaysian Agreement 1963. On the basis of 20pt...WE PARTNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSatu lagi, dimana Darel Leikin? Kan dia timbalan setiausaha agung? No respect kalau dia tak hadir sama kak presiden, kan?
ReplyDeleteoh ya, mana sudah Kalakau? What is happening in PKR? dah ikut KITA Zaid?
The president of National Party........ taken photo secession after meeting in PKR's HQ......aduh...aduh....aduhi....KASIHAN !!!!!! tokkoi...mahu cakap besar lagi....PKR di Sabah tinggal BANGKAI loh!!!!!...drp sokong Pkr bagus pangkah SAPP.... TENTU2LAH
ReplyDeleteMungkin penebuhan RANTING sahaja tu!!!!! untuk bersaing dengan UMNO di KG. SUGUD pENAMPANG....yang ada 1000 ahli UMNO baru....
ReplyDeleteMungkin mereka 'time break' pergi minum kopi kat restoran India.
ReplyDeleteSAPP also serious in one to one fight with BN...so what is PKR talking about???
ReplyDeletePakatan is not much different from BN...they look down on East Malaysians ie. Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteAre we Sabahans in the case, going to kowtow to them??????
Itu lah dulu PBS jadi kerajaan dan Pairin jadi KM orang melayu kena tindas yang naik lain bangsa.Orang melayu dibawah PBS kena aisbok dalam kerajaan jadi UMNO masuk Sabah terpaksa lah melayu sokong.Ingat bagus tapi apabila Musa jadi KM penyakit lama berulang kerana banyak rasuah.Jangan percaya UMNO dibawah Musa Aman.
ReplyDeletePakatan should wake up and don't look down on local parties..they backstabbed Snap in Sarawak, they backstabbed Sapp in Batu Sapi and now they talk of one to one.
ReplyDeleteSelamat berjuang.
ReplyDeletePelbagai masalah yang berlaku dalam PKR Sabah sebelum ini. tunggu dan lihat sama ada mereka berubah atau masih macam dulu.
ReplyDeletePKR juga perlulah memandang kelemahan diri dan berusaha menyelesaikan masalah dalaman mereka.
ReplyDeletePKR mula nak mengatur langkah untuk memperkukuh parti mereka. kita lihat bagaimana hasilnya nnti.
ReplyDeletenegotiate about seats in Sabah?? PKR as a greedy party will take all of the seats..
ReplyDeleteWahhh look like PR really want the Sabah seat for conquer it. But we still don't know the storng of PR for right now. But BN will do their best to protect the Sabah seat in GE13.
ReplyDeleteIN the end its all up to the people to vote for their preferable party..