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Friday, July 1, 2011

Bersih Rally can be made legal

The Bersih Rally is a non-issue at first place, which can be diffused without fanfare.

Demonstration like this can be made legal, what the Government should do is by letting Bersih Rally organizers adhere to the procedures instead of making a mountain out of a molehill.

There isn’t a need for the Prime Minister to say that UMNO can bring 3 million members for demonstration to counter Bersih Rally, which is scheduled on July 9.

As a responsible and sensitive Government, why not let people practice their democratic right, our Federal Constitution allows expression of freedom in this manner with intention no different than any other freedom found in democratic nations.

The Government should allow Bersih Rally to be held say, in Bukit Jalil Stadium or somewhere in Shah Alam where they can express themselves in the form permissible by law. Accord them with security measures like police on stand by, doesn’t require even FRU because every time FRU is deployed it intimidates not just those taking part in the demonstration but the general public at large.

Culture of tolerance should be natured not replaced by UMNO leaders saying the demonstration is illegal, yet its Youth and Perkasa to take part to counter Bersih doesn’t show maturity on the part of a political party, which has been governing the country for the last 50 years. This doesn’t show good example to younger generation.

A bit heavy handed reaction and exaggeration of the consequence of the Bersih Rally, civil commotion, financial losses in billions, take over the government and even revival of communism ... any sensible Malaysian wouldn't buy the idea. That is seen as a great mistake on the part of the government.

Declaring crime and illegal to wear yellow shirt bearing logo of Bersih makes it worse reminiscences of wearing long hair was illegal in Sabah in the 60s.

Responsible Malaysians don’t want to harm the country in fact the other way around. If only one notice the family background of Bersih Ambiga and other leaders have been an exemplary of Malaysians. It cannot be a threat.

By Amde Sidik, Deputy President of SAPP


  1. Salute and this writer's scripts tell us all that not all malaysian are so negative and it should show many good example for positive reforms to future Malaysia.
    Never wrongly exercise your power to blame colour or sensitive by not putting yourself in rakyat's position to think wisely.
    We are proud to have a real malaysian from Sabah at least!

  2. Can you tell me what this malaysian woman known as Ambiga S wish to serve her country?
    Look at the picture is clear and positive in the hearts of many malaysian women and gentlemen for any bad attempt to deny her role in the front!
    Lift her with your best hands.

  3. If Amde believes in the democratic rights of citizen then why did SAPP brand Sabahans who support other parties as traitors? Is the democratic rights of citizens exclusively belong to SAPP and not those from BN or Pakatan?

    Walk the talk and don't talk gimmicks.

    Of course when we talk of Bersih and Ambiga they are the manifestation of rights over wrongs.I believe they have a cause.All right thinking Malaysians therefore should wish them well and hopefully it is going to be a march for peace and harmony amongst people in this country.Their cause is commendable,credible and worthy of praise.

  4. SAPP never BLOCKS any Sabahan who wants to join or support other parties...but if they are really traitors, then we should brand them as traitors, so what ? Our Federal Constitution allows expression of freedom, but then, why the government declared crime and illegal to wear yellow shirt bearing the logo of Bersih ? and stops people who want to practice their democratic rights with arrest ?

  5. Blockhead,of course SAPP CANNOT block Sabahans who want to join or support other parties.Who doesn't know that? Even my father cannot stop me from joining any party I want nor the court or even Parliament.

    For your information the federal Constitution never mentions of any expression of freedom as mentioned by you but only freedom of expression.The two carries different meanings.Expression of freedom could be interpreted as wanting to be free from any link with the federal government and that is considered as treachery.The person who expressed freedom could be deemed a traitor to his country but not freedom of expression.Peoples support of any party of their choice comes under the ambit of freedom of expression,freedom to express their opinions,views and support.You are just a greenhorn,an amateur who does not know what you are writing about.Are you still on baby's milk?
