Yong who is also former Sabah Chief Minister said Najib have to apologise because Barisan Nasional Government had caused Sabah to become a poor state.
"Najib ought to apologise to the people of Sabah because we are one of the poorest state in Malaysia, we have bad road conditions, bad health facilities, flooded with illegal immigrants and no transportation subsidy," he said at the Gaya Street Sunday Market Fair, here.

Present at the fair,among othets were Deputy President cum Sepanggar Member of Parliament Datuk Eric Majimbun, Deputy President cum Likas Assemblyman Datuk Liew Teck Chan, Deputy President Amde Sidik, Treasurer General Dullie Marie, Secretary General Datuk Richard Yong,Wanita Chief cum Luyamg Assemblywoman Melanie Chia, Youth Chief Edward Dagul, Information Chief Chong Pit Fah and other party leaders.
Yong made the call following Najib's apology to the people at Baling Kedah.
Najib has extended an apology to the people on behalf of Barisan Nasional for mistakes that led voters to reject it at the last general election.
"We have learnt from the mistakes and we are sorry.
"The winners are sorry ... and the losers, too, are sorry," Najib said.
Najib said BN would make up by serving the people in the best way possible.
The voters' rejection of Barisan, such as in Kedah, was due to the mistakes made by the coalition, Najib said at a meet-the-people gathering at the Kuala Ketil public field.
"I believe we should not be arrogant. In a parliamentary democracy, we have to subject ourselves to the power of the people. We must have made mistakes for the people to have rejected us. We apologise for our past mistakes,"Najib said.

He said Federal Government also had abolished the tolls of two roads at Selangor valuing some RM83 million and gave subsidies to four highways concessionaries in West Malaysia totalling some RM287 million.
He said Sabah despite being ill treated were also getting poor conditions of roads statewide.
Yong went on saying that health facilities were still bad and there is no general hospital here.
He said Sabah were swarmed with illegal immigrants but the BN Federal Government has done nothing to solve the long standing problems.
According to him, Najib's failure to announce the setting up of the RCI during his recent visit here also made him obliged to apologise to the people of Sabah.
On whether SAPP would work together with the other opposition parties, Yong said talks with STAR, USNO and leaders of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) components like DAP and Keadilan are being made.
He said no concrete agreements have been reached.
He continued that SAPP had agreed that PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim be made Prime Minister once BN is defeated in the coming general election.
apa pula yang SAPP telah lakukan untuk membangunkan Sabah ketika menjadi kerajaan dahulu?rasanya tambah masalah ada la. lihat saja isu SAS.
ReplyDeleteYong yang seharusnya memohon maaf kepada rakyat Sabah kerana menjadi punca kejatuhan SAS.
DeleteYTL lebih tamak semasa dia menjadi CM. 2 Tahun saja. mesti la mahu kumpul duit banyak2 dan cepat2.
ReplyDeleteSemua rakyat ketawa SAPP kena bayar $1 juta.Ingat pandai.Padan muka.
ReplyDeleteKes SAS jatuh disebabkan anjing2 umno.
ReplyDeleteJika UMNO berani, sudah keluar kertas putih untuk siasat tetapi mereka takut sebab mereka tahu UMNO yang rasuah!
Nothing to be afraid of if there is no misdeeds.
DeleteYTL banyak tolong rakyat terutama bumiputra Sabah semasa dia jadi KM Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHanya pembelot pura2 tidak tahu dan suka buat fitnah.
Kes merampas tanah orang kampung hanya berlaku selepas umno musang bin tidak aman jadi KM Sabah sejak 2003.
Kamu orang tunggulah balasan dari rakyat!
Bukan saja begitu, YTL juga banyak bantu PATI, itulah kebanyakan PATI memanggil YTL sebgai Taiko masa itu. Jangan pura-pura tidak tahu.
DeleteSaya sebagai rakyat tidak ketawa sama Yong yang berani menyuarakan kebenaran?
ReplyDeleteSaya tetap sokong Yong sebab tiada pemimpin Sabah lagi yang berani memperjuangkan untuk hak2 rakyat Sabah.
Hanya pengkhianat Sabah ketawa sebab mereka sembah setan selama2nya.
Allah tahu siapa pembunuh double six!
Biarlah Allah yang menilai mereka yang terbabit dalam Trajedi Double Six bila dah sampai masanya.
DeleteAnwar Ibrahim merupakan pembantu Dr M masa Tragedi itu berlaku, mustahil Anwar tidak tahu apa yang berlaku.
Harap Tan Sri Harris adakan 'Open House' Hari Raya sebab sudah ada peruntukan $1 juta.Siapa kasi!Hidup UMNO!
ReplyDeletePasti ada Open House nanti, kita tunggulah dan lihat. 1 Juta ini seperti kacang bagi Yong Teck Lee.
Deletesekejap halau parti malaya sekejap mau sokong anwar jadi PM. baru kena 1 juta sudah kelam kabut.
ReplyDeleteItulah, sekejap sokong Anwar menjadi PM, selepas itu minta rakyat menolak parti Malaya. Mungkin SAPP bukan ikhlas bekerjasama dengan PR.
DeleteApologies are easy, but sincerity in changing their ways are more important to the people.
ReplyDeleteApa salahnya sukung parti dari Malaya?. Kitakan 1 Malaysia! Yang penting bukan UMNO yg memerintah Malaysia....Sial, sepa yang sukung UMNO/BN mimang sial.....babi anak HARAM!!!
ReplyDeleteKalau UMNO di panggil babi mungkin korang panggil YTL dan JK itu Imam yang sudah merasuk fikiran korang dengan kutbah mereka.
Deletestar sama sapp boleh sokong parti Malaya (PR) ka tu ya?? mungkin dorang sokong kalau ada jaminan YTL atau JK jadi KM Sabah..
Deletebagimana pula dengan dosa yang Yong pernah lakukan.. Baru 2 tahun sudah membuat dosa yang sangat besar kepada penduduk Sabah.
ReplyDeleteyup.. hanya 2 tahun dia mampu kumpul berjuta2 ringgit.. setakat saman 1 juta tu macam tiada ba tu..
DeleteDosa yang paling besar adalah umno musang bin tidak aman merampas tanah2 adat orang kampung.
DeleteKamu orang umno tunggulah ketulahan dan balasan dari rakyat Sabah!
Najib, No need to apologize, just die & go to hell...
ReplyDeleteYa...apalah gaji paling rendah diSabah lebih kurang dari siminanjung kah?RM 900 makan apa?
DeleteKami urang Sabah bukan dimonyet-monyetkan kami bayar cukai yang sama ba.
Semua montoli-montoli BN butul paling tdak guna otak pikir kesusahan urang Sabah.Pui...pui..pui ABU!
pemimpin2 sapp terutamanya ytl tidak ada dosa terhadap rakyat Sabah ka??
ReplyDeleteTidak pernah berlaku kes merampas tanah orang kampung dan hanya berlaku selepas umno musang bin tidak aman jadi KM Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia hanya berlaku di tangan musang bin tidak aman.
Sabah dibanjiri oleh PENDATANG HARAM dan hak2 pribumi Sabah dirampas oleh PTI disebabkan UMNO.
Banyak lagi jika saya mau tulis sampai satu beberapa hari pun tidak boleh habis dengan dosa2 syaitan umno ini.
macam mana la wujud rampasan tanah oleh kerajaan YTL jika rampasan yang dia buat itu dihalalkan oleh penyokong2nya.. seperkara lagi, bukankah YTL sendiri yang cakap, KM Sabah tidak mempunyai kuasa terhadap tanah??
ReplyDeletePeople in Sabah have experienced marked progress in terms of development and life quality after the state gained independence by joining the Federation to form Malaysia on Sept 16, 1963.
ReplyDeleteBefore, many in the state were living below the poverty line but now the situation has significantly changed with those categorised as poor and hardcore poor have been drastically reduced in their number.
DeleteBased on the Mid Term Review of the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP), the poverty rate in Sabah has dropped to 16 per cent as compared to 23.0 per cent in 2004.
DeleteAs for the hardcore poor in the state, their number has declined significantly to 3.7 per cent in 2007 as against 6.5 per cent in 2004.
DeleteThis marked drop in the poverty rate showed the state government's efforts and determination to resolve issues faced by the people particularly the lower income group who live in the rural areas and interiors of the state.
DeleteHence, it is no surpsrise that the Sabah government expected to completely eradicate the harcore poverty issue by the year 2020.
DeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has expressed his desires to see a balanced development throughout the country including Sabah and Sarawak.
DeleteTo ensure that this happens, one of the six NKRAs – Rural Basic Infrastructure (RBI) – of the GTP has been especially designed to ensure that adequate basic amenities are provided for the rural population.
DeleteDevelopment-wise, Najib said the country has witnessed the highest increase in terms of the construction of roads, supply of electricity and clean water as well as housing in the rural areas.
DeleteThe Prime Minister said the government has never neglected the needs of the rural people as it strives to ensure a balanced development throughout the nation.
DeleteBarisan Nasional (BN) will protect and safeguard the people’s welfare and needs will be fulfilled if it is returned to power in the next general election.
DeleteVarious aid including the 1Malaysia People’s Assistance (BR1M), were part of the BN extended to the people to ease the burden of the people and help them improve their family economy.
DeleteTime and time again BN had always been working in the best interest of the people in looking after their welfare.
DeleteRapid development under the BN administration would enable the people to unleash their potentials in the march towards a high-income nation.