In the past, I did not bother about political lies spread about me like the Saham Amanah Sabah (SAS issue, the approvals of the 65,000 acres Begaraya land in Pitas and the Tanjong Aru Government Quarters land to private companies. In the internet and coffee shops, lies were spread against me for so long that the lies were taken as complete truths. But as wisdom goes, real gold is not afraid of fire and paper cannot cover fire.
So, now, finally we are beginning to see the end of the falsehood about SAS against me even though the BN government and their PBS cohorts refuse to reveal the truths to the people. The people who know the truths about SAS are still in Sabah State Cabinet. For instance, Deputy Chief Minster Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai is guilty of cover up, lies and misleading the people. I have said this several times and Dr. Yee never denied his guilt. If he does deny, then he should sue me for calling him a big liar.
The high profile contests by villagers over the Begaraya land have led to the government revealing that the approval for the Begaraya land was given on 19 March 1996; two months before I became Chief Minister under the CM rotation system at the time. Then, recently, a court case has allowed the exposure that the Tanjong Aru land approval to a private company was given on 25 May 1996, two days before I became CM on 28 May 1996. I do not wish to speculate on the timing and urgency of the approvals by my precedessor, before the power to approval was transferred to Cabinet on 17 June 1996.
Today, in a local newspapers, another ex-Chief Minster, Datuk Harris Mohd. Salleh, said that "Sabah Foundation Shares were taken away by the Barisan Nasional State Government. Datuk Yong Teck Lee was the then Chief Minister," Datuk Harris claimed.
In fact, the YS shares were withdrawn by the PBS administration in 1990 just prior to the State elections that year when YS shares were replaced by the Amanah Rakyat Negeri Sabah (ARNS). I now produce the book published by Datuk Harris in 1996 whereby Datuk Harris wrote that it was the PBS government who withdrew the (YS) share certificates.
This fact was stated three times in the same book. So, Datuk Harris cannot claim that he is not aware that it was not me, as Chief Minster from 28 May 1996 to 27 May 1998, but it was PBS, in 1990, who withdrew the YS Shares. At the time, before the State elections of 1990, I was an assistant minister, not even a full cabinet minister.
This fact was stated three times in the same book. So, Datuk Harris cannot claim that he is not aware that it was not me, as Chief Minster from 28 May 1996 to 27 May 1998, but it was PBS, in 1990, who withdrew the YS Shares. At the time, before the State elections of 1990, I was an assistant minister, not even a full cabinet minister.
Ask why did Harris made such statement, he said he could have been mistaken.
In the case of ARNS, it was a new Fund set up under the Amanah Rakyat Negeri Sabah Enactment 1990, passed by the Legislative Assembly on 15 March 1990 and assented to by the TYT on 31 March 1990. It was this ARNS that disbursed the RM200 to each YS beneficiary using the Yayasan Sabah management and network.
For the information of the public, the accounts of the ARNS distribution of RM200 per head, the accounts could not be audited. As far as I can recall, the Cabinet in about 1997 (when I was CM) was informed that there were audit queries over missing monies and possible fraudulent payments to unqualified or non-existent persons.
For the information of the public, the accounts of the ARNS distribution of RM200 per head, the accounts could not be audited. As far as I can recall, the Cabinet in about 1997 (when I was CM) was informed that there were audit queries over missing monies and possible fraudulent payments to unqualified or non-existent persons.
Datuk Yong Teck Lee, Chief Minister 28 May 1996 to 27 May 1998
Hope soon the Truth will be revealed and those who have done wrong will then be judged!!!
ReplyDeleteThis statement strongly nailed those SAPP slanderers on the wall die standing!
ReplyDeleteThis is just a denial.You can hear a lot of them in court everyday where an accused pleads not guilty to a crime he commits.At the end of the trial he still goes to jail.
ReplyDeleteYou know one thing about YTL that irks me is he wants to potray himself to Sabahans as Mr Clean.I doubt that very much.He should come clean and declare that he was never corrupted or accepts a single cent when he was CM.I challenge him to do that if only to earn my respect but not my vote.
Why not ask the other YBs who never accept a single cent including yourself ...Anonymous? Well, clean or not clean is not the factor...it is the factor what is not right should not be said not right.
ReplyDeleteHarris the devil as I see him is so old and kept coming back to haunt the people of Sabah with his inconsistent views. Drop dead would be better...live your life to the fullest for the final moments.
ReplyDeleteYong Teck Lee should not pretend he is not involved in the SAS debacle.
ReplyDeleteLook in the mirror before you point your fingers at others, Yong Teck Lee.
ReplyDeleteKegagalan SAS memang berkait dengan Yong, kenapa pula Yong menafikannya?
ReplyDelete"I had asked YS management to lodge police reports. Whatever is the status of the ARNS and YS Share certificates today, I trust that the current administration can satisfy public curiosity. I can only answer for things done by me as Chief Minister."
ReplyDeleteBetul katanya, jika ada bukti, buat laporan polis untuk membuat siasatan.
Everyone has their own statement, only them know well what is happening. Just go ahead with SPRM investigation, Im sure the truth can be revealed.
ReplyDelete"For the information of the public, the accounts of the ARNS distribution of RM200 per head, the accounts could not be audited. As far as I can recall, the Cabinet in about 1997 (when I was CM) was informed that there were audit queries over missing monies and possible fraudulent payments to unqualified or non-existent persons."
ReplyDeleteProve it with valid evidence. The people has their right to know what is happening particularly misuse of people money.
Yong should admitted his mistakes in SAS matter.
ReplyDeleteWow! So many slanderers here to accuse SAPP and you guys to speak with forged tongue, huh.
ReplyDeleteIn order to solve the SAS issue, why you guys got no gut to issue WHITE PAPER to reveal the truth beside slandering against SAPP?
We Rakyat are waiting for the past 14 years!!!!!
Khairul said...
ReplyDeleteProve it with valid evidence. The people has their right to know what is happening particularly misuse of people money.
All these hanky panky transactions were protected under Official Secret Act (OSA) and only the current government can reveal it. What is Barisan Najis doing all this while?
You think we Rakyat are FOOL like you, khairul? Hell?
Musang is the WORST CM in Sabah history and made Sabah the POOREST in Malaysia which is FACT!
ReplyDeleteMusang should be charged for treason and God is fair and the Truth will be Revealed oneday!
yidak perlu menafikan lagi..suda terang2 YTL yg salah..
ReplyDeleteMay the best man win and the loser remain the same!!!!
ReplyDeletekeep on battling but in the end the choices is in the hands of the people.
ReplyDeletePlease go ahead with "white paper".
ReplyDeleteKalau ada bukti, tedah dan serahkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk membuat siasatan.
ReplyDeleteWho is the big liar? Let the people judge themself.
ReplyDeleteSame story.. why refuse white paper if it sowrk to find out the root of the issues?
ReplyDelete"there were audit queries over missing monies and possible fraudulent payments to unqualified or non-existent person"
ReplyDeleteKenapa ini terjadi? Siapa kah yang harus bertanggung jawab terhadap salah guna kuasa dan duit rakyat?
bukan ka YTL KM pada masa tu.
ReplyDeletelebih baik siasat perkara ni baru semua pihak puas hati.
ReplyDeletekelly said...
ReplyDeleteyidak perlu menafikan lagi..suda terang2 YTL yg salah..
Cuba kamu sumpah laknat kepada ALLAHku kamu tidak bercakap bohong untuk buktikan tuduhan fitnah kamu adalah betul terhadap YTL?
Kamu sembah setan ke ape?
YTL ni cuba berlakon dan cuba pula ambil watak hero tapi malangnya dialah 'penyamun tarbus' oops salah.......maksud saya 'penyamun kilat'oops tersasul.....kilat mana pula.....kilat kepala!
ReplyDeletebuat apa mau bersumpah untuk YTL...maybe dia yg sembah setan kali ne...
ReplyDeleteLina, kenapa takut sangat bersumpah laknat dengan ALLAH jika kamu bukan berfitnah?
ReplyDeleteAku suruh kamu bersumpah pasal tuduhan kamu yang palsu.
Kesian sama ibu bapa kamu ada seorang anak yang sembah setan.
YTL is the sabah CM on that time...
ReplyDeleteso he should be responsible...why he keep blaming others?
ReplyDeletepeople do not trust YTL anymore...he is lack in leadership and accountability as leader...better SAPP get rid of him..he is now a liability to SAPP..keep in mind, GE13 is around the corner.
ReplyDeletewhy SAPP still keep YTL as its president? Yong has too many personal issues such as SAS issue..this will give bad effect to party..SAPP should replace YTL..seek for better leader..
ReplyDeletei don't think SAPP will win even a seat in the next GE as long as YTL still the SAPP president...from what i see, Yong is just a liability to SAPP..
ReplyDeleteYTL is definitely a liability to SAPP especially after he was defeated in Batu Sapi by-election.
ReplyDeleteIt means Sabahans don't like him.Can't he gets it into his bald head.
Kita tunggulah dan lihat sama ada SAPP akan mendapat sokongan daripada rakyat.
ReplyDeleteRakyat paling jelas parti mana yang terbaik untuk mereka, undilah dengan bijaksana.
ReplyDeleteYTL is simply better than any party import from malaya puppets in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabah DAP consisted with a bunch of FAKE PHD holder, FAKE Sijil Anak Negeri, FAKE Sir Wong and what integrity Sabah PR is talking about?
Anwar was a liability to PR because he was involved in PROJECT IC during PBS took over Berjaya government and imported all the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to flood Sabah when he was Deputy Prime Minister.
Musa is the WORST CM in Sabah history to make Sabah to be the POOREST state in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteMusa jobs is to steal and rob the poor Sabah native lands for the past 9 years.
If YTL is guilty in SAS, why BN so afraid to issue WHITE PAPER to tell the truth instead of merely slandering in press?
ReplyDeleteSAPP has made many police and MACC report to ask to investigate the SAS issue but why no action until today?
Only those opportunists from Sabah PR and hypocrites from BN will take this advantage to speak with forged tongue to spread lies against YTL as they knew SAPP is getting more and more support by the Sabah people.
Politic itself is full of lies and corruption. Who to be believed?
ReplyDeleteBanyak rahsia sesama ahli politik ini, apatah lagi bila pernah bersama-sama dalam satu parti. Susah mahu jatuhkan antara satu sama lain.
ReplyDeleteWe will see whether Yong is still needed in Sabah's politic or not in this coming GE.
ReplyDeleteMasih boleh pakaikah apa yang Harris cakap?
ReplyDeleteMay the truth be revealed one day. Let us see who will going down.
ReplyDeletewho chief minister during that day? YTL or YMC?? who have the power as chief minister and who should responsible for inefficiency and ineffectiveness of state government administration at that time?
ReplyDeleteDuring Asia Financial Crisis, None of the Asia country stock could maintained their stock prices including KLSE dropped to the LOWEST in Malaysia history which is 279 points.
ReplyDeleteWhy no one attack Amanah Saham Selangor, Johor, Melaka and etc ???
Why SAS price remained stagnant for the past 14 years after 1997?
Is Musa SLEEPING in his job or what?
If BN sincerely want to reveal the truth, why not issue White Paper?
It has proven all the BN and PR crooks with evil intention merely want to do slandering against the local Sabah opposition SAPP because SAPP is getting stronger each day!
BN and PR are worrying of the strength of SAPP!
perkara ini sepatutnya ditimbulkan dan diselesaikan tidak lama dahulu.
ReplyDeleteyong mmg pandai berdolak dalik, dia manipulasi keadaan pula.
ReplyDeletehakikatnya Yong yng harus bertanggungjawab.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the truth of this issue but God knows. may the truth revealed someday.
ReplyDeleteNever ending debate over this issue !! who is the culprit behind all these ? The truth will prevail one day.
ReplyDeleteMasalah kemiskinan di Sabah kita tidak boleh salahkan Datuk Musa. Cuba kamu fikir sebelum Datuk Musa adakah rakyat Sabah kaya raya?? Tidak..Tapi setelah pemerintahan Datuk Musa baru orang heboh-hebohkan sedangkan perkara ini sudah lama berlaku. Ini cuma cara pihak lain mencari kesalahan orang kerana sukar untuk mencarinya. Maka pelbagai isu dijadikan untuk memburukkan pemerintahan beliau.
ReplyDeleteTerpulang dengan fikiran dan pandangan rakyat terhadap SAPP itu sendiri. Kalau setakat cakap-cakap kosong rasanya tidak ada guna juga. Lapor sana, lapor sini tapi tidak ada kebaikan untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeleteMungkin YTL perlulah memperbaiki cara pengurusan beliau. Sejarah dahulu pasti akan menjadi punca sokongan rakyat kurang kepada YTL. Jadi rasanya YTL perlulah berehat dari dunia politik. Berikan kepada ahli lain.
ReplyDeleteBN Sabah perlulah memberikan lebih banyak peluang kepada parti komponen tempatan untuk menduduki kerusi pada PRU13 nanti. Semoga kerajaan akan terus menunjukkan prestasi yang baik dalam pentadbiran dan pengurusan.
ReplyDeleteHanroizin has left a new comment on your post "Yong: Political lies were taken as complete truth":
ReplyDeleteMasalah kemiskinan di Sabah kita tidak boleh salahkan Datuk Musa. Cuba kamu fikir sebelum Datuk Musa adakah rakyat Sabah kaya raya?? Tidak..Tapi setelah pemerintahan Datuk Musa baru orang heboh-hebohkan sedangkan perkara ini sudah lama berlaku
Bermaksud kamu Musang bin tidak aman selama 9 tahun sebagai KM Sabah tidur dalam kerjanya. kekekekeke
SAPP semakin disabut baik oleh rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteTidak mustahil parti malaya umno dan PR terus serang SAPP sebab mereka takut kekuatan SAPP.
SAS has made a mistake?
ReplyDeleteLet's wait and see
ReplyDeletesome commentators here can be seen due to personal vendettas against YTL. That make it more awkward and stupid IN THEIR COMMENTS. pathetic
ReplyDeleteNo personal vendettas against YTL.He is just not the right leader we can trust.Batu Sapi people know that better and they passed their judgement in the by-election.Why can't we follow?Aren't they Sabahans too?
ReplyDeleteI hope Sabah have few more leadaers like YTL who have the courage to face issues and fight for Sabah. The giants from BN and Pakatan joined force used maximum fire tried to kill off YTL and Sabah party SAPP on Batu Savage but they hv failed .
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing to see in the face and eyes of YTL except the head and thats why people don't support him and SAPP.
ReplyDeletesebagai KM pada masa tersebut YTL memang patut dipertanggungjawabkan.
ReplyDeletesetiap pihak ada hujah mereka masing-masing. jadi setiap rakyat pandai-pandailah menilai.
ReplyDeleteYTL sendiri juga menyebarkan pelbagai pembohongan.
ReplyDeleteketika kejadian itu, YTL yg menjadi ketua menteri...ssh rakyat untuk percaya kata2 beliau...
ReplyDeleteLebih baik beliau jangan banyak cakap..nnti tambah rakyat tidak percaya cakap2 beliau...
ReplyDeletewalaubagaimana pun, biar rakyat yg menilai mna baik dan mana buruk..
ReplyDeletejika YTL salah, kenapa BN tidak tangkap dia? Kenapa hanya buat tuduhan fitnah saja?
ReplyDeleteAku parcaya sama YTL tidak salah kali nie. UMNO lah yang kuat makan RASUAH!
Allahku tahu.
kenapakah kita tutup mata dengan penyeraan Labauan. Memberi minyak kita kepada KL...memberi tanah2 kita terbesar kepada syrikat Mlaya Felda, Yayasan Melaka, Fekra etc. Kepada orang Sabah yang otaknya dilutut...tolong jelaskan. Jangan kerana politik semata2. Apa kita anak sabah sudah buta...otak kita diracun sehingga kita tidak dapat berbuat apa2 ....hanya melihat hak asasi kita diangkat dihadapan mata kita. Pemimpin BN ynag ada sekarang ini hanya pandai berpura2 dibuat perkakas olih Umno.
ReplyDeleteyang pandai berbohong rakyat sabah sendiri....pandai2 pintar kerana kepentingan perbadi. Saya tadi di pekan ranau minum kopi...ramai kata orang sabah sendiri ynag sangat suka diperbodohkan....ada kata orang sabah ini ada yang otak kambing.....ada juga kata orang kita ini memang banyak gila fasal duit....ada yang kat asalkan dapat minum dan mambauk cukuplah. Inilah separuh komen yang saya nampak disini. Cucu saya masih kecil dan keluuar air mata saya apa akan terjdi bila saya sudah mati.
ReplyDeletePolitik jugalah paling menakutkan.. Masing-masing berbalas tembakan... hhmmm..
ReplyDeleteDalam perkara ini, entah siapa betul siapa yang cakap bohong... Cara terbaik, rakyat kenalah matang dalam membuat penilaian.
ReplyDeleteumno mesti dihancurkan. umno adalah setan yang membawa masuk PATi untuk membajiri Sabah.
ReplyDeletehanya pembelot masih sokong umno sebab orang ini tiada maruah.
Logiknya, sebagai KM time tu memanglah YTL patut dipertanggungjawabkan... Tapi entahlah hanya yang terlibat saja tahu hal sebenar.
ReplyDeleteSekarang ini, keputusan rakyat adalah penentu segalanya.
ReplyDeleteSemoga next GE akan menjanjikan sesuatu yang lebih baik utk masa depan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteLogiknya BURSA malaysia jatuh medadak dalam 1997 ke 279 points dan paling teruk dalam sejarah malaysia, UMNO dan ketua PKR Anwar mesti bertanggungjawab.
ReplyDeleteLogik juga musa mesti dipecat yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia!
setakat ini, pihak kerajaan Sabah hanya berdiam diri tanpa memberi kenyataan mereka mengenai isu SAS ini
ReplyDeletepastinya ada pihak yang temberang...kita nantikan sahaja keputusan umum..
ReplyDeleteyang terlibat/tertuduh, masing-masing mempunyai pendirian sendiri, kita tunggu dan lihat keputusan seterusnya
ReplyDeleteitupun jikalau ada penyelesaian dalam isu ini..
ReplyDeletedan juga jika pihak kerajaan berani menerima cabaran
ReplyDeleteBerapa gaji itu kamu dapat untuk memburuk-burukan YTL?
ReplyDeleteApa yang yang kamu sibuk sibuk attack SAPP cuma menbuktikan kamu itu takut kehilangan kuasa.