By Clara Chooi
The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has insisted to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) that Sabah-based parties must contest the majority of seats in the state legislative assembly, saying this was in keeping with the Borneo state’s right to autonomy as enshrined in the 1963 Malaysia Agreement.
Repeating his refrain, SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee said his party was willing to relent to PR contesting a majority of the state’s federal seats, allowing the federal opposition pact its dream to claim power in Putrajaya.
But administrative power over the state must stay in the hands of parties with roots in Sabah, the former Sabah chief minister insisted, saying that to achieve this, the state-federal seat ratio should follow his party’s formula.
There are 60 state and 25 federal seats in the east Malaysian state of Sabah, often referred to as Barisan Nasional’s (BN) “fixed deposit” together with neighbouring Sarawak.
“We have stated that this GE13 is about restoring the autonomy of Sabah (and Sarawak) as promised in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the spirit of the formation of Malaysia.
“The Kuching Declaration that says that Sabah, Sarawak have equal status as Malaya is relevant,” Yong wrote in an email to The Malaysian Insider here yesterday.
The outspoken politician was referring to the recent declaration announced and adopted by PR’s DAP, PKR and PAS during the September 16 Malaysia Day celebrations at Chonglin Park in Kuching, Sarawak.
Key among the seven-point declaration was a pledge to restore the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement and the position of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners within Malaysia, “by restoring autonomy to Sarawak and Sabah within the framework of the Federal Constitution”.
“Consistent with these promises and principles, local parties should contest a majority of state seats, and PR can contest a majority of MP seats,” Yong pointed out.
The opposition front in Sabah is a crowded one and in the months leading up to the coming 13th general election, all players have been scrambling for their share of the state’s 60 state seats up for grabs.
PR, the opposition pact that was formed in the peninsula after BN suffered significant losses in Election 2008, has set its sights on toppling the ruling pact from its Sabah bastion.
But Sabah residents are said to have grown more communal over the years, with opposition politicians in the land below the wind often blaring the “Sabah for Sabahans” war cry, fuelling the already deep-rooted anti-Malaya sentiment felt by locals there.
Like SAPP, another party ― the State Reform Party (STAR) ― led by political maverick Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, also believes that administrative power over the state must be retained with Sabahans.
Both PR and SAPP have yet to make inroads in seat negotiations with Kitingan, who insists on fielding his own in the majority or all of the state’s 60 seats.
But with SAPP adamant on contesting the lion’s share and PR unwilling to concede to this request, it appears that it will likely be a fractured opposition front that will face political giant BN for the Sabah contest in the coming polls.
The Malaysian Insider reported yesterday that seat talks between PR and SAPP have come to temporary halt, according to PR ally Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing.
Yong did not dispute this, only saying that his party was waiting for PR to decide on its own seat sharing formula among its three parties, Bumburing’s Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) and Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin’s Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS).
Both Bumburing and Lajim were former strongmen in Sabah BN but left their respective parties UPKO and Umno last year to form the two PR-friendly political movements.
“We are waiting for PR or PKR to make their formula official and to announce it because we are accountable not only to our parties but also to the rakyat.
“We would also like to know the formula for Sarawak and for Malaya,” Yong said.
He also refused to reveal the number of seats that SAPP would be willing to concede to PR, only saying, “This depends on the formula of PR.”
Yong would also not confirm or deny the possibility of his party standing against PR’s candidates or collaborating with Jeffrey’s STAR for the coming contest.
“Answers depend on the outcome of PR’s formula. Thank you,” was his only reply.
Should Yong’s SAPP contest against PR, it would be the second time since 2008 that both sides entered a collision course on seat talks.
In November 2010, Yong himself stood in a three-cornered fight against PKR’s Ansari Abdullah and BN’s Datin Linda Yong Tsen Lin for the Batu Sapi by-election contest.
But Yong, despite his campaign plea urging Sabahans to root for a local party, had then emerged third in the contest.
At the time, the former Sabah chief minister had reminded voters that the issue of autonomy in Sabah had been one of the main contributing factors in the Malaysia agreement on July 9, 1963.
He had referred repeatedly to one of the points made by the Cobbold Commission or the Commission of Enquiry led by former Bank of England Governor Lord Cobbold in 1962.
The commission was formed to determine if the people of Sabah, then known as North Borneo, and Sarawak supported the proposal to create a Malaysia, comprising the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak.
The commission was also responsible for the drafting of the Constitution of Malaysia prior to the country’s formation on September 16, 1963.
In the commission’s report, Lord Cobbold had explained that the commission members were supportive of the formation of Malaysia and that he “strongly endorsed” it as it was a “workable” project that would be in the best interests of the Borneo territories and vice-versa for the Federation of Malaya.
In Election 2008, BN lost its customary two-thirds parliamentary majority largely due to significant losses in the peninsula, where it won just 85 seats while the opposition swept 80 seats.
BN’s saving grace was in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan where the coalition trounced the opposition and made a near-clean sweep, winning 55 parliamentary seats to the opposition’s two.
Why can't SAPP stand on their own and shut up.Why is this seemingly begging from Pakatan?If SAPP has no confident in winning any seat on their own then I suggest YTL steps down or withdraw from contesting.He lost in Batu Sapi and knows that even the combined votes of SAPP and Pakatan was not able to overcome the total votes of BN.Never mind that but why is he stooping so low and barking at the wall that it separating them from Pakatan?C'mon YTL loser be a man and win or lose SAPP must have some integrity left than having it thrown down the drains by its own boss by the name of YTL.
ReplyDeletewell, as we know, YTL is a liability to SAPP...i wonder why SAPP still kept YTL?
DeleteBetul..Sokong sangat-sangat anak petagas dan Petrus Pius.
DeleteApa yang kita tahu juga sememangnya YTL ini satu liabiliti untuk parti SAPP. Persoalan timbul kenapa dia terus dipertahankan? Sebaiknya perlu diganti sudah.
DeleteSetelah kegagalan yang YTL berikan semasa pemerintahannya itu sepatutnya menjadi pengajaran kepada ahli parti.
DeleteTidak patut disokong pun orang seperti ini sebenarnya. Sebaiknya perlu diganti dengan individu yang bersih dan boleh dipercayai untuk memimpin bukannya seperti YTL ini.
DeleteSebagai seorang calon kita seharusnya melihat dari latar belakangnya juga. Seperti YTL yang telah menyebabkan SAS rugi besar. Jika dilihat ini satu berita buruk. Rakyat Sabah pasti akan kurang keyakinan dengan individu seperti ini lagi. Jadi adakah SAPP boleh menang jika mempunyai pemimpin yang liabiliti kepada parti .
DeleteYTL hanya menggunakan SAPP utntuk tujuan peribadi beliau.
DeleteOh yes!A friend just called me and I told him about what I just commented.We discussed and what giggled me was when he said YTL is like a playboy where no girls trust in going out and having a date with him because of the fact that he had been seen wooing and dating other girls and later on after several dates threw them out.This reputation has been built for so long that anyone would think not twice,not thrice but umpteen times and still giving the negative answers.
ReplyDeleteHey anak Petagas of BN, just shut your dirty shitty mouth .... Wait till State Elections close in this April, you will really eat more shit that you cannot even talk or laugh anymore !!! The end is near for BN !!!
ReplyDeleteIt makes one sit back and ponder the reason why SAPP is still standing even it has no real support.It makes you wonder why many members including some senior leaders are already leaving the party of which the most recent one was its vice-head.It must have been a first omen of more bad things to come.I am not saying SAPP will totally be disintegrated before or after the election because some leaders may still be around with the exception of course its members who will be swamping the winning BN parties and begging to join in.SAPP has no solid members support but worst still peoples support.It is living in a dreamland of false fantasies.Members and supporters are being hoodwinked into believing that it will prevail in the coming GE being the only reason of its continued survival because its supporters are being falsely led into a wild dream orientation that YTL will sit in the CM chair.Falsehood begets falsehood and lies.What agenda does SAPP has to justify its existence except to boost the livelihood of its few representatives who won only with BN support.The day where they will walk the fields as YBs are numbered and come GE13 they will be no more the SAPP Ybs for the party will collapse beneath the strength of UMNO/BN.Thats the day when YTL really knows the real quality of his 'product'.
DeleteUMNO BN and its followers have no place in Sabah or Sarawak as it is an illegal foreign colonising power installed by the British in 1963.
After 50 years of occupying our land, stealing our resources and impoverishing us, any local party including SAPP is a million times more appealing than the corrupt and deceitful UMNO BN and local traitors.
Go and read Wilfred Gaban's treatise on "Why SAPP must form the next government of Sabah". He sets outs clearly the history of how Malaya colonised Sabah (on the same token Sarawak). OR Vidal Weil's "In Whose Hands lies Sabah Destiny?"
We all have our gutsful of UMNO BN apartheid colonialism and it is time we unite regardless of our politics religion or race to throw out the foreign rulers and take back our country and independence!
I challenge any opposition supporters to refute my points apart from lauding their war cry and emotional outbursts that are plated with sensitivities and aimed at dividing the nation and communities.Hidup 1Malaysia!
DeleteWith GE13 barely weeks away, the nation is entering a sensitive phase, with a desperate Opposition who some fear will force its will on the nation through street protests if it loses the election.
ReplyDeleteIn a detailed blog posting, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad explained that Pakatan Rakyat could claim the election was "dirty" if it loses, with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim then trying to bring down the democratically elected government "through massive daily demonstration on a scale never seen in Malaysia before."
ReplyDelete"In Australia it is reported that Anwar promised to engineer an Arab Spring in Malaysia," Dr M wrote
ReplyDelete"Malaysia has developed well because of its stability and peaceful environment. Anwar knows the damage he can cause Malaysia's economy with his massive demonstrations. Malaysians may be persuaded to vote for his party in order to avoid suffering economically from the demonstrations.
ReplyDelete"It would be a sad day indeed for Malaysia if this kind of threats are made to win elections," he added.
ReplyDeleteThe former Prime Minister pointed out that Malaysia's elections have been generally clean. After all, in 2008 "the Opposition actually won in five states one Federal Territory and prevented the BN from getting a two-thirds majority in Parliament."
ReplyDelete"In several instances the BN lost by less than 200 votes. Surely if the BN cheated it could have easily changed the results.
ReplyDelete"The claim that the elections in Malaysia are not clean and the holding of Bersih demonstrations are obviously preparation for accusing the BN Government of dirty election should the opposition lose," Dr M warned.
ReplyDeleteThe 87-year old may have left office a decade ago, but he remains widely respected across the nation. In his detailed dissection of "Anwar's Promise", the former Prime Minister pointed out that "Anwar's warning of Arab Spring type of demonstrations in Malaysia must be taken seriously because he has in the past shown himself a master of this form of agitation."
ReplyDeleteAccording to Dr M, after Anwar joined the government in the 1980s, there was no serious demonstration for 16 years, but this changed once he was sacked in 1998. What followed were weekly demonstrations, often with the same participants, often attacking police.
ReplyDelete"His (Anwar's) obsession with becoming Prime Minister will drive him to create an 'Arab Spring' so that his ambition would become a reality. To him, it does not matter if the country is destabilised and regresses economically as long as he gets to be Prime Minister," Dr M noted.
ReplyDeleteThis is a timely warning for the nation as it gears up for the general election. With Pakatan beset with squabbling leaders, no manifesto, incoherent economic policies, and divisions over hudud and "Allah", Anwar may once again resort to street politics to distract voters from his own failures at the ballot box and as Opposition leader.
ReplyDeleteAny attempt to take power through street demonstrations could have huge repercussions on the nation's economic and political future. Yet as everyone knows, this is Anwar's last chance at his dream job – even Anwar has admitted this. The time to be extra wary has now come.
ReplyDeletebagus SAPP tutup pintu rundingan terus...kalau berani dan yakin, berdiri sendiri...
ReplyDeleteAnakPetagas, CarloS, petrus pius adalah agent UMNO.
ReplyDeleteYa, memang ketara sekali. Kalau ada admin sini, sila delete multiple post, jangan biarkan SPAM melarat di sini.
DeleteMasing-masing ada pendapat sendiri, kalau tidak boleh terima lebih baik jangan baca komen, setiap rakyat di beri pilihan untuk memilih mana parti yang mereka yakin dapat membantu rakyat.
ReplyDeleteHasil "kecekapan" pentadbiran Yong Teck Lee selama dua tahun, GLC Sabah iaitu, Warisan Harta bukan sahaja mengalami kerugian besar dalam tahun kewangannya sebanyak RM114 juta kerana kejatuhan harga saham tetapi juga kehilangan dividen daripada MISC.
ReplyDeleteKejatuhan ini adalah disebabkan oleh keputusan YTL (ketika itu Pengerusi WHS) mengarahkan ‘share swap’ pemilikan saham WHS dalam MISC sebuah syarikat.
ReplyDeleteYTL juga mengarahkan BOD Amanah Saham Sabah (SAS) membeli saham-saham NBT dan Sugarbun, sehingga SAS mengalami kerugian teruk dan sehingga hari ini nilainya merosot dengan teruk.
ReplyDeleteKesannya, Lebih 55 ribu pelabur Sabah, yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada pesara dan yang berpendapatan rendah kehilangan pelaburan mereka (pada 1996) akibat kejatuhan saham SAS.
ReplyDeleteSelama tempoh dua tahun YTL menjadi KM Sabah, banyak dasar-dasarnya tidak popular termasuk memperkenalkan Forest Management Unit (FMU) yang mengasingkan 2 juta hektar kawasan balak negeri Sabah kepada kurang daripada 20 syarikat untuk tempuh 100 tahun.
ReplyDeleteSelain itu, hak-hak rakyat juga telah dinafikan oleh YTL, dan antaranya adalah: geran-geran tanah untuk kampung-kampung seperti kawasan Inanam, Gudon, Tebobon, Karambunai dan Menggatal tidak diluluskan bagi tujuan pemilikan kerajaan negeri (untuk keuntungan peribadi). Tiada kontrak untuk kontraktor bumiputra dan tiada peluang pekerjaan untuk anak-anak Bumiputra.
ReplyDeleteHak rakyat lain yang dikatakan diambil oleh YTL ialah 1 juta ekar konsesi balak untuk tempoh 100 tahun bernilai lebih RM20 Billion dari Tenom hingga ke Kalabakan, Tanah persisiran laut di Teluk Likas bernilai lebih RM500 juta, Tanah persisiran laut di Tanjung Aru bernilai lebih RM500 juta dan Tanah-tanah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Sabah (SLDB) bernilai lebih RM2 billion yang diambil melalui Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd.
ReplyDeleteWang saham rakyat dalam Koperasi Pembangunan Desa (KPD) bernilai RM60 juta diambil melalui Benta Holdings, Duit rakyat diperbendaharaan negeri berjumlah RM36 juta setahun melalui Angkatan Hebat Sdn Bhd, kontrak sewa kereta kepada semua agensi kerajaan, dan Merobohkan rumah-rumah kerajaan di Tanjung Aru untuk pembinaan resort oleh sebuah syarikat kroni.
ReplyDeleteEven the opposition is not well enough.
ReplyDeleteKita patut hidup aman
ReplyDeleteSabah Progressive Party (SAPP) reiterated Monday its stand of not joining fellow opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) but will continue co-operating with the latter as a colleague.
ReplyDeleteIts advisor, Datuk Mohd Noor Mansur, said he is only repeating what party President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee had said previously - that SAPP and PR can be friends but need not be married.
ReplyDeleteHe said the discussion between SAPP and PR to fight the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the next election is still being discussed.
ReplyDeleteHowever, he said this depended on the sincerity of PR component parties because the SAPP would not let itself be used by certain quarters just because of its status as a local opposition party.
ReplyDeleteTreasurer-General Dullie Marie, on the other hand, said the party is only interested to wrest the state from the Barisan and, thus, willing to pave the way for PR to contest parliamentary seats in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteThe party has identified 40 out of 60 state seats it would be contesting but that it is still waiting for the outcome of the discussion with the PR.
ReplyDeleteSAPP is not greedy on the issue of seat determination...so long as Sabah autonomy rights are not affected, we are willing to provide room for other parties to discuss with us," he said.
ReplyDeleteUncertainty hangs over Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s political future in Selangor as sources in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) have indicated that the first-term mentri besar could lose his post even if the pact retains the state in Election 2013.
ReplyDeleteThe PKR leadership has so far refrained from confirming if Khalid would be selected to defend his seat, in light of growing anger among locals who purportedly view the politician as an “absent” representative.
ReplyDeleteTalks that Khalid would be dropped first surfaced when PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced in October last year that the former would remain as PKR’s Bandar Tun Razak parliamentary candidate but did not state if Khalid (picture) would defend Ijok.
ReplyDeleteSabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said the door for discussion on state-federal seats ratio with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is still open.
ReplyDeleteSAPP Youth Chief Edward Dagul said his party supports President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee's stand that Sabah-based parties must contest the majority of seats in the state legislative assembly to put an end to the state being a puppet administration.
ReplyDeleteHe said it is in line with SAPP's struggle to form a state government with autonomy as enshrined in the 1963 Malaysia Agreement.
ReplyDeleteSAPP is willing to relent to PR contesting a majority of the state's parliamentary seats, allowing the federal opposition pact a better chance to claim power in Putrajaya.
ReplyDelete"Our party was waiting for PR to decide on its own seat sharing formula among its three parties, Bumburing's Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) and Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin's Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS)."
ReplyDeleteHe said SAPP have repeatedly stated that the coming 13th General Election is about restoring the autonomy of Sabah as well as Sarawak as promised in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the spirit of the formation of Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteDagul also said that Pakatan's Kuching Declaration that says Sabah and Sarawak have equal status as Malaya is relevant.
ReplyDeleteKey among the seven-point declaration was a pledge to restore the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement and the position of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners within Malaysia, "by restoring autonomy to Sarawak and Sabah within the framework of the Federal Constitution".
ReplyDeleteThe coming 13th general election (GE) will not be the dirtiest but the most organized, cleanest in the country’s history, according to Election Commission (EC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.
DeleteHe said the EC had introduced numerous mechanisms to better manage the election and to prevent cheating or unlawful conduct by the competing parties that could influence the process or outcome of the election.
Abdul Aziz, who talked to the media after presenting letters of appointment to independent election observers here yesterday, said the commission had also been actively screening the electoral roll to ensure that all the names were clean and eligible to vote.
Delete“All names in the electoral roll, 13.3 million in total as of December last year, are clean. By clean, it means several things, firstly they are all Malaysian citizens with documents recognized by the National Registration Department (NRD). Secondly, they are all 21 years old and above, and finally still alive,” he said.
DeleteAccording to him, the EC carried out a cleaning up process on a daily basis by screening the list of voters with help from various other agencies, especially the NRD, who is the authority that determined the citizenship status of the voters.
Delete“We also worked with other agencies, like the Health Department and the Prison Department for matters that fall within their jurisdiction.
Delete“In addition to the clean up, we have also set in place many improvements. Based on this, I don’t think the 13th GE will be the dirtiest. It might be the hottest, challenging, but certainly not dirtiest,” he said.
DeleteAsked how he could be sure of this, given that the testaments from witnesses in the ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants seemed to indicate the opposite, Abdul Aziz said these were just the statements from one or two of the witnesses and not the actual representation of reality.
DeleteHe stressed that there were about 100 over witnesses expected to give their testaments to the RCI and it was unfair to make a conclusion based on the testimonies of just several individuals.
Delete“If somebody wants to cheat, we already have ink (to mark the voters).
Delete“They said postal votes were not transparent, we already have early voting (for postal voters). If the process is not fair, we have observers both in the country and overseas.
“Somebody said there is no fairness in the access to the media, we have also dealt with this. There will be a fair access during the campaign. Then somebody said there should be postal voting for Malaysians overseas, we are doing this too.
Delete“So, it cannot be the dirtiest (as claimed by certain quarters). I don’t want to touch on what happened in the 90s, that was before, and even this is being looked into (by the RCI). I don’t want to speculate what questions will be asked but I can say that what the RCI is doing now is to ensure that the electoral roll is clean.”
DeleteHe also informed that four witnesses from the EC, including the director for Sabah, would be called to give their testimonies before the inquiry.
DeleteAbdul Aziz however did not reveal how many suspicious names had been detected and deleted from the electoral roll so far.
DeleteAsked about the claims that illegal immigrants managing to get genuine identification cards and listed as voters in Sabah, he said everyone should let the RCI finish its investigation first before making any assumptions.
Delete“I dare not answer that question before the RCI complete their job. Whatever the RCI report is going to be, we will accept it but for now this is just an assumption so let’s not jump the gun.
Delete“As far as the EC is concerned, it is impossible for illegal immigrants or non-citizens to be in the electoral as all names are Malaysians with documents to prove it.
“When somebody shows up with an IC we could not ask where did you get it, it is not our jurisdiction, but we do check with NRD. The rule is simple, you have to be a citizen to qualify,” he said.
DeleteTo another question, he said the ink to be used for the election was all ready and would be sent to all voting centres before the election.
Deletedalam BN pn byk parti berasaskan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSAPP bukan pilihan rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletedulu SAPP memrintah, Sabah rugi teruk. jadi jgn biarkan ia berulang lagi.
ReplyDeleteSAPP tidak akan menjadi pilihan rakyat.
DeletePR sangat yakin mereka tidak memerlukan SAPP untuk mengalahkan BN di Sabah, negeri yang dianggap penting untuk merealisasikan impian mereka untuk menawan Putrajaya dalam Pilihan Raya 2013.
ReplyDeleteKedua PR dan sekutu baru mereka Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) dan Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS) memberitahu The Malaysian Insider perlawanan di Sabah, seperti negeri lain di Malaysia, akan tertumpu kepada diantara BN dan PR.
ReplyDeleteSemua pemain lain dalam pertempuran akan dianggap “tidak relevan” untuk membuat perubahan dalam undi pembangkang, kata mereka.
Barisan pembangkang di Sabah amat sesak, dengan tiga parti PR DAP, PKR dan PAS, sekutu baru APS dan PPPS, dan dua parti pembangkang lain SAPP dan Parti Pembaharuan Negeri (STAR) yang di pimpin oleh ahli politik veteran, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.
ReplyDeleteSemua tujuh pergerakan politik sebelum ini mahu bersatu menentang BN tetapi kegagalan pengagihan kerusi menyebabkan pilihan raya akan datang mungkin akan menyaksikan pertandingan tiga atau empat penjuru melawan BN.
Sekutu PR baru berasaskan Sabah, Ketua APS Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing (gambar) memberitahu The Malaysian Insider keengganan SAPP untuk mengalah dari permintaan yang “tamak” untuk bertanding sekurang-kurangnya lebih separuh darpada 60 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) menyebabkan rundingan kerusi mereka dengan PR mengalami kebuntuan.
ReplyDeleteBeliau memanggil ketua SAPP sebagai “anggur masam” kerana memulakan peperangan mulut terhadap dirinya dan seorang lagi sekutu baru PR Sabah, Ketua PPPS Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin, selepas menyedari permintaan kerusi parti mereka akan ditolak.
YTL menyamakan kedua-dua lelaki itu sebagai kerbau yang dicucuk hidung, mengatakan kedua-duanya terpaksa tunduk kepada pemimpin-pemimpin PR di Semenanjung untuk melobi kerusi dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
ReplyDeleteBumburing berkata YTL yang mahu mempertahankan Sabah ditangan parti berasaskan Sabah, tidak pernah berminat dengan perjuangan pembangkang.
ReplyDelete"Beliau hanya mahu menyertai perjuangan dengan cara ini kerana mahu menjadi ketua menteri sekali lagi ... ia hanya kepentingan peribadi beliau. Jadi beliau begitu terdesak untuk mempunyai cara beliau ... ini adalah peluang peluang terakhir untuk beliau menjadi ketua menteri lagi.Tetapi lihatlah, walaupun dalam sejarah politik Sabah, tidak pernah ada pertembungan satu lawan satu. Tetapi rakyat Sabah sentiasa mengundi untuk kedua-dua pihak utama dalam pertempuran,"kata Bumburing.
ReplyDelete“SAPP dan STAR hanya bermain politik di celah-celah ... mereka akan kekal hilang di tengah-tengah,” kata Bumburing.
ReplyDelete“Kami telah sentiasa berminat dalam berkongsi kerusi dengan SAPP tetapi malangnya, mereka tidak dapat menyertai kami. Jadi sekarang, kita tidak mempunyai pilihan tetapi untuk bergerak ke hadapan antara PR, APS dan PPPS,” katanya.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali mengatakan SAPP telah secara rasmi dikeluarkan dari rundingan kerusi bersama PR, oleh kerana parti berasaskan Sabah itu enggan mengalah dari menuntut sekurang-kurangnya separuh daripada 60 kerusi DUN Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHujah Yong adalah kuasa pentadbiran Sabah untuk kekal di tangan rakyat Sabah, hanya parti berasaskan negeri perlu bertanding sejumlah besar daripada 60 kerusi.
ReplyDeletePR berasaskan Semenanjung, katanya, boleh mengambil majoriti 25 kerusi parlimen Sabah, membenarkan impian mereka untuk mewakili negeri tersebut di Parlimen dan untuk merampas Putrajaya.
Dalam Pilihan Raya 2008, BN menyapu 59 daripada 60 kerusi DUN dan 24 daripada 25 kerusi parlimen. Kemudiannya dalam tahun 2008, SAPP menarik diri dari BN, membawal kedua-dua ahli parlimen dan dua kerusi DUN bersama mereka.
ReplyDeletePertandingan dalam pilihan raya akan datang akan menjadi paling sengit antara BN dan PR dan semua mata akan tertumpu kepada keputusan di Sabah, Sarawak dan Johor, tiga negeri di mana BN masih mempunyai perwakilan yang kuat.