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Monday, March 5, 2012

SAPP, STAR have discussions on election

KOTA KINABALU: Leaders from Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and STAR have carried out discussions between them on matters related to the coming 13th general election.

SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee told reporters yesterday, "our leaders had very cordial discussion with some leaders of STAR. The discussion involved myself, our three deputy presidents and Datuk Mohd Noor Mansor and Dr Jeffrey with some of his senior colleagues.

"We have converged on a number of issues and we have laid out the parameters of where we can work on and we are confident of further progress," he said at the weekly SAPP weekly mobile service at Gaya Street.

Yong also pointed out that several newspaper headlines yesterday made it appear that everything have been wrapped up between SAPP and other opposition parties in the state.

Some headlines pointed to the effect that STAR, SAPP and USNO have wrapped up their discussions and were now waiting to discuss with Pakatan Rakyat as a group.

Yong said that this was not accurate although the parameters have been laid out between STAR and SAPP. He pointed out that Usno is not a registered body and neither is Pakatan Rakyat.

"From what we read in the papers the coalition's members, PAS, PKR and DAP have their own respective individual negotiation panels. We are not aware of a Pakatan panel and these are issues that have to be straightened out.

“All this while negotiations were carried out with the individual parties' negotiating panels. Pakatan Rakyat is not registered while Pakatan Sabah does not have a committee. We do not know who to talk to in Pakatan as a whole.

"Therefore we have been talking to a number of leaders mainly in PKR, some in DAP, which was way back last year," he said.

To the question if SAPP has stopped negotiations with Pakatan Rakyat in Sabah, Yong replied, "we have not burned the bridges but we maintain the gate at the bridge."

According to him, it was important for SAPP to tell everybody in Sabah that DAP in their new manifesto, has talked about autonomy.

"But we have to tell them that with due respect, Malayan parties cannot talk about autonomy in Sabah. Malayan parties like DAP has no local standi, no right to talk about fighting about autonomy for Sabah. It is better for them to talk about national politics," Yong pointed out.


  1. Replies
    1. Let us see how far they can go, with every party, leaders and members have their own political interests.

    2. Its not going to an easy ride for these opposition parties as they need to set aside their political interest in order to bring down BN. All the best to them though.

    3. as long as both these party can do co-operation between them, its should be no problem to kill the UMNO

  2. SAPP boleh! Sabah untuk orang Sabah!

  3. The leaders in SAPP and STAR are confused regarding the focus of attention by the rakyat on the parties they want to support.This is not about the parties but the leaders.The rakyat do not have any faith in YTL and JK in running the state hence no matter how much they coalesce the rakyat are still inclined to reject them en masse.Bitter as it may sound but they have to accept it.

    We can see in front of our very eyes that the two parties fail to create any excitements,no fireworks or any drumbeats on their so-called cooperation or discussions.Thats a bad omen.You need more than 'David' to beat this 'Goliath' and time is running out.

  4. Very obvious YTL n JK is trying to have the cake for themselves by sidelining PR. They are playing the Sabah for Sabahan only sentiment. They also accuses PR of not fit this and that.

    They do not have a national agenda, they are happy by taking all Sabah oppositions votes. That is all they aim for.

    These old wolves rear their ugly tails again. They know ppl would prefer PR to represent opposition. They also know BN will win majority. So they are happy being the minority minus PR.

  5. Borneo Alliance ( SAPP,STAR,USNO) perjuangan utama untuk otonomi Sabah.PR hendaklah tumpukan perhatian kamu di malaya. BA boleh berunding dengan PR untuk membantu ke putrajaya dengan syarat PR setuju secara bertulis segala syarat tentang otonomi sabah.

    1. Itu pun kalau mereka sanggup untuk berkompromi. Tahu2 sajalah bila ada kepentingan yang mahu dijaga. Hanya perjuangan yang ikhlas mampu membawa perubahan positif kepada Sabah.

    2. Susah jika satu parti dalam gabungan tersebut tidak mampu bekerjasama dengan parti yang lain untuk mencapai satu kompromi/persetujuan, bagaikan tidur sebantal tapi berlainan mimpi.

    3. nama Borneo Allience tapi nak bersatu dgn PR. apalah tu?

    4. Masing2 ada kepentingan politik. Bolehkh mereka bergabung.?

  6. SAPP tidak sepatutnya terus memburuk-burukkan parti Pembangkang seperti PKR dan DAP yang bakal bekerjasama dengan gabungan STAR dan USNO ini. Jangan menjadi musuh dalam selimut.

    1. We shall see how well these opposition parties work together. They may end up backstabbing each other in the end if they happen to win.

    2. SAPP mmg tidak dpt bekerjasama dgn parti lain dgn sikapnya begitu.

    3. SAPP hanya pentingkan diri sendiri.

  7. Their political interests should be for the benefit of the people.

  8. Let’s remain positive in our respective views.

  9. Only struggle of sincerity can bring about positive change to Sabah.

    1. Authority and power is all what the leaders craves, sincerity is hard to get in M'sia.

  10. The ideal candidate knows what is for the people.

  11. Support the winning party.

    1. Winning party?? Which party are u referring to?

  12. The ideal candidate knows what is best for the people.

    1. Not all ideal candidate knows what is best for the people, some are not even capable.

  13. we became the poorest state simply because Sabah did not belong to Sabahan but equal partner with 12 other states. This is against the principle in the malaysia agreement which says Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya are equal parther. If so all Malaya parties go back to where you should be. Those Sabahan supporting Malaya based parties are nothing more than traitors, proxies and stooges.

  14. Lets see how well the opposition parties will work together.

    1. It is ridiculous to team up, just think about it.

  15. SAPP dan STAR sedang merancang sesuatu untuk menentang PR dan BN. Namun untuk menentang BN bukannya mudah. Mungkin PR boleh ditewaskan namun bukan BN.

    1. Now is SAPP and DAP having discussions. I'm looking forward on their mission.

    2. Bukan senang menjatuhkan kerajaan yang banuak membantu rakyat.Tapi kita tunggu saja nanti.

  16. Teruskan menyokong kerajaan yang ada sekarang ini. Kerana kerajaan sekarang ini masih relevan untuk meneruskan perjuangan mereka kepada penduduk Sabah..

  17. SAPP tidak serupa kata-kata. Ini kerana SAPP sebelum ini mengatakan akan berjuang bersendirian tanpa ada gangguan parti lain.

  18. SAPP tidak perlu terlalu yakin untuk menang. Nanti memalukan diri sendiri saja nanti.

    1. Mereka hanya ingin mendapat keyakinan rakyat tetapi tak mungkin menang.

    2. Well, undeniably yes. SAPP is not fighting for Sabahans' rights either.

    3. Susah mau percaya SAPP ini.janji di beri banyak.Tapi hanya janji sahaja.pasti tidak boleh menang.

  19. Lihat saja di Batu Sapi..Yong Teck Lee ketua SAPP dan orang kuat SAPP dan Bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah tetap tidak mendapat sokongan dari penduduk Batu Sapi sendiri.

    1. Indeed.SAPP is only providing lip service.

  20. Batu Sapi sudah jadi sejarah!

    SAPP belajar dari kesilapan sejarah bukan macam kaki pengampu parti malaya balik2 mengulang kesilapan mereka.

    Lim Kit SiaL dan Haris pun pernah kalah dalam pilihan raya tetapi memang kerajaan penang dan Sabah kemudiaannya.

    Aku yakin SAPP akan menjadi kerajaan Sabah yang akan datang.

    1. kalau SAPP benar2 belajar dari kesilapan, pemimpin2 mereka akan berusaha memulihkan konflik mereka dengan DAP..

  21. Tidak mungkin..Haha :D

  22. Everyone's out to win this election

  23. Jika berjuang dengan ikhlas, pasti rakyat akan menerima, tapi kalau untuk kepentingan diri sendiri sahaja, baik lupakan sahaja.

    1. boleh tahu juga tu samada perjuangan mereka adalah untuk kepentingan sendiri atau untuk rakyat Sabah masa kempen PRU nanti..

  24. YTL adakah ketika menjadi CM dulu memperjuangkan autonomi Sabah, dia cuma memikirkan diri sendiri sja. Sabah tidak memerlukan YTL jd CM. tiada pembangunan yang dia laksanakan.

  25. STAR and SAPP should have no problem to unite and to build full cooperation since they political agendas almost the same..

  26. If Pakatan is sincere and better than BN, show respect to the Sabah parties. Let people in Sabah decides which Sabah party to represent them.
    Sabah people must stand firm to reject being colonised by outside parties.

  27. Sabah people must wake up, don't let other people look down on us or treat us like mokeys living on tree top. One of them is anak petagas who is spreading evil words to fool sabahans.

  28. all politicians including in opposition side is trying to fool Sabahan.. they are only need power, not to solve our problems..
